Zoning_November to December 1952ZONING 425 Book Page Hearing held re. setback requirements on 3 Collins Ave. properties. 1st and 2nd reading ordinance. Bath Club -- (Tract 1) Lot 19, Blk 1, 2nd OF Sub.) M.B. Casino property) 11-26-52 33 388 Hearing re. employment agencies in "BA" Business District. Request denied. 11-26-52 33 390 3rd reading Collins Avenue setback ordinance - No. 1032 12-10-52 33 416 ZONING 426 Book Page Discussion re. employment of additional counsel to help City Atty in defense of suits brought, seeking rezoning of certain property north of Firestone estate 12-10-2 33 420 1st and 2nd readings ord. amending zoning ord. so as to divide City into two parking districts, re. future construction 12-17-52 33 434 3rd reading ord. creating Parking Districts" - Ord. #1036 1-7-5,Z 33 456 ZONING 427 Book Page Res. #8217 calling zoning hearing to reclassify Blks 46 and 46A, Norm. Golf Course Sub., from RE multiple -family to RD single-family. (Zoning Bd. recommends change). Plat of resub. of these 2 blocks submitted and returned because no provision was made for paving streets. 1-7-53 33 462 E. Q. Rodgers refers to petition filed 4/2/52 requesting Altos del Mar No. 1 and No. 2 be reclassified in RE, and again: -asks action. Referred to Zon. Bd. for recommendations. 1-21-53 33 469 ZONING 428 Book Page 2 petitions filed favoring re- classification of ocean front strip between Ftestone Estate and Royal York Hotel, so as to permit con- struction of hotels 1-21-53 33 469 Communication from Burbridge re. oceanfront rezoning 1-21-53 33 470 City Atty reports on Reid, et al suit (10 cases consolidated) involving 142 lots on ocean between Firestone Est. and Royal York Hotel. Court held that provision limiting use of these properties to Single-family is invalid 1-21-53 33 478 ZONING 429 Book Page Report of Zoning Board re. request that Lots 2 thru 6, Blk 3, Ocean �?,��'s` Front Property, be reclassified from ea present BA to BB Business District. Recommendation that zoning be changed a,{.�Vo1 as requested, after public hearing. 0))'e (Lots located on north side of 23rd 6 4b. Street east of Liberty Ave.) Report of Zoning Board on 2-4-53 33 512 reque f E Q. Rodgers for action on petition to rec fa.ss1fy Altos del Mar Subs. Nos. 1 and 2 to RE -- Board refuses, as there was no showing that changes has taken place in that area since last hearing on 7-1-52 to warrant another public hearinw. 2-4-91 TR 512 ZONING Hearing to reclassify all of Blk 46 and Tract 46A, Normandy Golf Course Sub., from RE -Multiple to RD Single- family District. 2-4-53 33 513 Action requested on rezoning Lots 9 thru 16, Bik 105, Ocean Beach Add'n #3, from RE to BB. Res. #8248 calling hearing. 2-4-53 33 518-519 Daniel Heller, atty. requests appeal from ZBA's action denying Dr. Abraham Silver variance permitting him to practice medicine from residence. No action. 2-4-53 33 519 430 Book Page ZONING 431 1st and 2nd reading zoning amendment Book Page to include Blks 46 and 46A in "RD" Single-family District 2-18-53 34 6 Mrs. A. J. Mari again appeals from Zoning Board's action in granting variance affecting 7510 HardingAve. 2-1-53 34 10 Question brought up of taking appeal from Court decree in oceanfront re- zoning case (Jessie Reid, et al 142 lots between Firestone Estate and Royal York Hotel). Discussion held. 2 communications filed. Vote taken. Favor of appeal. 2-18-53 34 108c ZONING 432 Book Page City Atty reports on oceanfront rezoning suit (Jesse Reid et al): Court enters order denying motion for rehearing filed by City. 2-18-53 34 16 La Gorce Country Club asks zoning change to permit construction of apartment structure for accommodation of members. Referred to Zoning Bd. 2-18-53 34 24 Discussion re. condemnation of Firestone Estate and entire oceanfront north to Royal York Hotel; Councilman Frank's statement. Richard's motion re condemnation defeated. 2-25-53 34 26 ZONING 433 Book Page Hearing- to change zoning on north side of 23rd St. from Collins Ave. west to Liberty Ave. with exception of Collins Ave. corner, to "BB" Business (Lots 2 thru 6, Bik 3, Ocean Front Prop.) Hearing to be continued until 3114. Effort to change vote on postponement of hearing fails. 2-25-53 34 28 & 29 Hearing - to place Lots 9 - 16, Blk 105, Ocean Beach Add'n #3, in "BB" Business classification (east side of Alton Rd. bet. oth and 7th Sts.). Zoning change denied. 2-25-53 34 28 ZONING 434 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying Blocks 46 & 46A, Normandy Golf Course Sub., in "RD" Single-family District. Ord. #1040. 3-4-53 34 46 Request to rezone Dr. Silver's property at 6396 Collins Ave, (Lot 7, Block 7, 2nd Ocean Front Sub.) in classification which would permit him to practice medicine from that address, denied 3-4-53 34 54 ZONING Book Zoning hearing continued on proposal to rezone Lots 2 thru 6, Blk 3, Ocean Front Property, from BA to BB Business (north side of 23rd St. from Collins Ave, west to Liberty). Ordinance to be prepared making zoning change. 3-4-53 34 55 1st reading zoning classifying Lots 2 Ocean Front Prop., District (23rd St. 435 Page amendment re- thru 6, Blk 3, in BB Business 3-25-53 34 129 ZONING 436 Book Page 3rd reading zoning ordinance reclassifying Lots 2 through 6, Bik 3, Ocean Front Property, in BB Business District, Ord. #1044 4-8-53 34 163 Report of Zoning Board re. request that Lots 5 & 6, Blk 12, Island View Sub. , be rezoned from BA to BB Business classification. Res. #8365 rezoning above lots and Lots 3 & 4, 7 and 8, Bik 12; also Lot11-,- B1k,12A, Island --View Sub. from BA to BB Business 5-6-53 34 224 ZONING 436A Petition filed requesting that provision in zoning ord. permitting multiple - level parking garages be repealed. Request referred to Zoning Board. 4-15-53 34 181 ZONING 437 Book Page Action deferred on request that Lot 16, Aquarium Site Resub., (515 West Ave.) be reclassified in BC Business District 5-6-53 34 234 Request that Lot 1, Bik 58, Pine Ridge Sub. (n.w. cor. 15th St. and Wash. Ave.) be reclassified in BA Business District, referred to Zoning Board 5-6-53 34 234 1st and 2nd reading ordinance changing zoning on Firestone Estate (Lot A, Indian Beach Corp. Sub.) to "RE" Multiple -family; andhChandler Bldg. pro erty s.w. cor. 7 St. & Wash Ave Mots & 2, Bik 75 Pine Ridge Sub.) in "B Business, to comply with court orders 5-13-53 34 247 ZONING 438 Book ' Page City Mgr. to make recommendations for straightening out zoning ordinance A, 5-13-53 34 248 3rd reading zoning amend., reclassifying Lot A,'Indian Beach Corp. Sub., in RE op' .•'ar Multiple -family District, AND Lots 11016,-. and 2, Blk 75, Pine Ridge Sub., in •P BA Business District, to comply with tr-‘ court orders. Ord. #1054 5-20-53 34 270 No action on request of J. A. Grenier for hearing his appeal from Zoning Board's denial of his application for variance at 4573 Prairie Ave, 5-20-5J 34 290 ZONING Hearing conducted to reclassify Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Blk 12, Island View Sub., and Lot 1, Bik 12A, Island View Addn.,..from BA Business to BB Business District 6-10-53 34 301 1st reading Ord. rezoning Lots 3-thru 8, Bik 12, Island View Sub. and Lot 1, Blk 12A, Island View Addn. to BB Business District 6-10-53 34 302 Recommendation of Zoning Board denying rezoning of Lot 16, Amended Plat of Aquarium Site Resub. from BB to BC Business District, accepted 6-10-53 34 331 439 Book Page ZONING 440 Book Page Recommendation of Zoning Board to reclassify Lot 27, Blk 1, Ocean Side Sec., Isle of Normd., in BAAA Business District. Hearing to be called to consider proposed rezoning. (Res.#8415) 6-10-53 34 331 Report of Zoning Board read re. changing area district on Lots 1 thru 12, Sub. of Tract 46, Norm. Golf Course Sub.; use district having recently been changed from RE Multiple -family to RD Single- family. Hearing to be called to consider proposed zoning change, (Res. #8415) 6-10-53 34 331 ZONING Report of Zoning Bd. re. petition requesting that Sec. 51 of zoning ordinance,. permitting construction of multiple -level parking garages in REE District, be repealed. Board recommends repeal. Res. #8415 calling hearing. 6-10-53 34 332 Hearing to consider amending or eliminating Sec. 5-, creating REE Multiple -level automobile parking districts, from zoning ordinance. Hearing to be continued until all Councilmen present 7-1-53 34 351 441 Book Page ZONING Owners of Lot 4, Blk 75, Pine Ridge Sub. requests reclassification of lot in BA Business District. Res. #8421 calling hearing 7-1-53 34 354 442 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lots 3,4,5,6,7 and 8, Blk 12, Island View Sub., AND Lot 1, Blk 12A, Island View Addition in BB Business District - Ord. #1063 7-1-53 34 355 ZONING Hearing re. reclassifying Lot 27, Blk 1, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Normandy in BAAA Business District. Ordinance to be prepared making proposed change 7-1-53 34 352 Hearing re. placing Lots 1 to 12, incl., Blk 46A, Normandy Golf Course Sub., in Area District No. 14. Ordinance to be prepared making proposed change. 7-1-53 34 352 1st reading zoning amendment, reclassifying Lots 1 to 12, incl., Blk 46A, Normandy Golf Course Sub., in Area District No. 14 7-1-53 34 369 443 Book Page ZONING 444 Book Page 1st reading zoning amendment, so as to include in "BAAA" Business District Lot 27, Bik 1, Ocean Side Sec. of Isle of Normandy 7-1-53 ' 34 370 Res. #8431 calling hearing to consider zoning amendment so that, on lots lying on north side of Lincoln Rd. bet. Meridian Ave. & Jefferson Ave. no rear yard will be required 7-8-53 34 377 Hearing resumed t consider amends or eliminating sec. 5i from zoning ord.nance- (multiple-level automobile parking J). Motion to deny zoning change tabled until Aug. 5. 7-15-53 34 379 ZONING 445 Walter Kovner files petition askingBook Page that Lot 6, B1k 22, Ocean Beach Addn #3, (1200-1224 Washington Ave.) be reclassified from BAA to BA Business District. Referred to Zoning Board for recommendations 7-15-53 34 388 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 1 to 120-B1k 46A, Normandy Golf Course Sub. in Area District No.14, Ord. #1067 7-15-53 34 389 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying Lot 27, Blk 1, Ocean Side Sec., Isle of Normandy, n AAA Business District - Ord. #1068 7-15-53 34 389 ZONING 446 Book Page 1st reading zoning amendment reclassifying Lot 4, Block 75, Pine Ridge Sub. in "BA" Business District 7-22-53 34 406 Zoning Board's recommendation accepted that tract of land immediately north of and contiguous to Lots 3 to 6, incl., Blk 3, Ocean Front Property, be rezoned from "BA" to "BB" Business classification. Res #8446 calling -zoning hearing. 7-22-53 34 409 ZONING 447 Book Page Zoning Board's recommendation accepted, requiring 50' setback from street instead of 25" on Michigan Ave. between 12th and 15th Streets. Res. #8446 calling zoning hearing. 7-22-53 34 409 lstreading amendment to zoning ordinance, so that on lots lying north side of Lincoln Road, between Meridian Ave. & Jefferson Ave. no rear yard will be required 8-5-53 34 425 ZONING 448 Book Page Hearing continued re. amending or eliminating Sec. 5i of Zoning Ord. permitting construction of multiple - level garages in REE Multiple Family District. Council votes to repeal present multiple -level garage provision. Committee or group and Planning Board to study and develop proper provision with suitable governing regulations for reinsertion in zoning ordinance and make report. 8-5-53 34 427 3rd reading zoning amendment, reclassifying Lot 4, Blk 75, Pine Ridge Sub., in BA Business District. Ord. #1069 8-5-53 34 428 ZONING 449 Book Page 1st reading ord. amending Zoning Ord. by eliminating from Sec. 51 the provision for construction of multiple - level garages in REE Multiple -family District 8-5-53 34 432 Board's recommendation re. rear yard setbacks on Stillwater and North Still- water Drives accepted - that new Area District be created providing setback of 25' from water, 25' from street, and 5' from side property lines, and that Blks 15 and 16, Biscayne Beach 2nd Addn be placed in this Area District. Res. #8470 calling hearing. 8-5-53 34 445 &