Geological Survey of U. S. Depart. of Interior_June 1939 to August 1961GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF U. S.DEPT.OF INTERIOR Book Page Res,#4561- providing for City" s partici- pation in cost of Survey of water situation 6/26/39 18 133 Mir. Renshaw appointed -on Advisory Committee for Geological Survey 8-7-39 1S 192 Mayor & _clerk authorized -to sign formal agreement with U.S.Geolo- gic al Survey S-7-39 --18----192--- Supplemental -1-- 192 Supplemental Agreement filed on Geological Survey 9-25-4O 19 265 Council agree to continue in Geodetic $ur-ve-y for indefinite period 5/26-/43 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2. Book Page Council agrees to participate in U. S. Geological water survey for another year 6/7/44 22 340 Council agrees to participate in U. S. Geological Water Survey for another year 6/8/45 23 119 Council enters into agreement for water survey for year ending June 30, 19+7 7/3/46 24 182 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Council votes to enter into agreement with U. S. Geological Survey for year ending 6/30/48 8/6/47 3. Book Page 323 Council votes to renew cooperative agreement for survey of water resources for year ending 6/30/49 7/7/48 26 437 Renewal of agreement authorized for year ending June 30, 1950 8/4/49 28 325 Renewal of agreement authorized for year ending 6/31/51 7/19/50 29 483 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Renewal of agreement authorized for year ending June 30, 1952 4. Book Page 7-3-51 31 318 Renewaj of agreement author zed for year ending June 30, 1953 8-6-52 33 195 Renewal agreement with Geological Survey for continuation of water -resources investigations for year beginning July 1, 1953, $2,130.00, authorized 10-7-53 35 67 (ending June 30, 1954) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 5. Book Page Renewal of agreement for year ending June Renewal of agreement for year ending June Renewal of agreement for year ending June authorized 30, 1955 8-:4-5r4 36 108 authorized 30, 1956 8-3-55 37 305 authorized 30, 1957 11-7-56 38 512 =LOGICAL SURVEY 6. Book Page Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for 1 year beginning July 1, 1958, at cost of $2,640.00 7-2-58 4o 4+94+ Renewal of cooperative agreement for continuation of water resources investigations approved for one year beginning July 1, 1959 and ending June 30, 1960, at cost $2,880.00 7-1-59 42 147 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7. Book Page Agreement with U. S. Geological Survey for continuation of water resources renewed for period July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1961. 7-6-60 43 127 Agreement with U. S. Geological Survey for continuation of water resources renewed for period July 1, 1961 thru June 30, 1962 8-2-61 44 162