Greater Miami Traffic Ass'n._July 1945 to March 1957GREATER MIAMI TRAFFIC ASS°N. Book Page Ask to be included in 1945-46 budget 7/18/45 23 164 Council appropriates.$1,000 8/17/45 23 202 Council appropriates $2,000 7/3/46 24 182 Ask for appropriation to aid - in Export and Import rates case - Council takes under advisement 5/21/47 25 191 Asks for allocation of $10,000 in 1949-50 budget 5/18/49 28 141 GREATER MIAMI TRAFFIC ASSN 2. Book Page Requests City representation at opening of Telephone Company hearing before Fla. Railroad & Public Utilities Commission on June 26th. No action. 6-13-51 31 269 514,000. payment authorized toward rate and traffic studies (from 1951-52 budget) 10-30-51 32 127 Request for additional appropriation of$1,500. to help defray expenses re. telephone rates hearing, taken under advisement 2-6-52 32 346 GREATER MIAMI TRAFFIC ASS'N 3. Book Page $1,500.00 appropration:authorized in connection with opposition to telephone rate increase 2-20-52 32 378 Request of City Atty to relieve Legal Dept. of any necessity of attending hearing set for 9/15/52 in Telephone Company matter, granted 9-10-52 33 243 $158.69 approved for payment to Greater Miami Traffic Association, this being Miami Beach's ahare of a deficit incurred in opposing application of Telephone Co. for increase in rates 11-19-52 33 368 GREATER MIAMI TRAFFIC ASSN 4. Book Page Statement approved, appropriation authorized in 1953-54 budget toward traffic and rate studies, $6,000.00 10-21-53 35 110 Bill for $6,000 approved, allocated in current budget to aid association in their traffic and rate studies 1-19-55 36 413 Letter retransfer of TWA Cincinnati - Detroit route referred to Mr. Lipp for investigation and report 2_55 37 426 GREATJH MIAMI TRAFFIC ASS'N 5. Book Page City Mgr to contact local carriers re. City intervening in hearing regarding the contemplated transfer of the TWA Cincinnati -Detroit route to another carrier. 11-16-55 37 44o Res. #9181 authorizing Greater Miami Traffic Ass'N to represent City in case before CAB involving transfer of TWA's route #2 between Cincinnati & Detroit 12-7-55 37 483 GREATER MIAMI TRAFFIC ASS'N 6. Book Page Res. #9190 authorizing Greater Miami Traffic Assn to represent City in case before CAB involving through air service between Miami and Houston, Texas (CAB Docket 5701) 12-21-55 37 501 Res. #9247 authorizing Greater Miami Traffic Assn to represent City in "Great Lakes -Southeast Service Case" (CAB Docket 2396 et al) 4-18-56 4-18-56 $6,000 allocated in budget for work of the association, maae available 3-6-57 38 154 39 152