Zoning_November to December 1945ZONING 173
Book Page
41st St. Assn. request that
zoning on 41st St. from Sheridan
Ave. to Biscayne Waterway be
chan,ed to "B a tIor 11/21/45 23 287
Ne son Boice obje' t 6.V.611/21/45 23 287
Res. #5889 calling hearing on
above proposed change 11/21/45 23 287
M. B. Carstairs petitions
Council to change zoning
on Lummus Island to
permit operation of airport
Book Page
Res. #5900 calling zoning
hearing on Lummus Island 12/5/45 23 306
41st St. zoning hearing
continued to next meeting 12/19/45 23 324
Upon request of M. C. Gryzmish
zoning hearing is called on
Normandy Golf Course Sub. 12/19/45 23 331
(Res. #5911)
Request for zoning changes
in Altos del Mar No.
re$rred to Zoning Board of
Adjustment 12/19/45 23 335
Book Page
Petition for change of zoning
on Blocks 1 & 10, Harding Townsite
referred to Zoning Board 12/26/x+5 23 336
Request for change of zoning
on Block 7, Ocean Front
Property, referred to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 12/26/45 23 337
Council asks Mr. Renshaw
to determine what action
is necessary to divorce
Zoning and Building Depts. 12/26/45
23 337
Mr. Renshaw advises that suit
has been brought attacking zoning
on property north of Firestone
estate - he is authorized to
negotiate with W. G. Ward to
act as Special Counsel 12/26/45 23 338
Hearing is held on rezoning
of Lummus Island, and
is continued to next ieeting 1/2/46 23 339-41A
41st Street zoning hearing
is continued to next
meeting 1/2/46 23 341A
Book Page
=Imo- 177
Book Page
Lummus Island zoning hearing
is continued Council votes
4 - 2 in favor of change but
no ordinance is read 1/16/46 23 367
41st St. zoning hearing is
continued to next meeting 1/16/46 23 347
Zoning hearing is held on
Normandy Golf Course changes 1/16/46 23 351
City Attorney is instructed
to draw ordinance providing
for changes on the above 1/16/46 23 351
1st reading of ordinance making
certain changes in zoning on
North Isle of Normandy (Normandy
Golf Course Sub.) 1/22/46 23 377
Book Page
Zoning hearing is continued on
Lummus Island - ordinance
providing for change of zoning
to permit airport fails to pass
first reading by vote of 3-3 2/6/46 23 404
3rd reading of Ord. #757
making.changes on North Isle
of Normandy (Normandy Golf
Course Sub.)
2/6/46 23 387
Book Page
Zoning Board of Adjustment makes
report as to 2nd Ocean Front,
41st St., Harding & 71st St., and
Block 35, 0. B. Add. #3 petitions
and it is taken under advisement
2/6/46 23 404
H. M. Trowbridge's request for
zoning change on Lot 6, Block
13A, Island View, referred to
Zoning Board 2/19/46 23 407
Book Page
41st St. zoning hearing
continued to next meeting 2/20/46 23 407
Council considers 4 petitions
for zoning change: 2nd Ocean
Front, 41st St. from Sheridan
to Pine Tree, Block 35, Ocean
Beach Add. #3 and 71st and
Harding, and refers the matter
back to Zoning Board of Adjust-
ment for further consideration
2/20/46 23 .409
Book Page
First Methodist Church asks
permission to use Lots 14 &
15, Block 32, Lake View, for
church purposes - referred
to Zoning Board 2/20/46 23 412
Louise Butterick's request
for change of zoning on Lot
5, Block 21, Altos del Mar
No. 1 referred to Zoning
Board 2/20/46 23 412
Book Page
Council denies petition for
zoning change on 41st St. from
Biscayne Waterway to Sheridan
Ave. 3/6/46
Ordinance given first
reading setting up ZONING
providing for a Chief Zoning
Inspector 3/6/46
23 419
Book Page
1st reading of ordinance changing
setback on Mid Golf Extension to
Area District No. 10 3/6/46 23 446
Res. #5955 calling hearing on April
3, 1946 for changing Area District
of Mid -Golf Extension 3/7/46 23 451
Council asks for additional
time to consider amendthent
to zoning ordinance to
create a department of
is therefore not given its
third reading 3/20/46 23 459
'Book Page
Communication from Chief Simpson
advising that two cases of zoning
violations by Lear School are
still pending in Police Court
is referred to City Attorney and
City Manager 3/20/46 23 459
Petition for change to Single-
family of certain sections of
Altos del Mar No. 3 referred to
Zoning Board of Adjustment 23 48y
Zoning hearing is conducted on
proposed change to place Lots 1
to 13, Mid Golf Extension, in
Area District No. 10 4/3/46 23 484
Ordinance passed reading
placing Lots 1 to 13, Mid Golf
Extension, in Are4 District
No. 10 Q 1163 4/3/46 23 485
Book Page
Zoning Board of Adjustment
makes recommendations as to
3 zoning changes 4/17/46
Council denies petition for
change in Block 11, Biscayne
Point, to "BB" district 4/17/46
Book Page
24 34®35
24 35
Res. #5996 passed, calling
hearing on Lots 1 to 7,
Block 1 and Lots 1 to 7
Block 10, Harding Townsite,
to consider placing in "RE"
district 4/17/46 24 36
Z0� Book Page
Council grants permission to
First Methodist Church of the
Good Neighbor to use Lots 14
and 15, Block 32, Lake View/ 7/l+- 24 35
for church purposes
Zoning hearing held on proposed
amendment to place Lots 1 to 7,
Block 1 and Lots 1 to 7, Block
10, Harding Townsite in "RE" 5/15/46 24 91
1st reading of ordinance placing
Lots 1 to 7, Biock 1 and Lots 1
to 7, Biock 10, Harding Townsite,
in "RE" Multiple -family district 5/15/46 24 91
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #769, amending
zoning ordinance to place Lots
1-7, incl. Blk. 1 and Lots 1 to
7, incl. Biock 10, Harding Town -
site, in "RE" District 6/5/46 24 112
Requests for zoning changes
Biock 43, Bay Front, Biock 80,
Bay Front, part of Block 54+,
Fisher's First - referred to
Zoning Board of Adjustment 6/5/46 24 126
Book Page
Mr. Brubridge favors changing
bay front property north of
Fleetwood Hotel to "RE" 6/5/46 24 126
Zoning Board recommends as
to petitions for zoning
change on Lot 6, Block 13A,
Island View, Lots 13 to 18,
Blk. 7 and Lots 1 to 6, Blk.
81 .Normandy Beach South and
the N. 150 feet of Block 53,
Orchard Sub. #s 2 & 3 6/19/46 24 148
Res. #6040 passed calling
heaaavegilzaly 16, 1946 6/19/46 24 149
Book Page
Requests for zoning changes,
Block 41, Belleview and Block
8, Mid Golf, are referred•to
Zoning Board of Adjustment 7/3/46 24 181
Zoning hearing is held on 3
proposed changes: N. 150'
Block 53, Orchard #2 & 3,
Lots 13-18, Blk. 7 and 1-6,
Blk. 8, Normandy Beach South
and portions of Block 13, 13A
and 11+, Island View Sub. 7/16/46 24 183-85
Ordinance is given first and
second readings providing for
changes in above property 7/17/46 24 186
Book Page
Paul Pollak's request that
classification of Belmar Hotel
be changed to "BA" is refer-
red to Zoning Board 7/17/46 24 187
N. H. Hankoff, representing
M. B. Hotel Ass'n., protests
any change of classification
of Belmar Hotel to permit
operation of night club 7/17/46 24 187
Book Page
Recommendations of Zoning Board
presented as to: (1) Portions
of Altos del Mar #3 (2) Area
District of Lot 4, Ocean Park,
(3) Block 80, Alton Beach Bay
Front, (4) Portions of Blocks
3 and 7, 2nd Ocean Front, and
(5)Area District of certain
portions of Beach Bay, Hayns-
worth Beach and Normandy Beach
South Subdivisions (FOR FILES
Book PagE
Res. #6071 adopted, calling
hearing on all properties
listed on Card 192 with excep-
tion of Altos del Mar No. 3
(Item 1), which the_,Board
recommended remain in its
present classification 7/17/46 24 219
Saul Singer asks for 25 foot
setback on east side of N.
150 feet of Blk. 53, Orchard
#2 & 3 - Council takes no
action 8/7/46
Book Page
John Miskoff asks for 5 ft. set-
back on Lots 13-18, Blk. 7 and
Lots 1-6, Blk. 8, Normandy Beach
South 8/7/46 24 244
Council amends ordinance coming
on for third reading to provide
for change in setback of property
as requested by Mr. Miskoff
8/7/46 24 244
3rd reading Ordinance No. 773,
placing N.150' Blk. 53, Orchard
and Lots 13-18, Blk. 7 and Lots
1-6, Blk. 8, Normandy Beach Sout#
Book Page
in "BAA" classification and
parts of Block 13, 13A and 14,
Island View, in "BB" 8/7/46 24 245
Res. #6084 passed, calling zoning
hearing re. changing area district
on portion of N. 2 Lot 4 and all
of Lots 5 & 6, Block 54, Fisher's
First Sub. Alton Beach 8/7/46 24 253
Zoning hearing is conducted on
various proposed changes in
area districts and creating
Area Districts #38 and #39,
Book Page
and to place Lots 2 to 10,
incl., Block 80, Bay Front, and
portions of Blocks 3 and 7,
2nd Ocean Front, in "RE"
Multiple -family district 9/3/46 24 266
Council takes all proposals
under advisement 9/3/46 24 270
1st reading of ordinance
amending. the zoning ordinance
to make changes considered
at hearing conducted on
September 3, 1946 9/4/46 24 279
Book Page
Request that S. 20 feet of N.
170 feet of Block 53, Orchard
Sub. #2 & 3, be changed to
"BAA" Is submitted and Res.
#6090 is passed, calling hear-
ing on proposal 9/4/46 24 271
Ben B. Gaines' request that
Lots 6 & 8, Block C7 Ocean
Front Property, be rezoned
to "BA" is referred to
Zoning Board of Adjustment 9/4/46 24 279
Petition to change portion of
Blocks 43 & 44, Bay Front, to
"RE" is referred to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 9/4/46 24 279
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance changing certain
area districts, creating
Area Districts #38 & #39,
and placing Lots'2 to 10,
Block 80, Bay Front, and
portions of Blocks 3 & 7,
2nd Ocean Front, in "RE" 9/4/46 24 279
Book Page
Mrs. Thos. E. Warner's request
that self-service automatic
laundrys be permitted in "BA"
or "BB" districts ift referred
to Zoning Board 9/18/46 24 287
3rd reading Ord. #7792 creat-
ing Area Districts #38 & #39,
placing Lots 2 to 10, Block
80, Bay Front, and portions
of Blocks 3 & 7, 2nd Ocean
Front, in "RE" 9/18/46 24 290