"Y" Miscellaneous_May 1933 to November 1938nr; MISCELLANEOUS Yokum, Perry, requests sion of Harding Drive Yokum, H. V. appointed deputy Book, Page, e ten 5/3/33 12 44 as 11/21/34 13, 158 Young, Wm. - asks permit to install gas pump and storage tank m 6/10/36 14 469 Yonge & Anderson,Attys. threaten suit against City on Collins Ave.paving assessments 10-26-38 17 314 Yasner,Stanley-complaints of Sightseeing bus competition with taxis 11/9/38 17 339 "Yli MI SC ELLAN Ea UC 2 Book Page Chief H.V.Yocum recognized as head. of Police Dept . 3/1/39 17 486 Yasner-Stanley- asks change of his Sightseeing permit for bus permit 7-19-39 18 164 Yasnertanley- grant ed. -exchange of his S�]:ghtsee:. Permit for operation of -bus— 8/16/39 —18 -217 Yellow Cab Co. ask,for change in their name on Certif.of ''onvenience ,Raymoncd - denied ' m Q ±or 19 84 billiard parlor 6 40 19 138 "Y" MISCELLANEOUS 3 Book Page Yasner, Stanley- Council authorizes transfer of taxi permit to him from Murray Kay 7/16/41 20 356 Res. #5410 passed commending former chief olice Yocum on his service to e city.,1/29/41 21 61 Louncil authorized extra month's pay for formerChief Yocum 11/20/41 21 63 Council authorized transfer of one for -hire permit from Geo. E.P 11ips to Stanley Yasner. 1/7/42 21 127