Zoning_April 1958ZONING 625 Book Page Hearing continued re. rezoning Lots 1-9, Bik 36, Miami View Sec., Isle of Norm., (west end of Normandy Isle). Objections presented. Applicant offers to dedicate 20' strip of land off subject property and other property owned by him to City for alley purposes. Request denied for zoning change. 4-2-58 4o 359 Request to call hearing to authorize certain service facilities in 300 or more unitoa art ent huses. Res. #9742 cag g hearing.Various business organizations and others to be notified of hearing. 4-16-58 4o 371 ZONING 626 Book Page Petition filed with Council on January 2, 1958 requesting that single family property on Jefferson Ave. between 17th and 18th Streets be rezoned for multiple -family use, referred to Mr. Lipp for study and recommendation. 4--16-58 40 377 No action taken on request to reconsider "Mill Section" rezoning 4-16-58 4o 382 Petition presented requesting that Lot 23, 1st Ocean Front Sub. be rezoned from present Estate Use District to "RE" Use District. Request denied., 4-16-58 40 382 ZONING 627 Book Page Request for zoning change on Ni of Lot 12 and outlot; Lot 13 and outlot, 1st Ocean- front Sub. denied 4-30-58 40 415 Dr. Robert Paletz asks Council to re- consider rezoning "Mill Section" in "BC" Business District. Res. #9754 calling hearing on June 4th. 5-7-58 40 393 Report from Legal Dept. re. suit Turchin v. City in connection with oceanfront rezoning. Judge Kehoe entered final decree in which Res. #9487 and the Election held pursuant thereto were held invalid and void. Council votes not to take an appeal. 5-7-58 40 394 ZONING 628 Book Page Zoning hearing conducted re. permitting certain service facilities in 300 or more unit apt. houses. Objections received. Lincoln Rd. Merchants Guild resolution presented. Layout of proposed building discussed. Mr. Pushkin's comments re. proposed •structure. Councilman Frank's motion to deny zoning change seconded by Mr. Richard, but on Councilman Powell's motion, matter was tabled, action to be taken on May 21, 1958. 5-7-58 40 414 Request for hearing to rezone Lots 5,6,7, and 8, Bik E• also Lo ys 3 & 4 Blk C Fairgreen Sub. to "RE Multiple Family Use referred to Zoning,Board(Wahl) 5-21-58 40 415 ZONING 629 Book Page Marion Sibley requests Council to reconsider its action on May 7th, re. motion not to appeal Judge Kehoe's decision in oceanfront zoning election. Motion to rescind May 7th action fails to carry by vote of 3 to 3. 5-21-58 40 417 Res. #9766 calling zoning hearing on June 18,to include in proper Area District vacant property at N.W. cor. 47th St. & Pine Tree Dr. (Lot 13, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. less alley) 5-21-58 40 423 ZONING 630 Book Page Request for zoning change from "RC" Estate to "RE" Multiple -family on Lot 20, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. denied. (Property immediately north of 4812 Pine Tree Drive) 6-4-58 4o 452 Hearing conducted re. reclassifying property now in "BB" bounded by Dade Blvd. & 20th St. and West Ave. & Purdy Ave. to "BC" Business District Objections presented. Ordinance granting zoning change passed on 1st & 2nd readings ("Mill Section") 6-4-58 40 454 ZONING 631 Book Page First Church of Christ, Scientist, asks Council to call hearing to consider rezoning 2 lots on s.side W. 40th St. to "RE" Multiple Family classification. Res. #9788 calling hearing on July 16th. Councilman Liberman's comments re. churches too close to each other. 6-18-58 4o 462 Zoning hearing conducted re. setback requirements on Lot 13, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. Objections received. Action deferred. Matter to be given further study. 6-18-58 4o 472 ZONING 632 Book Page 3rd reading amendment to Zoning Ord. reclassifying "BB" property in "Mill Section" to "BC" Business District - Ord. #1302 6-18-58 40 473 Petition requesting hearing to increase front yard setbacks on property on both sides of Lenox Ave. in 1200 Block. Res. #9797 calling hearing to consider request. 7-2-58 40 484 Atty Ben Cohen asks that necessary setbacks be established in oceanfront stripto assure adequate light and air for djoining properties. City Mgr. instructed to look into matter nand -make r bro mandation for preparation of 7-2-58 40 4q6 ZONING 633 Book Page Hearing re. reclassification of Lots 5 and 6, Block 50, Orchard Subs 2 and 3 in "RE" Multiple Family. (Request of First Church of ChMist, Scientist. Communications read in favor and against proposed change of zoning. Councilman Richard maintains proper place for request is before the Zoning Board. Ord. effecting change given first and 2nd readings. 7-16-58 41 7 ZONING 634 Book Page Request for hearing to rezone Lot 2, Blk 40, Oceanfront Property, from RE to REE for purpose of building multiple -level garage. Res. #9807 calling hearing. on 9/3/58. 8-6-58 41 16 Re.QUe5t for hearing to rezone property on east side of Jefferson Ave. between 17th & 18th Streets from single-family to multiple - family use. Res. #9810 calling nearing on 9/3/58 8-6-58 41 2E ZONING 635 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance rezoning Lots 5 & 6, Blk 50, Orchard Subs. #2 and #3 in "RE" Multiple Family District - Ord. #1304 (site of new First Church of Christ, Scientist) Letter from Councilman Richard to attorney representing Church, read into the record. 8-6-58 41 27 Hearing conducted re. increasing front yard setbacks on property in 1200 block of Lenox Avenue from 25' to 50' . 1st reading ord. excluding property1 from Area Dl��stt5..�133 8-6-58 41 34 Bad lc,Bul�c n _A 25_ )95. 0B90'1) ZONING 636 Book Page Mr. Shepard explains resolution calling zoning hearing correcting error in Area District numbers: 1. When ord. (#1253) rezoning oceanfront strip was passed, 2 new area Districts were created - Area District No. 69 and 70. 2. As result of referendum election, ordinance was nullified, leaving No. 69 and 70 no longer in existence. 3. New Area District No. 69 created when ordinance '(#1280) was passed rezoning 600{ oceanfront strip. 4. Court declaring Ord. #1253 to be valid, there were 2 Area District Nos. 69. (cont.) ZONING 637. Book Page (cont.) Res. #9829 passed calling hearing to correct error by creating Area District No. 71, and placing therein Lots 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 8-6-58 41 47 Request for public hearing to amend Zoning Ord. so as to exclude from "H-1" District and to include in "REA" and appropriate Area District, Lots 2,3, 10-14, 15,16,17,19,21,22,25, 27 and 28, 1st Ocean Front Sub., ALSO Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corr. Sub. Res. #9830 and Res. #9831 calling hearing 8-20-58 41 49 (Atty Hoffman) ZONING Request for public hearing to rezone Lot 4 and S. of Lot 5, 24 and 243, First Ocean Front Sub. from "H-1" to "REA". Res. #9832 calling hearing. (Atty Muroff) 8-20-58 41 50 633 Book Page Councilman Richard requests preparation of ordinance requiring payment of fee for zoning hearings 8-20-58 41 51 3rd reading ordinance increasing front yard setbacks from 25' to 50' on property both sides of Lenox Ave. in 1200 block. Ord. #1305 8-2o-58 41 65 ZONING 63` Book Page Res. #9846 calling hearing to consider amending Zoning Ord. so as to require payment of $25.00 fee by any applicant requesting and obtaining a public hearing for a change of zoning. 8-27-58 41 72 Request for hearing to consider rezoning all of Blocks 8 and 9, Altos del Mar No. 1, (property east of Collins Ave.. between 75th and 76th Streets).,,1R s. #9849 calling zoning hearing/to/exclude from q' 1 "RC" Estate District and include in a Use District less restrictive than said "RC" all of the above property. (Owners- Hessick & Dellea) 9-3-58 41 75 ZONING 640 Book Page Hearing conducted re. request to rezone Lot 2, Blk 40, Oceanfront Prop. from "RE" to "REE" for building multiple - level garage. Proponent shows sketch of proposed garage. 1st reading ordinance excluding from RE and placing in REE the above property. 9-3-58 41 90 ZONING 641 Book Page Mr. Shepard discusses mix up in Parking District numbers: 1.When ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip was passed, Parking Dis. #3 was also created. 2.As result of referendum election, ordinance was nullified. 3. Parking District #3 again used when ordinance rezoning 600' strip was passed. 4. Courts having declared Ord. #1253 to be valid, there were two Paring District' Nos. 3 Res. #955 calling hearing to correct this pacreating Parking and placing certainlohein 9-3-5 41 90 ZONING 642 Book Page Hearing conducted to exclude from "RD" and include in "RE", Lots 11 to 19 incl., B1k 21, Amended Golf Course Sub. (east side Jefferson Ave. bet. 17th and 18th Streets) Ordinance fails of adoption on 1st reading.9-3-58 41 92 conducted Hearing/to change Area District No. 69 to Area District No. 71 and to place therein Lots 15,16,17,20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. Ordinance given 1st reading. 9-3-58 41 95 ZONING 643 Book Page M.B. Taxpayers Assn resolution requesting analysis of zoning classi- fications referred to Zoning Board for study and recommendation 9-17-58 41 96 Hearing conducted re. payment of $25.00 feefor zoning hearings. Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings 9-17-58 41 102 ZONING 644 Book Page 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 1st Ocean Front; and Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. in "REA" Multiple Family, and portions of said lots in 2 -story Cabana District 9-17-58 41 113 Mayor Oka suggests Council call a hearing on 10/15 to consider placing all of the lots in the oceanfront strip, not heretofore rezoned, up to and including Lot 231, 1st Ocean Front Sub. in the "REA" classification. RES. #9859 adopted calling this hearing. OF.,ots 18 19 23, Indian Beach Sub. & Lots 1, 4-9, i8, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 231, 1st Ocean Front 9-17-58 41 119 ZONING 645 Book Page Hearing scheduled for 9/17 re. rezoning Lots 4 and Si of Lot 5, and Lot 243, 1st Oceanfront, called off. Hearing on these lots scheduled on Oct. 15, as per Res. #9859, and Res. #9860. 9-17-58 41 119 Mr. Lipp asked by Council to submit his recommendations on the shallow oceanfront lots 9-17-58 41 119 ZONING 646 Book Page Hearing set for Oct. 1 to consider rezoning Blocks 8 and 9, Altos del Mar No. 1, continued to Dec. 3rd at req9861 of applicants - RES. ,9861 9-17-58 41 120 3rd reading Ordinance changing Area District 69 to 71, and placing therein Lots 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 9-17-58 41 122 Ord. #1308 ZONING 647 Book Page 3rd reading Ordinance excluding Lot 26 Bok 40, Ocean Front Property, from RE and placing same in 'REE' ORD. #1309 9-17-58 141 122 Res. #9865 calling hearing to consider rezoning to "REA" all property on oceanfront north of City Park to Royal York Hotel not heretofore rezoned; also all Indian Creek front property on the w.side of Collins Ave. north of City Park to north line of Lot 18, Blk 2, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. (Lots 232 to 2142; Lots 21414, 2145; Lots 332 to 3145, 1st Ocean Front; ALSO Lots 1 to lo, B1 1) Lots 1 to 18, Blk 2, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. 10-1-58 141 124 (CYpen's request) ZONING 648 Book Page Zoning hearing conducted creating Parking District No. 4,and placing the following oceanfront property therein: Lots 2, 3, 4 and Si of 5; 10 - 17 incl; Lot 19; 21 and 22; 24 and 25; 27 and 28; and Lot 243 FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUB. Lots 13 to 17 incl. 20 to 22 incl. INDIAN BEACH CORP. SUB. Ordinance given 1st and 2nd readings. 10-1-58 41 136 ZONING 649 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance, providing that any petitioner requesting and obtaining a public hearing on application for change of zoning or other amendment to the ordinance, shall pay a fee of $25.00. Ord. #1313 10-1-58 41 143 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying the following lots in REA Multiple -Family District: Lots 2,3, 10 - 17 incl. 19, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28, FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUB. Lots 13 and 14, INDIAN BEACH CORP. SUB. and portions of said lots in 2 -story Cabana District. ORD. #1314. 10-1-5b 41 143