Golf Courses - Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_December 1945 to October 1953GOLF COURSES (Bair Shore & 'Normandy) 1. Book Page Council takes no action on request of Dr. Morris Goodman that dependants of POWS be permitted to play on golf courses without charge 12/5/45 23 30S Council refers to Mr. Renshaw James Ruby's request that public school teachers be permitted to play on golf courses at half price 10/1/47 25 411 GOLF COURSES (Bay Shore & Normandy) 2. Book Page Council to allow public school teachers to play on golf courses at half price 10/15/47 25 418 Summer greens fees reduced to $1.00 6/1/49 28 172 Mr. Klein favors leasing of concessions at golf courses - City Manager asked to report on concessions 6/22/49 28 229 GOLF' COUflS S 3, Book Page City Manager reports on manage— ment policy at 2 golf courses 7/6/49 28 237 City Managerts report on management policy of 2 courses is accepted 7/22/49 28 274 Request for reduction in greens fees at golf courses referred to committee to be appointed by Mayor 8/17/49 28 31 GOLF COURSES 4. Book Page Council opens bids for Food and Beverage con- cessions and Pro Shop Concessions at two courses 9/21/49 28 434 Contracts awarded to Peter Soutar for Pro Shop Concession and Gerald F. Kelley for Food and Beverage Concessions at Normar-a.;• Shares and Bayshore 9/21/49 28 435 GOLF COURSES (Bayshor.. and Normandy Isle) 5. Book Page Res. # 7023 authorizing execution of agreement with Gerald F. Kelly for Food and Beverage Concession at golf courses for 2 yrs 10/5/49 28 451 Res. #7024 authorizing e_ecution of agreement with Peter utar for Pro Shop Concession at golf courses for 2 years 10/5/49 28 451 Committee on golf course fees submits recommenda- tions 10/5/49 28 454 GOLF COURSES (Bayshore and Normandy Is 6. Book Page Res. #7027 adopting Administrative Memo No. 90-1 regarding golf Course fees 10/5/49 28 454 Committee consisting of Mr. Renshaw Councilmen Richard, Klein and Roth appointed to confer with committee from BayShore Golfers Club re. matters of importance at municipal courses 11/16/1+9 29 43 Council denies permission to Women's Golf Iss'n. to play 4 times a year without charge 1-18-50 29 137 GOLF COURSES (Bayshore and Normandy) 7. Book Fag( Council gives permission to Women's Golf Ass'n. to use courses 4 times a year for tournament play 2-15-50 29 185 Mr, Klein questions food and drink prices at golf courses 4-19-54 29 314 Councilman Roth requests that Bayshore Golf Course be made available for students to use at half price - referred to golf course managers for recommendation 1/17/51 30 330 GOLF COURSE:._(BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 8 Book Page Permission granted women golfers for tournament at Bayshore on 2-11-51 without charge 1-24-51 30 345 Complaint relative to flying golf balls filed Asst. City Manager to handle 3-21-51 30 472 Student golf coursemember- ships to be issued - $37.50 4-4-51 30 527 All memberships to be issued on fiscal year basis 4-4-51 30 527 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 8A Permission granted Miami Women's Book Page Golf Ass'n for use of Bay Shore Golf Course from May 21st to 25th, 1951, for annual tournament 4-18-51 31 44 $500. appropriated for Fla. State Women's Golf Ass'n for annual golf tournament 5-2-51 31 106 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHOha. AND NORMANDY S Book) Page Council opens bids for Food and Beverage concessions and Pro Shop Concessions &t Normandy Shores and Bayshore Golf courses 9/19/51 32 51 Contracts awarded to Kelly & Pite for Food andBeverage and Pro Shop Concessions at Bayshore 9/19/51 32 52 Contract awarded to w. E. Girard for Food dla Be. Jerage concession at Nontandy- Shores 9/19/51 32 52 GOLF COURSES (BAY:,:_:_ AND NORMANDY SHORES) 10 Book Page Contract awarded to Gertrude Gleason for Pro Shop Concession at Normany Shores Golf Course 9/19/51 32 52 Res. #7802 authorizing agreement with Jerry Girard for Normandy Shores Food and Beverage Concession 10-3-51 32 92 Res'. #7803 authorizing execution of agreement with Gertrude Gleason for Pro Shop concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course 10""-3-51 32 92 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 11 Book Page Res. #7804 authorizing agreement with Gerald Kelly & William Pite for Bayshore Food & Beverage Concession, and Pro Shop 10-3-51 32 92 Free use of Normandy Shores Golf Course authorized - Feb. 14, 15, 16, 17, 1952, for Weathervane Golf Tournament 10-30-51 32 123 Honorary Golf Club memberships to be given Walter Winchell and Arthur Godfrey 11-21-51 32 202 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 12 Book Page $2,500.00 appropriated for 1952 Golf Tournament 12-12-51 32 244 1952 Golf Tournament cancelled. Letter requesting that $2,500.00 appropriation be put over for next year's tournament ordered filed. 1-2-52 32 276 Opening 9 -hole old municipal golf course to be considered 1-16-52 32 308 Action postponed on development of portion of old municipal golf course 2-6-52 32 347 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 13 Book Page Golf Course fees to be pro -rated 2-6-52 32 349 Action deferred on request for free use of Norm.Shores G.C. by Miami Jr. C of C, for tournament play from May 26 to June 1, incl. 3-5-52 32 414 Free use of Norm. Shores Course for tournament play by Miami Jr. C of C denied. Mr. Lipp to check if request is for exclusive use. 3-19-52 32 436-437 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 14. Book Page Request made by Miami Women's Golf Assn for free use of Normandy Shores Course from 5-19 thru 5-23, for tournament play, and on 10-14 for daily play; and Bayshore Course on 6-17 for daily play. Mr. Lipp to check whether request is for exclusive use of courses on specified dates. 3-19-52 32 437 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 15 Book Page Mgr. Bay Shore Golf Course recommends that greens fees be increased from 1.50 to 52.00 during summer and from 2.50 to $3.00 during winter. IMfir. Lipp to contact Golfers Club to ascertain their views on matter. 3-19-52 32 437 Council rescinds motion of March l9th, and approves request of Miami Jr. C of C for free use of golf course for tournament play; ALSO grants Miami -Women's Golf Ass' n free use of golf courses as requested on March 19. Neither request is for exclusive use of courses. 3-26-52 32 443 GOLF COURSES BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES 16 Book Page Convention delegates to be permitted free use of the golf courses 14-16-52 32 1499 City Clerk advises of cremation of certain unused receipts formerly in use at Normandy Shores Golf Course, and of retention of certain others by Accounting Dept. for auditing purposes Use of Bay Shore Golf Course in -16-52 33 155 early part of February 1953 for a Wmen's Open Tournament, asked by United Cerebral Palsy Tournament Committee; $2,500. appropriated from Bay Shore Golf Cotrse revenue to underwrite this„tournament .182 --5 33 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 17 Book Page Free use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for charity tournament authorized - (proceeds to be divided equally between St. Francis and Mt. Simai Hospitals) 8-13-52 33 209 City Mgr. recommends increasing greens fees. Investigation to be made concerning rates charged by other courses, before taking action City Mgr. reports on greens fees2 33 268 charged elsewhere. Greens fees to be increased, effective 11/15/52,from 1.00 to 51.50 in summer, and from 2.50 to 83.00 in winter. EXtra revenue o be set aside for new Baylahfr42 club use . 297 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 18. Book Page Permission granted for free use of Bay Shore Course on Feb. 11 thru 14'1'- 1954, 4'1954, for United Cerebral Palsy Golf Tournaments. $2,500. advanced for 1953 promotion, returned. 2-18-53 34 1 (Resolution to be prepared commending Serbin, Cove & Fenias) Res. #8279 commending John Serbin, Otto Fenias and Henry Cove for their efforts in connection with Cerebral Palsy Golf Tournament 2-25-53 34 27 oir /YR. L r PP reLt P#{oNE' i •P 1///5' SAio DATES CKRNGED To 2116118,1%w GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 19. Book Page Request of Miami Jr. C of C granted, for use of Normandy Shores golf course from 5-18 thru 5-24 for golf tournament 4-1-53 34 150 Discussion held re. improvements at Bayshore Golf Course including building new club house. Matter held in abeyance 4-8-53 34 163 Res. #8349 authorizing agreement with August Geiger, architect, for services in connection with proposed Bay Shore Golf Course Club House. 4-22-53 34 190 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 20. Book Page Servicemen permitted to play on municipal courses at half price 5-6-53 34 232 Communication from Miami Jr. Chamber of Commerce thanking City for making Normandy Shores Golf Course available for play during annual Pan Am Golf Tournament 6-17-53 34 343 Art Gleason reappointed Manager of Normandy Shores Golf Course 6-17-53 34 345 Artie Friedman reappointed Manager ofBay Shore Golf Course 7-1-53 34 350 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 21. Book Page Gerald Kelly and William Fite request renewal of food and beverage and pro shop concessions at Bay Shore. To be renewed for another 2 yrs. starting Oct. 1, 1953 7-15-53 34 402 Recommendation of Bay Shore Golfers that yearly memberships at Bay Shore and Normandy courses not be sold between Nov. 15 and March 15 accepted 7-15-53 34 402 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 22 Book Page Action on request of Mrs. Gertrude Gleason for renewal of pro shop con- cession at Normandy Shores Golf Course deferred 9-2-53 35 6 Res. #8501 authorizing extension of Bay Shore Golf Course pro shop concession agreement with Gerald Kelly and Wm. Pite for add'l 2 years. (identical rent as in original agreement and payment in same manner) 9-2-53 35 11 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 23 Book Page Res. #8502 authorizing extension of Bay Shore Golf Course food & beverage concession with Gerald Kelly and Wm. Pite for add'l 2 years. (identical rent as in original agreement, payable in same manner) 9-2-53 35 11 Gertrude Gleason's contract for operation of pro shop concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course extended for another 2 years 9-i6-53 35 30 Request of Jerry Girard for renewal of food:and-beverage concession at Normandy Shore Golf Course held over until next meeting 9-16-53 35 39 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE &NORMANDY SHORES) 24 Book Page Council again defers action on renewal of food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course to Jerry Girard 10-7-53 35 52 Request of Wm. B. McDonald, Jr., for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for 4 -ball tournament from 3-7 to 3-14 granted 10-21-53 35 113 Petition presented -- objections to manner in which food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores golf club has been handled and urging that bids be taken for operation of concession. Action deferred rresen co Gir .rd t sntra realest for ext n log3of 35 115