Zoning_March to April 1959ZONING
Book Page
Communication from Fontainebleau
Hotel re. pending litigation presented.
Action deferred until next meeting.
3-25-59 41 452
Discussion re. litigation involving
Fontainebleau Hotel, and letter from
them re. City filing petition for
certiorari in Supreme Court. Councilman
Frank's motion that petition not be filed,
fails to carry. 4-1-59 41 470
Hearing continued on consideration of
amendments to Zoning Ord. re. Height
District, etc. on certain Oceanfront
Property. 3 plans demonstrated.
ttzeroorfe1aB.tudy beven ype ord. 4-1
-j 41 471
Res. #10103 calling
re. relettering and
duplicating section
Book Page
zoning hearing on 5/6/59
renumbering certain
numbers and letters
4-15-59 42 45
1st reading zonning amendment re.
relettering,renumbering duplicating
section numbers and letters
5-6-59 42 57
Report from Mr. Shepard regarding
"shadow ordinance" case. Mayor Oka
comments. Re . #10109 calling zoning
hearing on 6/17/59 to consider regulating
height of buildings 5-6-59 42 65
Book Page
Res. #10110 calling zoning hearing
on June 17, 1959 relative to
"Sign Districts" 5-6-69 42 66
3rd reading ordinance relettering
and renumbering duplicating section
numbers and letters in Zoning Ordinance.
Ord. #1346 5-20-59 42 85
Res. #10133 calling zoning hearing on
7/15 to consider permitting "spas as
a facility in 100 room hotels.
(Request was made to operate Monterrey
Motel on Belle Isle as health spa)
6-17-59 42 119
Book Page
Zoning hearing re. dividing City
into Height Districts" continued
to July 15th 6-17-59 42 121
Zoning hearing re. dividing City
into Sign Districts" continued
to July 15th 6-17-59 42 121
Book Page
Report from Zoning Board re.
reclassifying both sides Jefferson
Ave. between 17th & 18th Streets
from "RD" to "RE". Recommends
that property not be rezoned to
multiple family use. 6-17-59 42 125
Book Page
Harold Kassewitz, atty. asks
permission to construct pier at
Eden Roc Hotel. Discussion.
Ben Shepard speaks. Res. #10140
calling zoning hearing to consider
permitting piers, etc. in the
2 -story cabana district,
on 8-5-59. 7-1-59 42 143
Zoning hearing re. dividing City
into Height Districts" continued
to August 5th. 7-15-59 42 189
Zoning hearing re.creation of
"Sign Districts" continued to
August 5th. 7-15-59 42 189
Book Page
Zoning hearing to consider permitting
"spas" in 100 -room hotels continued
to August 5th 7-15-59 42 189
Zoning hearing re. creation of
"Height Districts" and "Sign Districts"
continued to August 19th
8-5-59 42 203
Zoning hearing re. "SPAS" continued
to August 19th 8-5-59 42 205
Book Page
Carl T. Hoffman asks that zoning
hearing re. construction of pier
in 2 -story cabana district (Eden Roc
Hotel property) be cancelled.
Hearing is cancelled. 8_5_59 42 208
Request made to rezone Biltmore Terrace
Hotel property to permit night club. Discussion.
Request withdrawn for rezoning. Request then
made for hours of cabarets to be extended to
5:00 A.M. 8-19-59 42 229
Book Page
Hearing re. Height Districts
deferred until Sept. 2. Mr. Lipp
to prepare visual illustrations
of effect of Height Districts.
8-19-59 42 234+
Hearing re. Sign Districts deferred
until Sept. 2. 8-19-59 42 234
Zoning hearing re. "Spas" is concluded.
Matter to be taken under advisement
until some future date. 8-19-59 42 234
Book Page
Rubel Apts ask that Lot 2, Blk 58,
Pine Ridge, be rezoned to "BA" Business
classification. Res. #10180 calling
hearing on Oct. 7th to consider rezoning
west side of Washington Ave. between
15th and 16th Streets in "BA"
9-2-59 42 269
Zoning hearings re. "Height Districts"
and "Sign" Districts deferred until
September 16, 1959. 9-2-59 42 274
Zoning hearings re. "Height" and "Sign"
Districts continued 9-16-59 42 294
Book Page
Board recommends that no change be made
in Zoning Ord. re. proposal to amend
Sec. 7 Use Regulations "BA" Business
District so as to permit bowling alleys
on ground floor of any building.
9-30-59 42 307
Zoning hearing re. rezoning west side
Wash. Ave. bet. 15 & 16th Sts. from "BAA"
to "BA". Objections. Hearing continued
to Oct. 21,1959. 10-7-59 42 325
Zoning hearings re. Height & Sign Districts
continued to Oct. 21, 1959. 10-7-59 42 325
Hearings re. Height & Sign Districts
continued to Nov. 4, 1959 10-21-59 42 335
Book Page
Mayor Powell requests City Mgr. to
make recommendation relative to
amending zoning ordinance to permit
building of screened enclosures in
yard areas in the same fashion as
now permitted over swimming pools.
10-21-59 42 337
Zoning hearing re. request to
reclassify w.side Washington Ave.
bet. 15th & 16th St. cancelled.
Applicant withdrew request.
10-21-59 42 346
Book Page
Res. #10213 calling hearing on.
12/16/59 re. reclassifying
Lots 1 - 9, Bik 36, Miami View Sec.,
Isle of Normandy, from "RE" to "BA"
Business District
11-4-59 42 348
Height & Sign Zoning hearings
continued to November 18, 1959
11-4-59 42 365
Mr. Lipp presents proposed height
ordinance. Hearings on creation
of height and sign districts
continued. 11-18-59 42 380
Council declines to pass resolution to
call zoning hearing re. permitting
restaurants in "BAA" Business District.
Councilman Richard suggests City Mgr.
make recommendations about zoning
categories. 12-2-59
Height and Sign District hearings
continued. 12-2-59
Report of Zoning Board re. 2639 Collins
Ave. Board overruled decision of Bldg.
Dept. who denied use of the premises as
beauty salon. Mr. Shepard advises that
Council has nothing to do with actions
Book Page
42 385
42 392
of Zoning Board.
Book Page
42 392
Mr. Harry Singer asks that something be done
about a height ordinance for the oceanfront
strip between the 46th St. Park and the reverse
curve on Collins Ave. Mr. Lipp explains.
No action taken. 12-16-59 42 395
Hearing conducted re. proposal to exclude
from "RE" and include in "BA" Lots 1-9, Blk 36,
Isle of Normandy. Objections filed. 1st
reading ordinance reclassifying property in
"BA". 12-16-59 42 398
Height and Sign hearings continued.
Request for zoning hearing to consider
excluding from "RE" and including in "BAAA",
N.W. corner 17th Street and Meridian Ave.
Res. #10241 calling hearing on Feb. 3, 1960.
Book Page
42 402
42 412
Report of Zoning Board filed advising that
Board had overruled decision denying use of
premises at 331 -47th St. as piano instruction
studio. 1-6-60 42 432
Book Page
Harry Singer requests public hearing
re. placing property in Indian Beach
Corp. Sub. in Height District wherein
buildings cannot exceed 110' in height.
Councilmen Frank and Richard say the whole
strip should be considered. Change in
Collins Ave. setback requested.
Res. #10242 calling hearing re. Height
District and Setbacks for Oceanfront
Strip, on Feb. 3, 1960. 1-6-60 42 413
Book Page
Hearing to be held re. request of
Southgate Apartments for permit to
construct pier in Biscayne Bay
(1-20-60) 1-6-60 42 414
Height and Sign District zoning
hearings continued. Carl Hoffman
says certain parts of proposed height
ordinance not clear. 1-6-60 42 420
Ordinance reclassifying Lots 1-9,
Blk 36, Isle of Normandy, amendgd on
ofd „BA" . tgO place ad it
ofi ordinancenasead
amen ed. r . #13bb
1-6-60 42 422
Book Page
Hearing re. Southgate pier
construction held. Lear School
objects. Application approved
and permit authorized. Mr. Lear
asks if he can make similar application.
1-20-60 42 442
Hearing re. height and sign
districts continued. 1-20-60 42 449
Hearing re. request to reclassify
N.W. corner Meridian Ave. & 17th St.
from "RE" to "BAAA". Objections.
Request denied. 2-3-60 42 467
Book Page
Hearing re. Height District and
setback changes in Oceanfront strip: -
Lots 13-23,incl. Indian Beach Corp. Sub.
1-30 incl. 1st Ocean Front Sub.
231 - 245 incl. 1st Ocean Front Sub.
1 - 18, Blk 1, Amended Plat 2nd Oceanfront
Discussion. Hearing continued.to Feb. 17th.
Deep lots only to be considered.
2-3-60 42 469
proposed Book Page
City Atty explains/ordinance
covering creation of Height Districts.
Sam Halperin suggests provisions for
erection of penthouses be included.
Discussion re. amount of space a
penthouse should cover. Ordinance
given 1st reading.
2-10-60 142 470
Zoning hearing on creation of "Sign"
District continued to Feb. 17, 1960.
2-10-60 42 14714
Height Ordinance hearing re,_property
on oceanfront from 46th St. ?ark to
approx. 54th St. Deferment requested.
Discussion held. Mr. Lipp discusses Plan
Council examines schedule of permits
granted for oceanfront strip. Mr. Lipp
reviews analysis with Council. Discusses
deviations from Plan "B". Proposed
Height Ordinance amended. Action
urged on Collins Ave. widening.
2-17-60 42 489
Hearing re. creation of "Sign Districts"
continued to March 2, 1960
2-17-60 42 491
Hearing re. creation of "Sign Districts"
continued to March 16, 1960
3-2-60 43 8
Book Page
Book Page
drd reading of Height Ordinance
eferred until March 16, 1960.
3-2-60 43 8
Res. #10301 calling hearing to consider
excluding from"RC"and including in"RE"
Lots 53 and 54, Block 1, NAUTILUS SUB.
3-16-60 43 20
�Mr. Lipp discusses plans in progress for
Four Seasons to be erected on Lots 20,21,
22, Ind. Beach Corp. Sub„ and architect's
letter stating they will comply with
so-called "modified B plan". Mr. Lipp says
phos on tructiop in that area will meet
modified B plan . Refers to plans for
Hamilton House. - Height ordinance amendedLcont
Ordinance as amended given 3rd
reading. Ordinance adopted - #1376
3-16-60 43 24
Zoning hearing re. creation of
"Sign Districts" continued to
April 6, 1960 3-16-60 43 35
Zoning hearing conducted re. proposal
to rezone lots 53 and 54, Blk 1, Nautilus
Sub. (w.side of Alton Rd. at 37th St.)
'rom "RC" Estate to "RE" Multiple -Family
District. Atty Cohen advises proposed use
of property for Hebrew Academy. Requests
postponement. Clerk advises of error (continued)
Book Page
(continued) Book Page
in legal adv. Hearing recalled
for May 4, 1960. 4-6-60 43 58
Zoning hearing re. creation of
"Sign Districts" continued to
April 20, 1960. 4-6-60 43 58
Mayor Powell suggests amending
Zoning Ordinance to provide for
definition of restaurants. Other
suggestions. City Atty directed
to prepare necessary resolution
calling zoning hearing to consider
proposed regulations. 4-20-60 43 66
Book Page
Zoning hearing continued re.
creation of"Sign Districts."
4-20-60 43 67
Res. #10329 calling zoning hearing
re. definition of restaurants, etc.
4-20-60 43 67
Zoning hearing continued re.
creation of "Sign Districts"
5-4-60 43 79