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Zoning_August 1957
ZONING 6OO Book Page Res. #9573 declaring result of Special Election re. repeal of ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip. 4,296 votes cast of which 3,178 were "FOR ADOPTION" and 1,118 votes were "AGAINST ADOPTION". Mr. Shepard advises that an ordinance repealing the oceanfront zoning ordinance is not necessary. 8-7-57 39 488 Hearing re. placing Fontainebleau & Eden Roc Hotel properties in Parking District No. 3. Mr. Shepard advises that the ordinance, repealed by voters at Special Election, created Parking District #3 and it no longer exists because of that vote. (continued) ZONING 601 Book Page (cont.) City Mgr. and City Atty to work out set of restrictions on oceanfront property to safeguard public. 8-21-57 39 507 Hearing conducted re. stock brokerage investment offices in "REE" (application of J.J. Perlmutter to permit stock brokerage firm in his proposed multiple -level garage at 38th St. & Collins Ave.) Request for zoning change denied. 8-21-57 39 510 ZONING 602 Book Page Hearing conducted re. minimum distance between auction sales rooms, etc. Request for zoning change denied. 8-21-57 39 526 Hearing conducted re. rezoning Lot 30 Bik 38, Miami View Sec. in "BB;Business District. Ordinance rezoning said property passed on 1st and 2nd readings. 8-21-57 39 530 3rd reading Ordinance rezoning Lot 30, Blk 38, Miami View Sec. in "BB" Business District -- No. 1265 9-4-57 40 7 ZONING 603 Book Page Hearing re. changing E.1/2 of Lot 11, all of Lot 12, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. to "RE" continued until Nov. 6th. Request to postpone hearing was made by owners of property. 9-18-57 40 37 Councilman Richard's motion to the effect that once a zoning change has been denied, the request cannot again be made for a minimum of 1 year fails 9-18-57 40 38 ZONING 604 Book Page 3 requests from owners of property on east side of Collins Ave. betw. 49th & 50th Streets, for change of zoning from "RAA" Estate to "RE" Multiple -family Districts denied. Lot 4,8c.Si Lot 5 & outlots, 1st Ocean Sub. Lot 24 & Outlot 24, 1st Ocean Sub. Lot 243, 1st Ocean Sub. 9-18-57 40 38 No action on E. Q. Rodgers request to rezone Altos del Mar Np. 1 and No. 2 Subdivisions for multiple ---family use 9-18-57 40 46 ZONING 604A Book Page Mr. Renshaw outlines proposed use of oceanfront lots rezoned by Supreme Court. Council indicates support of ordinances more restrictive than present ordinance. Mr. Siegel (owner of former Trees property) advised he can prepare plans accordingly. 10-16-57 40 82 ZONING 605 Book Page Hearing re. changing E.1/2 of Lot 11, all of Lot 12, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. to "RE" continued until November 20th, if full Council present. Clerk to advise all interested parties. 10-16-57 40 83 Request made to rezone 2 lots on W. 40th St. to "RD" Single-family (Lots 5 & 6, Bik 50, Orchard Subs. 2 & 3). Resubdivision of property planned. Sketches of proposed resubdivision filed. RES. No. 9621 calling zoning hearing to consider reclassifying above property in "RD" Single -Family District 11-6-57 4o 86 ZONING 606 Book Page Request re. extension of variance in connection with use of former M.B. Athletic Club building discussed - (for possible use as stock brokerage house). Zoning Board to be advised that Council feels request is equitable. Councilman Richard's objections to be presented to Zoning Board. 11-6-57 40 87 Request made for change of zoning on Lot 1, Blk 38, Miami View Sec. Isle of Norm ndy to "BB" t erect service station. Res. #9623 calla hearing. 11--57 40 89 ZONING 607 Book Page Res. #9628 calling zoning hearing for the purpose of establishing the restrictions on the use of the ocean- - front property rezoned for multiple -family use by Court Order (Lots 15, 16, 17 and Lots 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.) (Robert Siegel's request) 11-6-57 40 105 Councilman Richard asks that a hearing be called at early date so as to place similar restrictions on the Eden Roc and Fontainebleau properties as well as any other oceanfront area on which City can establish restrictions 11-6-57 40 105 ZONING 608 Book Page Hearing re. changing E. 1/2 of Lot 11, all of Lot 12, B1k 32, Lakeview Sub. to "RE" continued to Dec. 18, 1957 11-14-57 40 117 Request to erect convalescent home at s.w. cor. Arthur Godfrey Rd. and Meridian Ave. (Lots 6,7 and 8, Blk 4, 41st St. Business Sub.) presented. Hearing to consider same set for Dec. 18th. 11-20-57 40 118 Hearing cgnducted re. reclassifying Lots 1,14b and 17, and 0, .,and 2, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. for multiple - family Use with restrictions, pursuant to mandate of Supreme Court. 1st reading ;?Ri- getme2 Tent creating "REA"M ltiple-fa ily ZONING 609 Book Page 1st reading Zoning Amendment so.as to provide that structures connected with underground automobile parking spaces as provided in Parking District No. 3 be permitted in yard areas provided they shall not project more than 5' above grade 11-27-57 40 143 Hearing called re. request to operate convalescent home at 310 Collins Ave. (Boston Hotel) 'by_Bikur Cholim Kosher Convalescent Home 12-4-57 40 148 ZONING 610 Book Page Res. #9649 calling hearing to consider reclassifying pr2perty_bet. DadeiBlvd. and 20th__St., now classified in "BB", to "BC" Business District, as per Zoning Board recommendation: - Alton Beach Realty Cots Sub. Lots 1 thru 14, Blk 13 Island View Sdb . E1 Lots 1 thru 8, Blk 14 Et Lots 2 thru 10, Blk 16 Lots 3 thru 10, Blk 16A Island View Addn. Lots 1 , 9 & 10 B1k413A E2 LotS� l a d 2, ilk 1 A 12-4-57 40 155 ZONING 611 Book Page 2 ordinances reclassifying Lots 15,16 and 17, and Lots 20, 21 & 22, Ind. Beach Corp.'s Sub. for multiple -family use were held over until next meeting 12-44-57 40 157 47th Street Zoning hearing contined to January 15, 1958 (E. 1/2 Lot 11, all of Lot 12, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub.) 12-4-57 40 158 Hearing conducted on request to erect and operate convalescent home at s/w cor•. Meridian Ave. & Arthur Godfrey Rd. Request denied. 12-18-57 40 161 ZONING 612 Book Page Hearing conducted re. reclassification of Lots 5 & 6, Blk 50, Orchard Subs. #2 & #3, in "RD" Single-family District. Proposed resubdivision of parcel discussed. Ordinance to be prepared rezoning property as requested. 12-18-57 40 Hearing re. request for change of on Lot 1, Blk 38, Miami View Sec. Normandy to "BB" to erect service continued to Jan. 15, 1958 12-1E457 zoning Isle of station 164 4o 166 ZONING 613 Book Page 3rd reading Ordinance rezoning 6 oceanfront lots in newly_created "REA" Multiple -family District and in proper area and parking districts -- Ord. #1280 (Lots 15,16 & 17, and Lots 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub.) 12-18-57 40 166 3rd reading Zoning amendment so as to provide that structures connected with underground automobile parking spaces as provided in Parking District #3, be permitted in yard areas, provided they shall not project more than 51 above grade -- Ord. #1281 12-18-57 40 166 ZONING 614 Book Page Hearing conducted re. request of Bikur Cholim Kosher Convalescent Home to operate home at 310 Collins Ave. (Boston Hotel). Action tabled. 12-18-57 4o 176 Permit granted Bikur Cholim Kosher Convalescent Home. Mayor Oka advises of preparation of regulations to govern such homes. 1-2-58 40 184 1st reading Ordinance reclassifying property on south side W. 40th Street between Sheridan Ave. & Pine Tree Dr. in "RD" Single -Family District (Lots ad #3 1- 6, Blk 50, Orchard Subs. u. 2n4o 192 ZONING 615 Book Page Res. #9661 calling hearing re. incorporation of portions of Zoning Enabling Act in Sec. 22 of the Zoning Ordinance 1-2-58 40 195 No action on petition for rezoning Jefferson Ave. between 17th & 18th Streets from RD Single Family to RE Multiple Family. Mr. Renshaw advises full report to be made on entire area as'well as the West.end of Lincoln Rd. 1-2-58 40 197 ZONING 616 Book Page Hearing conducted on request to rezone Lot 1, Blk 38, Miami View Sec., to permit erection of service station (71st St. & Biarritz Dr.) Request denied. 1-15-58 40 202 Hearing conducted on request to rezone E. 1/2 Lot 11, all of Lot 12, Block 32, Lakeview Sub. in "RE" Multiple -Family District (N.side W.47th St. at intersection of Royal Palm). Owner of property to cb the west ob ects. Council reminded that previous applications ror zoning ch were denied. M.B.Taxpayers Assn obJetts to ion1ng change. Ord. reclassifying v© same in RE Riven 1st & 2nd readings 1-15-58 ZONING 617 Book Page Councilman Richard's motion for an ordinance providing that once application for zoning change has been denied it cannot be renewed for a period of one yeat fails to carry 1-15-58 40 218 Hearing conducted re. placing property between Dade Blvd. & 20th St. (Mill Section) in "BC" Business District. Action postponed to Feb. 5, 1958 1-15-58 40 220 618 ZONING BOOK Page 3rd reading ord. reclassifying Lots 5 and 6, Blk 50, Orchard Subs. Nos. 2 and 3, ln' "RD" Single Family District and Area District No. 13. Ord, #1287 1-15-58 40 231 Zoning hearing continued re. placing property between Dade Blvd. & 20th St. (Mill Section) in "BC" Business District. Two ordinances affecting the change in zoning given 1st reading. Objections presentea. Both ordinances defeated. 2-5-58 40 241-2-3 ZONING 619 Book Page 3rd reading ord. reclassifying E2 Lot 11, all Lot 12, Block 32, Lakeview Sub. in "RE" District. Ord. #1288. Objections to change received. 2-5-58 4O 244-45 1st reading ordinance incorporating additional sections of Zoning Enabling Act in Sec. 22 of Zoning Ordinance 2-5-58 4o 246 ZONING 620 Book Page Council asked for determination as to whether or not an investment banking firm was the same as savings and loan association or bank, which uses are now permitted in "REE" Multiple-familiy Districts. City Atty advises that they are not the same. No further action taken. 2-5-58 40 256 Legal Dept. explains purpose of resolution calling zoning hearing re. provision for off-street parking of automobiles in connection with construction of 2 -family or multiple -family dwellings. Res. #9706 calling hearing onlMarah l9th. 283 ZONING Ord. #1291 adopted as emergency measure - prohibiting issuance of building permits for multiple -family construction unless parking spaces are provided; aio providing for issuance of permits without parking upon hardship determination by City Council 2-19-58 4o 284 3rd reading ordinance incorporating additional portions of Zoning Enabling Act in Sec. 22 of Zoning Ordinance - Ord. #1290 2-19-58 4o 301 621 Book Page ZONING 622 Book Page Request made by Irving Cypen for hearing to consider rezoning Lots 1-9, incl., Blk 36, Miami View Sec., Isle of Normandy from "RE" Multiple -family District to "BA"Business District (Normandy Dr. at west end of Normandy Isle) . Hearing called on March 19, 1958 -- Res. #9723 2-26-58 4o 307 Request made by Milton Grusmark for hearing to consider rezoning Lots 21-26, Bik 7, 2nd Ocean Front, in "BA" Business District. Hearing 3-5-58 40 310 called on Apr. 2, 1958, Res #9724. ZONING Hearing conducted re. rezoning Lots 1-9, incl. Blk 36, Miami View Sec., Isle of Norm., from "RE" to "BA"Business District. Hearing continued to 4/2/58. 623 Book Page 3-19-58 4o 338 Request for change in zoning on certain lands to a classification which will allow use thereof for hotel and apartment house purposes denied. All in 1st Ocean FrortSub. 4-2-58 40 356 (ocean front strip) ZONING 624 Book Page Request made for postponement of hcheduled hearing to consider rezoning Lots 21-26, Blk 7, 2nd Ocean Front, in "BA". Objections presented. Request for rezoning withdrawn. Taxpayers resolution presented requesting Council to adopt ordinance providing that 1 year lapse between hearings when zoning change is denied or withdrawn before reapplication to Council. Motion to have ordinance prepared defeated. City Atty advises Council statutory power. Cost of zoning hearing to ascertained by Mr. Lipp does not have 4-2-58 4o 358 be 4-2-58 4o 359