Zoning_January 1957ZONING 575
Book Page
Hearing re. rezoning Blocks 8 and 9,
Altos del Mar #1 to "RE" Multiple -family
District. North Shore Democratic Club
urges condemnation of several blocks bet.
75th & 87th Terr. for park and parking
purposes. North Shore Business Guild urges
rezoning entire strip with restrictions as
to facilities to be allowed. Councilman
Halperin's motion to create new classi-
fication fails. Zoning change denied.
City Mgr. to report re. property available
for park purposes. Survey to be made to
ascertain need for additional beaches in
north end of City 1-2-57 39
Book Page
Shepard Broad requests public hearing
to rezone his Lot 235, 1st Oceanfront Sub.
(55th St. & Collins) from "RB" Estate to
"RE" Multiple -family District. Mr. Broad
objects to motion to refer request to
Zoning Board. Discussion re. policy to
follow when rezoning requests are made.
City Mgr. recommends that this request not
be referred to Zoning Bd. until clarified
report from Bartholomew is received. Motion
to refer request to Zoning Bd. fails to carry.
Mr. Broad to be placed on Council Agenda
for Feb. 20th meeting.
1-16-57 39 58
Book Page
Res. #9381 calling zoning hearing to
consider placing Ocean Park Sub. in
"REE" Multiple -Family District to permit
erection of multiple -level garage on
Evans property
1-16-57 39 63
ZONING hearing conducted re.
including Florist Shops among uses
permitted in 100 -room hotels.
Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings
amending Zoning Ord. (Item 4, Sec. 5)
i -ib -57 39 65
Book Page
School Board requests that school
site property in old Municipal Golf
Course be classified in "RE' Multiple -
Family District. Res. #9383 calling
zoning hearing to consider placing
20 acres in "RE" 1-16-57 39 67
Irving Cypen requests Council to call
public hearing to consider rezoning
Collins Ave. property between 46th and
58th Streets. Councilman Richard asks
Mr. Renshaw to get together with Zoning
Board and give full report to Council on
how it should be restricted as to use.
Res. #9396 calling zoning hearing on
March 7, 1957 2-6-57 39 91
Book Page
Zoning hearing held to consider
placing 20 acres old Municipal Golf
Course in "RE" (high school site).
Question as to whether or not new classi-
fication "RE -1" for schools only, could
be established. Proposal made that City
rezone property across street in "RE" District.
Ordinance amending Zoning Ord. so as to
exclude from "RD" and include in "RE"
Multiple -family Dist. the 20 acres,
given 1st reading 2-6-57 39 92-97
Book Page
Hearing held to consider placing
Ocean Park Sub. in "REE" Multiple -
Family District to permit erection
of multiple -level garage on EVANS
property. Request for change
denied. 2-6-57 39 103
1st reading ordinance amending
Sec. 52 of Zoning Ord. to comply
with Supreme Court ruling re. services
in Multiple -level garages (permitting
washing and greasing of cars, supplying
gasoline, oil, water and air)
2-6-57 39 120
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. amending Item 4,
Sec. 5, of Zoning Ord., permitting
Florist Shops among uses permitted
in 100 -room hotels. Ord. #1245
2-6-57 39 121
Book Page
Res. #9409 calling zoning hearing
to.consider rezoning E. 1/2 of Lot 11
and all of Lot 12, Block 32, Lakeview
Sub.in "RE" Multiple -family District.
(47th St. near Royal Palm)
2-20-57 39 126
Councilman Richard's comments re.
sending requests for zoning changes
to Zoning Board 2-20-57 39 127
3rd reading ordinance amending Zoning
Ord. re. services which can be rendered
in multiple -level garages,
Ord. #1248 2-20-57 39 142
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance reclassifying
20-acre "high school site" in "RE"
Multiple -Family District, Ord. #1249
2-20-57 39 142
2 requests made for change of zoning
on Prairie Avenue, fronting golf course.
Council advises them to get list of
people on Prairie who want property
rezoned and submit it to Zoning Board
for report 2-20-57 39 143
Restrictions in deed to high school site,
Munictp. Golf Course, explained by Mr.
.Shepard. Legal Dept instructed to
explore possibilities or overcoming
restrictions 3-6-57 39 147
Book Page
Hearing to consider rezoning Collins
Ave. property between 46th and 58th
Streets, scheduled for March 7th and
informally postponed by Council on
March 1st, to be set for March 21st.
Quorum to meet at Oceanfront Auditorium
on March 7th in order to postpone hearing
to the 21st. City Clerk to advertise.
3-6-57 39 152
Above hearing postponed until
March 21, 1957 - Oceanfront Auditorium
3-7-57 39 161
Book Page
Mrx Shepard reports on exploration
of possibility of overcoming deed
restrictions re. use of 20 acres on
N 1/2 old golf course as sitfor new
high school. Legal Dept. instructed
to file suit( to remove cloud upon
title to property. 3_20_57 39 163
Hearing conducted re. rezoning E. 1/2
Lot 11 and all of Lot 12, Blk 32,
Lakeview Sub. in "RE" Multiple -family
District t47th St. near Royal Palm).
Council votes to deny request for
Zcning change. 3-20-57 39 168
Book Page
Oceanfront rezoning hearing conducted
at 10th St. Auditorium (Collins Ave.
property bet. 46th and 58th Streets).
City Engineer outlines capital improvements
which would be necessary in connection with
development of strip if rezoned.
Hearing concluded at 8:18 P.M.
3-21-57 39 X89
Ordinance reclassifying both sides of
Collins Ave. North of City Park at
46th St. for restricted Multiple -Family
Use given 1st reading in full. Statements
of Councilmen. Mr. Richard asks for
Book Page
inclusion of regulations to control
flashing lights; also suggests that sq.
footage of lot and floor areas be increased
and that number of parking spaces be required
for single family homes. Sec. 9 and Sec. 14
amended accordingly. Proposed amendment to
allow 100 -room hotels in H-1 District to have
cabarets, and other uses now permitted in "RE"
fails to carry. Request made to postpone
passage of ordinance. Manner in which
zoning hearing is called outlined by Mr.
Shepard. Alex Gordon objects to passage
of ordinance. Request made for Mr. Halperin
Book Page
to abstain from voting. Irving Cypen
urges passage of ordinance. Ordinance
passed on first and second readings.
Statements of the Councilmen. Mr.
Rivkind challenges Mr. Halperin's
moral right to vote because he has
an interest in property in "strip"
3-27-57 39 190
thru 203
Book Page
Requests received by City Mgr. for
rezoning Altos del Mar Nos. 1 and 2
to Multiple -family use. E. Q. Rodgers
requests Council to act on petition
re -submitted to Council on 1/2/57. Objects
to motion to have matter reftr.red to Zoning
Board -- asks for public hearing.
Council votes to call hearing after
receipt of Bartholomew report. Clerk
to advise Council when report is received.
4-3-57 39 252
Book Page
Ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip
amended before third reading. (Sections
1, 112 and 9) Amendment re. flashing
lights discussed. Mr. Lipp asked to
look into regulations to control flashing
lights citywide. Preparation of
ordinance requested, providing that no
structures except groins and steps leading
to the oeean can be erected eastward of
bulkhead. Mr. Richard suggests plan to
relocate Collins Ave. -Parking area at
46th St. beach discussed. ORDINANCE
ADOPTED - No. 1253 4-17-57 39 26
Book Page
Councilman Liberman advises he voted
on adoption of Ord. #1253 in error,
and desires to change vote. Mr.
Liberman's vote recorded in the negative.
4-17-57 39 264
Petitions submitted asking Council to
call election on repeal of zoning
ordinance #1253 reclassifying oceanfront
strip. Councilman F'ank's motion that
special election be held fails to carry.
4-17-57 39 264-
Par view Island Corp. granted license
aid permit for operation of private
clubbbb as provided in Zoning Ordinance
u_17_'7 l9 -110
Book Page
Council discusses course of action
in connection with City's appeal from
decision of Circuit Court involving
rezoning of 600 foot strip north
of Eden Roc 4-17-57 39 311
Clerk's certificate re. No. of signatures
on petitions requesting referendum on
repeal of ordinance rezoning oceanfront
strip. Mr. Shepard advises procedure to
be followed by Council. Councilman Richard
urges Council tolace same restrict ons
on Fontainebleau hand Eden Roc properties
as will apply to any multiple-family
construction in strip north of City Park.
(cont) 6/19 Book Page
Res. #9486 calling hearin6..
classifying Eden Roc and Fontainebleau
properties in "Hi" Multiple -family
District. Comments made re. possbility
and outcome of getting people to vote to buy
oceanfront strip and the detrimental effect
it would have on the City's financial
standing. 5-1-57 39 311
Request to amend Zoning Ordinance to
include nursery schools among uses
permitted in RE Multiple -family made
by atty. Edwin Marger. Council declines
to act on this request. Council asks
iiat ns for f 2.a enimand tudytrlgng
nursery schools in proper business zone
and report to Council5-15-57 IA 346
Book Page
Alexander S. Gordon, atty, authorized
to associate with City (without pay)
in defense of suit brought to enjoin
the August 6th zoning referendum; Acting
City Atty to be Attorney of Record and
Mr. Gordon to handle the defense
5-15-57 39 344
Book Page
Request to amend Zoning Ordinance to
include nursery schools among uses
permitted in RE Multiple -Family, made
by Atty. Edwin Marger. Legal Dept.
advises that term private school does
not include nursery schools; that same
is a business and belongs in Business
District. City Mgr's office to look
into possibility of an ordinance to
regulate nursery schools and the proper
zoning in which they could be permitted.
5-15-57 39 345
Petition submitted requesting that Book Page
property on Jefferson Ave. bet. 17th &
18th Sts. be rezoned to multiple -family
use. Rezoning of whole area referred to
Zoning Board 6-7-57 39 378
Hearing conducted re. classifying Eden Roc
and Fontainebleau properties in "H1" Multiple -
Family Dist. City Clk advises that communi-
cations from various property owners favor
proposed rezoning. Marion Sibley, atty for
Fontainebleau objects; directs Council's
attention to Circuit Court's injunction against
City of Sept. 1 19y4+8, which is applicable
to Lot A (Fontajneb1eau) permanently enjoining
Gity•-rom changing the REE' classification
on this property. (cont.)
Book Page
Matter discussed and tabled. Legal
Dept. to study court order and submit
written report. City Mgr. to make
investigation as to whether or not it
would be advantageous to City if Eden Roc
and Fontainebleau properties were placed
in "H1" District 6-19-57 39
J. J. Perlmutter asks Council to call
public hearing re. stock brokerage
investment offices in "REE" Multiple -
family District. Res. #9525 calling
zoning hearing on Aug. 21.
7-3-57 39
Mr. Shepard's written opinion Book Page
submitted re. placing Fontaine-
bleau and Eden Roc properties in
"H-1" District. City Mgr. submits
plat showing how proposed zoning change
would affect both hotel properties; states
that change is desirable. Owner of Eden Roc
apprbves proposed change. 1st reading
ordinance placing Fontainebleau & Eden Roc
in "H-1" Multiple Family District
7-3-57 39 411
(Lot A and Lots 1 to 6 incl., Indian
BeachCorporation's Subdivision)
Book Page
Res. #9540 calling zoning hearing
re. placing Fontainebleau & Eden Roc
properties in Parking District No. 3.
No action taken on suggestion of
Councilman Liberman to require parking
spaces at the ratio of 3 cars per hotel
7-3-57 39 427
Hearing requested to consider zoning
change on E.1/2 of Lot 11, all of Lot 12,
Blk 32, Lakeview Sub. to "RE". Same request
previously denied. Res. #9541 calling
zoning hearing on 9/18/57,
7-17-57 39 437
Book Page
Terminal Garage Corp. requests permit
to erect multiple -level garage on Lots
5,6 and 7, Block 7, 2nd Oceanfront
Property (w. side of Collins Ave. in
6400 Block), and approval for open
parking and egress and ingress over
Lots 58 and 60, Bik 7, directly in rear
of proposed garage and front on Ind. Cr. Dr.
Hearing scheduled for August 7th.
7-17-57 39 437
Montague Rosenberg requests Council to
call public hearing to require minimum
distance of 5QQ4reet between Auction Sales
ooms. es. 9 calling hearing on
Aug:. 21st. 7-17-57 39 437
Book Page
3rd reading ord. rezoning Fontainebleau
& Eden Roc Hotel properties in"H-1"
Multiple -family District and in Area
District No. 69, Ord. #1257 7-17-57 39 461
Res. #9563 calling hearing to consider
rezoning Lot 30, Block 38, Miami View
Sec. Isle of Normandy in "BB" Business
District 7-31-57 39 471
Request of First Church of Christ Scientist
of Miami Beach to rezone property on W. 40th
Street for church referred to Mr. Renshaw
for additional information 8-7-57 39 475