Wrecking of Buildings_March to June 1941WRECKING OF BUILDINGS
Book Page
City Engineer to make 'estimate as
to c-ast-of razing-bldgs.in—Blk.112
0.B.#4 3/5/41 20 111
Contract awarded to Morris Marks
for razing buildings on Lots 6,7
and 8,Eldck112-,--0.-Bat---$449.00--
4/25/11 20 191
City Engr.authorized to advertise
for bids for demolition of buildings
5/7/41 20 199
Contract for demolition of bldgs.on
—1-ot-s-2—to-5--,-Blk-. 112,0.Bi-#4---awarded----
Langston Const.Co. p 5 41 20 260
Book Page
$1500.00 appropriated for wreck-
ing of bldgs.on Lots 2 to 5,Blk.
112,0.$.#4 6/5/41 20 260