Zoning_March to April 1954ZONING 474 Book Page 1st reading zoning amenditent to comply with Court decree; reclassifying Lots 2 1,2 and 3, Blk 24, Altos Del Mar #i, in "RE" Multiple -family District (Cu Ao y's Tort c re 3-17-54 35 383 gnkv.aygoKcih �ndbove property ea udre.e f r ng cond x ending docks into Biscayne Bay -(request of M. B. Boat Slips) Motion to have ordinance prepared changing zoning so as to permit extension of dock 450 feet at boat slips propertyfb.ils to receive second. 4-7-54 35 404 ZONING 475 Book Page No action on request to change zoning on Washington Ave. between 12th and 14th Streets to BA Business District 4-7-54 35 404 Res. #8693 calling hearing to consider request of Roney Plaza Hotel for zoning change to permit erection of 2 -story cabanas on easterly end of hotel property 4-7-54 35 406 3rd reading ordinance rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3, B1k 24, Altos Del Mar #1, 3n RE Multiple -family District Ord. #1106 4-77-54 35 407 ZONING 476 Book Page Request that Lot 1, Flamingo Bay Subdivision No. 1 be rezoned from "RA" Estate District to "RE" Multiple - family district referred to Zoning Board 4-21-54 35 442 Zoning Board's report on hearing - petition of United Lutheran Church for permit to construct church building on Lots 1 and 2, Blk 13, Altos del Mar No. 2. Board does not feel justified in recommending that zoning ohange::.on these 2 lots be made. 5-5-54 35 456 ZONING 477 Book Page Zoning hearing to consider request of Roney Plaza Hotel owners that hotel property be classified in a Two-story cabana district. Ordinance to be prepared classifying north 16 feet in One-story, and the remainder in a Two-story cabana district 5-5-54 35 460 Res. #8729 calling zoning hearing to include Lots 1 to 5, incl., of Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub., in "RE" Multiple -Family District (500 feet immediately north of Firestone Estate) 5-5-54 35 463 ZONING 478 Book Page Lutheran Church requests public hearing on their rezoning application relating to Lots 1 and 2, Blk 13, Altos del Mar #2. Request denied. 5-5-54 35 464 Request for rezoning Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corporation's Sub., for hotels, apartment -hotels or motels denied. Council also declines to call public hearing to consider this request. 5-12-54 35 475 ZONING 479 Book Page Re. Roney Plaza zoning -- City Mgr. advises that he was told by architect for Roney Plaza that if two-story cabanas were set back 16 feet from north line of property, the beach at 24th St. would not be shaded; this distance not calculated by Engineering Dept. Council defers matter until Engineering Dept. submits figures 5-19-54 35 481 Engineering Dept. calculates that 2 -story cabana district at Roney Plaza property should set back 30 feet from north line of property to avoid shading beach at 24th St. TQ be discussed next mee1g. 5-19-54 35 485 ZONING 480 Book Page Report of City Engr. covering request of Fontainebleau Hotel for 2 -story Cabana District and desirability of establishing a harbor line in this location. Sketches presented. 5-19-54 35 485 Mr. Lipp to check complaint of A. J. Mari, owner 7520 Harding Ave. re. variance given by Zoning Bd. on adjacent property, and setback of building across the street 5719-54 35 488 (11Roney Plaza cabana district - ty Mgr. advises that ttplan too�r�set ine°or croaertylallerignt. Letter rom architects submitted. 5-21-54 35 489 ZONING 481 Book Page 3rd reading ord. placing N. 16 feet of easterly portion of Roney Plaza property in 'Cabana & Swimming Pool District" and remainder of easterly portion in "Two Story Cabana District" Ord. #1111 5-21-54 35 489 ZONING 482 Book Page Discussion re. Fontainebleau Hotel property problems: (1) location of harbor line, (2) front yard required back of harbor line. Ordinance to be prepared establishing harbor line easterly of hotel property. City Mgr. instructed to carry out comprehensive plan for establishment of a harbor line throughout city. Ordinance to be prepared providing for 50 ft. setback on central 340 feet, and for a 90 ft. setback on the 180 feet at each end of property 5-21-54 35 490 ZONING 483 Book Page Zoning hearing held to include Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Indian Beach Corp's Sub. in "RE" Multiple -Family District. Ordinance to be prepared reclassifying above in "RE" and Area District No. 51 (500 feet immediately north of Firestone Estate) 6-2-54 36 4 1st reading ord. reclassifying Lots 1 to 5 incl., Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. in "RE" Multiple -family District and Area District No. 51 6-2-54 36 10 ZONING 484 fling Book Page City Atty reports on/suit of Midcentury Corp., involving parking lot property bet. Chinese Restaurant and Drexel property. Condemnation suit against this property discussed. City to appeal from decree of Circuit Judge Giblin in this case. 6-2-54 36 16 1st reading ordinance establishing ,Ke,,�,0Ev setbacks on ocean side of Fontaine-� }-a' eVes bleau Hotel property 6-2-54 36-4 19 w y lr Request that both sides of Meridian Ave, bet. 18th & 19th Sts. be reclassified in RE Multiple -family District referred to Zoning Bd. (Lots .1 thru 7, Bik 7, and Lots 1 thru 7, Blk 8, Golf Crse Sub.) g-2-54 3622 ZONING 485 Book Page J.J. Perlmutter requests Council to authorize Bldg. Dept. to issue building permit for multiple-level garage based on provisions of Sec. 52 of Zoning Ord. on 5/16/51, the date Council granted permit, which would permit washing and greasing of cars, Etc. City Mgr. to submit report to Council relative to what has transpired in the past in connection with this matter 6-16-54 36 23 ZONING 486 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment placing strip on easterly side of Fontainebleau Hotel property in 2 -story cabana district and Area District No. 1 -- Ord. No. 1113 6-16-54 36 24 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lots 1 to 5 incl., Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. in "RE" Multiple -family District and Area District No. 51 -- Ord. No. 1114 6-16-54 36 24 ZONING 487 Book Page Zoning Board declines to recommend feclassifying Meridian Ave. between 18th and 19th Streets, from RD Single- family to RE Multiple -family District 6-16-54 36 38 Requests for following zoning changes referred to Zoning Board: - 1. That Lots 7 & 8, Blk 2, Normandy Beach South (NW cor. 71st St. and Indian Cr. Dr.) be rezoned from BAA to BA 2. That dry-cleaning establishments be reclassified from BB to BA 6-16-54 36 38 ZONING 488 Book Page Council urged to hold public hearing to consider petition to rezone both sides of Meridian Ave. bet. 18th and 19th Streets to RE M4ltiple-family District. Res. 0746 calling zoning hearing on 10/6/54. 7-7-54 36 49 City Mgr. submits report as to what had transpired in connection with Perlmutter's application for permit to erect multiple - level garage. No action on motion that building permit be issued based on provisions of Zoning Ord. on 5/16/51, when permit was granted Perlmutter 7-7-54 36 50 ZONING 489 Book Page Letter from City Atty re. Fontainebleau Hotel setbacks. 1st reading ordinance creating Area District No. 57, and placing all of Lot A, Ind. Beach Corp.'s Sub. (Fontainebleau Hotel property) except portion of east side, in said area district, and remainder in Area District No. 43 7-7-54 36 53 1st reading zoning amendment defining "Extra -hour Cabaret" 7-7-54 36 55 Petition that 10 -foot setback be required on 71st Street referred to Zoning Board 7-7-54 36 6o ZONING 490 Book Page Letter from City Atty re. zoning suit involving NW cor. Collins Ave. & 75th St. (Lots 1, 2 and 3, Blk 24, Altos del Mar No. 1). Court orders City to rezone Lots 2 and 3 to permit them to be used for business;-_ Lot 1 to remain in RE Multiple - family, where it was placed by Ord. 1106 - also a court order. Motiori_to.appeal.lost by 3-3. vote 7-7-54 36 61 Discussion re. Judge Milledge's decision in rezoning case affecting Lots 2 and 3, Bik 24, Altos del Mar No. 1. Council votes not to appeal Judge's decision 7-8-54 36 70 ZONING 491 Book Page J. J. Perlmutter advises that plans for multiple -level garage on Collins Ave. had been changed so as to eliminate services net presently permitted under zoning ord. Discussion as to whether Council's approval must be obtained before permit to erect can be granted. Public hearing to be held to consider effect of proposed garage on traffic. 7-9-54 36 8o ZONING 492 Book Page Hearing to consider effect of J. J. Perlmutter's proposed multiple -level garage on traffic. Objections made. City Engr. reports on traffic in area. Permit authorized. Councilman Turk makes suggestions. Bldg. Dept. to be furnished with excerpts from minutes on subject. 7-21-54 36 86 Ordinance providing for creation of Area Districts for Fontainebleau Hotel amended on third reading by inserting Area District No. 58 instead of No. 43. Ord. #1120 adopted. 7-21-54 3b 88 ZONING 493 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment defining "Extra -hour Cabaret" fails (5/7th vote necessary). To' -be brought up again at meeting of 8-4-54. 7-21-54 36 90 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 2 and 3, Blk 24, Altos del Mar No. 1, in "BAAA" Business District 7-21-54 36 100 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lots 2 and 3, Bik 24, Altos Del Mar No. 1 in BAAA Business District (pursuant to Court Order). Objections presented; Council asked toa cind previous action and to appeal court ecirsion. motion torescind a t o5 fails Ordinance aoped - No.114 - }- 4 36 103 ZONING 493A Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment providing for "extra -hour cabaret" Ord. #1121 8_4_54 36 102 ZONING 494 Book Page Council votes to rescind action and G>y ;C,c, to take appeal in Altos del Mar,ftGo'e�� zoning case (Court Order to rezone �, 4 Lots 2 and 3, Blk 24, Altos del Mar ,'`)'o'(' No. 1., for business use) 8-18-54 36 118 Letters filed asking rezoning of ocean front strip north of Fontainebleau Hotel in order to permit construction of motels. City Mgr. to study and make recommendations. 8-18-54 36 128 ZONING 495 Book Page Melvin Richard urges Council to continue appeal in Altos de Ear zoning case. Mr. Richard and P. J. Davis of Taxpayers' Assn. to be notifed when full council will be present in RE Multiple 9-1'-54 36 139 Petitions for rezoning/ Blocks 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9,12,13, 14 and 15, Altos del Mar No. 2, and Blocks 1, 2,15,16,17 and 18, Altos del Mar No. 1 (81st - 87th Sts.) referred to Zoning Board for action 9-1-54 36 140 ZONING 496 Book Page Zoning Bd. recommends that 10 -foot front yard setback be required on Lots 45 thru 82, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy as requested (71st St.) Res.8775 calling zoning hearing. 9-1-54 36 148 J. J. Perlmutter requests change in zoning ordinance so as to permit washing, greasing cars, supplying gasoline, etc. in multiple level garage. No action. 9-15-54 36 150 ZONING 457 Book Page Hearing conducted -- request for reclassification of Lots 1 to 7 incl., Blk 7, and "Bridle Path" easterly, Golf Course Sub. Adjourned until October 20, 1954 10-6-54 36 202 Hearing conducted re. setback on Lots 45 thru 82, Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy (North side of 71st St. bet. Rue Versailles and Rue Notre Dame.) Ordinance to be prepared establishing 10 -foot setback on this property. 10-6-54 36 207 ZONING 48 Book Pa e Report from Zoning Bd. re. rezoning Lots 5 and 6,Blk 1; Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Bik 2; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12 of Bik 16; Lots 1 and 2 of Block 17; all in Normandy Beach South in "BA" Business District. Res. 08785 calling zoning hearing to consider proposed change 10-6-54 36 215 Res. #8791 calling zoning hearing to consider placing property immediately north of Fontainebleau Hotel in 2 -story Cabana District - eastern portion of ots 1 to 5 incl. and the remainder of these lots in an appropriate Area District 1c-8-54 36 226 ZONING 499 Book Page Zoning hearing on proposal to reclassify both sides of Meridian Ave. bet. 18th & 19th Sts. in RE Multiple -Family District continued to Nov. 3, 1954 10-20-54 36 230 Res.#8805 calling zoning hearing to reduce setback on two blocks on Harding Ave. bet. 76th and 78th Sts., from 10 feet to 7i feet. Hearing to be held Nov. 17, 1954. 10-20-54 36 268