Zoning_January to February 1951ZONING 350
Book Page
Property owners in Block 79C
request that block be rezoned
to RE - referred to Zoning
Board 1-24-51 30 342
Council advises Morris Berick
that it will discuss again
the denial of the ZBA to
recommend rezoning of Lot
1, Flamj go Bay Sub to RE 2-7-51 V 30 31f9
Z.B. recommends amendment to
permit construction of multiple -
level garages in RE 2-7-51 30 350
Book Page
Res. #7435, calling hearing
on 2/28/51.. to consider pro-
posal.to allow multiple -
level garages in RE with
certain restrictions 2-7-51 30 350
Hearing conducted re.
accessory uses in hotels -
Taken under advisement 2-7-51 30 351
Recommendation of Zoning Board
to deny request to rezone
Lots 1 and 2� Block 75, Pine
Ridge Sub to RE is accepted 2-7-51 30 360
Aaron Courshon asks for rezoning
of tots 23 and 24, Block 9, Ocean
Side Sec. of Isle of Normandy
to BA --he said that ZBA recommended
it be denied and he requested
that it be reconsidered -
Council takes no action 2-7-51 30 363
Ord. #966, amending zoning
ordinance -rezoning Lot 1,
Block 16B, Sunset Lake Sub.
to "RE" Multiple -family 2-7-51 30 364
Book Page
Attorney Morris Berick asks
Council to take proposal to
rezone Lot 1, Flamingo Bay
Sub. to RE under considera-
tion. He contended that the
property was entitled to
rezoning - Matter taken
under consideration 2-21-511/ 30 376
Zoning Hearing conducted re.
proposal to permit multiple -
level garages in RE -
Matter taken under advise-
ment 2-28-51 30 405
took Page
Book Page
Council man _loth_ _submits pro-
posed ordinance _re. business
establishments in hotels 4-4-51 30 527
D. R. Mead objects to hotels
having business establishments
which can be entered from within
a wall- maintains they should
be entered from within hotel
Meeting to be held on 4/10/51
to discuss subject 4-4-51 30 527
All Departments to enforce
- zoning - Clerk to
hotelnviolaattionsof pre4s t51 30 527
Book Page
Discussion of multiple -level garages
in RE to be held on 4/10/51 4-4-51 30 539
Request for retail bakery at
1043 Washington Ave. referred
to Zoning Board 4-4-51 30 539
Res.#7519 calling zoning hearing
re. Bakeries in "BB" Business
District 4-18-51 31 11
Ordinance to be prepared changing
zoning regulations in 2 areas to
permit construction of multi le -
level parking garages. Area between
4U1�dia Cr, nd 0ce n from 2 th to
�,h St, anal area etween James
& Liberty Aves nd oceanfro
Lincoln Rd. to '214th Street
from 4-18-51 31 44
Book Page
E. Albert Pallot, representing
numerous merchandising groups
presents proposed ordinance
restricting types of businesses
in 100 -room hotels. 5-2-51 31 105
recommendations of Zoning Board
of Adjustment presented: (1)
That retail bakeries with baking
on premises be permitted in BA
Business District under certain 5-2-51 31 113
conditions. No action. (2) Lots
9 to 16, Blk 105, Ocean Beach
Add'n #3, be rezoned from RE
Multiple -family to BB Business 5-2-51 31 114
District. Taken under advisement.
Book age
Zoning Board recommendations(cont.)
(3) Request that Lots 5 & 8,
Block 10, Ocean Front Prop.
be rezoned to BA Business District.
Request denied. (4) East half 5-2-51 31 114
Blocks 81 and 82, 3rd Commer-
cial Sub. be rezoned from RD
Single family District to RE
Multiple Family. Approved and
zoning hearing called. 5-2-51 31 114
West half of Blocks 107 and 108,
Ocean Beach ADd'n #3, be re-
zoned from RD Single -family to
BE Multiple -family. To be given
urther study. 5-2-51 31 114
Zoning Board recommendations (cont.) Book age
(5) That Lots 1 and 2, Bik 12,
Island View Subdivision, be rezoned
from BA to BB Business. Accepted and
zoning hearing called. 5-2-51 31 114
(6) That petition asking for
rezoning Bik 79C, Resub. of
Blks 67 and 79, Bay Front Sub.
from RD Single-family to RE Multiple -
family District be denied. Denied.
5-2-51 31 114
Resolution #7587 calling
hearing re. above proposed
changes. 5-2-51 31 114
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings zoning amend-
ment setting up REE Multiple -
Family District permitting
multiple -level parking garages 5-2-51 31 120
Zoning Hearing conducted re.
bakeries in "BB" Business
District. Ordinance to be
prepared permitting retail
bakeries under certain restric-
tions 5-16-51 31 142
3rd reading Ord: #973
creating REE District 5-16-51 31 184
and 2nd Book Page
lst/reading ordinance permitting
bakeries in "BB" Business Districts
5-16-51 31 186
Ord. #976 adopted permitting
bakeries in "BB" Business
Districts with certain
restrictions 6-8-51 31 249
Hearing held re. rezoning
west side Alton Rd. in "RE"
Multiple -family between 12th
& 14th Sts. No objections. 6-13-51 31 264
Ordinance to be prepared.
Book Page
Res. X7663 calling zoning hearing
consider changing east side
of Alton Rd. between 12th & 14th
Sts. to "RE" 6-13-51 31 264
Hearing held re. reclassifying
Lots 1 & 2, Island View Sub.
in "BB"Business District.
Ordinance to be prepared. 6-13-51 31 264
,and ordinance placing
Lots 1 - 7, Blk 81, and Lots
1 - 7, Blk 82, 3rd Comm. Sub,
in "RE"Multiple-family 6-13-51 31 265
Book Page
Communication from City Atty.
to City Mgr. re. Court Action
in Auction Sales Zoning Cases
(Jalard & Perel) 6/20/51 31 289
Res. #7667 calling zoning hearing
re. Auction Sales in BA 6-20-51 31 290
Request for change in setback
provisions applying to Blocks
1 and 10, Altos del Mar No. 3 -
No action taken:" .
6-20-51 31 291
No action taken on zoning
ordinance amendment to re-
classify Lots 1 & 2, Island
View pending Zoning Board
recommendation 6-20-51 31 295
Hearing conducted re.
reclassifying east side of
Alton Road between 12th and
14th Streets to RE Multiple -
family. Zoning change
Book Page
31 308
Hearing conducted re.
three applicationsfbr
multiple -level garages. 7-3-51 31 309
4g11 Book Page
3rd reading ordinance placing
Lots 1 - 7,B1k 81, and Lots
1-7, Blk 82, 3rd comm. Sub.
in "RE" Multiple -family 7-6-51 31 364
Hearing conducted re. Auction
Sales in "BA" Business
7-9-51 31 367
Res. #7694 calling hearing
to change zoning on Lot 1,
Block 16B of Re -subdivision
of Lots 16 to 21, incl. of
Block 15, Amended Sunset Lake
Sub. to "RD" Single Family 7-9-51 31 369
Zoning on William Penn Hotel
requested changed from BAA to
BB, and property west side
Washington Ave. between 7th
and 8th Streets from BAA to
BB. Referred to Zoning Board. 7-11-51 31 370
Ordinance re. auction sales
in BA given three readings
as emergency measure Ord.#979 7-11-51 31 370
Zoning hearing to consider
changing Lot 1, Blk 16B,
Resub. of Lots 16 to 21, incl.
Block 15, Amended Sunset Lake
Sub. from RE to RD. 8-1-51 31 410
Book Page
Book Page
Zoning Board recommends that
Lots 1 & 2, Blk 12, Island
View Sub. under consideration
for reclassification to BB,
remain in Area Dist. #19
8-1-51 31 421
Book Page
Council denies request of
Jack R. Courshon that Lot
3 and north half of Lot 2,
Block 53, Orchard Sub. No. 2
and 3, be reclassified in BA
Business District. 8-1-51 31 423
Res. #7716 calling hearing
to consider changing the
North 150 feet of Block 53,
Orchard Subs. No. 2 and 3,
from BAA to BA Business
District 8-1-51 31 423
Book Page
Councilman Frank asks for
preliminary report re. Sea Isle
and Saxony Hotel zoning investi-
gation 8-8-51 31 439
1st and 2nd reading Ordinance
re. -service facilities in 100 -room
'-iotels in RE district 8-10-51 31 441
No action taken on proposed
awning construction over sidewalk
at 1529 Alton Rd, by Canvas
Mfgr's Assn 8-10-51 31 456
Sea Isle & Saxony Hotels to be advised -i--
tocorrect zoning violations,} q�y8-(+j 0;51 1 456
Book Page
Request of M.B. Federal to build
small office bldg. on their parking
lot referred to Zoning Board 8-15-51 31 475
Mr. Lipp advises that hearing date
on M.B. Boat Slips Corp. application
for permit to extend dock 450 feet
into Biscayne Bay to be set
forward 8-27-51 31 489
Mr. Shepard and Mr. Renshaw to
handle dock application of
M.B. Boat Slips 9-5-51 31 489
Zoning hearing conducted on
proposal it) change North 150'Blk 53,
Orchard Subs. 2 & 3, from "BAA"
to "BA". Aeti:on deferred. 9-5-51 32 1
Book Page
Action deferred on proposal to
rezone north 150 feet Block 53,
Orchard Subdivisions No. 2 and
3. 9-5-51 32 10
3rd reading ordinance
amending zoning ordinance
re. service facilities in
100 -room hotels in RE
district - Ord. #985 9-5-51 32 20
No action taken by Council
re. preliminary sketch of
resubdivision of Harry Richman
property 9-5-51 32 40
Book Page
1st and 2nd reading amendment
reclassifying Lots 1 & 2,
Bik 12, Island View in BB
District 9-5-51 32 43
1st and 2nd reading zoning
amendment reclassifying Lot 1,
Bik 16B, Sunset Lake Sub.
in RD District 9-5-51 32 43
Book Page
Zoning Board recommends that
Lots 1 thru 10, Blks 21 and. 22;
Lots 2 thru 8, Blk 36, Golf
Course Sub. be reclassified
from RD Single-family to RE;
AND Lots 1 thru 44, Blk 75, Pine
Ridge Sub. be reclassified
from BAA to BA 9-19-51 32 67
Res. #77924 calling hearing
re. above proposed changes.
1st and 2nd reading zoning
amendment reclassifying
N.150° Blk 53, Orchard Sub.
Nos. 2 & 3, in BA Business
Book Page
10-3-51 32 86
Res. #7809 calling zoning
hearing to consider rezoning
"Bridle Path" .in BAAA Business
District 10-11-51 32 103
3rd reading ordinance re-
classifying Lots 1 & 2,
Blk 12, Island View Sub
"nrdBB1Asiness District 10-11-51 32 106,
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance re-
classifying Lot 1, Blk 16B,
Sunset Lake in RD Single-
family District, Ord.#990 10-11-51 32 107
Zoning hearing conducted on
proposal to change Lots 1 to 10,
Blk 21; Lots 1 to 10, Blk 22;
and Lots 2 to 8, Blk 36, Golf
Course Sub. in RE Multiple -family
District. Matter taken under
consideration until Nov. 7. 10-11-51 32 108
Book Page
Error in publishing notice
of zoning hearing on Lots 1-4,
Blk 75, Pine Ridge Sub. To
be republished and hearing
date deferred accordingly. 10-17-51 32 109
3rd reading ordinance re-
classifying N 150' Blk 53,
Orchard Sub. in "BA" -
Ord. #991 10-17-51 32 114
Res.#7812 calling hearing
re. Lots 1 - 4, Blk 75,
Pine Ridge Sub. (Error in
publishing previous notice) 10-17-51 32 114