Zoning_October 1958ZONING 650
Book Page
Mr. Novack of the Fontainebleau Hotel
discusses proposal to enlarge night club
which would extend into present front
setback. Asks change in setbacks from
65' (Area Dist. #69 "H-11 to 50' (Area
District #71 "REA). Mr. Novack objects to
accepting other "REA" restrictions.
Suggestion made that Mr. Novack make his
request to Zoning Board and that the Board
be advised of Councilman Richard's feeling
about the matter - that if Mr. Novack wants
a 50' setback he should be willing to accept
restrictions of the "REA" zoning.
No action by Council. 10-15-58 41 152
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. reclassification
of Lot 243, 1st Ocean Front, in "REA".
Hearing continued to 11/5/58 when other
shallow lots are considered. Mr. Lipp
to make recommendations what setbacks
should be placed on the shallow lots on
the oceanfront strip.
10-15-58 41 156
conducted onducted on reclassification of
Lots 15, 19, 23, Indian Beach Sub. and
Lots 1, 4-9 incl, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29,
30 and 231, 1st Ocean Front in "REA".
tsnaccordingly. readings
10-15-58 41 157
Book Page
Recommendation of Zoning Board
that request to rezone Lots 5 thru 8,
B1k E, and Lots 3 and 4, Block C,
Fairgreen Sub. from RD Single-family
to RE Multiple -family use, be denied,
accepted by Council. 10-15-58 41 172
29th & Sheridan
3rd reading ordinance creatingParking
District #'4, and placing the ollowing
oceanfront property therein:
Lots 2,3 ,4 and Si of 5; 10 to 17 incl;
Lot 19 X21 and 22; 24 and 25; 27 & 28;
Lots 13 to 17 incl. 20 to 22 incl
ORD. #1319 10-15-58 41 174
Book P.ge
Public hearing requested to consider A
reclassifying all property in Altos
del Mar No. 1 and No. 2 Subdivisions t�
to an appropriate multiple -family
classification. Res. #9886 calling
hearing on Dec. 3, 1958. (E.Q.Rodgers request)
11-5-58 41 180
Zoning hearing re. reclassification to "REA" of
the following:
Lots 232 to 242 incl.; )
244 and 245; ) 1st Ocean Front
332 to 345 incl; )
Lots 1 to 18, Blk 1; 2nd Ocean Front
1 to 18, Blk 2. 3
Book Page
Council reminded hearing on Lot 243,
1st Ocean Front, was continued to this
date. Further study to be given setbacks
before ordinance is given 1st reading.
Legal Dept. to prepare amendment
reclassifying this property accordingly.
11-5-58 41 187
Ord. #1322 adopted rezoning Lots 18,
19, 23, Indian Beach Sub. and Lots 1,
4-9 incl., 18, 20, 23, 2)4, 26, 29, 30
and 231, 1st Ocean Front in "REA"
11-5-58 41 203
Book Page
Res, #9904 adopted rescinding Res. #9886
of Nov. 5th, and referring request for
rezoning cf Altos del Mar Nos. 1 and 2
to Zoning Board.
11-6-58 41 210
Request for rezoning Lot 1, Blk 38,
Miami View Sec., Isle of Normandy,
to "BB" so filling station can be
erected (intersection of 71st St.
and Biarritz Dr. at west end of Normandy
Isle). Request referred to Zoning Board.
(Previously denied) 12-3-58 41 236
Book Page
Res. #9919 continuing zoning hearing
on Blocks 8 and 9, Altos del Mar No. 1
to Jan. 21, 1959 (Request of Atty. O.B.
Simmons) 12-3-55 41 237
Letter from Melvin Grossman, architect,
re. use of projections in side yards
in the ocean front strip. Res. #9920
calling hearing to consider permitting
balconies to project 6 feet in side yards
in area districts requiring side yards
of 20 feet. (hearing called on 1/7/59)
12-3=58 41 238
Book Page
Report from Zoning Board re.
rezoning of Altos del Mar Nos. 1 and 2.
Board recommends that property not be
rezoned at this time. City Mgr.
and City Atty to advise Council status
of zoning hearing pending on Blocks 8
and 9, Altos del Mar No. 1.
12-10-58 41 252
Request for rezoning Lots 38, 39 and
40, Bik 3, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. in
BAAA (6820 Indian Creek Drive). Wm.
Kruglak objects. Discussion re. use of
building on this property. Motion to deny
request for public hearing fails.
Res. 599930 calling zoning hearing on
12-17-58 41 258
Request for rezoning Lots
Blk 2, Oceanside Sec. Isle
in "BB" Business District.
Book Page
10,11 and 12,
of Normandy,
Res. #9931
calling hearing on 1/7/59. (N.E. cor.
71st St. & Bay Dr.) 12-17-58 41 258
Legal Dept. reports that
Resolution No. 9919 is still in
effect (re. continuing zoning hearing
on request to reclassify Blocks 8 & 9,
Altos del Mar #1) 12-18-58 41 272
on 2/4/59 Book Page
Res. #9944 calling hearing/to consider
requiring 100' setback from oce.n on „
all oceanfront property in the strip
(from s. boundary of Fontainebleau to
s. boundary of Royal York property)
1-7-59 41 274
Res. #9945 calling hearing on 2/4/59
to consider incorporating the "Sun"
ordinance in Zoning Ordinance
1-7-59 41 274
Res. #9946 calling hearing on 2x4/59
to consider providing that no bldg.
exceeding 140' in height shall be
constructed in the ocean front strip.
1-7-59 41 275
Book Page
Hearing conducted to consider
providing that in any Area District
requiring side yards of 20 feet,
balconies may project thereinto for
a distance not exceeding 6 feet.
Legal Dept. to prepare proper amendment
to Zoning Ordinance. 1-7-59 41 294
Hearing conducted on request for
rezoning Lots 38, 39 and 40, Blk 3,
2nd Ocean Front Sub. from RE Multiple -
family Dist. to "BAAA" Business.
DENIED. 1-7-59 41 295
Book Page
Hearing conducted on request
for rezoning Lots 10, 11 & 12,
Blk 2, Oceanside Sec. from "RE"
to "BB". Objections presented.
Councilman Richard opposed to proposed
rezoning. Ordinance reclassifying
above given lst reading. 1_7_59 41 299
lst reading ordinance including both
sides of oceanfront "strip" in "REA"
and Parking District No. 4.
1-7-59 41 302
Board recommends that Lot 1, Blk 38,
Miami View Sec. not be rezoned from
"RE" to "BB" at this time. (sw cor.
71st St.& Biarritz Dr.) 1-21-59 41 316
Book Page
Final reading ordinance rezoning
Lots 11 and 12, Blk 2, Ocean Side Sec. ,.
Isle of Normandy in "BB" District. 41
Petitions objecting. Property owners VAj4
on Parkview Isle not notified of hearing 4',�
thru error. Councilman Richard asks
that motion to adopt brdinance be ruled ei
out of order. Ord. #1.V'O adopted rezoning
above in "BB" District. 1-21-59 41 318
Zoning hearing conducted on Blocks
8 and 9, Altos del Mar #1. Request
forrezoning denied. 1-21-59 41 322
Book Page
Atty James Ruby asks that new hearing
be called to consider rezoning lots
11 and 12, Blk 2, Normandy Isle.
Res. #9966 calling zoning hearing on
Feb. 18, 1959 1-21-59 41 322
3rd reading ordinance placing oceanfront
strip in "REA" Multiple Family District,
and.Parking District #4 - Ord. #1334
1-21-59 41 323
1st reading ordinance providing for
conditions under which balconies may
project 6' into sideyard setbacks
1-21-59 41 324
.Book Page
Res. #9968 calling zoning hearing 3/459
to consider request to reclassify
East side of Jefferson Ave. between
17th & 18th Streets, from "RD" to
"RE" (Lots 11 to 19 incl. Blk 21,
Golf Course Amended Sub.) 2_4_59 41 327
Res. #9969 calling zoning hearing on 3/4/59
to consider request to reclassify
West side of Jefferson Ave. between
17th & 18th Streets, from "RD" to
"RE" (Lots 1 to 10, incl. Blk 20,
Palm View Sub.) 2_4_59 41 3�7
Book Page
No action taken by Council on request
of Bernard Shotkin that his property
be rezoned (Lot 15, Blk 51, Orchard Sub.)
2-4-59 41 328
Atty Nathaniel J. Klein asks Council
to take some action on request for
rezoning Altos del Mar Nos. 1 and 2.
Motion to call public hearing fails.
2-4-59 41 328
Book Page
Hearing to consider requiring 100'
setback from ocean on property in
the "strip". Atty Ben Cohen withdraws
setback petition until further study
is made. 2-4-59 41 331
Hearing to consider incorporating
"Sun" ordinance in Zoning Ordinance.
Atty Ben Cohen discusses necessity
of "shadow ordinance. Zoning hearing
continued to Feb. 18. City Mgr. to
submit recommendations. 2-4-59
Hearing re. height of bldgs. to be
constructed in strip" continued to
Feb. 18. 2-4-59
41 331
41 331
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance, amending
Sec. 17 of Zoning Ord., providing
for conditions under which balconies
may project 6' into side yard setbacks,
Ord. #1336
2-4-59 41 383
Sephardic Jewish Center asks for
rezoning of Lot 4, Blk 1, Flamingo Terr.
Sub. (2601 Pine Tree Dr.) to "RE" to
permit Synagogue and community center.
Res. #10014 calling hearing -on 3/18/59. 386
Request for rezoning of Lots 20, 21
and 22, Blk 39, Miami View Sec. to
"RE". Res. #10015 calling hearing
on 3/18/59• 2-18-59 41
Zoning hearing conducted re. reclassification
of Lots 11 and 12, Blk 2, Ocean Side Sec.
in "BB". Objections, heard. Report on
traffic in area presented. Ordinance
rezoning this property passed on 2nd
reading. 2-18-59 41 390
Book Page
City Mgr reports on "shadows".
Zoning hearing to consider incorporating
"shadow" ordinance in Zoning Ordinance
continued to March 4, 1959
2-18-59 41 391
Hearing re. height of bldgs. to be
constructed in 'strip" continued to
March 4, 1959 2-18-59 41 391
Request forfrecias ikEation of Lot 1, Blk 38,
Miami View Sec., so as to permit operation
of Service Station , DENIED 3-4-59 41 416
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance reclassifying
Lots 11 and 12, Bik 2, Oceanside Sec.,
Isle of Normandy. OBJECTIONS presented.
Ordinance adopted - #1342
3-4-59 41 429
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. reclassifying
both sides of Jefferson Ave. between
17th & 18th Streets from "RD" to "RE".
Petition presented requesting that no
additional zoning changes on Jefferson
Ave. be made until zoning is changed on
remaining single family lots in Palm View
& Golf Course Subs. Question of rezoning
all single family property in affected
area referred to Zoning Board for study
and report. West Side placed in same
category as East Side and all testimony
to apply equally.
3-4-59 41 431
Mr. Lipp's report on study of
amending Zoning Ordinance to make
proper provision for light and air
on the oceanfront property presented.
Mr. Ben Cohen asks that zoning hearings
heretofore called be continued. Council
determines new hearing is necessary.
Res. #10028 adopted calling hearing to
consider items referred to in Mr. Lipp's
report, on 3/25/59. 3-4+-59 41 435
Book Page
Book Page
Herbert Zimmerman asks hearing to
consider rezoning Lot 6 and 6A,
Blk 7, Oceanside Sec., to "BB" to
erect bowling alley or filling station.
No action taken on specific request.
Council refers question re. bowling
alleys on first floors to Zoning Board.
3-18-59 41 438
Hearing re. request of Sephardic Jewish
Center to rezone Lot 4, Blk 1, Flamingo
Terr. Sub. to permit erection of synagogue
and community center. Zoning change
denied. 3-18-59 41 450
Book Page
Hearing conducted on request to
reclassify Lots 20, 21 and 22, Blk 39,
Isle of Normandy (Miami View Sec.)
s.w. cor. Bay Dr. & Rue Granville
in "RE". Zoning change denied.
3-18-59 41 451
Hearing conducted re.
1. Creation of height district.
2. Providing restrictions as to setbacks.
3. Placing certain_ oceanfront property
in said height District.
4. Regulating type of structural
acessorIes or appurtenances, etc.
Mr. Lipp discusses conferences held on
this matter. Hearing continued to
4/1/59. 3-25-59 41 452