Zoning_July 1939ZONING 100 HookPage Petition presented by Venetian Island property owners asking change in zoning restrictions. to conform with dedd restrictions 1g 160 7/10/39 Request to rezone Blks. 3 and 26, Fisher's 1st Subdn. of Alton Beach referred_to Zoning Board 7-19-39 18 163_ No action taken by Council on re- quest to change zoning with reference to Dry Cleaning_ establishments_ 7-19-39 18 164 ZONING 101 Book Page Ord.#557 passed third reading recla.ssi- fying *B-akeries* 7-19-39 -18 166 Chane in Regulation on Block 115,0.B. Addn. referred to Zoning Board 7-19-39 lg - -167 Amendment- to --Zoning Ordinance to -specify minimum number of cubic feet in homes in 1ieayne Point and Altos Del Mar #3 g-2-39 18 13- Lst & 2ad_readi-ngs-Ordinance spec-ifyi-re minimum number of feet in RC, RD & RE -DTitricts g/I6/39 18 207 Res -44603 calling he-aring on above -8/16/ 9 18,20$ ZONING 102 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings Ord. proposing to change use regulation on Blks. i,3,-6-,-7- & i0-, Biscayne Point 8/16/39 18 Res. #4604 calling hearing on above proposed zoning change 8/16/39 18 208 Res. #4605 calling hearing as to proposed zoning changes on Venetian glands re: setbacks 8716/39 18 209 —Zoning Boardof—Ad justment rezom- mend public hearing to- change -property on James & Wash.Ave.(17th to .9th) from _n1171to —14 -8/16/39 1� 21 ZONING 103 Book Page zoning Board. of Adjustment recommend publlo hearing to change property _on_James_Age.& Wash -Ave-. 017th to 19th St.) from RD to RE 8/16/39 18 210 Zoning Bd. recommends no change 1..n use Dist.of prop.between Sheridan & Prairie north of kIst -St . -8/16/39- 18-210 1st & 2nd readings Ord. changing use & area regulations Blocks 2A & 2B, Espanola Villas Res. #4606 calling hearing Es anola Villas zoning change 8/1 18 210 211 ZONING 104 Hook Page_ lst & 2nd reads ;g s Ord. changing Use regulation on B1k.43,Miami - t-ew- ect.Isle of -Normandy 8/16/39 -18 211— Res. #4667—ling hearing on -abov-e-proposed-zoning --change 8/16/39 18 -211 Res. #4608 calling hearing as to -chartge-in -setb-ackt regulation- -on -- - - Alto s Del Mar #3 & Harding Towns,_ Atty.W.J.Dunn aain urges heg 39 18 212 on zoning-changefor property a ween Jame--&-Wa.sh..-Ave. 9-6-39 18 227 ZONING 105 Book Page Hearing held on zoning change for Espanola Villas, Bls.2A and 2B. 3rd. ReadinE Ord. #560 changing zoning on Espanola Villas 9-13-39 18 255 Hearin g_ held on pr_oposedzonin nge for B1k.43, Miami View Sect.Par-- 3, —isle --of Normandy , 9-13-39- 18 255 -Ne action taken- -on -Blk. 43—re-zoning -Nearing held As to -regulation for con trolling cubic foot content in 3 use districts 9-13339 18 256 ZONING to b Book Page Hearinq'held on proposed regulation as to cubic foot content in certain use .districts and 9-.3=39 tabulation ofd iez 18 25L -He ariw1d ws-to charrge-in Use _l iatriot-s_ofoertain blorAs on Biscayne Point- tabulation of replies from property owners -9-13==39 16 257 Hearing held as to change in Area Regu- ]gtion of Altos -De-1--Mar 43 pro -pert -ant-abulat i on of rent i e s 9-13 39 18 259 Above 3 hearings continued 9-13-39 1g 259 ZONING 107 Book Page Hearing _held as to change in Area Regu- lations for San Marino Di Lido and RivO Alto Islands and- tabuiation of replies received .rioih property owners 9-13-39 18 260 --COunci-1 agree to -changing area regulation on above 3 islands to provide for 30 -foot setback on waterfront lots . 9-13-39 18 261-7 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.providing for 30 -foot setback on waterfront -lots ---off -Riv-o.-Alto,_San Marino & Di Lido 9-13-39 18 261 Altos Del Mar #3 zoning discussed 2 9-20-39 ZONING 108 Book Page 3rd Reading Ord, #561 _ mend1ng Zonin�_- ordinance' to provide /'vr 3 -setback -of water#- -t--iota en ido - & San Marino Idle. 9/20/39 lg 274_ Atty.C.M.Moon & others urge passage of ord nance to require certain oubtc -foo-t—cante.n.t_in--RC-,RD- s 3E Districts 1st and 2nd Reading of Ordinance on tubi roo requirementror above use --districts 10/4/39 18 --- 294 -- 1st & 2nd readings Ord. amending tonin g Ord, by changing setback on -certain-lots on - ivo—Alto--1G/5/ 39 16- - 3-14 -- ZONTNa 109 Book Page Samuel Haber objects to any change -in zoning winch would regulate cubic foot---Eo-rpt-ent o -r Altos Del Mar District 10/5/39 18 322 Request presented for change in zoning regulation on Lenox Manor Blk.121 & E£ of 122 10/18/59 18 323 #4 Ord.63 given final readingestablish- -in st b ish- -in-g-�of foot -oont-content-r ieme-nt Ter RC and RD districts 10/15/39 18 326 Ord.#561+ given final reading changing use regulation on Blks-.1, 3, 6, 7 & 10, 1� 326 $-i r-re1,,,.: 10-x.--39 ZONING 110 Book Page 3rd. Reading Ord.#565 changin set- back regulation ozr certai n l is o n Also Alto Island_ 10-30_39 € 345 Res.#4702 calling hearing on proposed -zoning change for- BIks .3 -and-26,--# Fisher'a 1st subdn.- 11-1-39 18 349 -Request-Berri-ed for -zoning change in Lenox Manor 8ubdiviaian 11/15/39 18 .376 1st & 2nd. readings Ord. amending Zoning Ord. re Docks ,wharves,dolphinstete. Ree447 3-e-alling hearine11/36-39- - 1g 383 on aboQe DropQaal- 11/1 /39 18 3.8 ZONING 111 Book Page Petition seeking change in zoning use regulation ---on Lincoln Road prop- erty from Washington_Ave.to__Qoean 11/16/39 ' 18 38 _Atty. Btegeman advisedto_appeal to Zoning Board of Adj.on request for pe wit-ta make-structural-changes _l1.ing station at 12thwd Collins 11/16/39 18 392 Petition from L.B.Bouthern & wife making--mange-i-rr-zoning for Lot 1,Blk. 43,Alton Beach Bad Front 11/17/39 18 394 ZONING 112 Book Page _Hearing held on proposed change in Use District for Blks.3 & 26, -Ftsherl-s lst Stib-dn of` Alton Beach 12-6-39 Sit 400 lst reading of Ordinance on above Zning change (motion to read second - time by- title only letten—rail—call) 12-6-39 lg 401 Res.#4 34 calling hearing on proposed change in use distriote for both east and - west end of Linooln Rd. -32 6/39 'iS 401 Hearing hel-d--and- Ord. &569 amending Paras Ig 411 O,Item 1 of Ord. 2g9 passed 3rd reading 12/6/39 ZONING 113 Book Page Geo.Jacobs asks for zoning change for Block 36, Normandy Isle 12/13/39 18 415 - Rea.#4737 rescinding that portion of Res. No.4734 calling a hearing on change in Use District of West end of-A-inco-ln_ Rd. 12/13/39 i$ 416 Res. #4739 calling hearing -on change in Use Distrix for Collins Ave._ _fr_om. 3rd St.to Biscayne St. 12/20/39 1£ 421 Atty.Boyer again asks .fOr_a.mendment to 1n.Ord.to pp2rmit W n he tic Solven -� � uni x in ' Dist.- 12/20 ZONING 11k1 - Book Page M,Earl BauI,asks for Zoning amend - for Lots 1,2 & 3, B1k.53,Orchard No.2 and 3 X2/20/39- 18 427 Petition filed by L.E.Scuthern seek- ing change in zoning Use Dist.for w sterl end of Lincoln Road 12/28/39 18 429 HEARING HELD ON proposed -_Change in Zoning for Easterly end of Lincoln Road 1/3/40 18 430_ Change in Use dist.f or Blk.s3 & 26, -Fisher#_e--1st Bub-. o -f` on- Be h --- a ain requested 1/3/4— +0 1g 4317. 2 Above proposed zoning chnges to be oons.idere& on _Ma_rceh 4_10_40 0 1/3/_40__—_1Fi--- 431_ 'ZONING 115 Book Page Motion to amend Zoning Ordinance to permit use of synthetic solvent cleaning__units in -"BB" Districts lost on roll call 1/3/40 18 432 _.._Clerk._ins trusted_ to___ia sue lawyer's license to R.S.McDavid at 1622 Mich. Ave. — 1/3/40 18 433 —Tsteagngs of Ordi. amending Pe a.1 of Sqo jf rd. o. 9 and—id-Hid 5A, (20) Professional o 'ices Res._ 713 calling hearing__on above_ proposed zoning amendments 1/3/40 18 434 ZONING Ides.#4745 calling hearing on to change use classification 11,12 & 12 of 41stSt,Block 116 Book Page proposal of Lots 10, 1/3/40 18 437 ZONING 116A Book Page Hearing continued on proposal to change Use Dist. of Collins Ave. from Biscayne to 3rd St. 1/17/40 18 441 -Nb act-fon-taken on Geo.Jacobs request ---for-Zoning-amendment 2/7/40- 18 453 Zoning hearings called for 2/7/40-con- tinued until 2/8/40 2/7/40_ 18 461 Final Reading Ord.#572 amending ordi- nance with reference to "Professions" 2/8/4G 18 —'9- let & 2nd readings Ord.changing Use -Mrstridt-of 41st Bt-:Block Bub.2711/40E--1:8---470 • ZONING Hearings continued on propc-ed zoiitng-ohange-r-for East end of Lin- _Icoln_ R�.& 1ks. 3_ and 26, Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton Beach 3/6/40 19 117 Hook Page Res.#i O cad,ling bearing as to proposed change in zoning of west e- nd of Lincoln Rd.for-Apr; ---3/6/40 19 1 Request made for change in zoning - alaseification on Block 3,2nd 8cman meront dhcii vielnn 3/6/40 19 2 44 44793 calla hearin e d° on ro- P H calling fbry O 7tin etrrp �9 ZONING 118 Book Page Res.#4794 ealling_hearing for consider- ation of zoning change on east side of Wash.Ave. south of Lincoln Rd. 3/6/x+0 19 3 Res. #4795 calling hearing for considera- -tton of zoning -change on west side of __Washington Ave for Apr_154- 3/6/40._19 Request for Zoning change on LoE $, Blk.35,Golf ourse,referred to oning Board 3/6/40 19 5 i,. _ _ b :: . . • . . ■ ] . Z. on property north of Lincoln Rd.referred to Z ping Board 3/6/1.0 19 5 ZONING 119 Book Page Request for Zoning change in Blk.36, Isle of Normandy referred to Zoning Board 3/6/40 19 5 City Attorney instructed to prepare ordinance to provide for synthetic drycleaning in BB Districts 3/6/40 18 5 Final Reading Ord.#573 amending Zoning Ordinance with reference to Use Dis- trict of Lots 10,11,12 & 12A,41st St. B1� 3/6/40 19 5 ZONING 120 Book Page Zoning hearing held on proposed change in Zoning for Easterly end of Lincoln Road - no final action taken March 18,1940 19 21 & 22 Zoning hearing held on proposed re- zoning of Blocks 3 & 26,Fisherls let Sub. ® no final action taken March 18, 1940 19 23 Ordinance presented and read on proposal to amend Zoning Ordinance to permit use of Synthetic Dry Cleaning (no action) 3/20/40 19 24 ZONING 121 Book Page T.J.Ellis and A.H.Tenney request Zoning change for Normandy Beach South — no action taken 3/20/40 19 24 Execution of agreement with Harland Bartholomew & Associates for Zoning Survey approved and appropriations made for .Cityi.s portion of work 3/24/40, 19 45 Res. #4823 agreeing to make no final decisions in Zoning changes until Bartholomew report is filed 3/28/40 19 45 ZONING 122 Book Page Zoning hearing held on proposed re- zoning of 105 ®foot strip in old Polo Field - M.B.Bayshore Co.withdraw re- quest and matter closed 4/1/40 19 50 Zoning hearing held on proposed re- zoning of East side of wash.Ave. south of Lincoln Road 4/1/40 19 50 (No action taken) Judge Thompson urges Council to take action on Blks,3 & 26,Fisher,s 1st Sub -Council advises no action on any zoning until Bartholomew report is filed 4-3-40 19 52 ZONING' 123 Book Page Hearing held on proposed change in zoning for West side of Washington ine s s classification 4-8-40 19 68 to 71 H earing held .on proposed zoning change — for- :test end-o--Ll-nc-aln Road from Alton Rd.to Bay 4/8/40 19 71 & 72 Pr-eliminary__reading given_ Ordinanoe providing for use of Non -Explosive dry cleaning units in 'B81 Dist. - �6 -April 17 19 ZONING 4 requests made for Zo in changes - no action/17/40 124 Book Page 19 87 City Atty.instructed to bring injunction suit against Philbrick Funeral -Home for -operating business in residential district May 1,1940 19 88 Form of ordinanceplacing boat_- concessions in "BA" District read - no action taken May 1, 1940 19 88 1st & 2nd readings-Ord:-ciassi.f$ing Boats,Charter and for rent under "BA" 5/23/40 19 130