Zoning_January 1956ZONING 556 Book Page Hearing re. setbacks on waterfront lots of "Park View Island". Ordinance to be prepared. 1-18-56 38 25 Hearing re. rezoning Lot 6 and east portion of s.2 of Lot 5, Blk 22, Ocean Beach Addn #3, from BAA to BA (property north of City Hall). Objections filed. Action deferred. 1-18-56 38 27 Request of Albert Devore for reclassi- fication of Lots u and 5, Blk 52, Ocean Beach Addn 3;; referred to Zoning Bd. 1-18-56 38 29 ZONING ;51 Book Page Res. #9205 calling hearing to consider request of Bernard Shotkin to reclassify his property from RD Single-family to RE Multiple -family classification (easterly 100 feet Lot 15, Blk 51, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 and 3.) 2-1-56 38 42 3rd reading ordinance placing front yard of Lot 6, Indian Beach Corp. Sub., in 2 -story Cabana District (Eden Roc Hotel) Ord. #1198 2-1-56 38 42 Ordinane to be prepargd rzoning Lot 6, ooan eastportion os.2 Lot5, 22, Rosario a h Addn #3, from BAA to BA BB siness property north of City Hali) 2-1-56 38 45 ZONING 552 Book Page Res. #9208 calling hearing to consider request of Charles Block to reclassify Lots 11 and 12, Blk 2, Oceanside Sec. Isle of Norm. to "BB" Dis_strict (Bay Dr. and 71st St.) 2-15-56 38 51 1st reading ordinance excluding property lying between old and new bulkhead lines at Eden Roc Hotel from 2 -story cabana District 2-15-56 38 53 1st reading ord. re. Park View Island setbacks - Area No. 66 created 2-15-56 38 58 ZONING 553 Book Page Action deferred on request to rezone property in block north of City Hall 2-15-56 38 66 Motion to call hearing to consider rezoning Lachman property fails ( 2 lots adjacent on the north to the City's ocean front park property) 2-15-56 38 67 Res. #9218 calling hearing to consider request for rezoning Lot 1 Blk 3, 2nd Oceanfront to "BB' to permit erection of service station (n.w. cor. 63r46 St.38 68 & Indian Cr. Dr.) b ZONING 554 Book Page Hearing re. request of Bernard Shotkin for reclassification of E. 100' of Lot 15, Blk 51, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 and 3, from present"RD" to "RE". Denied. 3-7-56 38 83 Hearing re. request to reclassify Lots 11 and 12, Blk 2, Oceanside Sec. Isle of Norm. to "BB" District (Bay Dr. and 71st St.) Denied. Mr. Block to ask Zoning Board for higher business classification. 3-7-56 38 86 ZONING 555 Book Page Ordinance creating Area District No. 66 , placing Park View Island waterfront lots therein, amended on final reading. Ord. #1203 adopted. 3-7-56 38 96 3rd reading ordinance excluding portion of land lying between old and new bulk- head lines at Eden Roc Hotel from 2 -Story Cabana District and Area District No. 43, and placing same in "RE" Multiple - family District and Area District t N38 $ 57, 97 Ord. #12014 . ot reading Ord. c eatingg Area District tol7 and placing Pa iew Island5inte3iior 96 e therein ZONING 556 Book Page No action taken on proposed amendment to zoning ordinance to reclassify Lot 6 and easterly portion of the south half of Lot 5, B1k 22, Ocean Beach Add'n #3, to "BA" classification 3-7-56 38 98 3rd reading Ord. creating Area District No. 67 and placing Parkview Island interior lots therein. Ord. #1207 3-21-56 38 107 1st re din 0 d, ame di zoning ord re. additiona1i uses in 100 -room hotels, permitting fruit shippers and gift shops in addition to adC ' 1 uses cont plg3t (refer to zoning hearing9/7/5��ll -56 38 1?9 ZONING 557 Book Page City Mgr. submits proposal of Harland Bartholomew and Associates for approval, relative to zoning and planning in Miami Beach. Proposal accepted; contract to be prepared, and $47,700. (amount of fee) to be included in 1957-58 Budget. 3-28-56 38 123 No action taken on request of Bernard Shotkin (letter) for public hearing to consider rezoning easterly 100' Lot 15, Block 51, Orchard S b. #2 to BA Business District. (On 3/7/5b Council conducted zoning hearing on Shotkin's request for 38 124 reclassification of this property to RE 3-28-56 Multiple -family and reauest was denied) ZONING 558 Book Page Hearing on request to reclassify Lot 1, Blk 3, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. in "BB" Business classification. Denied. 4-4-56 38 133 Ordinance re. additional uses in 100 -room hotels amended before final reading. AdoOed on 3rd reading as amended. Ord. #1208 4-4-56 38 140 Council formally approves association of outside dounsel; `1-Ahderson & Nadeau in oceanfront zoning case 4-18-56 38 154 ZONING 559 Book Page Execution of contract with Harland Bartholomew and Associates re. zoning and planning Miami Beach authorized. 4-18-56 38 158 Report from Zoning Board recommending that petition,requesting that Lots 1 and 2 of Blk 23, Altos del Mar Sub. #1 be rezoned from RD Single-family to a business classification, be denied. Report filed. 4-18-56 38 160 ZONING 566 Book Page 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 2 & 3, Blk 24, Altos del Mar #1 in "RE" multiple -family and Area District #14, following explanation by Mr. Renshaw 4-23-56 38 174 2 Resolution/calling zoning hearing so as to permit erection of permanent canopies (similar to that of Burdines) into front yard areasin business districts 5-2-56 38 190 3rd readin ordinance eclassifying Lots 2 & 3, Blk 24, Altos del Marln "RE' multipe- family and Area District #14 Ord. #1215 5-2-56 38 193 ZONING 561 Book Page Resolutions filed urging Council to appeal decision in oceanfront zoning case (600' property north of Eden Roc). Rezoning also urged. City Mgr. advocates holding public hearing. Motion to take appeal and hold hearing after receipt of Bartholomew report tabled. Open forum to be held 6/26/56. 6-6-56 38 218 Note: Judge Crawford entered decree against City, holding that zoning for Single -Family Estates as to this property is unreasonable and requiring City to permit construction of hotels aria multiple - family fwellings (meeting 5/16/5b, see SUITS AGAINST THE CITY. ZONING 562 Book Page Zoning hearing re. erection of permanent cantilevered canopies in front yard areas in business districts. Ordinance to be prepared. 6-6-56 38 221 Two petitions requesting change of zoning on property in 1700 and 1$00 blocks of Michigan Avenue referred to Zoning Board for recommendation. 6-6-56 38 234 Requests for zoning change oh Lots 11 and 12 Block 124 Lenox Manr Sub. from RE - Multiple family: to Business classification referred to Zoning Board. (1045 and 1055 AltonRd) 6-6-56 38 234 ZONING' Book Page Bernard Shotkin requests rezoning 100' of his property located at S.E. cor. 40th St. and Royal Palm Ave. from single- family to business use. No action taken. 5imi1ar request now before the Board. 6-6-56 38 234 Bernard Shotkin asks Council to rezone only East 100 feet of his property from Single-family to Business use (Lot 15, Bik 51, Orchard Subs. No. 2 and 3) so that he could erect medical center. Zoning Board recommendation that regutest Mgr. be denied is accepted by Counc 1. y advisesthatthis request has e n b f e Zoning Bd. times r -yr per oa.) o -2u-56 382,- ZONING 564 Book Page Recommendation of Zoning Board that request of Hana G. Phillips for re- classification of Lot 14, Blk 38, Palm View Sub. (1956 - 17th St.) from RE Multiple -family to Business classification be denied. Accepted. 6-20-56 38 256 1st reading Zoning amendment re. projection of permanent canopies in front yard areas -abutting on: streets in Business Use Districts 6-20-56 38 256 Council votes to appeal decision of Circuit Court in suit involving rezoning ofb00 strip north of Eden Roc Hotel 6-27-56 38 263 ZONING 565 Book Page Discussion re. rezoning of property on "strip" area of ocean front north of Eden Roc, and restricting uses in hew:100-room hotels. City Atty asked to prepare ordinance that would be upheld in courts, to limit types of stores permitted in these new hotels 7-5-56 38 269 3rd reading ordinance permitting projection of permanent canopies for a distance of 101 into front yard areas in Business Districts - Ord. 1221 7-5-56 38 276 ZONING 566 Book Page Res. #9315 calling zoning hearing re. permitting construction of enclosures for swimming pools 9-5-56 Owner of Ocean Haven Hotel, 155 Ocean Drive (Lots 2 and 3, Bik 113, Ocean Beach Addn #4) requests change in zoning of this block from BAA to RE. Res. #9317 calling zoning hearing. 9-5-56 38 39'7 Res. #9320 calling zoning hearing to consider reQuest of Luce ne Hotel that aced or -their proper be ace in 2 -story cabana district. p(Block 35 less N. 16' thereof eOcli,a6Frcit Eclp) 38 386 ZONING Request of H. Gertrude Hogan to rezone Lots 15, 16 and 17 §nd outlots, 1st Ocean Front Sub. from RAA" Estate District to an "RE" Multiple -family District denied 9_19-56 38 411 Hearing re. request of owners of Ocean Haven Hotel to rezone Block 113, Ocean Beach Addn #4 from BAA to RE. Atty. Carl Hoffman representing adjoining property owner, Mrs. Nagengast, objects to proposed zoning. Action deferred. Mr. Hoffman to bedvised when Council willa again consider4�4 matter _ 567 Book Page ZONING 1st reading ordinance permitting screening of swimming pools 10-3-56 38 432 568 Book Page Request that Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to allow "Airline Terminal" offices on ground floors of 500 -car multiple -level garages in "REE" Districts; and that City drop condemnation proceedings on 27th Street property, referred to City Manager for recommendations and report. 10-17-56 38 455 ZONING 569 Book Page Hearing conducted to consider request of Lucerne Hotel that portion of their property be placed in a 2 -story cabana district. Ordinance to be prepared placing that portion of Block 35 which is considered to be the front yard,less the N. 16 feet, in the 2 -story Cabana District 10-17-56 38 459 3rd reading ord. providing for screening of swimming pools. Ord. #1233 10-17-56 38 470 ZONING 570 Book Page 1st reading ordinance creating Area District No. 68; placing portion of Lucerne Hotel property therein; placing oceanside of property in 2 -story cabana district except N. 16' of block in which hotel is located (Blk 35, Oceanfront Property) 11-7-56 38 485 Res. #9354 calling zoning hearing re. allowing"pressing club" operations in "BA" Business Districts 11-7-56 38 508 Permission granted Washington Federal to construct new building on northeast corner cf 17th St. and Meridian Ave. ("RE" District) 11-21-56 38 514 ZONING .571 Book Page Request for Zoning amendment so as to extend present "BC"Business District on 5th Street eastward to include west side of Euclid Avenue (approx. 12 blocks) referred to Zoning Board 11-21-56 38 514+ Request to rezone from "BA" to "BB" Business classification, property owned by General Tire Co. on Dade Blvd. to allow expansion of service station, referred to Zoning Board for recommendation. (Lots 6 and 11, Block 11, Island View Sub.) 11-21-56 38 515 ZONING t Book Page Ord. #1237 creating Area District #68; placing portion of Lucerne Hotel property therein; placing oceanside of property in 2 -story cabana district except N. 161 of block in which hotel is located (Blk 35, Oceanfront Property) 11-21-56 38 532 Council requested to call zoning hearing to consider rezoning Blocks 8 and 9, Altos del Mar No. 1 to "RE" Multiple -family District. Res. #9366 calling zoning hearing. 12-5-56 39 8 ZONING 573 Book Page Hearing conducted re. allowing "pressing club" operations in "BA" Business Districts. Council to visit pressing club on 23rd St. and also area where a pressing club is proposed to be located. Hearing continued until next meeting. 12-5-56 39 14 J. J. Perlmutter appeals Zoning Board action re. stores on ground floors of multiple -level garage construction. Requests Council to call public hearing. Request denied. 12-19-56 39 26 ZONING 574 Book Page Zoning hearing continued re. pressing clubs in "BA" Business Districts. Objections presented. Request to allow pressing clubs in "BA" denied. Council urges that more study be given matter if again suggested. 12-19-56 39 38 Sans Souci Hotel asks Council to allow "florist shops" in hotels having 100 or more rooms. Res. #9374 calling zoning hearing to consider this request. No action on request for temporary 12-19-56 39 41 license..