Zoning_May 1948ZONING �5o Book Page Hearing conducted on proposal to place in "RE" District Lots 4 to 17, Blk. 41, Belleview, Lots 1 to 6 and Lots 13 to 18, Blk. 44, Alton Beach Realty Co. and Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5, Blk. 43, Alton Beach Realty Co. Bay Front; and to place in "BAA" Business District Lincoln Road from Alton Road to bay 5/5/48 26 329 Ordinance making foregoing changes is given 1st and 2nd readings 5/5/48 26 329 ZONING 251 Book Page Ord. #851 changing to "RE" -- Lots 4 to 17, Blk 41, Belleview Sub. Lots 1 to 6, and 13 and 18 inc. Alton Beach Realty Co. Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Blk 143, Alton Beach changing to "BAA" Lots 19,20 and 21, B1k�-40, Alton Beach Lots 11, 12 and 13, Blk 45, " " Lots 1,2,3,1, 19 and 20, Blk 41, Belly err Lots 1,2,3, 11 and So. 20 feet Lot M0, Blk 42, Belleview Lot 1 of Blk 43, Alton Beach Lots 7,8,9,10, 11 and 12, Blk 144, Alton Beach 5/19/48 36 „ 348 ZONING 251A Res. #6582 calling hearing re. regulating use of property between old and new bulkhead lines from Lummus Park to 18th St. 5-19-48 26 356 ZONING Request that Lots 2, 3, 4 & 6, Blk. 16B, Sunset Lake, be rezoned to RE District is referred to Zoning Board 6/2/48 26 373 Zoning hearing conducted on amendment to zone property between old and new bulkhead lines from Lummus Park to 18th St. 6/18/48 26 388 252 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance regulating use of property between old and new bulkhead lines from ZONING 253 Book Page Lummus Park to 18th St. 6/18/48 26 389 1:177 Ord. #855 passed classifying zoning on property between a old and new bulkhead lines ,, from Lummus Park to 18th Street 7/7/48 26 415 Res. #6602 calling zoning hearing on proposal to rezone both sides of 41st St. from Biscayne Waterway to Sheridan Ave. to BAA 7!7/48 26 428 ZONING 254 Book Page Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that request that Lot 26, Blk. 2, Nursery, be rezoned to "RE" be denied 7/7/48 26 430 Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that petition for rezoning of Lots 1 to 18, Blk. 52, 0.B.#3 to "BC" be denied 7/7/48 26 430 Council accepts Zoning Board's recommendation that request that south side of 20th St. be ied oo "B8 "bye rar�t ed 7/7/48 26 431 cn a^nrnA q Ar bboa ZONING 255 Book Page Petition for rezoning of Lot 9, Bik. 33, Normandy Waterway, to "RE" referred to Zoning Board 7/7/48 26 437 Request for rezoning of Lot 21, Blk. 18, Isle of Normandy, referred to Zoning Board 7/7/48 26 437 City Attorney advises that Circuit Court decree orders rezoning of certain Belle Isle property to "RE" District 7/7/48 26 443 ZONING 256 Book Page Council votes not to take an appeal to Supreme Court in Belle Isle zoning case 7/7/48 26 443 Council rescinds previous action and votes to appeal Belle Isle zoning case 7/9/48 26 444 Res. #6610 calling zoning hearing to consider zoning property between old and new bulkhead lines from 33rd to 44th Sts. 7/21/48 26 454 ZONING 257 Book Page Hearing conducted on proposal to rezone both sides of 41st St. from Biscayne Waterway to Shetidan Avenue to "BAA" 8/4/48 27 2 Proposal is taken under advisement 8/4/48 27 2 Hearing conducted on proposal to rezone south side of 20th Street between Alton Road and Purdy Ave. to BC 8/4/48 27 2 ZONING 258 Book Page '1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance placing south side of 20th St. from Alton Road to Purdy Ave. in BC District 8/4/48 27 2 Council rescinds former action and votes not to appeal Belle Isle zoning suit 8/4/4+8 27 8 Zoning hearing conducted on proposal to zone property between old and new bulkhead lines from ZONING. 259 Book Page 33rd to 44th Sts. 8/18/48 27 19 1st reading of ordinance classifying property between old and new bulk- head lines from 33rd to 44th Sts. 8/18/48 27 21 3rd reading Ord. #860 amending zoning ordinance so as to place south side of 20th St. between Alton Road and Purdy Ave. in "BC" District 8/18/48 27 37 ZONING 260 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #862 classify- ing property between old and new bulkhead lines from 33rd to 44th Sts. 9/1/48 27 71 Council votes to take an appeal to the Supreme Court in Firestone zoning case 9/8/48 27 90 Request of Higiscus Lodge, F & A M for rezoning of Lot 25, Block 2, Orchard Sub. #x+ is referred to Zoning Board 10/7/48 27 125 ZONING 261 Book Page Presidents' Council urge City to continue fight against rezoning of Firestone estate M. B. Apt. House Assn. urge Council to continue fight against rezoning of Firestone estate Res. #6671 calling zoning hearing to change setback on property between old and new bulkhead lines from Lummus Park to 18th St. 10/20/48 10/7/48 27 129 10/20/48 27 143 27 161 ZONING' 262 Book Page Kiwanis Club and Board of Realtors urge Council to continue fight against rezoning of Firestone Estate 11/3/+8 27 168 American Legion commends City for defense of Firestone estate zoning 11/17/48 27 193 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance placing property between old and new bulk- head lines from Lummus DPark t 8th St. in Area 11/17/48 27 196 ist. 04 ZONING 263 Book Page Future zoning of bakeries referred to City Manager and City Attorney 11/17/48 27 196 Res. #6687 calling zoning hearing to consider permit- ting retail bakeries where goods are sold on the premises in "BB" Districts and wholesale bakeries in "BC" Districts 12/1/48 27 218 ZONING 264 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #872 placing property between old and new bulkhead lines from Lummus Park to 18th Street in Area District 43 12/1/48 27 223 ZONING 26'5 Book Page Res. #6692, calling hearing to consider classification of self-service laundries 12/8/48 27 236 Request that Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 52, Obean Beach Add. #3, be rezoned from BB to BC District referred to Zoning Board 12/15/48 27 244 Mr. Turk favors possible change in zoning so as to continue 41st Street business classification east to Indian Creek Drive, 12/15/48 27 255 ZONING Zoning hearing conducted on proposal to classify bakeries (retail in BB, wholesale in BC)12/17/48 No change in ordinance is made as result of hearing 12/17/48 Hearing conducted on proposal to classify self-service laundries 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance defining and c assifing self -cervi ea 12/24/48 12/48 266 Book Page 27 256 27 257 �7 259 27 261 ZONING 267 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #874 classifying and defining self-service laundries & defining pressing clubs 1/5/49 27 276 Request that Lots 5 & 6 Bik. 50, Orchard Sub. #2 & 3, be changed is referred to Zoning Board 1/5/49 27 292 Disabled American Veterans and Circus Bar bring suits to restrain City from enforcing zoning ordinance 1/12/49 27 333 ZONING 268 Book Page Res. #6793 calling zoning hearing to correct error in zoningmdment #874 2/2/49 27 419 Council denies following requests: (1) That Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 50, Orchard, be changed to RE; (2) That Lots 2, 3, 4 & 6, Blk. 16B, be changed to RE 2/16/49 27 438 Zoning hearing called on proposal to rezone Polo rr n gP r o7 R k& Lt B& art tint o District ' 2/16/49 27 439 ZONING Hearing is conducted on. amendment to correct error 3/2/49 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance correcting error 3/2/49 Hearing conducted re. re- zoning Polo Park to RE and Lot 8 & s. 31.39 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 47, OB #3, to BAAA District 1st & 2nd readings of ordinanceih making above zoning cnanges 3/16/49 3/16/49 Book 27 448 27 448 27 483 27 483 269 Page ZONING 3rd reading Ord. #879, correcting error in zoning ordinance 3/16/49 27 483 3rd reading Ord. #881 placing Polo Park and School Board property in RE District and Lot 8 and part Lot 7, Blk. 47, OB Add. #3 in BAAA Business District 4/6/49 28 7 270 Book Page ZONING 271 Book Page Request that Lots 1-45, Blk. 15 and Lots 13-58, Blk. 16, Biscayne Beach 2nd Add, be rezoned to RE referred to Board 4/20/49 28 81 Request that Lots 1, 2 & 3, less N. 7511 Blk. 53, Orch. 2 & 3, be rezoned to BA referred to Board 4/20/49 28 81 Mr. Silis1 recommendations for amendment to permit automobile storage garages in RE Districts 4/20/49 28 81 ZONING 272 Book Page Council is advised that Court ordered rezoning of east side of Meridian Ave. between Lincoln Lane and 17th St. to BAAA district. 4/20/49 28 81 Motion to appeal in Meridian Ave. zoning suit loses 5/4/49 28 89 Request for rezoning of Blk. 79C, Alton Beach Bay Front, to RE, referred to Zoning Board 5/4/49 28 121 ZONING 273 Book Page Request for change of Lot 5, Blk. 80, OB Add. #3, to BB Districtreferred to Board 5/4/49 28 131 Res. #6929 calling hearing to consider placing Harrison & Hayes Sub. in BA District 5/19/49 28 167 All Souls Episcopal Church's request to build church at 4025 Pine Tree Drive refer- red to Zoning Board 6/1/49 28 168 Request that Lot 19, Blk. 51, OB #3, be rezoned to BC referred to Zoning Board 6/1/49 28 182 ZONING 274 Book Page Request that Lots 9-16, Blk. 105, & Lots 9 & 10, Bik. 106, OB. #3 be rezoned to BB referred to Zoning Board 6/1/49 28 182 Zoning hearing conducted on proposal to place Harrison & Hayes Sub. in BA District - no action 6/10/49 28 209 Request for reconsideration of petition to reclassify Meridian Avenue north of Lincoln Lane referred to Zoning Board 6/15/49 28 216