Golf Courses - Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_November 1953 to December 1956GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE Res. #8561 authorizing of Jerry Girard's food concession at Normandy course for one year & NORMANDY SHORES) 25 Book Page extension and beverage Shores golf 11-4-53 Purchase of wall safe for Bayshore Golf Course approved 11-10-53 Time for purchase of golf course memberships extended to Nov. 30. 11-18-53 35 136 35 151 35 173 Res. #8590 authorizing; extension of former agreement with Gertrude Gleason for pro shop concession at NormandySnhgores Golf Coe f$E 2 Years, co e38-153 35 178 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 26 Book Page Use of Bayshore Golf Course in January for one day for Pro -Am Tournament approved 12-2-53 35 204 Concessionaires at Bay Shore request refund of portion of rent due to 2 -month closing. Mr. Lipp's recom- mendation that rent be refunded to be reviewed since bar was open and players used chipping green during closed period 12-23-53 35 256 Insurance requirements for concessionaires Kelly& Pite, Girard and Qua1 alt5red35 256 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 27 Book Page Refund of rent to Kelly & Pite, Bayshore concessionaires, from Sept. 12 to Nov. 17, 1953 authorized - $946.00 1-6-54 35 284 Sign to be erected atBayshore Golf Course explaining that new club house will be built in spring 1-6-54 35 285 August Geiger's architect's sketches of proposed Bay Shore Golf Course club house approved 1-20-54 35 297 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 28 Book Page Miami Jr. Chamber of Commerce asks use of Normandy Shores Course from 5/2 to 5/9 for Pan American golf tournament. Art Gleason suggests later dates be given. Councilman Spaet states Council should follow recommendation of golf course manager. No definite action taken. 4-7-54 35 417 Action deferred on dates of 3rd Annual Serbin Tournament for Cerebral Palsy at Bay Shore Golf Course 4-21-54 35 427 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 29 Book Page Serbin Tournament dates set - Feb. 16 through 20, 19555. Letter from Golf Course Manager re. starting time. City to have full responsibility for operation of golf course:. 5-5-54 35 445 Council to meet on May 12 re. bids for construction of new Bay Shore Golf Club House 5-5-54 35 456 Discussion of bids for construction of Bayshore Golf Club House. Estimated funds which will be available on 9/30/54 summarized. Contract awarded to Shinn Construction Co., $201,54M@_54 35 72 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) .29A Book Page Request for appropriation of $500. to aid in sending 5 golfers to national tournament in Dallas, referred to Pub. Rel. Advisory Committee 6-2-54 36 12 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 30 Book Page Rent for concession of Kelly & Pite at Bay Shore Golf Course to be suspended while club house is being constructed and period lost to be added to term of concessionaires' lease 6-2-54 36 16 M.B. Jr. Chamber of Commerce granted permission to use Normandy Shores Golf Course on two week days for local tournaments for youngsters, provided players are off first tee before noon 7-7-5!4 36 61 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 31 Book Page Pub. Rel. Advisory Committee recommends that request be denied for $500. appropriation to aid in sending 5 golfers to Dallas 7-7-54 36 61 Permission given to use Bay Shore Golf Course on Jan. 9, 1955 for golf tournament to benefit Variety Children's Hospital 9-1-54 36 145 Discussion re. golf course membership fees. Increased to - resident $100. single, $125.00 family; non-resident $125.00 single, 5u.0o family. 9-15-54 36 152 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 32 Book Page Bids for operation of Normandy Shores Food & Beverage Concession discussed. Action deferred. 10-20-54 36 231 Normandy Shores Food & Beverage Concession awarded to J. Voytek, $17,200.00 for 2 -year period commencing Oct. 1, 1954 10-20-54 36 278 City to formally dedicate new Bay Shore club house on date to be announced later 11-3-54 36 312 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) Book Council refuses request of Jewish War Veterans, Post #677, to use Normandy Shores Club House on Dec. 18th for buffet supper 11-17-54 36 328 33 Page Permission given Special Events Committee of the M.B. 40th Anniversary Board to use Bay Shore Golf Course from March 21 thru March 27, 1955 for professional golf tournament 11-17-54 36 339 GOLF COURSES BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES Book Page Time for purchase of golf course memberships extended: New applications to Dec. 20, renewals to Jan. 15; deadline for both Nov. 15. 12-15-54 36 378 .Permission granted Bay Shore Golfers Club to use Bay Shore Club House for buffet dinner and dance on Jan. 16 or 23rd when City holds dedication ceremonies ' 12-27-54 36 384 314 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 35 Book Page Report of Mr. Lipp re. electrically Qperated golf cars on trial basis at the 2 municipal golf courses. Matter held over until Jan. 19th. 1-5-55 36 397 Golf course cars to be tried for 60 days. Mr. Lipp to report what percentage of revenue should come to City. 1-19-55 36 410 Mr. Renshaw to look into feasibility of converting the north nine holes of old municipal golf course into a 9 -hole cv zrse 1-19-55 36 417 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 36 Book Page Mr. Lipp reports on revenue from golf course cars. No action taken. 2-2-55 36 426 Councilman Frank approves Mr. Lipp's recommendations re. revenue from golf course carts. 2 16-55 36 438 Use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for 1955 Miami Women's Amateur Golf tournament during period from May 16 through May 20, granted..request of Miami Daily News-WIOD Community Services, Inc. 3-i6-55 36 482 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 37 Book Page Request of Jack Bell for use of Bay Shore Golf Course for MacNaughton golf tournament to benefit Variety Children's Hospital on Jan. 8, 1956 granted 5-18-55 37 175 Arthur Gleason reappointed Mgr. Normandy Shores Golf Course 6-15-55 37 208 Artie Friedman reappointed Mgr. Bay Shore Golf Course 6_i5_55 37 208 Use of Bayshore Golf Course for Junior Golf tournament on July 8, 1955 granted (request of M.B. Jr. Cof C) 7-6-55 37 237 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 38 Book Page Mrs. Gleason asks for renewal of pro-shop concession. Mr. Lipp reports re. electric golf carts. Motion to renew contract fails. Motion to call for open bids fails. Matter deferred to Aug. 3. 273 7-20-55 37 Mrs. Gleason asks for renewal of pro-shop concession for add'l 2 years with under- standing she will pay add'l $125. per mo. for operation of electric go f carts. Councilman Liberman's motion to award Mrs. Gleason renewal contract fails. Councilman Richard suggests City Mgr. get information fromrother citieso bout their cmethods of be FiglWaRi.onsaYRgngagtE!a8rvu4ini7 yed��e c�ailedir.�owe�� 310 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 39 Book Page Mr. Lipp given authority to bill Bay Shore and Normandy Shores Golf Course Pro Shops for revenue due City from operation of electric golf carts from beginning of trial period, Feb. 1, 1955, to end of present contracts. 8-17-55 37 310 Bayshore Golfers Club request that Council waive greens fees at Bayshore for players in club tournament on, Sept. 11, 1955. Granted. 9-7-55 37 345 City Mgr. calls attention to over- crowded conditions at golf courses and recreation pre-schools. Ex ects to discuss ski uation at length w,1 Council X54 aary ae. GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 40 Book Page Contract for pro shop concession, together with caddy carts, motor carts and golf instruction services, at /70 Normandy Shores Golf Course, awarded to Gertrude Gleason # 9-21-55 37 356 Play on the two golf courses limited to legal residents or people physically living in M.B. Matter of golf membership fees (family) taken under advisement 10-5-55 37 388 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 41 Book Page Family golf memberships approved as follows: Include any 3 members of immediate family living together; the 3 members must be named at time of application is made; children included in membership must be under 18 yrs. of age; add'l children in family under 18 yrs of age may be included in membership for add'l fee of $25.00 each. 10-19-55 37 411 Res. #9162 authorizing execution of agree- ment with Mrs. Gertrude Gleason for operation of Normandy Shores pro shop uconcession ce isi 1955or 2 years, commencing 10 19c55 g 37 416 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 42 Book Page No action on complaint of Herman Kohen re. restriction of play on golf courses 10-19-55 37 419 No action taken on Mr. Harry Plissner's suggestions re. play on golf courses 11-2-55 37 419 Resolution of the Town of Surfside requesting Council to pass necessary egislation to permit permanent residents of Surfside tola on our municipal golf courses on annual Iee basis, taken uner advisement 11-2-55 37 425 Time for renewing golf memberships extended until Dec. 15, 1955 12-7-55 37 485 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 43 Book Page No action on request that Council rescind action taken re. golf course play 1-4-56 38 2 Mr. Plissner not heard at this meeting re. golf course play 1-4-56 38 2 Harry Plissner asks Council to amend directive restricting play on municipal golf courses. Prepared statement filed. 1-18-56 38 26 Use of Normandy Golf Course on Feb. 10, 11 and 12, 1956, for John Serbin tournament, approved 1-18-56 38 29 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 44 Book Page $2,500 allocation authorized from Publicity Funds as City's contribution toward underwriting cost of Annual M.B. Invitational Golf Tournament. Use of Bayshore Golf Course from March 20 thru 26, 1956 approved. 2-1-56 38 41 Payment of above allocation in amount of $2,500 authorized. 2-15-56 38 46 M. B. Sr. High School granted use of Bayshore Golf Course for scheduled tournaments 2-15-56 38 60 GOLF UOURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 45 Book Page Use of Normandy Shores Course on June 19 21, 1956, by Miami Women's Golf Association for tournament play, authorized 3-7-56 38 93 Use of Bay Shore Golf Course on Aug. 14 and Nov. 6, 1956, by Miami Women's Golf Association for tournament play, authorized 3-7-56 38 93 Use of Bay Shore Golf Course for three add'l days for M.B. Sr. High School golf team, Mar. 9, Apr. 6 & Apr. 11,1956, authorized 3-7-56 38 94 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 46 Book Page Re. bids for Bayshore Golf Course Food & Beverage & Pro Shop concessions. Contract awarded to Kelly & Pite. 3-21-56 38 101 Res. #9230 authorizing execution of agreement for above concession, with Kelly y & Pite, for 3-21-56 38 106 3 yr per d beginning about 5/1/56. Golf course architect Robert F. Lawrence retained for fee of $600.00 to redesign portions of Bay Shore Golf Course when widening of Alton Ro d is begun 3-21-5b 38 105 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) '47 Book Page Permission granted Exchange Clubs of Fla. for use of Bayshorefor tournament on May 18, 1956 4-i8-56 38 161 Request of Miami Jr. Chamber of Commerce for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course during May, 1956, for Pan American Golf Tournament denied. 5-2-56 38 192 Permission granted to hold Dade Amateur Golf Tournament at Bayshore Golf Course starting Sept. 30 thru Nov. 4, 1956 8-1-56 38 334 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) '48 Publicity Book Page $7,500 allocated in 1956-57/Budget for M.B. Open Golf Tournament provided that they raise an add'l $15,000 which they require. Tournament Committee required to give City accounting of all funds collected. 10-3-56 38 438 Variety Children's Hospital permitted use of Bayshore Golf Course for tournament on 1/13/57 provided that no Calcutta will be held in conjunction therewith 10-17-56 38 467 GOLF COURSES BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 49 Book Page Res. #9344 authorizing execution of agreement with Joseph Voytek for Normandy Shores Food & Beverage Concession for 2 -year period Oct. 1, 1956 to Sept. 30, 1958 ($17,200) 11-7-56 38 491 Statement of Henry J. Nelson, mechanical engineer, amount $640.00, services rendered in connection with air conditioning design for Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse, approved for payment 11-21-56 38 525 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 149A Book Page Permission granted for use of Bayshore Golf Course on Feb. 9 and 10, 1957 for Annual Serbin Invitational Golf Tournament 12-19-56 39 4+3