Golf Driving Range_September 1949 to October 1956GOLF DRIVING RANGE Offer of Harry Plissner to lease portion of Old Municipal Golf Course for driving range re- ferred to City Manager 9/7/49 28 391 BOOK 1 PAGE Mr. Renshaw to ascertain advisability and cost of City's operating a driving range 9/7/49 28 391 Mr. Renshaw advises that cost of constructiug driving range would be 0,450.00 9/21/49 28 435 ;r, GOLF. DRIVING RANGE Council requests copies of two proposals received and copy of Mr. Link's re- vised estimate 10/5/49 Assistant City Manager re- ports on operation of golf driving range Council authorizes appro- priation of $15,000 for construction of range 11/23/49 11/23/x+9 2 BOOK PAGE 28 458 29 66 29 66 GOLF DRIVING RANGE 3 Book Page City Manager's office directed to prepare bids for the opera- tion of the concession 11/23/49 29 66 Council defers action on specifications for opera- tion of golf driving range until next meeting 12/7/49 29 0, 0,5 City Manager to call for bids for operation 12-21-49 29 106 Contract for operation let to Frank Alter 1-11-50 29 132 GOLF DRIVING RANGE Contract for construction of concession building let to Interstate Construction Co. 1-11-50 29 133 Res. #7101, authorizing execution of contract with Frank Alter for operation of driving range 2-1-50 29 160 1st month's report read 3-15-50 29 235 $1,+32.15 additional appropriated for range 4-19-50 29 292 Report for first 2 months +-19-50 29 292 T p Book Page GOLF DRIVING RANGE 5. Book Page Frank Alter asks Council to renew existing contract for operation of range, under same terms. Action deferred 4-16-52 32 497 Bids called for a 2 -year lease for operation of Municipal Golf Driving range rejected. City Mgr. to readvertise for bids and work out arrangements whereby present concessionaires will continue until new bids received 6-4-52 33 82 GOLF DRIVING RANGE 6. Book Page Contract for operation of golf driving range with its food, beverage, and golf equipment concession, at old municipal golf course, awarded to Woody Brooks, Gertrude Gleason and George S. Zeko, $15,000.00 for 2 -year period 10-15-52 33 319 Res. #8162 authorizing agreement with Gertrude Gleason and George S. Zeko for operation of golf driving range concession 11-5-52 33 357 GOLF DRIVING RANGE 7. Book Page Contract with Gertrude Gleason, golf driving range concessionaire, to be renewed for two year term, under same terms as present agreement -(Total payment of $15,000. for 2 yr. period. Present contract expires Oct. 31, 1954) 9-15-54 36 150 Res. #8787 authorizing extension of golf driving range concession agreement -.with Gertrude Gleason and George S. Zeko commencing 11/1/54. Concessionaires not to display signs advertising driving range on autos or other vehic11e -54 36 223 GOLF DRIVING RANGE 8. Book Pge Request of Gertrude Gleason to continue operation of golf driving range on monthly basis until property is needed for construction of Exhibition Hall is denied. Request to be again presented when full Council is present. 10-3-56 38 443 Council authorizes Mrs. Gleason to continue operation of municipal driving range on month-to-month basis of $625.00 per month until property is needed for construction of Exhibition Hall 7-56 38 468