Gryzmish, M. C._April 1937 to March 1939GRYZMISH. M. C. 1. Book Page - Presents proposed form of agreement for filling and bulkheading of north half of Isle of Normandy and for construction of golf course 4-12-37 16 1 is - s . - . ryzm At.RSEnnenir 74-37 on Isle of Normandy Golf Course ordered paid. 6/7/37 16 128 July 2nd estimate to M. C. Gryzmish ordered paid. 7/14/37 16 187 Aug.l6th estimate on Normandy Isle Golf Course ordered paid J00,018.88 16 239 8-2O-37 GRYZMISH, M.C. • Book Page Sept. 2nd estimate to M.C. Gryzmish orderid paid on Normandy Isle -Golf Carse- 9-16-37 16 264 ($32,000/00) Estimate to M. C. Gryzmish for fill on Normandy -Isle-$60,559.92 and Labor -aad material - 45 , 000: 4o— ordered paid 10-20-37 Estimates to Gryzmish for bulkhead and e 09-19-04-814- edlpaid00. and 1-i -3/ i6 359 333 Estimate to Gryzmish for fill and materials ordered paid -424,674.80 6 a GRYZMISH, M. C. 3. Book Page Estimates ordered paid 2-16--38: North Normandy Isle fill $39,764.16 17, 3g Bulkhead 8,390.20 n n n n Bridges 3,010.02 n n Estimate for bulkhead and fill ordered paid 5-1I_3g 1( 111.2 Easement from M. C. Gryzmi sh and wife mor i nage on N.I(ormandy 1:411 -e --a04 :. Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish on North Normandy Isle6Bridge ordered —3 1 16 7 5 GRYZMISHA M. Book Page Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish on •North Normandy Isle Pavement ordered paid 6-15--38 17 191 Estimate to M. C.Gryzm sh on North -Normandy-1el-e- i -ng and -eons true - tion of West bridge ordered paid Estimates -to M Gryzmtsh can Ea.st- Bridga,.1est Bridge and Normandy—Isle Paving ordered paid 7-20-38 Agreement with M.C.Gryzmish reached on drainage of N. W.portion of South --half of -tale of Normandy 8-3-38 209 17 228 17 238 GRYZMISH, M. C. 5 Book Page Further agreement reached with M.C.Gryzmish with reference to street paving, tax payments and fill on N. Isle of Normandy 8-3-38 17 238 Final Estimates on East and West Bridges ordered paid $-17-38 17 254 M. C Gryzmish g,ve 2 asem nt$ to City, one for ase.#5 on North Isle of Normandy and one covering Lot 3, Blk. 39, Miami View Section, Isle of Normandy 9-7-38 17 267 GRYZMISH, M. C. 6. Book Page Easement at foot of Madeleine Way, Normandy Isle given to City by M. C. Gry zmish for storm sewer 9-27-38 17 293 Res. #4414 re -conveying portion or North Isle of Normandy to M.C. Gryzmish 11/2/3$ 17 333 Final settlement with M. C. Gryzmish on North Isle of Normandy ordered 12/1/38 17 372 City files objections with War Dept. as to proposed fill & bulkhead work by M. C. Grvzmish 3-8-39 17 499