Gas Company of Miami Beach, Inc._July 1928 to October 1943GAS Book, Pat Form of franchise presented to Council 7-18--2$ B 352 Endorsed by Lions Club 8-29-28 8 378 Franchise presented by Atty,Copeland 8 384 Action deferred on Ordinance- 8 7,91 Discussed 8 399 i�v �a 1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance e,a„ �e � 400 � Third Reading C°'r5`� $ 25,000.00 deposit tendered 8 463 421 • Book, Page 1st, 2nd. & 3rd Readings of Ordi- nance calling election, Ord. No. 265 g, 464 1st & 2nd Readings of GeneralPiPing Qr ,dinance 8-7-29 9, 291 Peoples Gas Company: Acceptance of Franchise , 3-29-32 11, 310 I, Indemnifying Bond_ 3-29-32 21,_310 4-- 11 Revision of rates- 632 315 11 n n L.I.Grote inquiry 4-20-3P 8 316 GAS COMPANY (See Peoples Gas Co.) Trustee's Deed and acceptance of same by Peoples Gas Co. filed March 15,1933 12, 12 Notice of cancellation of assignment of franchise filed by Charles E.Starr March 15,1933 12,12 Mayor announces proposal of Gas Co. to reduce rates April 3, 1933 12, 18 Proposed schedule of rates presented. April 3, 1933 12, 18 Mayor's communication re: reduction in Gas rates April 27th, 1933 12, 43 3 Book,P2IT GAS COMPANY (See Peoples -Tai, e ¢--&---Ga7 ^Co.) if gyp" -10 Book Page Peoples Gas Co. file new rate schedule "E" 2/3/34-3 22 25 U. S. Army asks City to_investigate rates of Peoples Water & Gas Co, 22 172 7/21/3 City Attorney instructed to furnish opinion on gas rates 10/6/43 22 178 Army officials again appear before Council in cantle tla with rate 22 18.9controversy 10/ City Attorney's opinion read on rate controversy 10/20/43 22 189 GAS COMPANY 01' MIAMI BEACH INC. BOOK,PAGE Res. 1940 - Waiver Gas Main under tIndian Creek at 63rd 4-3-29-29 9, 107 k ` it- liAcceptance of ; r nd ne�.t� b4,Company 6-5-29 9,221 es. 2029 - Waiver Gas Main at 60th Street 9, 277 Indemnifying Bond filed 6-3-31 11, 75 Bond of Trustees in Bankruptcy T117731 11, 108 (Returned -See Correspondence Minute Data" 3-29-32) I (� ) :i -+ y t (.1 7,,. -.7 - i. _ 9. tip I : It