Golf Courses - Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_May 1966 to May 196900LF COURSES 125 Book Page Proposed improvements at Normandy Shores Golf Course discussed; timetable of work to be done and means of raising additional revenue if all work is done at one time. Recommended work authorized with additional expenditure of $100,000. Work to be completed within five month period. 5-4-66 50 300 Councilmen Englander, Malek and Seiderman appointed to serve on committe to meet with Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golfers Assn in connection with golf course operations. 5-18-66 50 328 GOL? COURSES 126 Ben Seidler, Normandy Golf Course Book Page Concessionaire, reviews items he felt he was entitled to. Golf committee to discuss further. 5-18-66 50 329 Action deferred on request by Ben Seidler, Normandy Shores Golf Course concessionaire, for consideration due to course closing. Committee ofthree Councilmen to meet with Mr. Seidler to consider adjustment in compensation while course is closed, and will make report to Council with recommenda- tions. 6-22-66 50 387 GOLF COURSES Golf Committee to study specifications for Bayshore food and beverage con- cession and City Manager will be advised accordingly before proceeding with tak- ing bids. 6-22-66 50 391 127 Book Page Suggestions & Recommendations from City Mgr. re. concession specifica- tions and programming at Bayshore referred to Golf Committee for report to Council. 8-3-66 50 458 GOLF COURSES Book Page$ Communication from North Bay Village re. possibility of its citizens using M.B. Golf Courses during summer at set membership fee, referred to City Mgr. 8=17-66 50 464 Ord. # 1593 adopted as emergency measure providing Administrative authority to promulgate rules and regulations concerning use of municipal bldgs. and parks, lands, etc. (Ordinance proposed as result of complaints about cardroom at Bayshore Golf Course) 8-17-66 50 470 GOLF COURSES 129 Book Page Following recommendations of Council Golf Committee approved: 1. Bid specifications for concessions 2. Permit Fees- no change 3. Summer permits for neighboring cities to be issued. 4. Parking meters at golf courses - no action taken on this at this time. 8-17-66 50 480 Mayor reminds Council of decision during Budget Hearings to increase family golf course membership fee from $200 to $250. Council a rees Icontd) GOLF COURSES to take action later in meeting. 130 Book Page 9-9-66 51 31 Council approves increase in family golf course permit fee from $200 to $250 per yr. 9-9-67 51 33 Council work session set for 10/4/66 at 9 A.M. re. bids for Bayshore Golf Course concession, to obtain additional information, etc. 9-28-66 51 73 131 GOLF COURSES Book Page �Bayshore Golf Course concessions bids and award deferred to next meeting. 10-5-66 51 86 Contract for Bayshore Golf Course Concession awarded to Harvey St. Jean, high bidder for total concession ($320,000), after consideration of many other alternatives. 10-19-66 51 131 Council considers items presented by Harvey St. Jean, Bay Shore Concessionaire, to be included in contract, prior to approving contract for golf course concession. 10-26-66 51 142 132 GOLF COURSES Book Page Res. #11969 adopted authorizing execution of agreement with Bayshore Golf Course concessionaire, as amended. 10/26/66 No action taken by Council on request of Geo. Kastenbaum for opportunity to present his position on matter of the card room at Bayshore Golf Course and he was informed that this was an administrative matter. 11-23-66 51 191 No action taken on request of Mr. Hal Hertz of Bayshore Golfers Club for further con- sideration of fee increase for golf permits. 51 144 11-23-66 51 192 113 GOLF COURSES Book Page Final status report on Normandy Shores Golf Course filed. 12/14/66 51 238 Discussion on request of concessionaire at Bayshore Golf Course for approval of employment agreement for individual to act as "Manager" of certain facilities of concessions and action deferred to later in meeting when concessionaire will be present. 3-1-67 51 423 Council discusses operation of certain concessions at Bayshore Golf Course under proposed employment agreement with concessionaire and defers action for further study 3-i-67 51 425 GOLF COURSES 134 Book Page Request of Footlighters Club for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for Variety Children's Hospital Golf Tournament approved. 3-22-67 51 455 Employment agreement between Bayshore Golf Course concessionaire and person to be selected to operate kitchen, etc. approved in principle, subject to telephone approval of individual by Council prior to execution of contract. 3-22-67 51 462 GOLF COURSES Action on bids for furnishing and installing carpeting in the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course Club Houses,deferred to July 12, for further Administration review. 7-6-67 52 90 Further discussion on award of bids for carpeting for Golf Course Club Houses and matter to be resubmitted at next meeting when full Council will be present. 7-19-67 Bids for carpeting for Bayshore and Normandy Golf Course Club Houses rejected and re - advertisement authorized. 7-25-67 135 Book Page 52 113 52 140 GOLF COURSES Book Page Council approves decrease in husband and wife golf membership from $250 to $200. 8-23-67 52 219 Co. Memo 763 app'd. re. Reserve for Golf Course improvements, to be discontinued eff. 10/1/67 & future improvements to be financed as all other programmed improve- ments. 9/6/67 Action re. Golf Club Single Membership Fee deferred indefinitely. 9-20-67 52 253 52 302 137 GOLF COURSES BOOK PAGE Recommendation "twilight" golf rates not instituted at municipal golf courses approved. 10-4-67 52 332 Dave Gelman's request that Council approve two members to act as advisors to the Miami Beach Reporter/CMB/Civic Group/Youth Golf program withdrawn by applicant. Any member of Council desiring to act as advisor will indicate his wish to Mayor. 12-20-67 $3,750 authorized from Contingency Fund for repairs and remodeling to Bayshore Golf Course Club House. 12-20-67 52 453 52 472 GOLF COURSES Request approved of Footlighters Club for use of Normandy Shores for Variety Children's hospital golf tournament on 5/15/68 with greens fees waived. 1-17-68 Matter to be taken up with City Manager re. Mr. Gelman's request for use of Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse for youth activities for 3 or 4 times. 2-21-68 Request approved for Miami Women's Golf Association to use Normandy Shores Golf Course, 5/28/68, and Bayshore Golf Course, 7/9/68, with greens fees to be waived. 3-6-68 53 57 138 BOOK PAGE 52 525 53 23 GOLF COURSES 139 BOOK PAGE City employee's golf tournament approved with waiver of greens fees for one -day event in July, 1968 to be held at Bayshore or Normandy Shores. 4-17-68 53 150 Councilmen Weinstein & Seiderman & Director of Parks appointed as members of Committee to meet with representatives of golf course associations re. golf course matters. The golf associations to designate representatives to meet with Council committee. 4-17-68 53 151 Council ratified approval of request of Bayshore Golfer's Club to use Bayshore Club House 6/2/68 for annual dinner, etc. 6-5-68 53 234 GOLF COURSES 140 BOOK PAGE Memo containing letter from Footlighters expressing gratitude for permitting use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for Variety Children's Hospital tournament filed. 6-5-68 53 236 $300 expenditure approved to be dispensed at dis- cretion of Director of Parks & Recreation re. City employees' golf tournament, 7/20-21, 1968 at Bayshore Golf Course. 7-17-68 53 330 Memo presented & filed approving extension of Normandy iS•gtes Golf Course concession to May 31, •.• Lased on Golf Course being closed for about 7 months during 1966. 8-21-68 53 387 GOLF COURSES 141 BOOK PAGE Melvin Richard's communication presented for info, only re. change in golf course membership charges. 9-18-68 53 460 Motion passed --all residents other than registered voters &/or freeholders be extended permits for $250 per person & $150 for each additional person in family under 18 years old; greens fees starting 11/1 through 4/30 be raised from $5.00 to $6.00 (1968-1969 Budget). 9-30-68 53 470 Malek's motion failed of passage to extend courtesy of 25 yearly golf permits to residents of neighboring cities - Bay Harbor, Bal Harbour, Surfside & North Bay Village at $500 fee. 9-30-68 53 470 GOLF COURSES 142 BOOK PAGE Five changes in rates approved, and qualifications of applicants for golf course permits approved. 10-9-68 Recommendation for contract amendment with Bayshore Greens, Inc. to enter into agreement with Gerald Kelly and Clifton Sosson to lease dining room and bar approved. 11-6-68 Use of Bayshore Golf Course for tournament approved (requested by Paul Bruun)--tentative date December 18, 1968, proceeds to be used to buy air conditioned bus for high school. Greens fees to be waived. 53 503 53 577 11-20-68 54 18 GOLF COURSES 143 BOOK PAGE Communication from Nautilus Junior High School students objecting to starting time at golf courses of 1:30 p.m. referred to Council Golf Committee for recommendation at early date. 12-4-68 54 62 Attorney for operator of concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course requested his appearance before Council be deferred to January 2, 1969, Council agreed. 12-18-68 54 73 GOLF COURSES 144 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to February 19, 1969 on communication from Attorneys Street and Greenfield re. Ben Seidler concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course. 1-2-69 54 133 Mr. Poulos to make complete report and recommenda- tions to City Manager re. restoration of Bayshore Golf Course and completion of improvements at Normandy Shores Golf Course; provision for craft shop at Garden Center; report re. contact made with Richard Rosen re. playgrounds. 1-15-69 54 155 GOLF COURSES 145 BOOK PAGE Request of Footlighters Club for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course, 5/15/69, for Variety Children's Hosp. golf tournament, approved, greens fees to be waived without preferred starting time. 2/25/69 54 240 Approved - Miami Women's Golf Assoc. for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on 5/27 . Bayshore Golf Course on 10/28/69 for tournament play - GREENS FEES TO BE WAIVED. 3/5/69 54 264 Normandy Shores Golf Course - Action def. to 3/19/69. 3/5/69 54 264 GOLF COURSES 146 Book Page Approval of specs. for Normandy Shores G.C. concession, expiring 7/31/69, deferred to 4/2/69 Denied Ben Seidler's request to extend contract for 8 mos. or that he be paid cash in lieu thereof, because card room was closed. 3/19/69 54 290, 309 Concessionaire Harvey St. Jean opposed to Bayshore improvements at this time, claiming loss in revenue anticipated during shut -down. City Mgr. directed to halt all planned Bayshore improvements, & to use funds appropriated for irrigation system,at Normandy instead, & that irr. system installed at Normandy during normal annual 30 -day closing period. 3/19/69 54 290 GOLF COURSES 147. Book Page Action deferred to 4/16/69 re. contract with Ben Seidler, Normandy Shores concessionaire; proposed specs. for new contract; Bayshore closure for renovations. 4/2/69 54 325 Request of Frank Casciola, Pres. AFL Musicians Local 155, re use of Normandy or Bayshore for tournament deferred to 4/16/69. 4/2/69 54 326 Compromise settlement on Ben Seidler contract Harvey St. Jean, Bayshore concessionaire, to give City approval for Bayshore closure. City Atty. to prepare formal agreements. 4/16/69 54 329, 357 GOLF COURSES 148 Book Page City Mgr. to call for bids for operation of concessions at Normandy Shores ( as in specs.), for 5 -yr. pd.beginning 12/31/69, with further provisions. Specs. to be clarified re. closings for normal or major overhaul without approval of concessionaire. 4/16/69 54 329 Council approved recommendation for Bayshore renovation; authorized funding not to exceed $350,000. Concessionaire consented to closure; will give City release for liability in connec- tion therewith (tied in with settlement of Normandy Shores concession matter). 4/16/69 54 331 GOLF COURSES Amer.Fed. Musicians request for use of Golf Courses for tcumament deferred to 5/7/69. Poulos expressed need to review policy of permitting use of course without charge. 4/16/69 149 Book Page 54 365 Res.#12705 authorized execution of agreement with Ben Seidler re. takeover of concession by Bayshore concessionaire during Bayshore renovation. 5/7/69 54 390 Selection of architect, Bayshore renovation 392, deferred to 5/12/69 5/7/69 54 396 Objectors to Bayshore closure to be present on 5/12/69 meeting. 5/7/69 54 396