Ad 1320 (Published May 4, 2017)6NE
The City of Miami Beach is currently seeking applications to fill a vacancy in the Planning Board. The Board is composed of seven members. All members shall have considerable experience in general business,
land development, land development practices or land use issues. The current vacancy is for the At Large /General Business position. No person except a resident of the City, who has resided in the City for at
least one year shall be eligible for appointment to the Planning Board
Pursuant to Section 118 -51 of the Miami Beach City Code, the Planning Board has the following powers and duties:
(1) To acquire, compile and collate all available data, materials, statistics, maps, photographs, reports and studies necessary to obtain an understanding of past conditions and present trends, which affect
the city and the economic and general welfare of its residents. The board shall evaluate data and determine the past, present and future trends as they relate to population, property values, economic
bases, land use, and to evolve the principles and policies required to guide the direction and type of future development and expansion of the city.
(2) To conduct such public hearings as may be helpful in gathering information and data necessary for the presentation of suitable and appropriate plans for the comprehensive and systematic
development of the city and to transmit the same for consideration by the city commission.
(3) To make, cause to be made, or obtain special studies on the location, condition and adequacy of specific facilities of the city. These may include, but are not limited to, studies on single and multiple -
family housing, including hotels, apartment buildings, cooperatives and condominiums, commercial and industrial conditions and facilities, beaches, parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities,
public buildings, public and private utilities, traffic, transportation and parking. The board shall be authorized to study and consider any and all studies made and published by the federal, state and
county governments.
(4) To make appropriate studies of the location and extent of present and anticipated use of land, population, social and economic resources and problems, and to submit such data, with the
recommendations of such board, to the city commission.
(5) To consider and to act upon any and all matters referred to it by the city commission or by the provisions of any city ordinance pertaining to land use and to submit its findings and recommendations
on such matters to the city commission.
(6) In granting a request, the board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards which are consistent and supportive of the city's comprehensive plan, neighborhood plan or capital improvement
plan. Violation of such conditions and safeguards shall be deemed a violation of these land development regulations.
(7) To carry out its responsibilities as the local planning agency pursuant to the state and the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulations Act (F.S. ch. 163).
(8) To insure a high degree of aesthetics and promote quality in construction and design of buildings and structures so as to enhance the value of property and the physical environment of the city.
(9) To consider applications pertaining to conditional use permits, amendments to these land development regulations, change of zoning district boundaries and comprehensive plan amendments and
future land use map changes.
(10) To promote reduced crime and fear of crime through the use of crime prevention through environmental design guidelines and strategies.
(11) To review the sale, exchange, conveyance or lease of ten years or longer of certain city -owned property, as provided in City Charter, subsection 1.03(b)3, entitled, "Alienability of property," which
requires approval by a majority (four- sevenths) vote of all members of the planning board. In reviewing such an application, the planning board shall consider the following review criteria, when
a. Whether or not the proposed use is in keeping with city goals and objectives and conforms to the city comprehensive plan.
b. If a sale, a determination as to whether or not alternatives are available for the acquisition of private property as an alternative to the proposed disposition or sale of city -owned properties, including
assembly of adjacent properties, and impact of such assemblage on the adjacent neighborhood and the city in general.
c. The impact on adjacent properties, including the potential positive or negative impacts such as diminution of open space, increased traffic, adequate parking, noise level, enhanced property
values, improved development patterns, and provision of necessary services.
d. Determination as to whether or not the proposed use is in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood, blocks views or creates other environmental intrusions, and evaluation of design and
aesthetic considerations of the project.
e. A traffic circulation analysis and plan that details the impact of projected traffic on the immediate neighborhood and how this impact is to be mitigated.
f. Determination as to whether or not the proposed use is in keeping with a public purpose and community needs, and improving the community's overall quality of life.
g. If a lease is proposed, the duration and other nonfinancial terms of the lease.
The Planning Board is a quasi - judicial Board, whose members are appointed with the concurrence of at least four members of the City Commission. Members of the Planning Board shall abide by the applicable
provisions of F.S. § 112.311 et seq., Miami -Dade County Code Section 2 -11.1 and Section 2 -446 et seq. of the Miami Beach City Code and shall be subject to removal from office for the violation of the terms
Interested persons with applicable backgrounds may submit their application, resume, photograph and professional license(s) at https: / / /BcApp /Account /Login or in person at the Office
of the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, First Floor, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139.
All Board or Committee members serve without compensation. All Board or Committee members receive an annual parking decal. If you have any questions, please contact Ramon Quezada at 305.673.7411.
Ad 1320
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach