Zoning_April 1937ZONING
Book Page
_Hearing held to_oo_nsjder zoning
on property east of Ocean Dr.
immediately-$ouar of -15th St.
Clerk to notify property owners in
vicinity of above property of—
hearing for 4-21-37 - -4-7-37
15 11-96
Hearing held on rezoning of Block
11-A,Island View Addition and -
Ord. #11-82 passed 3rd reading -7-37 15--- --- 497
ZONING 76...
Book Page
Tabulation of replies on Rezoning
of property on Ocean Drive south
of 15th Street-. No. action.
16- 33
Action on above zoning again deferred
4-26-37 .16 37
Dade Co. Zoning Enabling Act endorsed
by Res. 411020 5/5/-37 16 $9
1st Reading of Ord. rezoning Lots
6 to 22, Blk. 39, Isle of Normandy
-to "RD". 5/5/37
16 90-
Book Page
Hearilg held on rezoning of
Lots 6 to 22, Blk. 39 Isle of 16 116
Normandy. 5/27/37
3rd & final reading of Ord. #487
rezoning above property to "RD".
5/27/37 16 117
lst and 2nd readings of Ord. making
zonigg changes on La Groce Island.
lst and 2nd readings of Ord. add.
Districts No. 34 and 35. 6/23/37
16 150
16 150
1st and 2nd readings of Ord. making
zoning changes in 41st St. Bus. Sub.
1st and 2nd reading of Ord. amending
zoning Ord. as to Public Bldgs. etc.
1st and 2nd reading of Ord. placing
oceanfront east of Blk. 77, Fisher's
1st Sub. in "BAP classification.
Fibal reading of Ord. #489 adding?
Districts 34 and 35 to Zoning Ord.
Book Page
16 151
16 151
16 176
16 198
Book Page
Final reading of Ord. #490 changing
/zoning on La Gorce Island 7/21/37 16 199
/Final reading of Ord. #491 adding
Item (13) to Section 5 of Zoning
Ord. 7/21/37 16 199
Anal reading of Ord. #492 making
zoning changes in 41st St. Business
/Sub. 7/21/37 16 200
'Final reading of Ord.49 placing
ocean front east of Bik. 7T7, Fisher's
1st Sub. in "BAA" Business classifi-
cation. 16 200
Book _Page
Request made to change E.A,MoHugh
property on 5th St. to permit car
rental lot g-4-37 16 207
Request for permit to install bowling
alley in Blk.k9,0.B.#3-against zoning
16 207
Book _Page
Letter from E.L.Lookhart and petitions
filed for changing zoning in Blocks 1,
3 and 7, 2
10-6-37 16, 300
Res. #4118 calling hearing on proposed
zoning change in Blocks 1, 3 and 7 of
2nd-0eean Front Subdn. 10-11-37 16 306
- iRes 414 -ealii g hearing on changing
- use o1as si f i cati on of All of Bl k, -11 --
and Lots 1 to 8,B1k.12 and 1 to 5,Blk.
12 A,Island view. - 11-5-37 16, 349
let & 2nd readings of Ordinance making
Book Page
Hearing held on 2nd Ocean Front
Zoning change 11-17-37 16 366
Objections and approvals presented
by property owners on above proposed
zoning change 11-17-37 16 368 &369
Council votes AGAINST proposed zon-
ing -change- in 2n&- Ooe n Front
1.1-17.37 i6 370
Zoning hearing held on changing
Alton Rd. from 18th to 20th bt.
Final reading Ord.507 ding zon. 16 6
�ltrm ._ h to 20tti, 8 37 J
Book Page
Collins Park Community Assn. urge
enforcement of Zoning-Ord.provisions
An_ their t 1-5-38 16 466
and 2nd
,1st/Reading Ordinance amending Zoning
Ord. by eliminating item 3,Parks,play-
grou ._ ; „ :.-gs,etc.,
from Section 4. 3-2-38 17 46
_;,es. #4P51 calling hearing on
above zoning change 3-2-38
17 46 -
Res. #4263 calling hearing on zoning change
in 3ubdn.of Blk.gO,Alton Beach Bay Front
3-16-38 17 62
Book_ Page
Hearing held on eliminating item
(3) Parks, playgrounds,etc.,from
Sect. 4 of Zoning Ord. 4-6-38 17 81
No action taken on above
ing--he-ld on chawing-
Use District of Lots in Block _$0,
Alton Beach Bay Front - no change
4-6-38 17 101 -
ted -for set-
back at 15th St.& CollinsAve.
Res.#42 9 calling hearing 4I-8-38 17 101
nhd Rea _ 4295 creating new
Book Page
Mr.Isa-dore Goldberg and S.M.Magid _
request zoning change for Alton Rd.
be ween an treets
-5-11..3g 17 137
Petithion filed to permit Shoe Repair
Shop on -4] t --Street— 5-J+-3&- 17 3.3g
Res. #4316 calling hearing on zoning
change to permit Shoe Repair Shops
in "BA" Dist. 5-4-38 17 138
Sunset Islands Property owners
petition for zoning change on Is1.#4
5-18-38 17 152
-Res:-#43-21--calling- hearing -on zoning
change forSunset Island No.4 5-1£x-38 17 152
13QQk Page
Hearing heldoiadding Dist.#36
to Zoning Ord. 5-18--38 17 160
-1st & 2nd readings -of-Ordinance -
_providing for Area. Di s t . #365`18-3_ 17 160
Haringheld for changing ares, set_
back for 15th & Collins to Area
-- Dtat #36 5-18-38 17 160
lst & 2nd Readings of 0rd.proyiding
for Area change at 15th & Collins
Final, Read.Ord. #514 addingArea Dist. 17 161
—11606 6-1-38 17 168
Final Read. Ori.. #515 changing set -back
-$ -W. cor--15th &--Collins - 6-1-38 17 -169-
Book Page
Hearing held on changingzoningon
Sunset Island No.4 to "RD" Single-
family - 6-15-38 17 178
Objections and endorsements to above
zoning change filed. Compromise
- reaohed among -prof y- -waters--8r hear=
ing called for July 64_198
Res.#4332 844333 6-15-38 17 1/&
Ord.#516 amending Zoning Ord.,by
placing item re:" hoe Repair ops"
An_ NSA_ Di sty..- 6-15,3g_ 17 184
Messrs.Magid & Goldberg again
request zoning change on East
& llth Sts.
Hearing held on
ing changes ---
readings adding
Sunset Islands Zon-
new use and area
book Page
17 187
17 196
Ord. given 1st and 2nd readings amend-
ing zoning regulations on Sunset Islands
7-6-38-- 17 19
Book Page
1st & _2nd, Reading Ord.arendi.ng
Zoning Ord.defining Bakeries and
-permitting--Retail-Bakeries -in
'IBA" Dist. 7-20-3 _ 17 211
Res. # 4348 calling hearing on
-Above proposed ordinance 7-20-38 17 —211
Final Reading Ord.#518 creating RDE
Restricted Multiple -Family Dist. &
Area Dist. No. 37. 7-20-3,5-- =-17 - -213
Final Reading Ord.#519 reclassifying
Sunset Islands property 7-3O-38 17 215
Book Page
Hearing held on placing Retail
Bakeries in BA Dist. 8-17-38 17 250
Third Reading on above ordinance
tabled 8-17-38 17 251
3rd Reading Ord. #522 placing
bakeries in BAA District 8-24-38 17 256
Carl Green asks that Zoning Ord.
be amended to permit apartment houses
on Collins Ave. south of 88th St.
9-7-38 17 264
Book Page
1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance
amending Zoning Ord. by delet-
ing duplications 9-7-38 - 17 275
3rd Reading above ordinance *525_
9-27-38 17 292
Petition filed for changing zoning
-an Bay Road from 18th t-6 20th -ft.
X11- -7 17 316
Res. #4401 calling hearing on Bay
Road zoning change 11-2=3 1-7 316
Lottin,Btokes--&--C-a1k1ns -employ-ed o -n--- -
Forde and Friend Zoning cases 11/18/38 17, 359
Book Page
Public hearing held on proposed
zoning change for Bay Road from
18th to 20th St. . 11/23/38 l7 -362-
Above zoning amendment referred to
Zoning -Board of -Adjustment 11/23-/38 17 363 -
1at & 2nd readinga Ord. pladIng Auction Sal es in "BC" District,
& 2nd Read
1st -in 11/30/38 17 366
Readings---�tn�; ing-mon--
ing on Bay Rd.from 18th to 20th 12/I138 17 370
Petition filed for zoning change in
LENOX MANOR Sub.(referred to Zon.Bd.)
12/1/18 17 171--_
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord.#t533 changing zoning
on Bay Road be eery lith and 20tb
Streets 12/7/38 17 3S9
. qu-e-st--zo-ning— -
ohange on property at corner ofL_Lincoln___
Rd. & Washington Ave. 12/21/38 17 403
-Referred---to-Horth g Board) •
--Re-qu est s for zoning changes on Biscayne
-Point referred -to -Zoning -Board 17 414
ommends-agaY gning
_change for Lincoln Rd.property,east
1-18-39 17 452
of Wash.Ave.
Zoning Board recommends zoning
change for Blks.1 and 2,Biscayne
--Poi-nt-. 1=18-3-9-
Res-A,-4465—calling-hearing on
zoning change for Blocks 1 in&_P,
Biscayne Boint 1-18-39
Zoning Board recommends against
zo-ning change toz—Blocke 11 & 12,
Biscayne Point 1-1g-39 17
Book Page
17 x-52
17 x-53
Petition filed by Atty.Batohelor
for change on Oisus property,South
aide of Lincoln Road east of Wash.
2-1-39 17 460
Request made for zoning change
on Lots 15 and 16,B1k.1,Isle
- o -Normandy 2-1-39
Book Page
17 461
Hearing held on Zoning change for
Blocks 1 and 2, Biscayne Point;
or di nine -e -g v -en 2 readings ---2115/39 17 472
Request for Zoning Change in Blk.1,
-Mid-Golf-Su-bdn*referred to-- Zoning
-Ord #5 changing zoning restrictions
3-1- 9 17 48$
Book Page
Employment of John P,Stokes on
Onus Zoning suit authorized
-3/219 - 17 489
Petition filed by property owners
-urg±mg- on- rg- ehange o n north half
of Belle Isle (no action) 4/5/39 18 20
change in North half of B1ks.4 & 11,
Orchard Sub. -referred to Zoninn/ggqBB/d.
City Mgr.to investigate possibi"ly oflg 53
emending -zoning 0rrd rre: oof
buildings. k-19/39 mg 53
Book -Page
iBes, #4519 calling hearing for pro
posed change in Zoning on Block
121 & of 122, Lenox Manor A/19/39 18 53
Petition from operators of dry cleaning
planta ask for zoning change to permi."t
-plant-s--us1ng--Trip1ev aoivolt in a BB
District - referred to Zoning Board of
Adjustment 573/39 1 57
let & 2nd Readings Ord.changing setback
line on Collins Averom 15th to 19th
-Streets --- - -5/3/39 —18 57
Re,_#4521 calling hearing !above 1 57-
Book Page
Councilman Meyer suggests zoning
change for Collins Ave south of
3rd St. (referred to Zoning Bd.)
18 70
Ocean Side Improvement Assn.urge
that there be no lower1ng of zoning
restrictions in their area 5/4/39 18 71
Notice of zoning hearing on proposed
change in Use Olassifica ion on Bioh-ks
121 and E. of 322,Lenoxc Manor -hearing
held but no action taken 5/17/39 18 78 & 79
Hook Page
Hearing held on proposed setback
changes in zoning on Collins Ave.
property from 15th to 19th Sts.
Approvals and disapprovals filed
and no action taken by Council
5-24-39 18 _92 x__93.
Above disapprovals to zoning change
withdrawn and Ord,#554 given 3rd
reading 5-26-39 18 94
s#4532 -cal ling hearing on proposed
zoning change for Sunset Islands
property owned by M.B.Bayshore Go.
1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance re-
classifying "Bakeries" 6/26/39
Res. 44563 calling hearing on zon-
ing change re: "Bakeries" 6/26/39 18 132
1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance
to change zoning regulations in
Sunset,Lake, Ext 7 n /5/39
7 � r � s�
Book Page
18 85
18 132
18 155