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"Z" Miscellaneous_November 1937 to December 1940
MISOELLAN'EOU Zetterlund Olaf - See "Highway Signs" ZION POOD_._GENTE'R-granted beer and wine license 11-3-37 BOOK, FAME 11, 252 16 339 _Zuckernick, Harry Atty.,_urges 2/3 liquor license fee for half year 10-26-38 17,311 Zukernick,Isador - appointed Associate Municipal Judge 7/3/40 19 191 - Res.#50?8A-expressing sympathy on death -©f--Associate Judge Zukernick 12/4/40 19 446 Zukernick, Mrs. given $200 00 for her husbands. funeral expenses 1216/40 19 480 "Z" MISCELLANEOUS 2. Book Page Dr. Maurice Zimmerman appointed to serve on Health Advisory Committee 12/15/41 21 120 Beer & wine license granted Zion Food Center 6/7/44 22 333 Harry Zukernick's request that license fee for attorneys be reduced to $15.00 is referred to City Attorney 11/6/46 24 377 "Z" MISCELLANEOUS 3. Book Page Hatold'Zuckernick's application for butcher shop at 15th St. and Drexel Ave. denied 11/19/47 25 471 Wm. Zeffert protests purchase of Lots 26 and 27, Block 4, Orch. #+, for off-street parking 3/3/48 26 241 Harold Zinn to meet with committee on proposed ocean front park 4/7/48 26 283 ."Z" MISCELLANEOUS 4. Book Page Harold Zinn proposes purchase of ocean frontage from 73rd St. to 87th Terrace - referred to committee on ocean front parks 5/5/48 26 321 Asks Council to make a decision on his plan for purchase of park property 5/19/48 26 345 Harold Zinn submits Safety Report of Jr. Chamber of Commerce and urges amendment to Building Code to prevent overcrowding of buildings 6/16/48 26 404 "Z" MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page Harry Zukernickts proposed ordinance prohibiting dissemination of false statements taken under consideration 5/18/49 28 142 Harold Zinn appointed Associate Municipal Judge 5-7-52 33 17 Claim of Mrs. Alexander Zadorin, whose husband committed suicide at City Jail, taken under advisement 10- 5-55 Petition filed asking Council to 4�w rdiicom sats nAA o Mr . Ta cia Fi gednAimserfin Ci, �1i1 8 1 75 z 37 366 37 417