Zoning_March to September 1929ZONING • Book, Pie Committee appointed to study a, 59 Report of meet of Committees 3-20-29 9, 8$ - Election requested 5-22-29 9, ?Q Election urged by Realty Board 5-29-29 9, 219 Resolution 2016 ca11in7 election 6-19" 9, 243 Proof of Publishing, Notices 8-7-29 9, 281 Certificate of Clerk & Inspectors ° 9, 282 Resolution No. 2033 -Canvassing Returns 9, 283 Zoning Commission Appointed 9-J+-29 9, 310 4:QQ PM LON ING Geo. W. Simons employed as consultant Report of Commission 7-9-30 Hearing called for August 4th 7-9-30 Vote of Thanks to Commission 7-9-30 .Ordinance -Addenda re: Garbage 7,-16.30 Ordinance -Addenda re: Boat Houses " " Proof of Publishing Notice of Public Hearing 8-4-30 Objections, aoprovals & suggestions 8-4-30 BOOK, PA.Gr 9,445 10,198 10,199 10,199 10,202 10,203 10,209 10,209 to 216 ZONING Discussion on Boathouse Amendment Boathouse Amendment eliminated 8-5-30 No change on Ocean Drive 8-5-30 3:00 PM Discussion Changes in Discussion continued 8-6-30 Uses & Areas " continued Discussion continued First & Second Readings " Rescinded 3 Bou,pAGE 10,217 10, 217 10, 217 10, 220 10, 221 8-9-30 10, 222 8-11-30 10, 223 8-13-30 10, 230 8-20-30 10, 2I15 ZONING Pres. Levi's announcement re: Passage of Ordinance 4. BOOK, PAGE 8-27-30 10, 251 Porte Cochere Item eliminated 9-19-30 Heights of Walls regulated 9-19-30 Change in Fisher's First voted 9-19-30 Questionaire authorized 9-19-30 Public Hearing called for November 10th 10-1-30 Proof of publishing notice of Hearing 10, 273 10, 273 10, 273 10, 273 10, 283 10, 325 ZONING Objections, Approvals & Suggestions at Public Hearing 11-10-30 5. BOOK,PAGE 10,.33 Amendments to Ordinance 11-13-30 10,335 First Reading of Ordinance 11-19-30 10,339 Second Reading of Ordinance 11-19-30 10,352 Third Reading of Ordinance 12-3-30 10,380 Proof of Posting Ordinance No. 289 1-21-31" 452 Recommendation for two realtors on Board of Adjustment prescribed 1-21-31 10,456 ZOO. 6. BOOK, PAGE Petition of Ocean Drive Owners for "RE" from gth Street to 14th Lane 4°1-31 11, 1 Res. 2413 cal.ing hearing for change of Ocean Drive from 6th - 14th 4-15-31 1 14 Res, 2414 calling hearing for change of Block 1, Nursery Sub. to "RE" 4-15-31 11,. 15 Res. 2415 calling bearing__for chs. ge of Palm Island to "RA" 4--15-31 11 15 Berry Collins letter re: Sun Bath filed with Minute Data of May 6th, 1931 ZONING 7. BOOK PAGE Proofs_ of publishing notices 5-6-31 11, 27 Approval of Ocean Drive change & request for extension to 5th Street -van Ness 11, 29 First & Second Readings of Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 289 5-6-31 11, 29 S. M. Tatum objection to Ocean Dr.Change 11, 34 Board of Adjustment Appointed 5-8-31 11, 35 Third reading of Ordinance No. 291 11 49 First & Second Read �'°' Readings of Zoning Orth nance Amendment 8-5-31 11,115 ZONING gi BOOK,PAGE Res. 2465 calling public hearing on Zon- ing Amendments 9--2-'31 g--5-31 11 116 Proof of publishing notice of Hearing 11, 143 Amendment to proposed ordinance 9-2-31 11, 144 3rd Reading Ordinance No. 294 9-2-31 11, 144 Request for change in Blocks 2 & 9, O.B. referred to petitioners 10-7-31 11, 192 Petition to re -zone Lot 7, Block A.D.M. #2 from "BAn to "BB„ 11-4-31 11, 219 ZONING 9. BOOK,PAGE Request for permit to operate Lumber Yard on Commerce Street against Zoning Restrio- _tione- 11-1$-31 11,226 ZONING 94 BOOY,PAGE 1st & 2nd Readings Ord. 300 Amending. Zoning Ordinance 12-2-31 11,-239 Proof of publishing notice of hearing 1-6-3P_255 Objection of Mrs. E. S. Barclay 1-6-32 11 256 Third Reading of Ordinance 300 1-6-32 11, 257 Waiver to Alton Beach Realty Co --Subject __.moo approval Zoning Board 2-17-32 11, 282 n quiry re: Proposed post Office Sites on Washington Ave . 3-29-32 11, 310 ZONING 1st & 2nd Readings Amendments 5-4-32 Res. 2536 Calling Hearing " 5-4-32 Res. 2537 Calling Hearing 0 5-11-32 lst & 2nd Readings Amendment Ordinance Res. 2539 Calling Hearing " 5-18--32 Third Reading Ordinance No. 306 6-1-32 Third Reading Ordinance No. 307 6-1-32 Proof of publishing notice 6-15-32 Hearing continued-Fairgreen 6-15-32 10. BOOK,PAGE 11,323 11,324 11,321E 11,329 11,329 11,333 11,334 11,3+3 11,3-3 ZONING 1st & 2nd Readings Zoning Amendment: Harrison & Hayes to 'BAA" 6-15-32 Res. 2545 calling hearing n 6-15-32 Hearing -3rd Reading Ord. No.308 7-6-32 Fairgreen Amendment postponed 7-6-32 Request for change in restric- tions on Hibiscus Island 5/17/33 1st Reading Ord.changing restric- tions in Alton Beach Bay Front 5117/33 Hearing called on above change #2629 11. BOOK, PAGE 11, 34+4 11, 344 11, 352 11, 351 12, 65 12, 65 12, 65 ZONING Ohange in restrictions urged in Pine Ridge Subdn. 6/7/33 Hearing called on above #2634 D.A. Stearns requests chane on Hibiscus Island 6/7/33 12, g3 Hearing called on above 6/7/33 #2639 12, 83 Hearing held on change in Alton Beach Bay Front Sub. 6/21/33 12, 90 3rd Reading Ordi.affecting Alton Beach Bay Front Sub. #328 12:91 12. Book, Page 12, 73 12, 73 Hearing held on change in Pine Ridge protests heard: Council votes not to change restrictions 7/5/33 121 9g ZONING 13. Book, Pagt Hearing held on ohangee___on_ Hibiscus Island. Protests read and heard 715/33 12, 97 No action on above Mr. Stearns to --get—together with property—owners---4— 12, 98 Hearing called on olrange s to -L of 18, Blk. 37, Palm View Res._#269-6-1119133 124180 iearincalled on ch. ^ -s to Sec.7 &S of Ord.:289,as amended Res.2697 11/9/33 12,181 Request for change in zoning of 5th Street property 11/15/33 12,183 Res.rescinding that calling thearix�g on —ei mnge t o L. l i, R.1 7--Pirxfim ¶ 4 em 1 l ri l 9. ZONING 14. Book Page Hearing held as to amendments by adding to Sec. 7 & 8 11/29/33 12, 193 Ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings on above change 11/29/33 12, 194 3rd Reading Ordinance #333 12/6/33 12, 205 Petition:presented re: violation of Zoning Ordi. by Henry S.Hubbell 1/3/34 12, 217 Res.calling hearing on charging Lots 27,25,29 & 30 Hibiscus Is. #2724 1/17/34 12,233 Res. calling $earing on changing Alton Rd. 12th St. to 14th Place #2725 1/17/34 12,233 ZO 15. Book Page Petitions presented for re -zoning Fifth Street (Alton Rd.to Meridian)2/7/34 12 Res,#2735calling hearing on re- zoning of 5th St. 2/7/34 12 240 lst & 2nd Reading Ordinance changing Zoning on Alton Rd. (12th to 14th P1aoe) (never passed 3rd Reading) 2/7/3 12 242 Res.#2735A calling hearing on changing Zoning on Alton Rd. (12th to 14th St.) 12, 243 Res.#2736 calling hearing on oh n n Espanola Way (penn. to Meridian) 2/'7x34 12.243 lst & 9nri Reac.Crdi. Espanola Way ° 12. 243 ZONING 16. Book Page -Hearing held on change in zoning on 12 244 Hibiscus Island. Protests filed; -also endorsements 2/7/34 12,245 1st & 2nd Reading Ordinance changing zoning on Hibiscus Island 2/7/314 12, 245 1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance re: "Hotels, with or without meals" 2/7/34 12, 245 Hearing called on "Hotel"item Ree.2737 12, 245 Reading of Hibiscus Is. Zoning Ord±. deferred for two weeks 2/21/34 12, 2'°` - Res. #2788 Calling hearing on Zon n change (Alton Rd.11th to 12th St.)2g/21/34 12,283 ZONING 17. BOok Page Zoning Change on 5th Street. Hearing held and protests and endorsements presented 2/28/3+ 12 290 Change in Zoning on 23rd Street re- quested 2/28/34 12 291 Res.#2791 calling hearing on Ord St. change 2/28/34 12 291 1st & 2nd. Reading Ordinance chax4ng Zoning on 23rd St. - 2/28/34 12 292 Res.#2792 calling hearing on amend. Zoning Ordi. re: Filling Stations 2/25 /34 12,292 1st & 2nd Reading Ordnance amend. Sec. 8 Ordi.#284 2/28/34 12. Po" ZONING 18. Book Page 3rd Reading Ordinance changing Zoning on Alton Road (12th to 14th sts.)#339 12, 293 Feb. 28th, 1934. 3rd Reading Ordinance #340 amending item on "Hotels" of Zoning Ordi.2/28/34 12, 295 Endorsements and objections filed on re -zoning of Espanola Way 2/2$/34 12, 296 Lr.&2drs.A.J. Diefenderfer urge rigid en- forcement of zoning Ordinance 2/28/34 12, 296 Rod and 11@.e1. Club urge re -zoning of Lots 29 & 30, Hibiscus Island 12, 297 ZONING 19. Book Page Res. #2792A Calling hearing on re- zoning Lots 29 and 30 Hi i scus Island 3/7/34 12 sland12 297 Further discussion on 5th Street zon- ing restrictions change 3/14/34 12 304 ],fit & 2nO. Readipg" Ordinance changing Zoning on Alton Rd.(llth to 12th 3A/4134 12 305 Hearing held on 23rd Street rezoning 12, 312 Approvals filed 3/21/34 12, 313 jrd Reading Ord.#341 changingzoning on 23rd Si eet 3/21/3+ 12, 314 ZONING 20. Book Page 3rd Reading Ord.#31+2 amending Sec. of 0rd.#�289 3/21/3 12, 314+ 3rd Reading Ord. #343 changing zon- ing on Alton Rd. (11th to 12th) 3/21/34 12,315 3rd Reading Ord.#3114 changing zon- ing on Espanola Way(Penn.to Meridian) " 12,315 Res.2801 calling hearing changing set- back of Espanola Way 3/21/31+ 12,316 Protests & approvals filed onibiscus - Island zoning change 3/28/31+ 12,327 1st & 2nd reading Ord. changing zonin of Club Lido prop&rty on Hibiscus Is1.3/28/34 12,32f ZONING 21. Book Page_ Res.2826 calling hearing on adding Dist. 26 and 27 to Section 16, Ordinance No. 289. 4/5/34 12 348 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.on above 4/5/34 12, 348 Res. 2827 calling hearing on area change on Nautilus Extension 4/5/34 12, 348 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.on above /5/34 12, 348 Res. 2828 calling hearing on use and area regulation change tn Flamingo Terrace Extension /5/3411, 349 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.above �+ /5/3 , 3 3rd. Reading Ord. #345 haging zoning on Hibiscus Island. 4/1104 12, 350 ZONING 22. Book Page_ Hearing held on change of Espanola Way (Penn. to Meridian Aires.) 4/11/34 12 351 1st and 2nd Readings Ord. ehan ing above zoning 4/11/34 12 352 3rd Reading Ord,347 changing above zoning regulations 4/18/34 12, 366 Res, 2841 calling hearing on set -back regulation for Ocean Drive (6th St.to 14th Lane) . 4/25f34 12, 379 1st & 2nd Readings ordinance 4/25/34 c tinging 3 0 set -back on Ocean Drive. 1 312, 5th Street re -zoning definitely closed - no change 5/2/34 12, 386 ZONING 23. Book Page 3rd ReadingOrd. #348 Amending Sect. 16 of Ord.289 5/R/34 12 394+ g area regulation n�ofNautilusCExten.l 5/2/34 12 394 3rd Reading Ord. #350 changing area & use regulations of Flamingo Terrace Extension 5/2/3. 12 395 Zoning hearing on Ocean Drive (6th Street to 14th Lane) 5/16/34 12 402 Request zoning change in B1k.22 o,B. #3 to permit theatre building ' 5/16/3+ 12 410 ZONING 1st._&_2nd Readings Ordinance chang- ing Area Regulation of Ocean Drive rth-- to- 15th -Streets -j-- 6/6/3 --des, --#2862 calling hearing on above 6/6/34 24, Book Page 423 12, 423 1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance adding Dist. #28 to Ord.#289 6/6/34 12, 422 Res, #261 callinghearing on above 12,__423 let & 2nd Readings Ordinance changing area regulation on James Ave.6/6/34 12, 424 Res. #2863 calling hearing on above 6/6/34 12, 424