Flagler Monument & Island_November 1933 to February 1939FLAGI�r�... MONUMENT & ISLAND
Book Page
Repairs suggested by Mayor 11/15/33 1p, 1$3
Proposal of F1a.Power. & Light Co,
for lighting monument aceepted;l0/3/34 13,
Residents of Rivo Alto
cleaning up of island.
Fisher Properties to be
up or dedicate to City
I sl .urge
—asked to clean
Installation of improved lighting
system on island approved 11/4,/36
No.Dade Jr.Chamber of Commerce urge
Dade (-.O.-help in financing up keep
4/1 A /7o_.
14 343
14 343
15 204
Book Page
Installation of improved lighting
system on memorial island approved
1/4/36 15 204
City Manager authorized to advertise
for bids on removal of Flagler Memorial
stand seawall -17-3g- 17 254
Contract let to Reed Const. Co. for
-removal of F] gler Memorial Isl.
_bulkhead 9-7-3g -1-7 279
Warranty Deed to Flagler memorial
Cs1 iv`��Ctty by Alt on2 iL oaQ R-earty 17 467