Zoning_October 1935ZONING 50.
Book Page
Res.#3349 calling hearing on change
of setback on Collins Avenue from
67th St. to 72nd St. 10/23/35 14 160
Res.#3350 calling hearing on changing
of Lots 7 and 8, Bik. 39,Palrn View
Subdn. 10/25/35 14 162
Res. ##3353 calling hearing on zoning
change of 5th St. from Wash. to Bay
10/25/35 14 166
1st & 2nd readings Ord. to change zon-
ing of 5.1500 of Lot 9,all of 10, Bik. 14 167
80,Alton Beach Bav Front in/7n/�R
Book Page
Res. #3354 calling hearing on pro-
posed zoning change, Lot 10, and S.
1501 of 9, Blk.80 lton Beach Bay
Front Sub. 10/30/35 14 168
Hearing held on change of zoning Lot
2, Blk. 1, Mid -Golf Subdn. 11/6/35 14 173
This change denied
Final Reading Ord.#406-amending Liquor
Zoning Ord.#402 permitting sale of
liquor in golf club houses 11/6/35 14 177
(For Liquor Zon. See LIQUOI ZON )
Final reading of Ordinance #408
amending Zoning Ordinance as to
area of Collins Ave. - 67th St.
to 72nd St. 11/13/35
Action was deferred on proposed
Zthning change in Espanola Way.
E. D. Keefer advised that he can-
not operate a restaurant at 1035
Collins Ave., as it would be in
violation of the 1 nin Ord.
Book Page
14 185
14 185
14 188
Book Page
Discussion on zoning change, Lot 10,
& $.1501 of 9,B1k.80,Alton Beach -Say
Frent- action deferred /2 /35- --14- 197
Discussion on zoning change. 5th St.
from --Wash ton --Ave-. to -Bay 11/20/35------ - 14 197 -
Discussion on zoning change Lots 7 &
&, 1k.39,Palm -View Subdn. 11/20/35 14 H198--
-Mre.Reineking,owner of Geo. ashington
Hotel objects to 5th St.zoning_change
12/6/35 14 231
Hook Page
ReZoning on Lots 7 and 8, Blk.39
Pali -view Sub. abandoned. 12/6/35 14 231
LINCOLN -ROD -no liquor 12/1g/35 14 --237
Seidenss Rest. denied permit to use _
Patio for restaurant business 12/18/35' 14 23g
Hearing called for zoning change on
41st Street from Royal Palm to Garden
Avenues Re.a.#3387 12/23/35 14 244
Clerk_instructedto notify property owners -
of hearing on Jan.l5th,1936,on Espanola
Way zoning change 12130735 14 -223
Change of Blocks 26 & 3jisher' s
lst Subdn.of Alton Beach to 'IRE'S
classification -referred to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 1/S/36
Discussion_on Espanola Way Zoning
change -no action 1/15/36 14 267
Hearing held on 41st Street Zoning-
-flrd ,pas sed -2 --readings 1/15/36 ---14 26g
Book Page
14 264
'Petition to chane zoi Ingo Was i:Te:
between 6th and 7th Ste. referred to
Zoning Board 1/29/36 14 277
Book Page
Council votes NOT to change Espanola
Way zoning -east ootJWashihgton Ave.
---2/5136— 14 287
4rd Reading Ord.#1+17 char in chain
1st Street to "BA" 2/5 3 At
Zoning change requested on Fifth St.
from alley west of Meridian Ave. to
-Bay 2J5/36--- 14 2M-
Ae .L. #3415_calling hearing on above
5th St.rsguested zoning change 2/5/36 14 289
Bo4� Page
Hearing held on 5th Street Zonis
change to IIBB' (alley West of Meri-
dian Ave. to Bay) 2/26/36 14 312
Ordinance passed 1st and 2nd read,-
-Inge -on -above change 2/26/36 14 312
change in Zoning use regulations on
-both -sides-o . ton o ad f -14th
St. to 20th St. petition referred to
Zoning Bd.of Adjustment 2/26/36 14 312
Res.#3439 callinghearin on cha.ge n
setback regulatin for Lots 3 & '+, Bk.
77,Fisher's 1st Subdn.Alton Beach 3/ /36 14,317
Book Page
50 e
,3rd Reading Ord. No.419 changing
use regulation on Fifth St. from
-alley-West-of--Meridian to- Bay
3/4/36 14 317
Grysmich Bros. request for Zoning
ae ange on west end of Isle of Normandy
referred to 9.on ng - Board_ of Adjustment -
3/18/36 14 344
ging held on area change on Lots
-3-&---4-03-1 :. , : = - = ' • bnn-� 3-/ 136 14 346
_lilt and 2nd_readings Ordinance making
,glaciiie area change 3/25/36 14 347
Book Page
It and 2nd Readings Ordinance
adding clause to Area District
No. 17 }x/1/36
14 362
Res. #3462 calling hearing on
--above--zoning amendment t�/ 36 14 362
3rd Reacltng -Orli. 0423 -making area
regulation charge Loit,2 4 k.
77,Fisher's lst Sub. /1/36 14 367
lat & 2nd Readings Ordi.changing use
regulation of property in Isleof Nor-
mand/ 4/g/36
Rea.#3482 calling hearing on above 14 374+
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings ordinance making
amendments, changes, etc. to place Zoning
-mina - - - - = 14/ 394
Res. #3501 calling hearing on above
-amendments k/15/36 14 X94
Hearing- hei& -on-adding--elau s e to
District No. 17 -final reading
ORDINANCE NO. 425 5/6/36 14 415
Action deferred on Isle of Normandy
_zoning-Amnt 51-6-f36-
14- -415-----
Book Page
Hearing held_and ORDINANCE NO.427
passed making corrections and ad -
di t ionto Zoning -Ord. 5/-613-6, 1 -1-7
1st -&-and Readings Drdinance placing
_Locksmith shops in-BArDist, 5/6/36 _1 421
Hos. #3523 nelllng:hearigg on changing_
use Dist. for Locksmith 'hops 5/6/36 14 421
1st and 2nd readings_smnding ZonXtig
Of'dinance by changing use regulation
of-outIpts 5/20/36 -14----143-----
Rez.Jf3543 calling bearing on_outlots
5/20/36 14 443
Book Page
Hearing held on_placing of Locksmith
Shops in BI-Distriot and Ordinance
No-.-----42B--passed final-re-ading 6/3/36- 14 11.53
Hearingheld on changing use regulation
on-Outlote --action-deferred until
June 17th, 1936 meeting 6/10/36 14 470
HOluest to rezone propertron-new-
plat-Mel-for Racord49,f-Partl,
ViesSection,Isle of Normandy -
referred to Zoning Board of Adjustment
Book Page
1st Reading Ordinance changing
zoning -Wet end of -1 le -o ` Normandy
-- 1/36 14-118.8
Hearing called to consider above
zoning change Res.#3592 7/1/36 14 488 --
1st Reading Ord. adding Dist.32 to
Zoning Ordinance. 7-1-36 14 496
let_Readtng Ord. making _zoning changes
on Sunset Isls.to conform with deeded
restrict ions 7-1-36 14 496
--Re.s.#3585--&4356--ealling hearing on
above two
oninC g changes 7 1-36 14 496
Final reading Ord.1npl Il3n1117t6
14 - -497
lst & 2nd Readings
Private Schools in
Res.#3559 calling
zoning amendment
Ordinance placing
«BAAAW Dist.
hearing on above
7-1-36 14
1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance placing
Telephone Exchanges in "RE" Dist.
7-1-36 14
Res. #3590 calling—hearing on above
zoning amendment- ===36 -- 14
tat_ ? 2nd_ readings Ordi. pe rmitt ing
2nd Stora[ car garages in "BAA " Dist.
Res.#3605 calling heari g on above lj
Book Page
Hearing held on changing classifica-
tion of "Private Schools & Ord.#433
-passed-3rd-reading placing -same in
"BAAA" Dist. $-5-36 15 30
Hearing_ held on changing classification
of Telephone Exchanges & Ord.$434 passed
3rdHReading-pIacing same in HAP- 8-5-36 -1-5- 31
-Hearing held -on -Adding Diet.--#32,-exid-eer--
tain changes on Sunset Isle. 3rd Reading
Ord. #435 & 436 8-5-36 15
Hearin#held on Isle of Norman4y ch gee
-Objeotione 5- 36
Book Page
Hearing held on adding item 29 to
oBAA"DIt to permit storage of
cars-on-second-floar-- Ord. #437
passed final reading - 8-5-36 15 36
let & 2nd Readings ordinance amend-
ing Zon.Ordinance to clarify certain
terms & conditions 8-19-36 15 71
ReE*_#3652 calling hearing- on above
for Sept. 16th, 1936 8-19-36 15 72
-3-rd -Reacling-Ord.411.4-2- changing zoning
Miami View:Deo. Isle of Normandy 9-2-36 15 94
Book Page
Hearing notice filed on various
zoning changes, amendments,etc.
9-16-36 15 142
3rd Reading Ord.#447 making various
changes, definitions,etc. to Zoning
Ordinancc No. -2€49 9-24-36 15 145
-lit & 2nd readings ordinance changing
zoning on 41st St.from Alton to Meri-
dian Avenue 9-30-36 15 154
Res. #3708 calling hearing on above 15 154
Book Page
1st & 2nd rea Ings _Q_rd,pli
parking lots in "RENDist.1O-7-315 166
Res. #3717 calling hearingon above
-zoning-amendment 0-7-36 15 166
Ordj453 -changing use and area regu-
lation on 100 ft-. rip on 41st zit.
0-21- 6 5
Request made to rezone - 6742 Collins
Ave. to permit restaurant
service bar- 11-4• _ 3§ 15 -19#-
3rd Reading Ord. #455 placing parking
lots in "RE" Dist.. 11-4-36 15 195
Book Page
lst & 2nd readings Ord.amending
Zoning Ord.re:docks,wharvessetc.
11-4-36 15 •
_Bas._43740 _calling_heicring on
above 11-4-36 15 205
lst & 2nd readings Ord.changing
area regulation of Nattilus Ext.2nd
Res. #3766 cAlling_hearing on abovc
11/18/36 15 220
E.A.Todd withdraws objections to zoning
change on Lot 2,B1kIIf G9lf
3b 15 253
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord.#463 -amending Zon-
ing Ord. with reference to dock and
wharf _ . -15 262
1st & 2nd Reading Ord. changing use and
area regulation of Horobin Tract
12-3-36 15- 276
Res #3.787 e,_ ening hearing on_ab0ve
12-3-36 15 277
Final Reading Ord.#466 - changing area
regulation of Nautilu12Exes�2nd 15
1st & 2nd Readings Ord.changing
Inside tracts of Hibiscus Is
12 15 302
Res. #3802 -ea-ll i ng -hewing ---on above
12-16-36 15 302
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord. #474 on Hibiscus
Island change 1-37- 15 327
3rd Reading Ord. #473 on 0Horobin
—Tract" zoning change 1-6-37 15
1st --&-2nd readings --Ord. adding Di -s -t-.
No. 33 1-20-37 15
Book Page
Res. #3832 calling hearing on
adding Dist. #33 1-20-37 15 354
Iet.& 2nd Readingl1_Ord. changing
area regulation of Blk.11-A,
Island View-- 1-20=37
Res. #3833 calling hearing on
abo e-B1k-1-A cha-nge 1-20-37 15 X54
Ke-ef-er= 31anche M. -,-asks City-to-Ad-
1ty to--di—
miss suit on Zonning now in gupreme
Court,1-29-37 15 372
-Keefer Cse- granted 30 days exten-
--sl-on of time on zoning cRse 2-3-37 15 383_
Res. #3851 calling hearing- on change
in Use Regulation of 1I-ist Street
business -Property 2-17-37
Hearing herd on -adding Diet. #33
Book Page
5 392 -
to zoning ordinance 2-17-37 15
Hearing held on changing area dist.
on Blk.11-A,Island View Add.2-17-37 15 394
Siems Bros.petition Council to rezone
property south of 15th St.& East of
Ocean Dr. 3-17-37 15 )130
Hearing called on above Res. 3884 15_ 431
1st & 2nd Readings Ord. changing above
property to 'BAA "O1a-ssif-ieation 3-17-37 15,431
Book Page
Hearing held on 41st St.Business
Subdivision rezoning 3-17-37 15 432
Ordinance passed Final Reading
on above zoning change #480 3-17-37 15 432
Ord.#481 passed final reading adding
Area Dist. #33 3-17-37 15 433
Hearing held on rezoning of B1k.11A,
Island View Addn. 3-17-37 15- 433
1st & 2nd Readings Ord.changing B1k.
11A,Island View Addn. 3-17-37 .15 434