Golf Courses - Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_December 1956 to September 1961GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 50 Book Page Late golf course renewal memberships authorized --- Bernard Sharp 5010 N. Bay Rd. and John Prendergast, 2216 Collins. 12-5-56 39 22 3 delayed golf course renewal memberships accepted:- Charlotte Owens Schloss, Mike Ackerman and John Martin 12-19-56 39 34 No action on request of Martha Jensen for new golf membership at Normandy Shores 12-19-56 39 34 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 50A Book Page Art Gleason appointed to manage Bayshore Golf Course until June 4, 1957. Ordinance to be prepared creating Office of Asst. Mgr. of Bayshore; City Mgr's appointment of Mrs. Dorothy Friedman to this position until June, 1957, confirmed. 1-16-57 39 63 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 51 Book Page 2 requests for refund of golf course memberships denied: Bayshore - Mr. & Mrs. Herman a. Kellerman Normandy - Mr. Oscar Stone 1-16-57 39 74 2 late renewal golf course memberships accepted: Bayshore - N. J. Raskin Normandy Alvin Udell 1-16-57 39 75 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 52 Book Page M.B. Golf Assn asks City to advance $7,500 to the Committee for the M.B. Open Golf Tournament. City Mgr. does not recommend payment in advance and reminds Council that Golf Committee was to render accounting of all funds raised by committee by private subscription in addition to accounting for City's $7,500.00. City Mgr to discuss method of paying out funds with Golf Association before any action is taken bylCouncil 39 75 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 53 Book Page Permission granted Miami Women's Golf Assn. to use Normandy Shores Golf Course for annual tournament on June 11 thru 14, 1957 2-6-57 39 122 No action taken on request of Jr. Chamber of Commerce of Miami for permission to use Bayshore Golf Course for their annual Pan American Golf Tournament some time in May, 1957 3-20-57 39 180 Permission granted Miami Jr. C of C to use Bayshore Golf Course for annual Pan Am Golf Tournament, last 3 weeks in May, 1957 5-1-57 39 329 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 54 Book Page Appointment of Golf Course Mgrs. postponed 6-19-57 39 384 City Mgr's appointment of Art Gleason to manage 2 golf courses, and appointment of Dorothy Friedman as Asst. Mgr. at the Bayshore Course, confirmed 7-17-57 39 456 Council authorizes renewal of Gertrude Gleason's pro shop concession at Normandy Golf Course for 2 years, beginning Oct. 1, 1957, same terms as present contract. 8-21-57 39 490 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE c NORMANDY_ HARES) 55 Book Page Width of parking spaces at Bayshore to be increased to 8'6" instead of 813 9-25-57 4o 48 Permission granted for use of Bayshore Golf Course the week of March 24th to March 30, 1958 for M. B. Golf Tournament 11-6-57 40 101 Council authorizes lifting restrictions on the use of the money in "Restoration- Bayshore Golf Course Club House Fund" and placing the monies in the General Fund, with a record to be kept of the amount Of such monies 12-18-57 40 181 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 56 Book Page $16,115 appropriated from 1955 Storm Sewer Bond Funds to cover cost of improving drainage for Bayshore Golf Course. 4-30-58 40 392 Use of Bayshore Golf Course by the Miami Junior Chamber of Commerce for its Pan -Am Golf Tournament beginning August 18 thru Aug. 31, 1958 authorized 7-16-58 41 12 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 57 Book Page Objection made to inclusion of funds in BUDGET for golf driving range at Bayshore. Objector to be notified when actual construction of driving range to be discussed by Council 8-6-58 41 26 City Mgr. Lipp requested to advise Golf Course Manager tibtto release any information pertaining to use of courses for tournaments until matter has been.cleared through City Mgr!s office and requests approved by the City Council 8-20-58 41 59 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 58 Book Page Contract for food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course awarded to Joseph Voytek, $17,200, for 2 -year period beginning Dec. 1, 1958. 11-5-58 41 189 Res. #9910 authorizing execution of agreement with Joseph Voytek for operation of Food and Beverage Concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course for period of two years beginning Dec. 1, 1958. (Contract was awarded 11/5/58) 11-19-58 41 221 City Mgr. asked to look into the matter of charges for golf carts and report to Council 11-19-58 41 233 GOLD' COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 9 Book Page Res. 49962 extending Bay Shore Golf Course Concession agreement for 3 year period with Kelly and Pito - expiration 3/21/62. 1-21-59 41 305 Attys Frank & Weston to be given notice when consideration of pro shop at Normandy Shores Golf Course is given 3-25-59 41 455 $600. appropriated from unallocated Publicity Funds for trophies for 1959 Junior Golf Tournament 4-24-59 42 49 AxtOle.4son appointed Mgr. of golf courses; Mrs. Dorothy Friedman appointed Asst. Mgr. Bayshore Golf Course 6-5-59 42 110 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 60 Book Page Use of Bay Shore Golf Course for Pan -Am Golf Course during last three weeks of August, 1959, approved 6-17-59 42 128 Use Of Bay Shore Golf Course forMek °opolitan Amateur tournament on July 29, 1959 granted 7-15-59 42 194 Gertrude Gleason asks for renewal of pro shop concession agreement at Normandy Shores Golf Course. Discussion. Res. #10154 extending agreement for 2 years. Mayor Powell asks Mr. Lipp to make investi- gation into operation of golf courses. 8-5-59 42 198 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 61 Otto Fenias appears to discuss Book Page City sponsorship and underwriting of Professional Golfers' Assn tournament. Report from Public Relations Advisory Board re. tournament. Council votes to sponsor and underwrite tournament with certain provisions. 9-30-59 42 303 Increase in golf course greens fees by 50¢ approved, commencing 11/15/59. Rates: period Nov.15 to May 1 $3.50 (from 3.00 period May 1 to Nov. 15 $2,00 from $1.50) 9-30-59 42 307 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 62 Book Page Request for use of Bayshore Golf Course on Dec. 16, 1959, for benefit golf tournament, sponsored by the Men & Women's Cancer League of Miami Beach, approved. 11-4-59 42 357 Councilman Oka comments re. bookmaking at golf courses. City Mgr. to have Police Chief check. 12-16-59 42 410 Use of Normandy Shares Golf Course 'or Metropolitan Golf Asgn tournament )n August 10, 1960 approved 3-16-60 43 `3 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 63 Book Page Use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for American Institute of Banking of Greater Miami golf tournament on April 30, 1960, approved. 3-16-60 43 23 Councilman Frank discusses golf member- ships. Meeting to be held to discuss issuance of golf course membership cards. 6-15-60 43 115 Use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on Aug. 17, 1960, for police golf tournament, with greens fees to be waived, approved. 8-3-60 43 167 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 64 Book Page Statement of Oboler & Clarke, Consulting Engineers, amt. $1,256.88, for services rendered in July, in connection with development of plans for remodeling Bayshore Club House, approved for payment.Funds transferred from Increased Greens Fees in Trust Account to proper account. 8-3-60 43 167 Request of Miami Jaycees for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on Aug. 27, 1960, for Dade County Amateur Golf Tournament,with greens fees beingwaived, approved. 8-3-60 43 172 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 65 Book Page Permission given Men's Cancer League for use of Bayshore on Dec. 14, 1960, for golf tournament. 8-17-60 43 189 Statement of Oboler & Clarke, consulting engineers, for August services,$2,167.95, in connection with remodeling and additions to Bayshore Golf Course, approved for payment. 9-7-60 43 210 Use of Bayshore Golf Course, including scoreboard; on Wed. March 29, 1961, for golf tournament, by National Cardiac Ass'n, approved. 10-5-60 43 253 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 66 Book Page Normandy Shores Golfers Ass'n ask that improvements be made at Normandy Shores Golf Course. Survey to be made re. need for improvements. City Mgr. to report and make recommendations. 10-5-60 43 255 Request of Southern Professional Golf Association for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for pro woman golf tournament on Tues. Oct. 11, 1960., approved. 10-5-60 43 267 Council adopts City Mgr's recommendations re. improvements at Normandy Shores Golf Course and authorizes a ro riation of $8,500. from extra greens fees to cover cost of GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 67. Book Page (cont) construction of concession stand and one comfort station. Other items to be looked into. 10=19-60 43 288 Bids for Normandy Golf Course food and beverage concession presented. Action on award of contract deferred. 11-2-60 43 307 Statement of Oboler & Clarke, for services in connection with Bayshore remodeling and additions to Clubhouse, $59.05 11-16-60 43 326 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 68. Book Page No second to motion to award beverage concession at Normandy Golf Course to Joseph Voytek. Action deferred until 12/7/60. 11=16=60 43 331 Contract for food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course awarded to Maxine and Daniel Stern, $17,600. for 2 yr. period. Res. #10431 authorizing agreement. 12-7-60 43 351 City Mgr to look into possibility of Park Dept. taking over maintenance of golf courses. 12-7-60 43 363 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 69. Book Page Use of Bayshore Golf Course 3/21 thru 3/24/61 for Sunshine Open Golf Tournament approved. City to underwrite Tournament to extent of $10,000, and to assume cost of erecting and dismantling scoreboard. 12-21-60 43 366 Res. #10494 authorizing agreement with Professional Golfers' Assn of America for Sunshine Open Golf Tournament at Bayshore March 23 thru 26, 1961. 2-1-61 43 473 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 70. Book Page Golf Course maintenance transferred to Park Dept. 2-15-61 43 490 Request of Miami Junior C of C for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on Saturday, May 20, 1961, for Dade Amateur Golf Tournament approved. 2-22-61 43 496 Use of Bayshore Golf Course by Greater Miami Women's Golf Assn for tournament play on May 9,10 and 11, 1961 approved. 3-1-61 43 502 Discussion re. golf memberships. 4-5-61 44 51 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 71. Book Page Discussion re. crowded situation at golf courses. Proposals submitted. Council advises that problem is being studied. 4-19-61 44 56 Use of Normandy Shores Golf Course by American Institute of Banking, for tournament on May 27, 1961, approved 4-19-61 44 60 Use of Bayshore Golf Course for Men's Cancer League on Dec. 16, 1961 approved 5-17-61 44 73 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 72. Book Page Jr. Golf Assn given permit to use Normandy Shores Golf Course on July 21, 1961, and Bayshore on June 16, 1961 for tournament play 5-17-61 44 73 Mayor Oka appoints Golf Course Committee: Dave Drucker, pres. Normandy Shores Golfers Sam Shapiro, pres. Bayshore Golfers Assn. Leonard Shapiro - Candid Magazine Councilmen Cohen and Frank 6-7-61 44 87 Action deferred on appointment of Mgr. for Bayshore Golf Course 6-8-61 44 91 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 73 Book Page Mayor Oka refers golf course problems 6-8-61 44 91 Contract for construction of ticket office for 9 -hole golf course awarded to the low bidder = Aaon Construction Co. $8,300.00 7-19-61 44 138 $1,000 authorized from Special Events Fund in Publicity Budget Acct 983-14 for trophies for the Jr. Golf Association tournaments. 9-6-61 44 201 Golf Course Committee to report on Oct. 4, 1961 9-13-61 44 216 GOLF COURSES (BA?SRORE.ORMANDY & PAR 3) 74 Book Page Mayor Oka reviews Golf Course Committee report. Recommendations outlined, including fees. Councilman Oka proposes $150. instead of $100. single membership. Motion on fees for all courses:- (carried) 1. $150. for single person 50. every addl member of family. 2. Greens fees - Normandy & Bayshore $2.00 summer (May 1 to Nov. 15) 4.00 winter (Nov. 15 to May 1) 3. Greens fees - PAR 3 $1.00 summer $1.50 winter Anyone under 21 years - $50.00 yearly providing parent is bona fide permanent resident. (cont.)