Zoning_March 1952ZONING .00
Book Page
Res, #7955 calling hearing for
purpose of amending ordinance #973
so as to include in "BAAA" some
properties which were unintentionally
reclassified in "REE"; and to provide
that in "BAAA" Business District there
shall be permitted any use which is
permitted in the "REE` Multiple -
family District 3-19-52 32 426
1st reading ordinance reclassifying
Lots 1 - 8, incl. Block 1, Ocean
Beach in "BA" Business District.
3-19-52 32 428
Book Page
Zoning amendment - so as to include
in "BA" Business District and in
Area District No. 19, Lots 1 to 8,
Block 1, Ocean Beach- given 3rd
reading. Nd;passed. 4-2-52 32 456
lst and 2nd reading ord. reclassifying
following property in "RE" Multiple -
family District:- Lots 9 & 10, Blk 36,
Golf Course Sub; Lots 11 to 15, incl.
Blk 37, and Lots 10 tO 17, incl. Blk 38,
Palm View Sub; Lots A & B of resub. of
Lots 8 & 9, and north 80 ft. of Lot 10,
Blk 42, Belleview Sub; and Lots 4, 5,:6 & 7,
Blk 42; Belleview Sub. 14-2-52 32 459
City Atty. renders opinion re. two
coffee shops: Casa Blanca Coffee Shop
conforms to requirements of zoning
ordinance, but if door to coffee shop in
Sin Marino Hotel is on street, it is
in violation. 4-2-52 32 463
E. Q. Rodgers submits petition
asking for reclassification of
Altos del Mar No. 1 and Altos
del Mar No. 2 to RE Multiple -family
District. Referred to Zoning Board
of Adjustment for recommendations
4-2-52 32 467
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Book Page
Ord.#1017 reclassifying following
in"RE" Multiple -family District:
Lots 9 & 10,Blk 36, Golf Course Sub.
Lots 11 thru 15, Bik 37, Palm View
Lots 10 thru 17, Bik 38, Palm View
Lots A & B of resub. of Lots 8 & 9,
and n80' Lot 10, Blk 42, Belleview Sub.
Lots 4 thru 7, Blk 42, Belleview Sib
4-16-52 32 1484
1st reading zoning amendment
correcting error in Ord. #973
wherein s me property was inadvertently
included in "REE which was zoned
or business use 4-16-52 32 491
Book Page
Petition of 2500 Collins Corp.
that Block 5, Amended Map of
Ocean Front Property be rezoned
from one-story cabana zone to a
two-story cabana zone, referred
to Zoning Board 4-16-52 32 499
Mr. Fallot appears in support
of his written requests for rezoning
property north of Firestone property
to RE Multiple -family classification.
No action taken. 4-16-52 32 499
Book Page
Complaint filed re. Royal York
Hotel parking lot in Estate District.
City Mgr. to look into matter and
report to Council 4-16-52 32 500
Amended request from Paliot asking
Council to call zoning hearing to
consider previous request that
certain property north of the Firestone
Estate be reclassified in RE Multiple -
family District referred to Zoning
Board 5-7-52 33 17
3rd reading Ord. 1019 amending
0rd.973 which set up "REE" Multiple-
-Pakrily District 5-7-52 33 13
Book Page
Request that Lots 13 & 14, Indian
Beach Corp. Sub. and Lots 19 and 25,
1st Ocean Front Sub., be reclassified
in "RE" multiple -family referred to
Zoning Board 5-7-52 33 17
Objections made to use of property
adjoining Royal York Hotel as parking
lot (estate district). Suggestion made
to amend zoning ord. to allow use of
residential property adjoining hotel
property for parking for guests only.
Zoning hearing to be called5-7-52 33 20
Book Page
Res. #8001 calling zoning hearing
to consider proposal to permit in
in RAA, RA, RB and RC Estate Districts,
the use of land contiguous to any
apartment house, apartment hotel
or hotel, as a parking lot for exclusive
use of guests of such hotel or apartment
house 5-7-52 33 35
Council upholds Zoning Board's
recommendation that request to
rezone north 80 feet Lots 1 thru 5,
Blk 37, Miami View Sec, Isle of Normandy,
to RE Multiple -family classification
from BA Business be denied 5-21-52 33 56
Book Page
Zoning Board's recommendation accepted
that request that parcel of land
lying between easterly boundary of
M.B. Drive and the mean high water line
of Atlantic Ocean, bounded on south by
south line of Block 5 and on north by
north line of Block 5, both extended easterly,
M.B. Improvement Co.'s Ocean Front Prop.
be placed in 2 -story cabana district, be
denied 5-21-52 33 59
Zoning hearing conducted -
to permit in RAA, RA, RB & RC
Estate Districts, use of land which
is contiguous to any apartment house-
° action deferreddking lot for their g33sts,64
Book Page
Zoning hearing continued re.
use of land as parking lots in
RAA,RA,RB & RC Estate Districts.
Action again deferred. 5-28-52 33 66
Request for zoning hearing to
consider rezoning Aaron Courshon's
property - Lots 23 and 24, Block 9,
Oceanside Section of Isle of Normandy,
from Multiple -family to BA Business
classification denied 6-4-52 33 91
Book Page
Zoning hearing re. use of land
in Estate Districts by hotels for
parking purposes. 1st reading
Ordinance,fails. No arrests to
be made re. Royal York parking
lot until Zoning Board meets.
6-11-52 33 104
Petition of 4 property owners on
Abbott Ave. between 71st St. &
69th St. asking for business variance
rferred to Zoning Board of Adjustment
for recommendation and report
6-18-52 33 119
zoning Book Page
Res. #8069 calling/hearing to
permit cabarets in 100 -room hotels
in RE, "FREE and EAA Dists. 7-16-52 33 159
Outcome of suit of Col. Gimbel,
to secure rezoning of his property
at N.E. cor. Pine Tree Dr. and 141st
St. from RA to BAA - Recommended
that property be rezoned for BAA
Business use. Council to continue
to oppose this rezoning. 7-16-52
M.B. Boat Slips permitted to extend
existing 71 foot dock an additonal
20 feet 7-16-52
33 159
33 158
Book Page
Zoning Bcard's recommendation
accepted that petition be denied
requesting that property on Abbott
Ave. from 71st St. to 69th St. be
rezoned or a business variance granted
to permit doctors' offices, realtors
and answering services 7-16-52 33 159
Zoning Boardts recommendation accepted
that petitions requesting the following
he changed froom single-family to RE Multiple -
family use be denied: Lots 14,19,21,22
25,27 and 28, with outlots; and Lots 234,
235, and 236, 1st Ocean Front Sub.
Lots 13,14,15 and south half of Lot 16,
Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 7-16-52 33 159
Book Page
Application for rezoning Lots 1,
2,3, 4 and 5, Indian Beach Corp.
Sub. from RAA to RE classification
denied. Request not submitted to
Zoning Bd. inasmuch as Zoning Board
refused similar requests 7-16-52 33 160
Report from Zoning Board re. request
for variance on Lot 18, Blk 1, Amended
Plat Second Ocean Front Sub., to permit
its continued use as parking lot.(property
immediately south of Royal York Hotel).
Board reports no action taken, that it
has no jurisdiction inthematterk.
of'cars use scont nue. 7-11bin2 33
Book Page
Action deferred re. zoning part of
Lot 2, and all of Lot 1, Blk 53,
Orchard Subs. Nos. 2 and 3, from
RE to BA Business District (to
permit stores on Sheridan Ave.
south of alley) 7-16-52 33 160
Res. #8070 calling zoning hearing
to permit Ski Schools in RE District,
provided permit is first obtained
from Council, and to provide
65u14tions etc. governing
gr ion of such schobIs
7-16-52 33 162
Book Page
Milton Rockwell asks for zoning
amendment to permit bakeries to use
revolving ovens instead of Blodgett
ovens. Referred to Assistant City
Mgr. Lipp 7-16-52 33 165
Petition for rezoning of Lots 6,
north 1/2 of Lot 8, and all of
Lot 9, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.
from RAA to RE denied 7-23-52 33 168
Zoning hearing to be called at early
date requiring provision for off-street
parking spaces in connection with future 168
construction on ocean front and nearby
properties from 15th to City limit 7-23-52 33
ZONING 0 416
Book Page
Zoning hearing to be called at early
date to consider changing setback
provisions on Collins Ave. from 1424th
Street to 72nd St. City Mgr. makes
recommendations for setbacks.
7-23-52 33 168
Recommendation of Zoning Board that
petition asking for reclassification
of Altos del Mar Subdivisions Nos. 1 and 2
from "RC"and "RD" Districts to an"RE"Multiple-
family District be denied6_52 33 182
Also request that Blks 6,7,8, 9,
10, 11,22,23, and 24+ ADM Not in
RE (recommendation accepted)
Book Page
Request for reclassification of
Lot 237, First Ocean Front Sub.,
from "RB" to"RE" denied 8-6-52 33 182
Hearing conducted re. Cabarets in 100-rm. hotels
in "RE" districts, "REE" and"BAAA".
City Atty to prepare ordinance providing
for change 8-6-52 33 188
Hearing conducted re. Ski Schools
in "RE" Districts. Matter referred
to City Mgr. and Marine Inspection
Board for report and recommendation
8-6-52 33 188
Book Page
Petition requesting rezoning of
Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Blk 1,
2nd Ocean Front Sub. from single-
familty to "RE" denied 8-6-52 33 189
Res. #8085 calling zoning hearing to
consider: (1) to change setback provisions
on both sides of Collins Ave. from 44th
St. to 72nd St; (2) to require provision
for off-street parking spaces on ocean front
and nearby properties, from 15th St. to
north city limit 8-6-52 33 197
Book Page
1st reading zoning amendment to
permit cabarets in 100 -room hotels
in "RE" Districts 8-13-52 33 208
3rd reading ordinance #1027
amending zoning ordinance so
as to permit Cabarets in 100 -room
hotels in "RE" Districts 8-20-52 33 214
Zoning Board's recommendation that
request of Pine Tree Towers, Inc.
for reclassification of Lot 1 and the
Southerly portion of Lot 2, Block 53,
Orchard Subs. Nos. 2 and 3, from RE to
BA be denied,accepted 8-20-52 33 215
Book Page
Hearing conducted relative to
(1) setback requirements on
Collins Avenue; (2) settirg up
Parking Districts. Action postponed
until 9/5/52. 8-27-52 33 222
Zoning Board's recommendation
accepted - that request that Lots
14 & 15, Blk 30, 2nd Revised Plat
of portions of Ocean Side and Trouville
Secs, Isle of Norm., be reclassified
from "RD" to "RE" be denied. Also
Lots 13 and 16 of this lock.
9-3-52 33 237
Book Page
Zoning hearing relative to proposed
Collins Ave. setbacks, and proposal
to set up parking districts to be
continued to next meeting 9-3-52 33 237
City Atty to prepare ordinance re.
setbacks on Collins Ave. from 44th
St. to 72nd St. Hearing continued
re. parking districts - proposal
taken under advisement 9-10-52 33 239
Ordinance to be drawn amending zoning
ord. to permit ski schools in RE District
subject to regulations recommended by
Marine Board 9-17-52 33 270
M.B. Boat Sli s asks permission to Book Page
construct dock extending 125 feet
earingytonbdde helstln�_nali0-1_52 33 X96
schoolsdInrREnctlstrlctstabieag ski
until next meeting 10-1-52 33 297
Ordinance classifying ski schools
in RE district fails to pass first
reading 10-15-52 33 316
Objection filed by Mrs. A. J. Mari
to Zoning Board's granting a variance
affecting Lots 4 and 5, Blk 12, Altos
del Mar No. 3 10-15-52 33 330
Book Page
Application of M.B. Boat Slips
to extend dock 125 feet into Bay
to be considered Nov. 5.
10-22-52 33 335
Permit granted Boat Slips, Inc.
to construct dock extending 125
feet into Biscayne Bay at north
end of property 11-5-52 33 344
Book Page
Res. #8155 calling zoning hearing
re. setbacks on three properties,
Collins Ave. 11-5-52 33 349
Res. #8161 calling hearing to
amend Zoning Ord. so as to permit
employment agencies on the 2nd
or higher floors of bldgs. in
"BA" Business District
11-5-52 33 356
Request that Lots 8 and Outlot 8,
1st Ocean Front Sub. be reclassified
from Single-family Estate Use District
to RE Multiple -family Use 11District 33 357
dens Pa
M.B. Boat flips hearing to be held
at next meeting 11-5-52 33 344
Res. #8174 calling zoning hearing
requiring provision for off-street
parking spaces in connection with
future construction on both sides
of Collins Ave. from 44th St. to Royal
York Hotel, and from 75th St. to city
limit; and setting forth requirements
11-19-52 33 377
M. B. Boat Slips granted permission
to construct dock near south boundary
of property, extending 125 fet
33 371
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