Zoning_June to October 1940ZONING
Book Page
3rd Aeadi ng Ord. #579 classifying busi-
ness of boats, chartr, liveryy/anfor 141
rent under BA District
Conference held with Harland
Bartholomew on his zoning recome
mendations 8-8-4o 19 232
1st & 2nd readings Ord®amending Zon.
ord.to permit extension of docks into
Biscayne Bay a distance of 125" in RE
districts 10/2/40 19 312
Res.#4999 caning hearing on above
proposea zon.amendment 10/2/40 19 313
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings of Ord.a.mend-
ing Zoning Ord. by placing auction
sales in C1}- H1 -13 r ct- IO 16-40 19 352
Res. #O3OA calling hearing on above
--pro-posed---zoning- amendttent 10/16A0 19 352
Hearing held and Ord.#584 passed final
reading amending Zoning Ord. with refer-
ence to Docks,Dolphins,cetc.extending
into Biscayne Bay 11/6/40 19 384
Hearing held as to amendment to Zoning
Ordinance by placing auction sales in
BC Bistrict_ - no_._action _11/6/40 19 385
Book Page
Lincoln Tower Corp -request
zoning change for Lots 2 and
Blk.53,Pine-Ridge Subdn.
11-6-40 19 j591i
Ord.#586 given final reading amend-
ing Zoning Ordinance by placing
business of , "Aue-tt=on-&a=es in "BC" -
Dist. 11-13-40 19 40.6
W. B. Burch requests zoning change
Lots on eb1Tins Ave.between 82nd
—an -d -87th -- 12/9/40 19 460
Dr.Jos. Adams asks for zoning change
on Belle -Isle property 12/11/40 19 X62
Book Page
Lear School request change in zon-
ing for property in B1k'..80,Alton
-Beach-Bay Front Subdn. to permit --
operation of private school 12/11/40 19 462
Townsend,Rudolph - again asks for
change in zoning on his Lots 7 & 8,
• ,-•-•
consider it with Bartholomew report)
1/22/41 20 18
asks for change in
Lippow, has. Mrs.
OS do
Golf ourse Sub.
26%41 Blk. 20 85
Book Page
No action taken on rezoning of
property south of Vg etian Way
— delle lsl� 2/26/4 on 87
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephl request
for their Lo t 10,
B1k.41.Be11e View Subdn. 3/5/41
20 87
—1st -& 2nd reading s --Ord. changing use
regulation on Blks.3 & 26,Fisherrs
First Subdn. of Alton Beach 3/5/41 20 87
Ben 'avid asks for4-ming change on his
lots 13 & 14, Blk. Norma. dy B.earh
South 3/5/41 20 111
Book Page
Resolution No. 5181 calling hearing as
to change in—Lot-100 Block
View Subdivision 3/19/41 20 112 -
No action taken on request of- Mrs.
Ida K. Lear for permission to operate
her private school at West Avenue and
lOth Street 3/19/41
20 113-
Third_anc1 Final Reading or Ordinance
No. 594 changing use regualtions of
Blocks 3 and 26, Fish r�First Sub. 20 115
of Alton Beach 1
9 j
First and Second Headings of ordinance
to consid r ch_
Nautilus Lxtensions 3rd and 'th3 19 1 20 115
Resolution No. 5182 calling hearing
to coc sIcer amendment to Zoni g---
dinance re: Nautilus Exten- ons Third
a nd7-fottrt i .
Book Pg.
First and second readin•s of Ordinance
to change use and area regulations of
certain properties on La Gorse Island. 20 116
Resolution No. 5183 calling hearing to
-..-nt to Zoning Ordinance
re: certain properties on La.Gorce Island
3/19/41 20 116
Mr -a. Cha:-+ippon aga -n --ask --for- Zoning
change for her Lot 2, Bik. 36, Golf
Course 4/2/41 20 152
Hearing held on proposal to rezone
Lot 10 53k. *1 -10/322e/4 iew 4ne - --20 -15
3rd Reading Ordinance No. 596 changing
---zoning ofoarea
��.re-ulations o-onNautilus
_Ext. 3rd an i j{Ih_ 4/16/41 20 159
3rd. and final reading Ordinance No.
597 changing use & area olassifi-
—eation on certain -property -on La
Gorce Island 4/16/41 20 160
_-_ 3rd reading of Ordinance -No. 59g Chang-
ing name of Pine Tree Drive on La Gorse
Island to Pine Tree Lane 4/16/41 - 20 173
Book Page
Hook Page
Reports from Harland Bartholomew
filed 4/23/41 20 182
Copies of above reports be on file
in City HalI—for publics inspection
-- -A/23/41
Request made for Zonin change on Lots
7, ,9&10, Less north 5 feet of Lot 7,
Block 80 Alton Beach ay Front, to
permit the operation of Lear School
Aat venue 5/7/41
of LO h5/7/41t t & est 20 19$
let & 2nd readings of Ordinance providing
for above requesi,aa zoning amendment2C -_196--
20 __ 182_.
Resolution No. 5236 calling a hearing
_ab _ . ._.ove (see card -#I531 -proposed
--amendment in Zoning 5/7/41
No_action taken by Council on
request to change Zoning on Lots
-1 to 5, inclusive, Block "CR -being
resub. Blocks t, 56 . & 75,524. No. 3.1_ 20 24O
'Hearing herd with reference to
Changing coning on---Lot&-77 8, 9--and--10,---- -
less North 501 of Lek.7_ 1k.80fAlton
Beach ay ron u dn. 6/11/41 20
to Objections filed -an -d ---matter- r-efer-re-d
Book Page
as to
20 198
Zoning Board of Adjustment 6/11/41 20 274
Councilman Wolfson advises his
stand on the Lincoln Roll/Zoning.
1st and 2nd reading Qrdinance
amending Sub -section (9) of S ction
15 of Ordl No. 289 6/12/41
Resolution No. 5281 calling hearing
as to above proposed amendment to
Zoning Ordinance 6/12/41
Third & Final reading of Ord. #601,
Amending Liquor Zoning Ord.#402 re;
Wholesale Vendors 7/2/41
20 275
20 282
20 282
20 318
3rd & Final reading of Ord. # 602
amending Sub -section 9 of Section 15
of Zoning Ord. # 289. 7/2/41 20 320
Book' Page
Ordinance read 1st and 2nd readings
to Provide zoning for any properties
constructed on bay bottom lands and in
the event of any future const.in bay
7/16/41 20 365
Res.#5328 calling a hearing as to
proposed amendment to Zoning Ordi.
in re: Bay Bottom lands 7/16/41 20 365
Book Pae.
Mrs. Louise Osius again asks for
--change—In—zoning on her property
at Lincoln_Rd.&_Washington Ave,
8/6/41 20 374
B.H. London objects to QrcL.#6.602_
amending Zoning Ord. 8/6/41 20 374
Committee appointed to consider amend-
ing Ord. #602 (August Geiger, Albert
Anis--and V.W.Sills) $/6/41 20 3'7-4-
,ear School—again seehange in zoning
to permit operation o er school at
—I0th St. & West Ave. 8/6/41 20-- 394--
Book Page
Request for a change in use district
folt-Biock-119, Lenox -Manor Subdn.
referred to40.,ning_Board of Adjust.
8/6/41 20 376
_City AttyInBtructed to prepare
amendment to zoning ord. to provide
he i ght-hedge-S- Tilartve-Ed lowecl-togrow
20 376
A.S.Curtis request for zoning change
at S.M76-cirner Merl -Man and -5th St.
---referre-dt-e-Zoning-Bdf Adjust.
20 376
Book Page
Report of committee appointed to
make recommendations on building
line & setbacks forresidential bldgs.
in business Districts 8/6/41 20 376
Council agree that :compromise ad-
justment on setback of proposed bldg.
on Lots 19 and 20,B1k.39,Commercial
Subdn.will be acceptable 8/6/41 20 388
Lear School matter considered and
discussion closed (no act ion)8/8/4. 20 399
1st & 2nd readings Ord.amending rd.
602 as to setback of comm.bldgs. in
residential sections 8/8/41 20 400
Book Page
Res.#5341 calling hearing as to passage
of amendment to Ord.#602 providing set-
back regulation for commercial buildings
in residential districts 8/8/41 20 400
1st and 2nd readings of Ord.amend-
ing Zoning Ord. relating to walls and
hedges 8/8/41 20 402
Res.#5342 calling hearing as to
above amendment as to walls and
hedges 8/8/41 20 402
Melvin hichard - complains of hotels
leasing out their cabanas commercially
10-2-41 20 426
Book Page
Final Reading of Ord.No.606 amending
Zoning Ord. providing all land or
premises not shown within the boundaries
of the City of Miami Beach and which
shall be annexed to Miami Beach,shall
be classified in "RE" Dist. 10/2/41 20 438
Ord.#607 - passed final reading prescrib-
ing height that hedges may be permitted
to grow 10/4/41 20 463
Request of International Fine Arts,Inc.
for zoning change on Lots 11 and 12,B1k.
45, Alton Beach -referred to Zoning Bd.
10/15/41 20 465
Book Page
Ord.#610 amending zoning ordinance
as to Sub -Section 9 of Section 15
(setback--of bldgs.in-residential
districts but used commercially)
10/15/41 20 497
Hotels in Re operating commercially
complained of by Atty.Richard 10/22/41 21 3
City Attorney instructed to prepare
amendment to Zoning Ord. to require
more sq. footage for single family
residences. 11/10/41 21 29
Rudbaph Townsend asks Council to
.change zoning on Washingtonve
between 6th and 7th Sts. 12/17/41 __21._-____100
Book Page
Mr. Hice recommended amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to permit
construction of frame caloarlas
on ocean front. 12/17/41 21 101
3rd reading of Ord. #625 amending
Zoning Ord. No. 289 as to Service
and Filling Stations. 12/17/41 21 '114
Proposed ordinance to permit opera-
tion of Dining Rooms Barber and
Beauty Shops in Hotels of more than
fifty and less than 100 rooms given
1st reading - No 2nd real3,2ng%42 21 152
1st, 2nd and 3rd readings
amending Zoning Ordinance
sales, permitting same in
BG and BB south of 8th St.
Book Page
as to auction
2/18/42 21 201
lst and 2nd readings Ord.amending
Zoning Ordinance as to use of certain
properties by the Army which are now
operating under a non -conforming use
4/28/42 21 298
Res.#5526 calling hearing as to above
Ordinance amendment 4/28/42 21 298
3rd reading Ord.No.655 as to non-
conforming use by Army 5/20/42 21 322
Book Page
Petition filed by property owners as
to use of private residences for church
services 6/3/42 21 337
Petition on behalf of Estate of Dr.Adams
on Belle Isle presented seeking change
in zoning in order that Episcopal church
could use this house for church - Objec-
tions filed by property owners - Council
refuse to change zoning 6/3/42 21
Appeal to Supreme Court authorized on
Roney Zoning case 6/3/42 21 343
Petition from Estate of Joseph Adams
for zoning change referred to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 7/1/-1-2
Book Page
21 355
Copeland-Atty.Ed - reports on decision
of courts on Ritzland Corp. suit
10/21/42 21 438
Res. #5609 calling hearing as to change
in zoning of north side of Lincoln Rd.
from James to Collins Ave. and south side
of Lincoln Rd. from Washington to Collins
11/18/42 21 462
Book Page
Public hearing held on proposed
ordinance to change zoning of
north side of Lincoln Rd. (James
to Collins and south side from
Collins Ave. to Wash.Ave. 12/9/-2 21 476
Councilman Wolfson urges that
provision be made for alley
in rear of lots on Lincoln Road
proposed to be rezoned 12/9/42 21 477
City Attorney to draw up ordinance
covering proposed zoning amendment
for Lincoln Rd.(Wash.to Collins,etc)
12/9/42 21 477
Book Page
Harry Sirkin asks Council to include
N.E.corner of Lincoln Rd. and Collins
Ave. in proposed zoning change
1st reading Ord.changing Lincoln Rd.
zoning from Washington to Collins Ave.
on south side of street and north
side of street from James to Collins
Ave.,also 2nd reading 12/16/ 21 480
Councilman Levi explains why he Is not
in favor of above zoning change
12/16/4? 21 480
21 477
Book Page
Atty.J.P.Simmons asks Council to have
hearing for property owners on Belle
Isle to consider granting of temporary.
permit for use of Adams Estate by
Episcopal Church 12/16/42 21 482
Discussion with reference to granting
of above temporary permit 12/16/42 21 482
Councilman Wolfson urges Council to
re -consider this matter 12/16/42 21 482
Councilman Levi again states that waivers
should be obtained from other property
owners on Belle Isle 12/16/42 21 482