Zoning_October 1946ZONING 200
Book Page
Hearing is conducted on proposal
to place S. 20' of N. 170' of Bik.
53, Orchard Sub. #2 & 3, in BAA %o//1b 24 318
The above proposal is referred
to Zoning Board of Adjustment
for recommendations 10/2/46 24 318
Request that west end of Lincoln
Road be placed in BAA is refer-
red to Zoning Board 10/2/46 24 318
Book Page
Petition for zoning change on
5th St. from Wash. Ave. to alley
bet. Meridian and Jeff. to "BB"
is referred to Zoning Board of
Adjustment 10/16/46 24 344
City Attorney is instruct-
ed to draw ordinance permit-
ting the establishment of
private schools in "RE"
districts 10/16/46 24 345
Book Page
Requestfor zoning change on
Lots 1 & 2, Block 11, Normandy
Beach South, referred to
Zoning Board 11/6/46 24 390
Res. #6147, calling hearing
to consider permitting
private schools in "RE"
Districts 11/6/46 24 394
Upon recommendation of
Zoning Board Council
denies request that Lots
6 & 8, Bik. C, 0. F. Prop.
be placed in !SBA" district 11/6/46 24 394
Upon recommendation of Zoning
Board Council denies request
that Lot 18 & south portion of
Lot 19, Blk. 8, Mid Golf, be
changed to "RE" district 11/6/46 24 394
Zoning Board recommends that
1 -story accessory buildings be
permitted in multiple -family
and business districts abut-
ting on the ocean 11/20/46 24 404
Zoning hearing is called
on above proposed change 11/20/46 24 404
Book Page
Book Page
Zoning hearing is conducted
on proposal to permit private
schools in "RE" districts &
ordinance providing for this
change is given 1st & 2nd
readings 12/4/46 24 411
Zoning hearing is conducted
on proposal to permit 1 -story
accessory buildings in busi-
ness and multiple -family
property abutting on the
ocean 12/18/46 24 431
Ordinance given 1st & 2nd
readings permitting 1 -story
accessory buildings in Busi-
ness and multiple -family
property abutting on the
ocean 12/18/46 24 431
3rd reading Ord. #788,
permitting establishment
of private schools in
"RE" districts 12/18/46 24 431
Book Page
Ord. #792 amending Zoning
Ord. by permitting 1 -story
accessory buildings on
Book Page
Business and multiple -family
property abutting on the
ocean 1/2/47 24 448
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance placing easterly
portion of N. + Lot 4,
and Lots 5 & 6, Bik. 54,
Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton
Beach, in Area District
#19 1/2/47 24 452
Book Page
3rd reading of Ord. #796,
amending Zoning ordinance by
4 lacing portion of N.* Lot
& all of Lots 5 & 6, Blk.
54, Fisher's 1st Sub. of
Alton Beach, in Area District
#19 1/15/47 24 461
Petition requesting that
Lots 11. 2, 3 & 4, Blk. 3,
Orch. , be rezoned to
"BAA" is referred to
Zoning Board 1/15/47 24 466
Book Page
L. I. Grote complains
that zoning ordinance
is being violated 2/5/47 24 470
Council denies petition
to change Lots 1 to 9,
Blk. 36, Isle of Norm-
andy, to "BA" 2/5/47 24 478
Council denies request
to change S. 20' of N.
170' of Blk. 53, Orch.
#2 & 3, to Business 2/5/47 24 478
Book Page
Theo Miller's request to
operate dry cleaning machine
in "BB" District is referred
to Zoning Board 2/19/47 24 492
Building Dept. is instructed
to refer all requests for
permits in which zoning ques-
tion is involved to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 2/19/47 24 492
Council denies petition to
change Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Blk,
3, Orch. #4, to BAA
District 3/5/47 25 26
ZOIG 210
Book Page
Council denies petition to
amend Zoning Ordinance to
permit Launderettes in BB
Business Districts 3/5/47 25 27
Council accepts recommenda-
tions of Zoning Board and
calls zoning hearing on
proposal to change zoning
on 5th Street to BC and
BB classifications -
Resolution No. 6230 3/5/47 25 37
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings given an
ordinance placing Lummus Island
in "BF" zone to permit opera-
tion of an air base (in com-
pliance with court order) 3/19/47 25 49
Fred Baisden presents petition
of property owners that zoning
on Altos del Mar #1 and #2 be
changed to RE - it is referred
to Zoning Board 3/19/47 25 57
Milton Steinhardt's request
that Biscayne Beach 2nd Add.
be zoned RE is referred to
on ng Board 3/19/47 25 57
Book Page
Hearing conducted on proposal
to rezone both sides of 5th
Street - west end to "BC" and
east end to "BB" 4/2/47 25 62
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance changing 5th
St. zoning to BC (west end)
and BB (east end) 4/2/47 25 62
Ord. #804 given 3rd reading,
changing zoning of Lummus
Island to "BF" 4/2/47 25 75
Book Page
Petition requesting that
east side of Purdy Ave. be
changed to BC is referred
to Zoning Board 4/2/47 25 81
3rd reading Ord. #805
changing zoning on both
sides of 5th Street from
bay to ocean 4/16/47 25 105
Zoning Board of Adjustment
recommends as to petition
for classification of -zoning
on Biscayne Beach and Bis-
cayne Beach 2nd Addition 4/16/47 25 124
Book Page
Res. #6281 calling zoning
hearing to consider classify-
ing zoning on Biscayne Beach
and Biscayne Beach 2nd Add. 4/16/47 25 125
On recommendation of Zoning
Board denies 3 requests for
zoning changes: (1) Block 41,
Belleview; (2) Blocks 43 and 44,
Btly Front; (3) west end of
Lincoln Road 4/16/47 25 128
Petition for rezoning of
west end of Lincoln Road
referred back to Zoning Board 5/7/47 25 138
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance classifying zoning
of Biscayne Beach and
Biscayne Beach 2nd Add'n. 5/7/47 25 143
John B. Reid's request that
Lots 17 & 18, Bik. 1, 2nd
Ocean Front, be rezoned to
RE IS referred to Zoning Board 5/7/47 25 161
Request that 71st from Indian
Creek to Abbott Ave. be rezoned
to BAA is referred to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 5/7/47 25 167
Book Page
Baron deHirsch Meyer submits
petition asking Council to
hold up ordinance classifying
zoning on Biscayne Beach
until Mr. Steinhardt builds
bridge to mainland 5/21/47 25 172
Council defers action on
ordinance classifying zoning
on Biscayne Beach 5/7/47 25 172
Zoning Board of Adjustment
recommends that zoning on
ease side of Purdy Avenue
be changed to BC 5/21/47 25 187
Book Page
Res. #6315 calling zoning
hearing to consider changing
east side of Purdy Avenue to
BC District 5/21/47 25 187
Request that Lots 1 to 18,
incl. Block 52, 0. B.
Add. #3 be rezoned to BC
is referred to Zoning Board 5/21/47 25 191
Res. #6317, calling hearing
to consider placing Block
11.E Biscayne Beach 1st Add.
in RE Multiple -family 5/21/47 25 192
Book Page
Request that Lot 26, Blk, 2,
Nursery, be rezoned to RD
is referred to Zoning Board 6/11/+7 25 204
Zoning Board reports on
request to construct build-
ing across rear of Lots 5
and 12, Block 10, Harding
Townsite - recommending
that request be denied
Council accepts recommenda-
tion and votes to attempt
to procure alley easements
through Blocks 1 & 10,
Harding Townsite
6/11/+7 25
6/11/47 25 205
Book Page
Zoning Board recommends that
Lot 3 and N. 50 feet of Lot
2, Blk. 532 Orch. #2 & 3,
be classified as BAA 6/11/+7 25 205
Zoning Board recommends
that Area Districts in
certain blocks in Tatum
Waterway and Biscayne Beach
be changed to #9 6/11/47 25 206
Res. #6321, calling zoning
hearing on last 2 recom-
mendations of Zoning Board
(directly above) 6/11/47 25 206
ZONING • 220
Book Page
Hearing is conducted on proposal
to rezone east side of Purdy
Avenue to "BC" district 6/18/47 25 222
Ordinance given 1st & 2nd
readings changing zoning of
east side of Purdy Avenue to
"BC" 6/18/47 25 222
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance classifying Block
117 Biscayne Beach 1st Add.
in RE Multiple -family dist. 6/18/47 25 222
Book Page
Request that Lot 19, Block 4,
and Lot 24, Block 11, both in
Orch. Sub. ft'i' be rezoned to
RE district is referred to
Zoning Board 6/18/47 25 234
Petition to rezone part
of B ck 41, Belleview Sub.
is r'Terre,d back to Zoning
Board of Adjustment 6/18/47 25 235
Zoning hearing is conducted
on proposal to place Block 1,
Tatum Waterway Sub. and Blks.
9 & 10, Biscayne Beach Sub.
Book Page
in Area District 9, and
Lot 3 and N. 50 feet of Lot
2, Blk. 53, Orch. #2 & 3
in BAA District 7/24+7 25 237
Walter Kovner objects to
changing zoning on Lot 3
and N. 50 ft, Lot 2, Blk.
53, Orch. #233 7/2/47 25 237
Council defers action on
the above zoning until
full Council is present 7/2/47 25 237
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance permitting operation
of Cabarets in 100 -room
hotels 7/11/47 25 260
Res. #63+1, calling zoning
hearing on zoning change to
permit Cabarets in 100 -room
hotels 7/11/47 25 261
Ord. #808 passed, placing
Block 11, Biscayne Beach 1st
Add. in RE Multiple -family Dist.
7/11/+7 25 264
Ord. #809 passed, placing
east side of Purdy Ave. in
BC Business District 7/11/47 25 265
Book Page
Upon recommendation of
Zoning Board Council
calls hearing to consider
placing both sides of 71st
Street in BAA (Collins
to Indian Creek) Res.6342 7/11/47
Upon recommendation of
Zoning Board Council
calls hearing to consider
placing ocean frontage in
25 266