Zoning_August 1953ZONING 450 Book Page Res. ##8471 calling zoning hearing to consider excluding miniature golf courses from uses permitted in "RE" Multiple- Family District and to permit such use in "BC" Business District 8-5-53 34 444 City Clerk suggests zoning amendment to provide dining rooms, restaurants, and coffee shops among service facilities contained in 100 -room hotels in "RE". Resolution to be prepared calling zoning hearing. 8-5-53 34 445 ZONING 451 #8478 Book Page Resolution/calling zoning hearing, to,consider including dining rooms, coffee shops and restaurants among service facilities permitted in 100 -room hotels in RE Multiple -family District 8-12-53 34 461 Zoning hearing called by Res. #8446 re. setbacks on Michigan Ave. postponed until Sept. 2, inasmuch as notice did not appear in newspaper 3rd reading zoning amendmentl9-53 - 34 477 no rear yard required on lotscn north side of Lincoln Rd. bet Meridian andr Jefferson Aves. Ord. #1074 34 478 ZONING 452 Book Page Ordinance eliminating portion of Sec. 5- of zoning ordinance re. multiple -level garages fails on 3rd reading 8-19-53 34 478 Request for variance to permit operation of fish market in BA District (.958 Normandy Drive) is made. Council advises that it has no authority in connection with issuing variances. Request marketsi zoning BA denied. permit fish 8-19-53 34 481 ZONING 453 Book Page Hearing so as to include in Area District #25 the following: Lots 5 to 12, Blk 93; Lots 1 to 8, Blk 94; Lots 1 to 7, Blk 95, Ocean Beach Addn #3 (Michigan Ave.) and so as to include in BB Business District land lying northward and contiguous to Lots 3 and 6, incl. Blk 3, Ocean Front Property (Liberty Ave.) BOTH proposals taken under advisement 9-2-53 35 1 ZONING 454 Book Page Hearing to consider proposal to include dining rooms, coffee shops and restaurants among service facilities permitted in 100 -room hotels in RE District. Taken under advisement 9-2-53 35 4 Res. #8498 calling zoning hearing re. proposal to include dance studios among service facilities in 100 -room hotels in RE District 9-2-53 35 5 Hearing re. setback requirements Blocks 15 & 16, Biscayne Beach 2nd Addn. Taken under advisement. 9-2-53 35 6 ZONING 455 Book Page Hearing re. proposal to exclude miniature golf courses from uses permitted in RE District and to permit them in BC Business District. Taken under advisement 9-2-53 35 6 Res. #8523 calling zoning hearing re. reclassification of interior lots occupied by Di Lido Hotel from BAA to BA Business District -- Lots 2 and 3, Blk 29, Fisher's 1st Sub. . 9-16-53 35 22 ZONING Res. #8511 calling zoning hearing to classify auto rental businesses in BB Business District 9-16-53 35 25 456 Book Page Request of Robert Gould, for rezoning north 1/2 of Lot 5 and all of Lots 6 and 7, First Ocean Front Sub. to "RE" Multiple -family denied 9-16-53 35 26 Zoning hearing - proposal to reclassify Lots 2 and 3, Blk 29, Fisher's First Sub. (portion of Di Lido Hotel property) in BA Business District. Objections made. Ordinance to be prepared making zoning change 10-7-53 35 43 ZONING 457 Book Page Resolution to be prepared calling public hearing to consider amending zoning ordinance by requiring written notice to be given to property owners within 375 feet of the area proposed to be changed 10-7-53 35 42 Hearing - proposal to include Dance Studios among service facilities permitted in 100 room hotels in RE Multiple -family District. Ordinance to be prepared making zoning change 10-7-53 35 42 ZONING 458 Book Page Hearing - proposal to classify automobile rental agencies in BB Business District provided they are within enclosed building of sufficient area to house or store at least 50% of autos proposed to be rented. Ordinance to be prepared making this change. 10-7-53 35 42 City Atty to prepare ordinance reclassifying parcel of land on east side of Liberty Avenue 115 feet north of 23rd Street to BB Business District 10-7-53 35 53 ZONING 458A Book Page Ordinance to be prepared, to include in Area District #25, Lots 5 to 12, Blk 93 Lots 1 to 8, Bik 94 Lots 1 to 7, Bik 95 Ocean Beach Add'ri #3,(west side of Michigan Ave. from 12th St. to point 321.87 feet south of 15th St.) 10-7-53 35 54 ZONING 459 Book Page 1st reading zoning amendment to include restaurants, dining rooms and coffee shops among service facilities permitted in 100 -room hotels in RE Multiple -family District 10-7-53 35 54 Ordinance to be prepared creating new area district providing for front yard of 25 feet from any waterway, and rear yard of 25 feet from street line, and 5 -foot side yards; to classify all of Blocks 15 and 16, Biscayne Beach 2nd Addn (both sides Stillwater Dr.) in this area district 10-7-53 35 56 ZONING 460 Book Page lst reading ordinance excluding miniature golf courses from "RE" Multiple Family District and permitting them in "BC" Business District 10-7-53 35 56 lst reading zoning amendment re- classifying parcel of land 85x180 lying north of and contiguous to Lots 3 to 6, incl., Bik 3, Ocean Front, in BB Business District 10-7-53 35 57 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 5 to 12, Bik 93; Lots 1 to 8, Blk 94, and Lots 1 to 7, Blk 95, Ocean`. Beach Addn'#3, in Area District #25 10-7-53 35 58 ZONING 461 Book Page 1st reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lots 2 and 3, Block 29, Fisher's First Sub. in BA Business District (Di Lido Hotel property) ----10-7-53 3.5 59 Property owner in Block 10, Ocean Side Section of Isle of Normandy asks permission to build up to line of parking area in this block. Zoning hearing called to provide that no rear• yard will be required on Lots 1 to 22, incl. and Lots 63 to 82 incl., Block 10, Ocean Side Section - Res. #8543 10-7-53 35 73 ZONING !462 Book Page Res. #85424 calling hearing to consider amending Sec. 21 of Zoning Ordinance, by requiring written notice to be given to property owners within, 375 feet of area proposed to be changed 10-7-53 35 74 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lots 2 and 3, Bik 29, Fisher's 1st Sub., to BA Business District, deferred until Nov. 14, 1953 (2 interior lots of Di Lido Hotel) 10-21-53 35 101 ZONING 463 Book Page Council reconsiders ordinance eliminating provision for multiple -level garages from zoning ordinance. 3rd readirgfails. 1st reading given proposed ordinance restricting services rendered in multiple -level parking garages to parking of automobiles 10-21-53 35 102 Hearing conducted re. proposal to eliminate rear yard requirement on Lots 1-22, and 63-82, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy. Ordinance to be prepared making change. 11-4-53 35 119 ZONING 464 Book Page Hearing conducted regarding proposal that written notice be given to property owners with 375 feet of area proposed. to be changed. Ordinance to be prepared making zoning change. 11-4-53 35 119 3rd reading zoning amendment, restricting services rendered in multiple -level parking garages to parking of automobiles - Ord. No. 1087 11-4-53 35 132 3rd reading zo iing am n nt - to incluede west side of Mf cniwanl Ave. from 12th St. poisouth or 15th St. in Area District #25, ord. No. 1088 11-4-53 35 132 ZONING 464A Book Page Issuance of building permit for structural alterations at the La Corona Apts., 2814 Collins Ave., authorized (premises have non -conforming use) 11-4-53 35 132 ZONING 465 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment - reclassifying parcel of land 85x180 feet on east side of Liberty Ave, 1151 north of 23rd St. in BB Business District, Ord. No. 1089 11-4-53 35 132 3rd reading zoning amendment excluding miniature golf courses from "RE" and permitting them in "BC" Business District 11-4+-53 35 133 Ord. No. 1090 3rd reading zoning amendment,including restaurants, dining rooms and coffee shops among service facilities permitted in 100 -room hotels in "RE" Multlple- family, Ord. #1091 11-4-53 35 133 ZONING 1st reading zoning amendment, creating new area district No. 56, and including in this district both sides of Stillwater Dr. 11-4-53 1st reading zoning amendment reclassifying automobile rental agencies in 'BB" Business District 11-10-53 35 154 Request for rezoning of property on west side of Collins Ave. immediately north of stores so as to permit erection of multiple -level parking garage with stares on 1st floor denied 11-18-53 35 157 466 Book Page 35 133 ZONING 467 Book Page Res. #8575 calling zoning hearing to reclassify Lot 1, Blk 11, Island View Sub., except southerly 57 feet of westerly 35 feet thereof, from BA to BB 11-18-53 35 159 Council asked to rescind previous action re. issuance of building permit for structural alterations at La Corona Apts, 2814 Collins Ave. No action. 11-18-53 35 161 3rd reading zoning amendment, including both sides of Stillwater Dr. in Area District No. 56 (Blks 15 & 16, Biscayne Beach 2nd Addn)Ord.#1095 11-18-53 35 164 ZONING 467A Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment, classifying automobile rental agencies in the BB District, provided 50% of cars are stored in enclosed building 11-18-53 35 164 ZONING 468 Book Page 1st reading zoning amendment, eliminating rear yard requirement on Lots 1 to 22, incl. and Lots 63 to 83 incl., Bik 10, Isle of Normandy, and requiring notice of zoning hearings sent to owners of property within 375 feet of the proposed change 11-18-53 35 176 3rd reading above zoning amendment, Ord. #1100 12-2-53 35 209 Hearing to consider request for re- classification of triangular-shaped parcel of land at Dade Blvd. & 19th St. to BB Business District rescheduled for 1/6,5.4 12-2-53 35 213 ZONING 469 Book Page Res. #8622 calling zoning hearing on Mar. 3, to consider extension of one hour for entertainment in cabarets 12-16-53 35 249 Hearing conducted to consider reclassifying Lot 1, Elk 11, Island View Sub., except so. 57 feet of west 35 feet, from BA to BB. Objections made. (Request for variance to permit operation of service station at this location previously denied by Board) Action deferred. i-6-54 35 278 ZONING 470 Book Page Request for reclassification of Lot 1, Blk 11, Island View Sub., except south 57 feet of west 35 feet thereof (triangle at Dade Blvd. and 19th St.) from BA to BB District, denied. 1-20-54 35 289 Request of M. B. Lutheran Church for permission to build church on Lots 1 and 2, Bik 13, Altos del Mar No.2, (s.w. cor. 86th St. & Collins Ave.) referred to Zoning Board 1-20-54 35 289 Request for reclassification of property on west side of Washington Ave. bet. 12th St. and 14th St. from BAA to BA Business District referreo to Zoninf-p8a 35 296 ZONING 471 Book Page Di Lido Hotel operators ask that ordinance reclassifying 2 interior lots of property (Lots 2 & 3, Bik 29, Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach) from BAA to BA,be given 3rd reading. Ordinance fails adoption. 2-3-514 35 311 Res. #8669 calling zoning hearing re. placing Lot "A" Indian Beach Corp. Sub., in 2 -Story Cabana District (Firestone Estate) 2-17-54 35 346 ZONING 472 Book Page Hearing conducted, proposal to permit cabarets to have entertainment until 2:00 A.M. City Atty to prepare ordinance permitting addl hr. of entertainment, provided cabaret license is increased to $1,250. 3-3-54 35 361 Res. #8676 calling zoning hearing to permit erection of a dock extending into Biscayne Bay a distance of 450 feet from a business or multiple - family lot (M. B. Boat Slips request) 3-3-54 35 361 ZONING 473 Book Page Hearing re. request to place Firestone Estate in 2 -story cabana District. Ordinance to be prepared making this zoning change. 3-17-54 35 368 Zoning Board recommends that property on west side of Washington Ave. between 12th and 14th Streets be rezoned from present BAA to BA Business District. Motion calling zoning hearing to consider proposed rezoning fails. 3-17-54 35 383