"H" Miscellaneous_July 1947 to March 1971r"H" MISCELLANEOUS Carl Hoffman asks for drdinance curtailing activities of tip sheet salesmen 7/2/47 25 238 50 Book Page Claim of Lee Howard denied 9/19/47 25 386 Harry's Luncheonette and Hi -Mike's Luncheonette granted beer licenses Harry's Food Market granted beer license Hen's Roost Bar granted liquor license 10/1/47 25 387 12/17/47 26 1/7/48 26 26 45 "H" MISCELLANEOUS Fred Hackling asks Council to withdraw its objections to Coast City Coaches, Inc. operations in this city 1/7/48 26 62 Howard Holt's.application for permit to operate lunch wagon is referred to Mr. Renshaw 4/7/48 A. A. Hyman's request to use 42' of city sidewalk for steps into Mayflower Hotel is referred to City Manager 51 Book Page 26 294 4/7/48 26 294 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 52 Book Page Holland. House application for liquor license held up for investigation 4/21/48 26 299 Hamburger Hearth granted beer license 6/2/48 26 362 Marion Wood Huey urges Council not to cut a street through North Shore Park Hyde Park Hotel granted liquor license 6/2/48 26 362 6/16/48 26 406 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 55 Book Page Edward Herr asks City to put $5,000 in budget for 2 tennis tournaments 7/21/48 26 457 Edw. Herr's request for $5,000 for tennis tournaments is referred to M. B. Sports Committee 8/6/48 27 9 Mr. Holtzman's request to operate convalescent home on Belle Isle is referred to Mr. Renshaw 9/1/48 27 69 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 54 Book Page Thos. Hamblen's request to operate speed boat float in Atlantic Ocean referred to City Manager 11/17/48 27 207 Thos. Hamblen denied permit to operate speed boat float in ocean 12/1/48 27 235 At request of Edw. Herr Council passes Res. #6693 setting up Hospitality Committee 12/15/48 27 239 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 55 Book Page Hibiscus Masonic Lodge given permit to build temple at 10th and Alton 1/19/49 27 336 $300 appropriated to pay expenses of Suzanne Herr, tennis player 6/149 28 169 Request of Haitian Commercial Attache for City participation at Exposition referred to Pub. Relations Adv. Committee 1-11-50 29 128 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 56 Book Page N.H. Hankoff objects to treatment received when filing homestead exemption application with County deputies 1-11-50 29 134 Council asks Public Relations Director Meyer to attempt to interest business people in contributing $2 000 for Haitian Exposition i-18-50 29 140 "H" MISCELLANEOUS $860 appropria+ed for Hai+ian Exposi+ion Robert Hobbs geriied permission to conduct speed boat trials in Indian Creek $860.00 appropriation for Haitian exposition cancelled - Henry HohauserT objects to newspaper publicit in connection with nego- tiations for purchase of 57 Book Page 2-15-50 29 169 2-16-50 29 187 7-19®50 29 432 property 7/19/50 29 482 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 58 Book Page $400. appropriated for High School debating team to aid in sending 5-2-51 31 103 team to National Forensic contests in California in June. Ordinance regulating distri- bution of hand bills proposed by Sidney Steiner, Dir. of Apartment House Assn. 5-2-51 31 105 $241.74 allocation to Suzanne Herr for expenses 6 tennis tournaments 5-16-51 31 181 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 59 Book Page Statement of Sidney Hoehl approved, services as special counsel in gas rates case,$2,100.00 6-13-51 21 265 from Current Fund Surplus Request for $260. additional appropriation for High School debating team declined. 6-13-51 31 270 Miami Beach Apartment Assn asks passage of ordinance prohibiting distribution of handbills 8-1.51 31 427 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 6o Book Page Request of Moe Hellman for traffic lights on streets crossing Collins Ave. between Lincoln Rd. and 41st St. referred to Traffic Dept. 8-8-51 No approval given Helpmates, Inc. for proposed cooky vending machines 8-8-51 $104.00 granted Suzanne Herr supplementing 5241.74 previously appropriated 10-11-51 250.00 appropriated towards Tennis Week"-.onorin Doris Hart and Gardner Mufloy 10-11-51 31 438 31 439 32 101 32 104 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 61 Book Page Council advised of Mt. Sinai bill in amount of $4,948.80 covering services rendered Carl Hinson 10-30-51 32 127 City Attorney to prepare ordinance re. Handbill$ in line with request of M.B. Apartment Assn 11-21-51 32 200 Hearing to be held re. Moe Heliman's application for permit to operate funeral home at 1410 Alton Road 1-9-52 32 293 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 62 Book Page Proposed ordinance regulating distribution of hand bilis given to Council but no action taken 2-6-52 32 343 John B. Howard objects to City's contribution of $50,000 toward settlement of Goldstein and Klein cases. Discussion re. Goldstein & Klein suits 3-19-52 32 439 Mrs. Sara Harris submits statement opposing construction of recreation center or auditorium in Lummus Park. "H" MISCELLANEOUS 63 Book Page Hebrew Academy resolution filed requesting Council to outlaw "horror" and "sex" comic books at newstands. Taken under advisement, pending conference with Police Chief. 10-15-52 33 3i6 Authority given Historical Ass'n of Southern Florida to erect marker in North Shore Park commemorating site of House of Refuge, a Coast Guard station abandoned over 30 years ago. Location in park to be approved by City Mgr. 2-4-53 33 504 "H" MISCELLANEOUS Res. #8278 - In Memoriam, Hannagan Steve 2-25-53 Howard Holt's complaint re of Marine Inspection Board to City Mgr. Res. #8364 re. hocdlumism North Bay Village . action referred 3-18-53 in 64 Book Page 34 27 314 104 5-6-53 34 224 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 65 Book Page Re. H.H. Horn matter - see "CITY SHOPS" 11-16-55 37 462 Permission granted Clarence C. Hall to remove Greenheart lumber stores -on property belonging to Sirkin family at time of its acquisition by the City 2-1-56 38 39 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 66 Book Page Retail sales licesne to be issued instead of auctioneer's license to Lester Hart. Mr. Renshaw advises Mr. Hart re. holding auction sales in private homes. 3-7-56 38 68_69 Greater Miami Permission granted Hebrew Academy to use space in apartment building (559 Michigan Ave.) for classroom purposes. 11-6-57 40 87 Mr. Bennie Hyman's request for a ay adjustment referred to City Attorney for study and report 12-4-57 40 147 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 67 Book Page Report from City Atty re. zoning suit involving Hebrew Academy property on' Chase Avenue. City urged to take an appeal from adverse decision. Council Votes unanimously to take appeal. 12-4-57 4o 148 City Atty reports on request of Benny Hyman for pay adjustment. Council denies request based on City Atty's opinion 12-18-57 40 178 John B. Howard fails to appear as scheduled. Prepared statement 40 462 distributed. "H" MTSCELLANEOUS 68 Book Page Hebrew Academy granted permission to build two additional classrooms, 918 - 6th St. 5-20-59 42 86 Fred T. Hunt, Sr. asks Mayor to issue proclamation for city wide "lean up week" starting June 25, 1963. Proposal to be given consideration. 6-19-63 46 15 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 69 Book Page Fred T. Hunt reads prepared statement concerning conditions in City which need correction. 1-2-64 46 373 Proposals made by Fred T. Hunt, Sr. to be taken under consideration: 1.. Building new City Hall building on old Municipal Golf Course. 2. Extending Municipal Fishing Pier 300 feet and making nominal charge for fishing on that portion. 3-18-64 46 465 Communication re. proposal of City of Homestead thatf municipaliifties turn over lQicensingtof barberoand beautyeshopp and read and filed. 8-5-64 47 161 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 70 Book Page Fred T. Hunt, Sr.'asks Council's consideration to having open house in Auditorium twice a month. No action. 12-16-64 47 386 Moe Hyman refers to 2 letters he sent to Mayor requesting they be read Into minutes. Mayor Richard advises letters were turned over to City Mgr for appropriate action. 4-21-65 49 40 11H" MISCELLANEOUS him. 71 Meeting date Benny Hyman: RES. 12948 memorializing 2-4-70 Harlem Globetrotters: RES.12952 congratulating for achievements, wishing them success. Jack Howard appearance, complaining about rejection for City employmt; City Mgr to review. Sen. Spessard L.Holland: RES.13233 (Powell) commending for service. 2-18-70 8-5-70 3-17-71