Zoning_October 1954ZONING 500 Book Page Hearing on proposal to place easterly portion of 500 feet immediately north of Fontainebleau Hotel .in 2 -story Cabana District and remainder of property in appropriate area district. 1st reading ordinance calling for setback or 6feet from ocean, side yards of 10 feet, and setback of 50 feet from Collins Ave. 2 -story cabana district to extend from bulkhead line 651west and cabanas to be permitted to set within 5 feet from side lines 10-27-54 36 287 ZONING 501 Book Page Hearing on request for reclassification of both sides of Meridian Ave. between 18th and 19th Streets to RE Multiple -Family District to be continued to Nov. 17, 1954 11-3-54 36 300 Hearing to consider reclassifying both sides of 71st Street from Indian Creek Drive to Indian Creek in BA Business District postponed until Nov. 17, 1954 11-3-54 36 302 3rd reading ordinance placing easterly portion of 500 feet immediately north of Fontainebleau in 2 -story Cabana Dist. and Area Dist. No. 43, and remainder in Area Dist. No. 57. Ord. Noi-13358 36 308 ZONING 501A Book Page Zoning Board recommendation re. Blks, 8 and 9, ADM #1 -be placed in "RE" Multiple Family - Further recommends matter be held in abeyance Qending outcome of Ci.ty l s appea from i' Judge Miliedges decree ordering Lots 2 and 3, Block 24, rezonded tft- business use 11-3-54 36 314 ZONING 502 Book Page Zoning hearing to consider placing both sides of Harding Ave. bet. 76th and 78th Sts. in area district which would require front yard having depth of 72 feet. 1st reading ordinance 11-17-54 36 329 Zoning hearing on request for reclassi- fication of both sides of 71st St. from Indian Cr. Dr. to Indian Creek from BAA to a BA Business District. Ordinance to be prepared reclassifying this property in BA Business District 11-17-54 36. 331 ZONING 503 Book Page Hearing resumed on proposal to reclassify both sides of Meridian Ave. bet. 18th and lgth Streets in RE Multiple -Family District. Motion to prepare ordinance rezoning this block fails. 11-17-54 36 335 1st reading ordinance establishing 10 foot setback on north side of 71st Street bet. Rue Versailles & Rue Notre Dame 11-17-54 36 343 3rd reading zoning amendment establishing 10 foot setback on north side of 71st St. bet. Rue Versailles & Rue Notre Dame, Ord. #1144 12-1--54 36 350 ZONING 504 Book Page 3rd reading zoning amendment reducing front setback on Harding Ave. bet. 76th and 78th Sts. from 10 feet to 7z feet, Ord. #1145 12-1-54 36 350 Request for zoning;Jiearing to reclassify It 15, Block 51, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 and 3, from RD Single -family to RE Multiple- LeI family District deferred until Dec. 8, 1954 12-1-54 36 349 Res. #8822 calling zoning iearin to reclassify Lot 6 and N.1/2 Lot , Bik 30, in BAAA (Drexel property 12-1-54 36 357 ZONING 505 Book Page Res. #8823 calling hearing to consider placing easterly portion of Pancoast Hotel property in the "Cabana and Swimming pool District 12-1_54 36 357 1st reading ordinance reclassifying both sides of 71st St. from Indian Cr. Dr. to Indian Creek in BA Business District held over to next meeting 12-1-54 36 358. Request for rezoning east 75 feet of Lot 15, Blk 51, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 & 3, f Rd to RE Multiple -family District denied 4'141 12-8-54 36 360 p gcce /2.-9-s-54 J(• 3f ZONING 506 Book Page Council discusses request that ordinance be brought up again for third reading reclassifying 2 interior lots of Di Lido Hotel property in BA Business District (Lots 2 and 3, Blk 29, Fisher's 1st). This ordinance failed on 3rd reading on Feb. 3, 1954. Res. #8825 calling hearing on Dec. 27. 12-8-54 36 363 Res. #8828 calling hearing on request to rezone N451 lot' 14;; x,11 of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 36, Amended Plat Golf Course Sub., to BAAA. Zoning Board instructed tp furnish Council with report as to why 36 this request was previously denied 12-15-54 367 ZONING 507 Book Page Hearing on request to reclassify Lots 2 and 3, Bik 29, Fisher's 1st Sub. in BA Business Dist. (Di Lido Hotel) Action deferred until later in meeting. 12-27-54 36 382 1st reading ordinance rezoning Lots 2 and 3, Bik 29, Fisher's First Sub. in BA business District (Di Lido) 12-27-54 36 384 Councilman Frank's motion that hearing be called to considerrezoning under dance floors inail 10o -room note's, that they will be entitled to same privilege as DiLido does not receive a second 12-27-54 36 385 ZONING 508 Book Page Discussion re. 3rd reading ordinance rezoning Lots 2 and 3, B1k 29, Fisher's First Sub. in BA business District (Di Lido Hotel). Ordinance adopted, No. 1147 1-5-55 36 387 Councilman Frank's motion that hearing be called to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow 100-400 hotels to have a night club license for their bars does not receive a second 1-5-55 36 388 ZONING Book Res. #8834 calling zoning hearing to reclassify Block 24, Ocean Beach Add'n No. 3 from BA to BB Business use classification. 1-5-55 36 Hearing conducted on request to reclassify Lot 6 and N.1/2 Lot 5, Block 30, in BAAA (Drexel property). Action deferred. 1-5-55 36 1st reading ordinance placing north 509 Page 4e r0001- tisti 10 400 402 16 feet of easterly portion of Pancoast Hotel property in Cabana and Swimm n Pool District and remainder of easterly portion in 2 -story Cabana District 1-5-55 36 402 ZONING 510 Book Page Hearing conducted on request to rezone N.5' Lot 4; all of Lots 5,6 7 and 8, Blk 36, Amended Plat Golf Course flub. to BAAA (S.W. Cor. 17th St. & Meridian Ave.) Action deferred. 1-5-55 36 404 Res. #8835 calling zoning hearing to consider request of M.B. Boat Slips to extend north dock add'l footage to match existing main shed dock 1-19-55 36 406 ZONING 511 Book Page Hearing conducted on request to reclassify Lot 6 and N.1/2 Lot 5, Block 30, in BAAA (Drexel property, w/side Collins Ave.). Ordinance to be prepared rezoning same as requested. Matter of setbacks to be discussed. Council assured multiple level garage will be built on n.75'. 1-19-55 36 408 Hearing conducted on rezoning s.w. cor. 17th St. & Meridian Ave. Request to rezone denied. 1-19-55 36 409 ZONING 512 Book Page 1st reading ordinance reclassifying both sides of 71st Street bet. Indian Creek and Indian Cr. Dr. in BA Business District 1-19-55 36 409 3rd reading ord. placing north 16 feet of easterly portion of Pancoast Hotel property (Blk 11, Ocean Front Prop.) in Cabana and Swimming Pool Dist. and remainder of easterly portion in 2 -story Cabana District- Ord.#1152 1-1.S,)-55 36 1111 Hearing conducted on requ st o reclassify Blk 24, Ocean Beach Addn 3 1, Wm.Pennol block) in BB Business Dis rict.Ordinance to be prepared changing this zoning. 2-2-55 36 419 ZONING 513 Book Page Request to rezone S. W. Cor. 17th St. and Meridian Ave. to BAAA,reconsidered. Ordinance to be prepared rezoning this property. Notice to be given property owners within 375 feet advising them of this action. 2-2-55 36 419 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying both sides of 71st St. between Indian Creek and Indian Creek Dr. in BA Business District - 2-2-55 36 420 Ord. #1153 ZONING 514 Book Page 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Blk 24, Ocean Beach Addn #3, in BB Business District (Wm. Penn Hotel Block). 2-2-55 36 431 Above ordinance to be amended before final reading so that easterly 1/2 of the block only will be reclassified in BB Business District 2-9-55 36 436 Councilman Frank opposed to reclassifying west side of Meridian Ave. south of 17th St. in BAAA Business District 216-55 36 438 ZONING 515 Book Page Matter of setbacks in connection with rezoning Drexel property to be discussed at recess session following week 2-16-55 36 439 1st reading ordinance reclassifying west side of Meridian Ave. south of 17th St. in BAAA Business District (includes Lippow 2-16-55 36 440 property - Lot 2) ORdinance reclassifying Blk 24, Ocean Beach Addn3 (Wm.Penn Hotel block) amended on 3rd readingto read EAST HALF OFBLK 24 only. Ord. 1154 2-16-55 36 442 ZONING 516 Book Page Owner of property immediately south of Burdine's requests Council to rezone easterly portion of same in BAA Business classification. Hearing called, Res. #8851 2-23-55 36 448 Re. Drexel property: Offer made to provide easement on easterly 15 feet of Lot 7, and an easement on the westerly 10 feet of the same lot, for public street and sidewalk purposes. 1st reading ordinance rezoning Lot 6, and north 1/2 Lot 5, and south 5 feet Lot 7, Fisher's Sub. to "BAAA" Business District, and in Area District No. 19 2-23-55 36 451 ZONING 517 Book Page Zoning hearing conducted to consider M.B. Boat Slips dock extension. 1st reading ordinance providing extension of docks a distance of 125 feet into Biscayne Bay from a multiple-family lot, and 425 feet from business lots 3-2-55 36 454 3rd reading ordinance rezoning west side of Meridian Ave. south of 17th St. in BAAA Business District (northerly 5 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lots 2,5,6,7 and 8, Blk 36, Amended Plat of Golf Course Sub.) Ord. #1157 3-2-55 36 1457 (includes Lippow property) ZONING 518 Book Page Hearing conducted re. rezoning easterly portion of property immediately south of Burdines in BAA Business classification. Ordinance to be prepared making this zoning change. 3-16-55 36 472 3rd reading zoning amendment re. extension of docks 125 feet into Biscayne Bay from multiple -family lot, and 425 feet from business lots Ord. #1158 3-16-55 36 474 ZONING 518A Book Page Request of Greater Miami Hebrew Academy for reclassification of Lots 7 to 13, incl. Block 2, Nursery Sub., in a Use District which would permit operation of a school referred to Zoning Board for consideration 3-16-55 36 478 ZONING 519 Book Page Res. #8986 calling zoning hearing re. setbacks on Park View Island 3-30-55 37 46 1st reading zoning amendment reclassifying easterly 117 feet immediately south of Burdine's in BAA Business District. (part of Lot 3 and so. 372 feet Lot 4, Blk 35, Golf Course Sub.; together with part of Bridle Path) 3-30-55 37 48 ZONING 520 Book Page Lessees of Drexel property urge Council to give 3rd reading to zoning amendment reclassifying property in BAAA Business District. Instruments in connection with easements procured on this property presented. Action deferred. 4-4-55 37 53 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying Drexel property - Ni Lot 5, Lot 6, S5' Lot 7, Bik 30, Fisher's 1st Sub., in BAAA Business District. Two easements procured for City; dedication deeds submitted (filed in Doc.File DD -31). Ord. #1160 4-6-55 37 66 ZONING 521 Book Page Hearing to be held to consider appli- cation for permit to construct and operate a multiple -level parking garage on Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Bik 7, Ocean Front Property, located on s.side 27th St. bet. Collins Ave. & Indian Cr. Dr. (Application of Alan B. Kessler,53 4-6-5att7 67 Hearing re. setbacks on Park View Island. Mr. Greenfield, one of the owners, asks for changes in setbacks on waterfront lots. 10 ft. setback from street and 10 ft. from waterway agreed upon. City Atty to prepare ordinance. 4-20-55 37 98 ZONING 522 Book Page Hearing conducted re. application to construct multiple -level garage on Lots 5,6,7 and 8, Blk 7, Ocean Front Property (so. side 27th St. bet. Collins Ave. & Indian Cr. Dr.) Taken under advisement - objectors to be notifiedwhen it is to be discussed again. 4-20-55 37 98 3rd reading zoning amendment reclassifying east 117 feet south of Burdine's in BAA Business District -- Ord. #11624-20_55 37 105 ZONING 523 Book Page Res. #9050 calling zoning hearing to consider request of Saxony Hotel for zoning changes: 1. To permit construction of 20 -foot platform east of Saxony bulkhead. 2. To permit construction of convention hall 13 feet east of present building. 5-4-55 37 132 Res. #9077 calling zoning hearing on 7/6/55 re. setbacks on west side of Meridian Ave. south of 17th Street (N. 5' Lot 4, all of Lots 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Bik 36, Golf Course Sub. 6-1-55 37 189 ZONING 524 Book Page Res. #9081 calling zoning hearing to consider permitting banks in "RE" Multiple -family District, either by defining term "public utility buildings" as including bank buildings or by other means. (Mercantile Bank application for drive-in facilities) 6-8-55 37 207 Hearing re. request of Saxony Hotel for zoning changes recessed to July 6, 1955. (at request of Arthur Frishman, atty for Saxony Hotel) 6-15-55 37 210