Golf Courses - Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_May 1969 to December 1972GOLF COURSES 150 Book Page Re. selection of architect for Bayshore G.C. motion authorizing City Mgr. to negotiate with Von Hagge failed of passage. 5/12/69 54 416 Use of golf course for tournament by AFL. musicians,(Frank Casciola) deferred. 5/12/69 54 423 Council authorized contract for redesign of Bayshore G.C.; fee not to exceed $30,000. Contract & resolution to Council 6/4/69. 5/21/69 54 433 City Mgr. to evaluate & recommend on 6/4/69 re. extension of yearly golf permits during time of Bayshore closure. Malek suggested rebates. 5/21/69 54 435 GOLF COURSES 151 Book Page Res.#12757 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Robert von Hagge at cost not over $30,000. 6/4/69 54 478 Request deferred re. extension of yearly golf permits during Bayshore Golf Course Closure. City Mgr. to evaluate effect of any extensions or rebates of fees on revenue & revenue structure of City & submit recommendations to Council. 6/11/69 54 500 GOLF COURSES 152 Book Page Council approved City Mgr. recommendation that neither rebates nor extension of permits be permitted during Bayshore closure. Malek's suggestion re. rebate on pro rata basis, failed. 6/18/69 55 13 Re: Bayshore reconstruction - rejected bids, authorized read- vertising. Meeting Date 7-02-69 Normandy Shores Tournament - Appec,Jed 7-26,27-69. City employees 7-02-69 GOLF COURSES 153 Meeting date Bayshore reconstruction - contract to Golf Course Construction Inc. for $195,000. - Normandy Shores - use on 8-4-69 for Dade Amateur Golf Assn.League. Approved. Bayshore reconstruction - removal of trees, etc. - approved 7-16-69 7-16-69 7-16-69 GOLF COURSES 154 Meeting Date Bid for Bayshore reconstruction awarded 7/16/69 rejected. Work to be done by City as contractor 7-23-69 Bayshore reconstruction: equipment rental contracts awarded to Lowell Dunn Co., Eagle Trucking,Russell Inc. Bayshore-storm sewers -bids rejected; City improvement to proceed. Bayshore - concrete pipe contract to Fla. Concrete Pipe - $14,873.80 8-13-69 9-3-69 9-17-69 GOLF COURSES 155 Meeting date Bayshore: irrigation contract de- ferred to 10-15-59. 10-1-69 Contract to Wm.H. Bowers: $127,000. 10-15-69 Bayshore: fumigating, grassing contract to Pursley Grass Co. -$22,899.- 11-19-69 Normandy Shores: tournament (Footlighters, U.Iriety Children's) 5-15-70, appr'd. 12-17-69 GOLF COURSES Appearance by John Temple, his objections to fees, etc; CC requested written report for guidelines re per- mits, rates, etc. 156 Meeting date 1-7-70 Robt. Von Hagge report re Bayshore opening. 2-4-70 Use of Normandy and Bayshore by Miami Women's Golf Assn for tournament - appr'd. 2-18-70 GOLF COURSES Bayshore Golf Coure: bids rejected for construction of comfort station; readvertisemt authorized. rebidding de- ferred to 5-20; architect for handball courts deferred to 5-20. comfort station bids rejected; discussion re City as contractor, portable facilities. Proposal of Bay - shore Greens to make improvements and extend contract rejected. 157 Meeting date 4-1-70 5-6-70 5-20-70 5-20-70 GOLF COURSES 158 Meeting date Bayshore: renovation; Architect Von Hagge reported course ready for play Labor Day, 9-7. City Mgr to coordinate celebration program. Bayshore: opening: C.W.Chase Jr. to be on committee, to be formed immedi- ately. Normandy Shores concession: bid rejected - readvertised nationally. 6-24-70 7-1-70 7-15-70 GOLF COURSES Meeting dae 1 Normandy Shores: Golf tournament of Dade Amateur Assn Jr. League - 7 -31 -70 - greens fees waived. 7-15-70 ....Food concession awarded to Elmer G.Daniels (Recreational Food Ser- vices) from 10-1-70 thru 5-31-76, for $190,000. RES.13090. 9-2-70 Bayshore:Dick Reeves commended;Res.13098. Jerry Olin Olin appearance re greens' fees f 9'2.61"1 Sq +0 increase re conventions. 10-7-70 Motion made that old fees hold for conventions, groups, to Nov.1,'70. 10-7-70 GOLF COURSES 159-a Meeting date Fees: Golf, other recreationalfunctions: fee revision schedules: RES.13119. 9-29-70 Bicycle paths at courses: Motion (Greene) to include in Budget FAILED. City Mgr to present study, recommendatns to CC. 9-29-70 GOLF COURSES Bayshore: Tournament approved for MB Sr.High School on 12-16-70; greens fees waived. Normandy Shores: golf storage shed relocation approved.- discussion - appearances by Dr. Dorf, Mr. Binkov, objecting to location - rain drainage problem discussed - 160 Meeting date 10-21-70 12-16-70 GOLF. COURSES Bayshore: approved U.S.Olympic Golf Classic on 3/20-22/71; City Mgr. to meet with Mr. Haddad, Parks Dir.,re fees, arrangemts, and give CC report. Normandy Shores: Elmer Daniels, con- cessionaire, urged fees decrease; City Mgr to present recommendatns on 2-3. Greens fees: Mgr. requested defermt to 2-17 for his evaluation of report. ....fees reduced for summer; Mgr. to furnish monthly income reports to CC. 161 Meeting date 1-20-71 1-20-71 2-3-71 2-17-71 GOLF COURSES Normandy: request of pro shop for cashier referred to City Mgr. Bayshore: comfort facility: approved rejection of bids. Bayshore: approved _golf tournament of Dade Amateur Golf Assn Jr. League on 7-16; greens fees waived. 162 Meeting date 2-17-71 43�7i-5<< G ,rt sGJ 6-2-71 7-7-71 Sales tax required on starting -time fee; fee set at 96 plus 4 tax. 7-21-71 GOLF COURSES contract Bayshore: comfort facility/to Biscayne Construction, $18,467. 163 Meeting date 8-4-71 Bayshore: Request for portable refreshmt stand (Greene); supervisor will review and report to City Mgr. 8-4-71 Par 3: Request for portable refreshmt stand Weinstein); supervisor will review and report to City Mgr. Bayshore: Employees' Golf Tournament on 9-15 agenda. ...On for 10/23,24/71. 8-4-71 9-1-71 9-15-71 GOLF COURSES ...1634. . Meeting Date No action taken on increases of golf course fees 9/30/72 GOLr COURSES 164 Meeting date New employees Bayshore Golf Course Food and Beverage. Adminis recommendation that City ap- prove subleasing of food and beverage concession to E. M. DZIURA, president & ERNEST MILLER, mgr. for Resort Ser- vices, Inc., subject to final favorable police report, WAS CONFIRMED. 12-8-71 Consideration deferred to Jan. 5, 1972, as to discussion concerning extension of existing contract with Bayshore Greens, Inc., in relation to prior closures. 12-22-71 btF COURSES�� cc t Meeting date tiien�ounc�i l wbentu rn i sshedgw$i t�id theat ultimate termination date which will become effective by extension of the contract. 12-22-71 Consideration of extension of existing contract with Bayshore Greens, Inc., deferred to Jan. 19,'72, due to course closures. 1-5-72 Bayshore concession agreement with Bayshore Greens Inc. deferred to2/2/72 RES.13527 adopted approving agreement with Bayshore Greens, Inc. extending concession to June 6/1973 and releasing City from claims 2/2/72 �cr� -b eLe.. 1/19/72 GULh (UUKStS Approved greens fees to be waived for Bayshore and Normandy Golf Courses on May & Aug dates 6f Miami Women's Golf Association. Insurance for Bayshore Golf Course - 3 yrs. to Southern Underwriters RES. 13556 adopted 2/2/72 to change date for extension of concession for 20 months. Re: Bayshore Golf Course, Councilman Greene referred to comford station project and said perhaps there should be a re-evaluation of design or approaches or personnel. At request of Mr. Dan Paul, Council established policy that no park lands be used for capital Ibb.. Meeting dat 2/2/72 2/16/72 3/1/72 3/15/72 GOLF= COURSES 167. Meeting Date improvements and that City look to acquiring property for this instead. City Atty. advised this was an expression of intent but not binding. City Mgr. said some question prevails in connection with feasibility of constructing bicycle paths adjacent to golf courses and that matter be given further study. 4/26/72 7/19/72 City Atty. advised sume of $70,000 was appropriated from Contingency Fund to later be reimbursed from sale of bonds approved by voters 3/14/72, instead of funding as set forth in Memo 3566, 7/19/72 GOLF COURSES Councilman Greene suggested Metro be contacted re. purchase by City of fencing used at Convention Center Complex for possible use in fencing of golf courses. 7/19/72 168 Meet. DAt Councilman Greene suggested institution of safety program for golf course employees, contending their actions often invite injury. Councilman Goodman requested consideration of expansion of Bayshore Golf Course into a golf and tennis center at workshop meeting. 8/2/72 9/25/72 GOLF COURSES 168A Meet. Date Councilman Weinstein requests consideration of expansion of Normandy Shores club house during workshop session. 8/16/72 Councilman Weinstein requests clean-up and beautifi- cation of vacant property abutting Normandy Shores' if it is City property; if privately owned, to cause it to be cleaned. Aslo requests installation of drinking fountains. 9/6/72 Reso. 13757, setting fee schedule 1972-73. 9/25/72 Reso. 13774 amending permit fees schedule and setting forth new schedule. 10/4/72. GOLF COURSES City Atty. asked by Councilman Magnes to investigate possibility of moving Bayshore Golf Course liquor license to Auditorium and Convention Hall and securing new "club" license for Bayshore Golf Course. Council deferred action on proposed resolution pertaining to golf course memberships to pro- vide for officers of corporations who own prop- erty in Miami Beach to have same rates as a freeholder, and referred matter to the Administra- tion to determine what safeguards should be established. 12/20/72 Council approved request of Dr. Solomon S. Lichter principal, M.B.High School, to utilize Golf 169 Meeting Date 10/4/72 GOLF COURSES (PRIOR T01950 ) SEE: BAY SHORE GOLF COURSE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE