Wkat-Broadcasting Station_February 1939WHAT Book Page Contract with Broadcasting Station --W-$ autiiort zed -at -rate at $1OO: 98 per-we_ek 2/1/39 17 469 WKAT Book Page Council authorize 26 broadcasts over -WKAT`urging Miami Beach citizens to -register. 4/23/41 — 189 WKAT - Committee appointed to go into request of WKAT to buy or lease small piece of -lend on Normippple-Munici- 20 373 pal Golf Course. WKAT thru Alex Campbell, Jr. proposes that City appropriate expenditure for -Christmas -programs 12/3/43 22 205 Como ilmen—Poweil�3c--Cleary--& Mr: Tom Smith appointed. on committee to listen to proposed program 11/6/43 22 205 WKAT 3 BOOK PAGE Report of committee as to Christmas programs is favorable. Council appropriates $1,500 to produce programs 11/17/43 22 215 Asks to lease portion of old municipal golf course for television & FM tower - taken under consideration 11/17/48 27 192