Zoning_July to August 1947ZONING Risher's 1st Sub. in RE and BAA (Res. #63+3) 7/11/47 25 268 Zoning hearing on proposal to place both sides of 71st St. from Collins to Indian Creek in BAA 8/6/47 25 309 Ordinance passed first and second readings plac- ing both sides of 71st Street in BAA District 8/6/47 25 309 Zoning hearing re. class- fying ocean frontage in .C.a&t.e l j QuA,.. 81619-p 225 Book Page 25 3to ZONING Ordinance passed 1st and 2nd readings classifying zoning in ocean frontage in Fisher's 1st 8/6/47 25 310 Zoning hearing conducted on proposal to permit cabarets in 100 room hotels 8/6/47 25 314 226 Book Page Council votes to defer hearing until August 20 8/6/47 25 316 Chamber of Commerce calls attention to violations of zoning ordinance 8/6/47 25 322 ZONING 227 Book Page Albert L. Kahn asks Council to amend zoning ordinance to permit bowling alleys in BB Districts and it is refer- red to Zoning Board 8/6/47 25 322 Council votes to deny request for zoning amendment to permit Cabarets in 100 -room hotels 8/20/1+7 25 326 3rd reading Ord. #812, placing both sides 71st St. from Collins to Indian Creek in BAA District 8/20/1+7 25 328 228 Book Page Ord. classifying zoning in ocean frontage in Fisher's 1st Sub. is amended before 3rd reading so as to fix the bulkhead line 8/20/47 25 329 3rd reading Ord. #813, classifying zoning on Fisher's 1st Sub. and fixing bulkhead line 8/2O/47 25 330 Ben Cohen's request for setback change on Lots 36 & 37, Blk. 3, 2nd Ocean Front is referred to Mr. Renshaw 9/19/47 25 386 ZONING 229 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #$19 classifying zoning on Biscayne Beach Sub. 10/1/47 25 407 Members of Chamber of Commerce Zoning Committee protest use of residences in single-family and estate districts for rooming houses 10/1/+7 25 414 No action taken on Ben Cohen's request for setback change for Lots 36 & 37, Blk. 3, 2nd O. F. 10/1/+7 25 417 ZONING 230 Book Page Res. #6407 adopted, calling zoning hearing to consider permitting Parking Areas in residential districts within 350 feet of a business district 10/15/47 25 428 Zoning hearing conducted on proposal to permit municipal parking areas in residential districts within 350 feet of a business district - action deferred until next meeting 1M/4/47 25 445 ZONING 231 Book Page Request that Lot 2 & N. 112.9' Lot 3, Blk. 43, Bay Front be changed to RE referred to Zoning Board 11/5/47 25 460 Request that Lots 1-8, Blk. 47, OB #3, be changed to BAA referred to Zoning Board 11/5/47 25 460 Petition that Meridian Ave. from Lincoln Lane to 17th St. be changed to BAA referred to Z.B.A. 11/5/47 25 460 ZONING 232 Book Page Request that Lot 30, Bik. 38, Isle Normandy, be changed to BA is referred to ZBA 11/5/47 25 460 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance amending Zoning ordinance so as to permit parking areas in resi- dential districts within 350 feet of business Dist. 11/19/47 25 466 Leo Swarts objects 11/19/47 25 467 ZONING 233 Book Page Sadie Mannheimer's request that Lot 8 less W. 75 ft. be rezoned for business is referred to Zoning Board 11/19/47 25 480 Petition that Meridian Ave. north of Lincoln Road be changed to RE is referred to Zoning Board of Adjustment 11/19/47 25 485 Zoning Board recommends that request that Lot 30, Blk. 38 Isle of Normandy be changed to BA be denied - Council accepts recommendation 11/19/47 25 485 ZONING 234 Book Page Zoning Board recommends that petition be denied to change zoning on Lots 1-8, Blk. 47, OB #3 to BAA - Council accepts recommendation 11/19/47 25 486 Zoning Board recommends classification of zoning on Biscayne Beach 3rd Addition 11/19/47 25 486 City Attorney instructed to prepare Resolution calling zoning hearing on Biscayne Beach 3rd Addition 11/19/47 25 486 ZoN±NG 235 Book Page Jackie Samuels' request for rezoning to BC south side of 20th St. is referred to Zoning Board 12/4/47 26 1 Walter Kovner asks for amendment to ordinance up for 3rd reading, re. parking areas in resi- dential districts 12/4/47 26 4 taken under advisement ZONING Res. #6426 calling zoning hearing for purpose of classifying Biscayne Beach 3rd Addition Res. #6430' calling zon- ing hearing in re. fixing building line between the Bath Club and the Deauville Hotel as it now exists 236 Book Page 12/4/47 26 14 12/10/47 26 22 ZONING 237 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #829 amending Zoning Ordinance so as to permit municipal parking areas in residenti- al districts within 350 ft. of a business district 12/10/47 26 24 Zoning hearing conducted and ordinances passed first reading: (1) Classifying Biscayne Beach 3rd Add'n; (2) Fixing building line from Deauville Hotel to BatOh Club 1/7/48 26 40-41 ZONING 239 Book Page Request that portion of Lots 1+, 5 & 6, Block 54, Fisher's 1st Sub. (occupied by airline terminal) be rezoned to BAAA is referred to Zoning Board 1/7/48 26 54 Zoning Board recommends that petition that Lot 26, Block 2, Nursery, be changed to RE be denied - Council accepts 1/7/48 26 59 Zoning Board recommends that ordinance be amended to pro- hibit operation of U-DRIV-IT ZONING Res. #6435, calling zoning hearing re. fixing building line from 22nd St. to 33rd St. (on ocean front) 238 Book Page 1/7/48 26 41 Council is advised that zoning suit has been filed on property south of the Bath Club 1/7/48 26 53 Res. #6442 authorizing employment of W. G. Ward to represent City in above zoning suit 1/7/48 26 53 ZONING 240 Book Page Businesses from vacant lots 1/7/48 26 59 Res. #6446, calling zoning hearing re. proposal to prohibit U-DRIV-IT businesses operating from vacant lots 1/7/+8 26 59 Zoning Board recommends that ordinance be amended so as to permit bowling alleys in BB Districts 1/7/48 26 60 Res. #64+47, calling zoning hearing re. proposal to permit bowling alleys in BB districts 1/7/i8 26 61 ZONING 241 Book Page Zoning Board recommends that petition for rezoning of Lots 1 to 18, Blk. 52, OB #3 to BC District be denied 1/7/48 26 62 Council refers the above petition back to the Zoning Board for further considera- tion 1/7/3+8 26 62 Council refers petition for rezoning of Lot 26 Blk. 2, Nursery, back to Zoning Board 1/13+/3+8 26 97 ZONING 242 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #833 classifying zoning on Biscayne Beach 3rd Add'n. 1/21/48 26 131 3rd reading Ord. #834 fixing building line between the Bath Club and the Deauville Hotel 1/21/48 26 131 Zoning hearing conducted on following proposals: 1. Changing building line from 22nd to 33rd Sts.; 2. Permitting bowling alleys in BB District; ZONING 2+3 Book Page 3. Prohibiting operation U-Driv-It businesses from vacant lots lst reading of ordinance fixing building line from 22nd St. to 33rd Street 1st reading of ordinance permitting bowling alleys in BB Districts of 1/28/48 26 156-7 1/28/4$ 26 157 1/28/+8 26 157 lst reading of ordinance prohibiting operation of U- 1128148 Driv-It businesses from vacant lots Z6 157 ZONING 244 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #841, fixing building line from 22nd St. to 33rd St. on ocean front 2/4/48 26 170 3rd reading Ord. #8 .',f permitting bowling alleys in BB Districts 2/4/48 26 174 3rd reading Ord. #843 prohibiting operation of U-Driv-It businesses from vacant lots 2/4/48 26 175 ZONING 245 Book Page Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that petition that Meridian Ave. north of Lincoln Road be rezoned to "RE" be denied 2/18/48 26 205 Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that the request that Lot 8 less W. 75', Blk. 35, O.B.#3, be rezoned to a Business Classification be denied 2/18/48 26 206 ZONING Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that a portion of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Blk. 54, Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton Beach (airlines terminal) be rezoned to BAAA District 2/18/48 26 206 Res. #6531, calling zoning hearing to consider placing portion of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk. 54, Fisher's 1st (air- lines terminal) in BAAA District 2/18/48 26 207 246 Book Page ZONING 247 Book Page Morton Russack objects to violation of zoning ordinance by operation of rooming houses in Single-family districts 2/18/48 26 225 Zoning hearing is conducted on proposal to place portion of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 54, Fisher's 1st Sub. (trans- portation building) in BAAA District 3/17/48 26 256 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance placing portion of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Bik. 54, ZONING 248 Book Page Fisher's 1st (air lines building) in BAAA District 3/17/48 26 256 3rd reading Ord. #848, placing portion • f. is 4, 5 & 6, Blk. 549 a Y'lines building) in BAAA District 4/7/48 26 280 Request that Lots 11, 12 & 13, Blk. 1, Ocean Beach be rezoned to BC District is referred to Zoning Board 4/7/48 26 281 ZONING 249 Book Page Zoning Board of Adjustment's recommendation on 3 zoning petitions is presented and hearing called, as follows: 1. To place west end of Lincoln Road in BAA 2. To place portions of Blks. 43 atad 44, Bay Front, in RE District 3. To place Lots 4 to 17, B1k. 41, Belleview, in RE (See Res. #6555) 4/7/48 26 288