Games and Devices_October 1935 to September 1957GAMES AND DEVICES (See applications for ' Permit to Operate Games) Book Page 4 applications__grante 1jEsitii e 1 s Fortune, Eddie's Lucky and Skill mall �4 10/30/35 —P_okene 14 170 Objections made by Al Coppersmith to granting of three licenses in Block- to same- p-er-aon. 11/-13/35 14 188 License granted for game "Radio Skill" Miami Beaph guth End11/1W 14 195 —Cryorp, GAMES AND DEVICES 2. License granted to Simms Redwine to operate game "The Fortune" at 140 Biscayne Street. 11/15/35 14 195 Loop -O -Plane Ride approved by Council subject to inspection of construction by Bldg.Insp. 12/6/35 14 232 DeLuxe Mammoth Bingo ® given permit 12/11/35 14 236 Wm.Shayne asks provision be made for operation of slot machines 12/18/35 14 238 GAMES & DEVICES Sidney Roemer granted license to operate Skill game 12/23/35 3• Book Page 14 244 Maurice Kitchens application for permit to operate "Jungleland" referred to Councilman Meyer 12/30/35 14 253 Permit granted for "Jungleland" game on Biscayne St. 1/8/36 14 259 Permit for Ball Blowing game by George Harmon and Dime -A -Prize by M.Faust 1/8/36 14 259 GAMES AND DEVICES Councilmen Burbridge, Balton and Meyer appointed as committee to act on -game -licenses- 1-/6-f36 4. Book Page 14 260 let & 2nd Readin. res Ordinance reduc- ing Occupational License fee on -Ga,mee--devices,ete. 1/29/36 — 14 —2-77 - 3rd Reading Ord.#416 reducing license -fee-on---Game s , etc. Feb-. 5th ,19 36 111- -Permit kPermit given for removal of "Aun- i1and" t�- - —1/29/36 14 267____ A ] cat1oon for new Ji 7§o iz2d referreg4 287 GAMES AND DEVICES 5. Book Page Bumper game licenses refused to E.Q.Rosenbaum and Wm.Lockhart 2/5/36- 14 294 Ruffle Pin Game license authorized -to-Lewis Stone =Ball Game -Incense authorized ta-Ma Tarbes 2/19/36_ 14 310 Permission given Al Coppersmith to sub- st1t te-games(Bumper in p1a 9 36Po-kenoj 310 Application presented f pe ration of Bingo game (new location) 9-2-36 15 93 GAMES AND DEVICES Application for Bingo - con- sidered and refused- on roll call 9-16-36 Book Page 6. 126 Corn game license granted to 1-36 E. A. Woolf e 17 Renewal licenses to corn' games where formerly operated 11- -3 15 20th • . . It ;II: z . - 1t operate "Fascination" 11-5-36 15 louneilman Burbridge offers Res. imiting number or games no passed) 11-1g IA 212 2114 GAMES AND DEVICES 7. Book Page Fred Becker's "Fair Play Tango" approved for license 11-18-36 15 24UF Sid Boemer's Corn game approved for license 11-18-36 15 2k Bernard Stolmaker application for li- cense to operate "Fascination" denied 11-18-36 15 244 -Eddie-Basen-baum -Gorn gamelicense denied 11-18-36 15 244 Mr. Burbridg.e again offers res.11 i -ting number of games (lost 11-19-36 15 250 GAMES AND DEVICES 8. Book Page M.B.South End Corp. ranted license for Radio Skill l- =736 15 251 Al Coppersmith granted permit for Al's Fortune Boulette 12-9-36 15- 28 Bernard Stolmaker granted permit for game "Fascination" 12-9-36 15 286 Group gam by -Ben silver, B r-r�_��. to Louis Davidson (denied) Q°� le/lb/5o 15 3G • -L cense denied-B.-Salvey-for-corn -game in--E-spanala Way 12/16/36 15- 3011 1A1ES AND DEVICES Book Page Motion to reconsider A.E.Woolfe1e application for. license for corn game, lest on roll .call 12/16/36 15 30 Refund of A.E.Woolfe Corn game license fee ordered 2-17-37 15 401 3 game licenses granted to M.-B: —S-outhend Cor-p-.tEdd-e--Bas-enbaum ) 12-15-37 16 445 SID ROMER AndIc AZ COPPERSMITH granted corn game lieen&ec 12-15 37 16 446 MIKE FAUST -granted licenses for 3 games on Million Dollar Pier 2-16-38 17 37 GAMES AND DEVICES 10. Book Page Licenses denied for following games: 3-2-3g 17 5g George's Bridge Club--1TlrAlton Rid. —Beer -Bane— 26-Daea-D.re 21 Ocean Dr. ou =eac =umper t me • •eean r. flumper Game 77 Bikeayne St. Bumper Game 20 Ocean Drive -IL-- 'L e -an --Drive GAMES AND DEVICES Sugestion made for increase in license fee 5-6-38 10{4. Book Page 17 145 Al Coppersmith asks cancellation of his corn game license 6/15/38 17 191 Operators of pin ames_ask_-for re- fund of license fees paid 8-24-38 17 256 OPINION from City AttorneyRobillard recommending certain games and devices be not -licensed i8=19=3 17 301 ---Fred JBecker--makes- application to operate 2 games 10-19-38 17 301 GAMES AND DEVICES 11 Book Page 6 applications for licenses for Bingo or some form of corn games granted as follows: Eddie's Fortune Edclie's Lucky, M.B.Bouth End Corp., Fair Play, Daily Double, The Fortune 11-2-38 17 332 Housy Bingo and Beano gashes granted licenses to operate 11/4/38 17 337 Spindle Wheel game license denied 11/9[38 17 341 M. Kerman granted refund on Bingo Game license 11/30/38 17 366 GAMES AND DEVICES Licenses denied for «Mouge Game and -Dog Game 12/7?3g- Dog race game 1E, Book Page 17 3814- Dog 84 d permit to operate Skill Game 1-4-39 Licenses denied-W..W. Jermyne &i d Wm.Griffin for skill games 1-4-39 17 434 17 4311- No 34 No action. taken on a•plications Naldi & John Martino 1-18-39 17 452 GAMES AND DEVICES 13 Book Page Sid Roemer application for license to _--operate --4Ski lette=no action 12/20/39 1$----425 __Eddie's Lucky and Eddie's Fortune seek licenses for 19+0 season -no action 1/17/40 18 ---451 Discussion with reference t6 slot machine licenses if Supreme Court rules they are legal 10/3/1 -20 460 lst and -211d readings of Ord.amending _Ord.No. 3911- _as-to_coin operated machines - 1/7/ -2 21 130 -3744-leading Ord -#634 amend -i -ng -0rd. #394 as to chin operated maehines1eto.1/21/ 2 21 149_ GAMES AND DEVICES 14 BOOK_ _PAGE_ Paul Pollak & Aaron Courshon seek permit for game -device in Clinton Hotel at 825 Washington Ave. 10/20/43 22 189 Committee comprising Councilman Pole, Mr. Shepard & Mr. Renshaw appointed to investigate the above 1M/20/43 22 189 Committee recommends request be dented 11/3/43 22 209 Paul & Al Pollak ask for game known as RIFLE SPORT in Barracks Bar at 1421 Washington Ave. - Council asks machine to be set up 2/16/44 22 280 L.5C Lt/£/6 JaP40 e0TI0d 04 peaaejea st seuzs2 ZtBqutd but:std moaj uaapItuo 2ut4tgtuoad eousutpap 9�1 woe/2 samv2 ZZsquld 2utA'atd moat ueapZlua 2uTgTgliload pulpsaa lam- est uentq eousuTp110 56a as ttt/gt/C A *any uoq.Butu$gM taut 413 asg sxosaasg TIT SliOdS TILIII soa 4Imaad uaATS xBttod 'wed '8 , ty ad 100e Daa q v Min GAMES AND DEVICES 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance prohibiting persons under the age of 17 years from playing pinball machines Protests made to pinball ordinance Ordinance amended before 3rd reading - as to penalty Ord. #869 prohibiting persons wider age of 17 years from playing 16 Book Page 11/17/48 27 193 12/1/48 27 216 12/1/48 27 216 12/1/48 27 216 GAMES AND DEVICES 17. Book Page Lincoln Road Ass'n. objects to bingo games in private clubs on Lincoln Road 12/15/48 27 238 Council instructs Asst. City Manager to investigate bingo games on Lincoln Road 12/15/48 27 239 Irving Nathanson objects to any attempt on behalf of pinball operators to ask for Q'dinance requiring GAMES AND DEVICES Mechanical shuffleboard distributors to pay a separate distributors' 18 Book Page license 8/17/49 28 341 Attorney Harlan Street appears re shuffleboard games. Council defers action. 9/7/49 28 365 City Clerk to make survey of shuffleboard games for Council's urvey 9/Z//49 28 403 GAMES AND DEVICES 19 took Page City Clerk submits report on shuffleboard games in operation in City, Council declines to make change in license ordinance 10/5/49 28 447 10/5/49 28 447 City Atty asked to ascertain whether or not there is ordinance prohibiting pin ball machines outside of buildings 8-26-53 34 507 GAMES AND DEVICES 20 Book Page J. P. Morgan requests change in license fee for coin-operated pinball games. Referred to City Mgr. and City Clerk for study and report. 9-15-54 36 150 City Mgr. reports on licenses for coin-operated machines and music boxes. Separate license for each machine not recommended. Action postponed on proposed ordinance, one requirement being that metal tags be laced on machine when licensed. Survey to be made of all coin-operated machines now operated for comparison with number licensed 10-6-54 36 215 GAMES AND DEVICES 21 Book Page Discussion re. licensing pinball and music machines. Hearing on subject to be held Nov. 17, 1954. Pinball and music machine industry to be notified. 10-29-54 36 298 Prepared orrdinaniceb amending Code regulating an tens ng p n a game an mus c boxesx 1 ined b City Clerk. Ordinance given Iirst reading. 11-17-54 36 336 3rd reading ordinance regulating and licensing pinball games and music machines - Ord. #1141 12-1-54 36 349 Joseph Sperling asks Council to defer action on his request re -1iuk box license fees in bars. Action xe read. e 39 58 GAMES AND DEVICES 22 Book Page Mexicana Bar, 10th St. & Collins, (Jos. Sperling, owner) requests amendment to Code to permit playing jukeboxes in bars between midnight and 2100 A.M. at reduced fee. Request referred to City Mgr. for study and report. 2-6-57 39 88 Mr. Renshaw reports on above. Discussion held. Public hearing to be held on May 15th on request for reduction of fee. City Clerk asks that any change be made applicable to next license year. 5-1-57 39 313 GAMES AND DEVICES 23 Book Page Hearing re. request of bar owners to play juke boxes between midnight & 2:00 A.M. for add'l fee of $350. No objections received. Legal Dept. to prepare amendment to Code -- not to go into effect until next license yeard. 5-15-57 39 348 1st reading amendment to Code - authorizing liquor and beer & wine bars to play juke box music from midnight on weekdays and 1:00 A.M. Sundays until they close at 2:00 A.M. upon payment of license fee of 350.00 ('Limited Cabaret Bars") 9-4-57 40 26 GAMES AND DEVICES 24 Book Page 3rd reading amendment to Code re.juke box music in "Limited Cabaret Bars" -- Ord. #1267 9-18-57 40 45 1st reading ord. re. $25.00 charge in connection with picking up unlicensed coin-operated juke box, pinball machine, etc. (Sec. 17.7 of Code) 10-16-57 4o 77 3rd reading ordinance re. $25.00 charge for picking up unlicensed pinball machine, juke box, etc. rd. #1274 11-6-57 40 106