Filling Stations and Gasoline Tanks_January 1930 to July 1957FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS a. BOOK, PAGE Request for permit for Gulf Refining Station at 62nd & Alton Road 9, 299 Objections to Station adjoining Geo. Washington Hotel 1-2-30 9, 425 35' Curb depression at 5th & Collins 9, 428 Petition objecting to constructionof a 2-5-30 Alton station at Lincoln & 9, 454 Municipal Investment Company Denied Building Permit 2-19-30 10, 9 No appeal on suit on above 4-30-30 10, 127 FILLING STATIONS AND .2. GASOLINE TANKS BOOK,PAGE Request for permit to depress curb for 10, 201 filling station at Lincoln & Alton 7-16-30' 331 Curb depression at Alton & 36t Curb 10, 206 depression at Lincoln authorized 7-23-30 Installation at 929 West Ave. requested by Gulf Refining Co. Temporary installation permitted 11-2-32 11 422 11-17-32 11 44C FILLING STATIONS AND 2A- GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Sun Oil Co. granted permit to construct filling station at N,W,eorner 16th St.& Alton 3/7/34 12 302 Sinclair Oil Co. requests permit to erect filling station on 23rd Street 3/21/34 12, 312 Jess Andrew requests permit for filling station S.W.corner 41st and Prairie Ave. 3/28/34 12 328 Orange State Oil Co.request permit to reconstruct filling station on Lots 11 and 12,B1k.16A,Island View 4/4/34 12, 332 FILLING. STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS • Book Page American Oil Co., request permit for two filling stations 4/18/ 4. 12 356 presented by CHW Read 27e!VP,,PY and later by R.A.Johnson Jess Andrews request for permit for filling station held up 4/18/34 12 356 Permit granted for issuance of per- mits to all applicants for filling stations on 41st St. 11/21/34 13, 158 FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE -TANKS- Book Page R. A. John son requests permit to con- struct filling station on 41st Street --for client {-def erre0 13 67 9/5/34 W.I.Fickling presents request for filling station NE cor 241st & R.P. Avenue for Seaboard Oil o.10/17134 13 -112 - FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Permit granted for filling station at S.W.corner 41st St.& Royal Palm Ave. 6/5/35 13 435 Tentative permission given for conttrue- tion of filling station at 71st St. and Abbott Ave. 6/5/35 13 436 Gasoline storage be 137rmovefromy Plans presented for filling; station at 71st St. and Abbott Avenue. 14 104 9/26/35 Permit authorized for filling station at above address. 9/30/35 14 115 FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS Request for permit to reconstruct Deauville Filling Station referred to City Manager Renshaw & Councilman Hice. 11/13/ 35 Permit granted for filling station at 71st St. & Abbott Ave. (Mr. Frank 0. Aylor) 11/13/35 6. 14 181 14 188 Boardwalk Filling Station ask permission to rebuild their building. 11/15/35 14 191 Gasoline and oil storage tanks to be removed from M.B. Properties within 3 years 1'0/2/35 14 118 FILLING STATIONS AND 7, GASOLINE TANKS Deauville Filling Station reconstruction disallowed. 11/15/35 14 192 Deauville Service Station again, asks permit to reconstruct - taken under consideration 11/20/35 14 198 Building permit renewed for Filling Station on Lots 3 and 4, Blk.55, Orchard Sub.#2 & 3 12/18/35 14 242 Above permit ordered revoked 12/23/35 14 244 Texas Co. given filling station permit for 16th Stand Alton Rd. . 1/8/36 14 266 FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS S. Book Page Action of council permit for filling Lots 3 and 4,B1k. rescinded in revoking station on 55 -i� 21 36�h 4 14 311 Bldg. pwrmit for filling station at 5th St. & Michigan Ave. 3/1g/36 14 330 Bld permit for filling stAt•_ton at 5th St. & Alton Road 5/6/36 14 421 Bld . — Y la 5th & Jeff. Ave. for 45 FILLING STATIONS AND 9e GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Sinclair Refining Co. given permit for filling station��at N. E. corner -Alton-Roadnd. l6th St. 6/10/36 14 1+70 Property owners file petition seeking to refuse further filling stations on Washington Ave. 6/17/36 lei. 4gp Plans for remodeling Standard Oil Filling Station at 5th and Jefferson approved -25-36 15 GAS TANKS & Filling Stations 9A Book Page lst & 2nd readings Ordinancepro- hibiting the storage of petroleum -15 -9-3 Res. #3669 expressing Council as op- posed to location of -gas tanks in _south_end_of_Olty 5,2-36 - _ 15 93 Texas-Co.urge that -their plant be ex- cluded from ordinance _9-24-36 15 144 Final Reading ord. No.446 ordering removal of gas tanks by May,1937-9---24,36-15---14/1 'Texash-Co4-again ask -that their tanks be excluded from above Ord. 1-20-37 15 335 GASOLINE TANKS& PILLING STATIONS Simon Cohen requests permit to construct filling station at 14th St. & Collins Ave. 5/5/37 16 64 Proposed plans for filling station in Block 36A, Miami View Sec., Isle of Normandy, approved 5/5/37 16 64 Appeal to Supreme Court authorized on gas tank removal injunction 5/19/37 i6 97 Request of Simon Cohen for permit to reconstruct filling station at 14th St. and Collins Ave. referred to Zoning Board 6/16/37 16 139 10 Book Page FILLING STATIONS & GAS TANKS 11, pEg iOgra1lig8m1Itfnr Rd• Permit granted for Shell Petro- leum Co.filling station Alton Rd.._ & 6th St. 9-1-37 16 241 Construction of additional filling stations discussed-gouncilman Meyer & City Atty.to draft recommendations regarding same 9-30-37 16 2g7 Permit granted Nelson R. Boise for Filling Station at Alton Rd.& 15th Terrace 1G-6-37 - 16 -288 J.J.Adler granted bldg.permit-for- fillip station,N.W. eor.Alton & 14th werrace 2-2-3g - l7 15 FILLING STATIONS AND 122 GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Sun Oil 0o.grantediRermit to construct and operate filling station S.W.00r. 5th St. and Euclid Ave. 7-20-3$ 17 211 Gulf Oil Corp. anted permit to erect -Super Fill ation on- i4 -.W. corn P-urdy_Av-e.. D u e Bird. 7/3/ 19 186 -Atty.-Fred X-trtl-ey=urges survey be made of fillin s_statinns_doing_rep r work -- hen rn wrong zone 10/16/40 . 19 354 -Permit- for f'illin station an Lot 1 Blk. 99_ granted subject to approval of plans by Bldg.Dept. M/6/41 20 374 GASOLINE - AND7OR FILLING STATIONS 12A, Book Page Report and rdoommendations of City Attorneyy. Robillard as to survey made of gasoline and: oil filling—stat ions 4/25/41 20 194 Clerk instructdd to not all vig}ati of ordinance as to ga land o 0 195 stations ____1413.Gervice Station Assn. asks City to pass ordinance prohibiting sale of gasoline on Sundays EV15/41 20 465 1st and. 2nd readings of Ordinance to amend Zoning Urd. No. 289 Re: 11/12/41 _• etc. •• • •r_ 21 45 GASOLINE AND/OR FILLING STATIONS Texas Co. asks permit to make temporary additions to their facilities on Terminal Island, referred to City Manager 13A Book Page 4/18/45 23 48 Standard Oil Co. given permit to install 500 -gal. tank and pump at 1425 20th St. 7/5/45 23 145 Harry Simonhoff objectstp issuance of filling station license at 100 Ocean Dr. --referred to City Attorney 7/18/45 23 152 FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS Sey Corp.granted bldg.permit for filling station on S.W.cor.Wash. Ave. & oth St. 10/15/41 20 4-66 M.B.Service Station Assn.request passage of ordinance prohibiting sale of gasoline & other supplies on Sun- days (no action) 10-22-41 21 lst & 2nd readings Ord.Amending Ord.No.2S9 re: gasoline & oil filling stations - also Ord.amending Ord.394 on same subject 11/12/41 21 45 3rd Reading Ord.No.625 amending Zon.Ord.re: gasoline &AipTilpoi stations21 13 Book Page 5 11 GASOLINE AND/OR FILLING STATIONS Civic League of Miami Beach urges Council to take steps toward removal of gas tanks on South Beach (referred to City Attorney) 7-18-45 23 152 14 Book Page City Attorney's opinion re. removal of gas tanks 8/17/45 23 202 Application of Dale Dorf for 6,000 gal. gasoline tank on W. 145 ft. of C. H. Lum Property taken under advisement 9-5-45 23 211 GASOLINE AND/OR FILLING STATIONS Ordinancegiven 1st & 2nd readings increasing amount of gasoline that can be stored in retail mercantile establishments to 8,000 gallons 8/21/46 24 265 Ordinance No. 777 passed, increasing amount of gasoline that can be stored in retail mercantile establishments to 8,000 gallons 9/4/46 24 278 .1Q A Book Page FILLING STATIONS AND GASOLINE TANKS 14B. Book Page Filling station operators between 41st and 71st Sts. object to unlicensed individuals washing cars on streets - referred to Ass't. City Manager 6/16/48 26 407 FILLING STATIONS AND 15 (MSC/LINE TANKS Book Page Youngs Service Station given permit to construct station at 730 5th Street 3/2/49- 27 450 Levy Gardner given permit at 7125 Abbott Ave. 5/18/49 28 151 Stern -Case Motors, Inc. given permit to construct station at 380 Alton Rd. 8/2/50 29 510 FILLING STATIONS AND 16 GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Shaw Brothers given permit to construct filling station at 907 Fifth Street 11-15-50 30 16 Alton -Dade Corporation given permit to construct filling station --n/e corner of Alton Rd. & Dade Blvd. 11-22-50 30 196 1st & 2nd readings ordinance regulating the placing and maintenance of signs in or about gasoline filling stations 12/6/50 30 214 F'IL INO STATION'S AND 17 xASOLINE TANKS Book Page Henryis Auto Rental Inc. & Whalen Auto Rentals given permits for installation of gasoline storage tanks 12-7-50 30 218 Ord. #958, regulating placing of signs on automobile ser- vice stations 12-27-50 30 280 1st reading amendment to Ord. #958, clarifying Sec. 2 (signs which pertain to gasoline sale only) 2-21-51 30 402 M(S TANK: AND FILLINGMTATIONS H. Earl Smalley submits draft of ordinance which would regu- late tank trucks and mobile service units which service U -Drive -It automobiles - taken under consideration 1-24-51 30 3-i-2 1st reading ordinance amend- ing Ord. 14+5, regulating tank trucks servicing U-Driv- It automobiles 2-7-51 30 372 Ord. #967 -regulating tank trucks, etc. adopted 2-21-51 30 396 18 Book Page GAS TANKS AND FILLING STATIONS 19 Book Page Permit authorized Shaw Bros. to install 1,000 gal. gasoline tank at Zaret construction Co.'s plant,1901 West Ave. 3-7-51 30 433 Ord. #969 amending Ord. #958 clarifyingSecs. 2 and 3 of Ord.#958 3-7-51 30 436 GAS TANKS & FILLING STATIONS 29, Book Page 550 gallon gasoline tank installation authorized at Saxony Hotel 8-1-51 31 426 Permit authorized Alton Boat Co. to install 1,000 gallon gasoline tank and pump at their dock - 380 Alton Rd. 8-15-51 31 478 Permit authorized to Couture Motor Corp. to install gasoline storage tanks at their U -Drive -It establish- ment at 825 - 5th St. 9-19-51 32 70 GAS TANKS AND FILLING STATIONS 21 Book Page 6 gasoline stations submit petition asking for repeal of Ord. 958, prohibiting the display of large price signs in gasoline stations. Hearing to be held. 12-12-51 32 2146 Ord. #958 to remain in effect. 12-19-51 32 251 GAS TANKS & FILLING STATIONS Permit granted Circle Cab Co. to install 2,000 gal. gasoline tank at 1627 Alton Court 8-27-52 33 222 Permit granted M. B. Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n to install 110 -gallon underground gasoline tank for standby lighting plant unit at 7100 Harding Ave. 11-19-52 33 376 Permit granted Fla. Power & Light Co. to install 1,000 gal. gasoline tank at 1920 West Ave. 11-19-52 33 376 22 .Book Page FILLING STATIONS AND 3ASOLINE TANKS Book Permit granted Murry Weiss to instill 2,000 gal. gasoline tank underground at 730 - 5th St. 2-25-53 34 32 Application of Avon Motors for permit to install 2,000 gal. gasoline tank and pump at 1510 Alton Rd., approved. 8-19-53 station 6th St. 11-4-53 Corp. to - 5th St 9-15-54 23 Page Construction of filling s.e. cor. Alton Rd. and authorized Application of Gulf Oil gasoline station at 948 34 480 at 35 117 construct . approved 36 197 GAS TANKS AND FILLING STATIONS 24 Book Page Permit granted Texas Co. to install 1000 gal. underground gasoline tank at Astor Electric Co., 1836 West Ave. 12-12-54 36 375 Permit granted Texas Co. for installation of gasoline tank and diesel oil tank underground at Commodore Sightseeing Boat Docks 1261 - 20th Street 12-12-54 36 385 GASOLINES'& FILLING STATIONS 25 Book Page Eugene K. Shoop granted permit to operate storage garage and filling station at 1615 Alton Court 2-2-55 36 420 Action deferred on request of J. Burton Keyes, atty. for permit to construct filling station at 525 Alton Rd. 4-20-55 37 110 Real Oil Co. asks for permit for filling station at 525 Alton Rd. Matter deferred - plans had not been submitted to City Mgr's office as requested. 5-4-55 37 133 GAS TANKS AND FILLING STATIONS Dorton Corp. granted permit to install 110 -gal. gasoline storage tank for standby electric generator unit at 16 Island Ave., Belle Isle 7-6-55 37 248 26 Book Page FILLING STATIONS AND 27 GASOLINE TANKS Book Page Permit to operate filling station, for commercial use, at n.w. cor. 15th Terr. & Alton Rd., approved 1-18-56 38 30 Hearing to be held re. application of Mae Banks to construct filling station at 357 Washington Ave(226 - 4th St.) 3-7-56 38 82 Hearing conducted re. filling station at 4th and Washingon. Permit denied 3-21-56 38 1st reading ordinance increasing capacity of underground gasoline and fuel oil tanks o 12,000 gallons 5-2-5b 38 192 GAS TANKS AND FILLING STATIONS 28. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance increasing capacity of underground gasoline and fuel oil storage tanks to 12,000 gallons - Ord. #1217 5-16-56 38 208 Amber Fuel Oil Company's application for 1000 -gal. underground gasoline storage tank at 1720 Purdy Avenue approved 11-7-56 38 506 Owner of Lot 1, Blk 17-A, Island View Sub. requests permission for erection of service sta. b Americah 011 on easterly portion of Lot. (Dade Blvd. & 18th St.) (BB Zone) Hearing to be held. 2-6-57 39 89 GASOLINE TAN KS & FILLING STATIONS 29 Book Page Hearing held on proposed erection of service station on west side of Alton Rd. between 18th St. and Dade Blvd. Permit granted subject to Bldg. & Engineering Depts. approval 2-20-57 39 131 Permission given Gulf Oil Corp. on behalf of Ryde-A-Car Rental to install 4,000 gal. underground gasoline storage tank at 710 Alton Road 6-7-57 39 375 Permission granted Stanley Segal to sell gasoline and oil at ii30 - 5th S. to taxicab drivers 7-3-57 39 411