Zoning_July 1949ZONING 275
Book Page
Julius Perm tterrs request for
permit to construct automobile
stora#e isammix building on
Collins Ave. between 38 and 39
Sts. referred to Zoning Board 7/7/49 28 250
James Marquais request that
laundries limited to use of
20 lb. washers be permitted
in BB districts is referred
to Zoning Board 7/20/49 28 252
Res. #6969 calling hearing to
consider rezoning Lots 3 — 8,
Bik. 35, Golf Course, to
comply with court decree 7/20/49 28 263
Book Page
Res. #6977 calling hearing to
consider changing setback require-
ments on Indian Creek Drive 7/27/49 28 280
Res. #6979, calling zoning
hearing re. reclassifying Lots
1-6, Bik. 7, Ocean Front Prop. 8/3/49 28 299
in BA, and re. reclassifying
property in Geo. Mussettis
Resub. in BC
Request for permission to use
Lot 9, Blk 7, Mid Golf, for
medical office referred to
Zoning Board
8/3/49 28 320
Book Page
Ordinance #894 adopted, charging
setback on Indian Creek Drive 8/4/49 28 321
Request of Mrs. Frances
Joseph to change zoning
classification of Blocks
1 and 2 Mid Golf Sub.
from RC Estate District
to RDD Modified Single-
family District, referred
to Zoning Board 8/17/49 28 341
Hearing Bonrezozing
Lots Golf ,ou'rBse Sub held 8/17/49 28 341
Book Page
Request of Victoria Corp.
to rezone Lots 9 and 10,
Blk 4. Ocean Beach Sub.
from BB to BC to permit
operation of wholesale
bakery referred to
Zoning Board
1st reading ordinance
reclassifying property
Lots 3 to 8, incl.
Bik. 35 X Golf Course
Sub. "BAAA" Business
District, given.
8/17/49 28 341
8/17/49 28 342
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings
given ordinance
changing depth of yard
requirements and setback
requirements on west side
Indian Cr. Dr. from 63rd St.
to 71st Street 8/17/49 28 343
Request of Clara Drexel
to rezone Lots 6 & 7�
Ni L.5, B1k 301 F.F.Sub.
Alton Beach to BAA
Business Classification
referred to Zoning Board 8/17/49 28 352
Petition of Shirley and
Sol Savader to rezone
Lot 9, Blk 33, Normandy
Waterway Sub. to RE
Multiple -family district
referred to Zoning Board 8/17/49 28 352
Request of Dave Alper to
rezone Lots 5 & 8, M. B.
Imp. Co. O. F. Property to
BA Business Classification
referred to Zoning Board 8/17/49 28 352
Book Page
Book Page
Request of Marie Seligman
to rezone Lots 73 & 74,
Blk. 17, Ocean Side Sec-
tion Isle of Normandy to
RE Multiple -family classi-
fication referred to Zoning
Board 8/17/49 28 352
Hearing held re. proposed
rezoning of Lots 1 - 6,
Block 7, Ocean Front,
Proposal taken under
advisement 8/22/49 28 356
Book Page
Hearing conducted on pro-
posal to rezone property
in Geo. Mussetts Resub
in BC. City Attorney
instructed to prepare
ordinance making change. 8/22/+9 28 357
1st and 2nd readings
given ordinance placing
Lots 7 & 8 of Reaub of
Lots 9 - 12, Block 99,
OB#3 in BC Business
District and in Area
District No. 19. 8/22/49 28 361
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings
given ordinance to
place Lots 7 & 8, Resub
of Geo. Mussett's in
BC Business District 8/22/49 28 361
Council defers action
on Mintzer zoning
change (lots 1-6
Blk 7, Ocean Front) 9/7/49 28 365
Book Page
Res. #6993, calling
zoning hearing to change
area district of property
east of Miami Beach Drive
to new bulkhead line -
from 24th to 29th Streets
and to define term "domestic
type" dryers as used in
Zoning Ordinance 9/7/49 28 375
3rd reading Ord. 895,
providing setbacks
Indian Creek Drive 9/7/49 28 378
Book Page
Ord. #896 given third
reading - placing
Lots 3 - 8, incl.
Blk 35, Golf Course
Sub in BAAA & Area
District #19 9/7/49 28 379
Ord. #897 given third
reading - placing
lots 7 & 8, Resub of
Geo. Mussetts of Lots
7 - 12, Blk 99, OB#3
in BC & A.D. #19 9/7/49 28 380
Book . Page
Request for variance permit
to operate retail bakery
at 7421 Collins Avenue is
referred to Zoning Board 9/7/49 28 391
Councilman Powell favors
creation of separate
Zoning Enforcement
Division 9/7/49 28 391
Petition to rezone s/w
corner 41st St. & Collins
to BA referred to Zoning
Board. (objections also
filed) 9/7/49 28 391
J. J. Perlmutter requests
rezoning in 38th -39th St.
Area - Referred to Zoning
Board 9/7/49
Book Page
City Attorney to prepare
resolution calling zoning
hearing re. request of
James Marqua to permit use
of 20 lb washers in BB
9/21/49 28 404
Report of Zoning Board re.
Bakeries read 9/21/49 28 404
Book Page
Res. #7007 passed,
caling zoning hearing
Re definition of
Pressing Club and to
permit bakeries in BA
Business District 9/21/49 28 406
Zoning Board recom-
mendation re. petition
to change classifica-
tion of Lots 4 & 5, Blk.
52, OB#3 presented and
filed 9/21/49 28 430
Book Pag4
Zoning Board recommendation
re. petition to change
classification of Lot
19, Blk 529 OB#3 presented
and filed 9/21/49 28 430
Martin Genet objects to
recommendation to refer
request re. Lots 4 & 5
Blk 52 to Planning Board 9/21/49 28 430
Motion to call zoning
hearing t o consider re -
z ingg s s of 1st Street 28 4
ails 9/21/49 30
Book Page
Hearing conducted re.
Area Dist. - 24th St.
to 29th St. and piosed
use of 32 pound dryers
in Self service laundries 9/21/49 28 437
City Attorney to prepare
resolutinn-:calling zoning
hearing to permit doctors
to practice medicine in their
homes 10/5/49 28 447
Book Page
City Attorney to prepare reso-
lution calling zoning hearing
re. changing zoning classifi-
cation on Lots 1, 2 and 3,
Blk 1; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk
10 and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk
11, Altos del Mar #2 to RE
Multiple -Family 10/5/49 28 448
City Attorney to prepare
resolution calling hearing
re. changing Blocks 1 & 2
Mid Golf to RDD and Lots 5 &
Blk 10. OF to BA on
10/26/49 10/5/49 28 456
Book Page
Res. 47028, passed calling
zoning hearing to consider
4 requests made earlier
in meeting 10/5/49 28 458
Request to rezone
Lots 71 & 72, Blk 17
OS Sec Isle of Normandy
to RE referred to Zoning
Board 10/5/49 28 459
Zoning Board recommends
request to change zoning
on e/s Meridian Ave from
Book Page
17th St. to Dade Blvd.
and w/s from Lincoln Lane
to Dade nlvd. be denied. 10/5/49 28 459
Zoning Board recommends
request to permit
multple-story parking
garages in RE be held,--lu
abeyance and referred to
Planning Board, when
1o/5/49 28 46o
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings given
Ordinance changing area
district e/s Miami Beach
Drive from 24th to 29th
Streets 10/5/49 28 463
1st & 2nd readings given
ordinance relative to dryers
in self-service laundries 10/5/49 28 46V
Hearing conducted re.
proposal p 'emit use of
20 lb drt,44'- in wolf—
gammipme laundries
Proposal taken under
Hearing conducted re.
allowing bakeries in
BA Districts
City Attorney instructed
to prepare ordinance
making change re. bakeries
Book Page
10/19/49 28 476
10/19/49 28 477
10/19/49 28 477
28 477
Book Page
Ordinance changing
area district east of
Miami Beach Drive between
24 and 29 Sts. fails of
adoption on third
reading (5/7 vote
required) 10/19/49 28 483
3rd reading Ord. #902
permitting use of 32
pound dryers in self
service laundries 10/19/49 28 483
Book Page
Request of Leo Solomon
for variance permit to
operate pressing club at
916 Everglades Conc. re-
ferred to Zoning Board for
recommendations 10/19/49 28 489
lst and 2nd readings -
zoning amendment placing
property extending from
24th St. to 29th St. be-
tween Miami Beach Drive
and new bulkhead line in
Area District No. 1 10/26/49 29 1
Book Page
Hearing conducted proposal
to permit medical doctors
to practice in homes anywhere
in City 10/26/49 29 2
Council denies request
to permit medical doctors
to practice in homes 10/26/49 29 3
Hearing conducted - proposal
to change Use Classification
of Blocks 1 & 2, Mid Golf Sub.
from RCC to RDD 10/26/49 29 5
Book Page
Council denies request to
change Use Classification
of Blocks 1 & 2, Mid Golf
Sub. to RDD 10/26/49 29 6
Hearing conducted - proposal
to rezone Lots 5 & 3, Blk 10
Ocean Front Property to BA
Business District - Council
defers action until next
meeting 10/26/49 29 6