"H" Miscellaneous_October 1940 to June 1947"H" MISCELLANEOUS Horobin,Thos.H.- tentative draft of agreement with reference to Park View pro -party, approved -subject to final approval of -City Atty.City Engr. and City Clerk 10-23-40 Book Page 25. 19 372 Above agreement re: dedication of streets on Parkview Sub. reported approved and -accepted 10--30-40 19 376- Hohauser, Henry - granted parking Boz on Lots 1 • : , . , - 10-30-40 19 377 Hall,wm.F. - letter re: riding academy 12/11/40 J9 462 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 26 Book Page Hodge, Alice - granted travel bureau permit 'or -1940-41 season -1/1 5/41 20 16 Horowitz, Sol - appointed Associate Municipal Judge 1/22/41 20 23 Horn, Henri etta - owner of _Lots 4,White & Woodward Sub. to be offered $1500.- le to property 1/8/41. 2.0 -14_ Horn,Henrietta- Clerk to offer $2000. for clear title to her Lots 1 2,3 & 4 White & Woodward Sub. 1/29/41 20 31 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 27 Book Page Horowitz, Sol - appointed Ass.Munidi- pal Judge 2/b/41 20 42 Hartsfield,Mra.,Florence - settlement_ of $100.00 authorized on accident case - 3/19/41 20 112 Hannagan, Steve - his proposal for summer publicity (1941) accepted 4/25/41 20 192 Hampton,Geo. -Council sell him S1/2 Lot 4,B1k.2,0cean Beach for $3500. 5/7/41 20 200 ttHtt MISC TLANBOUS Horovitz,Chas. - transfers his taxi pelt to Bernard Chauncey 5/14/41 28 Book Page Hurt, Joel - of Sea Bay Cnrp ask Council to LAss resolution to in - Miami each ity Lim ts. (No action taken) 5/28/41 20 221_ 20 21+3 Hayes,John J. - submits proposal to sell to City,land at 10th St.and West -Avc.for- Municipal Hospital .6/5/41 0 TS "H" MISCELLANEOUS 29 Book Page Horn, H. H. - reappointed Water and Shop Superintendent 6/6/41 20 270 Hice, Harry M. appointed Tax Assess- or 6/6/41 20 271 Holder, Clyde - transfers his taxi permit to Century Cab Co. 6/11/41 20 275 H.S.Hahn requests that window clean- ers be placed under sub -contractors license 8/6/41 20 376 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 30 1 Book Page Hannagan,Steve & Associates -awarded 1941-42 Publicity Contract at price not exceeding 040,000.00 8/8/41 20 420 Hartsfield, Florence - City orders payment of $250.00 on accident claim 8/8/41 20 420 Health Juice Bar - granted beer and wine license 10-2-41 20 427 Hagarty's Anchor Bar granted beer and wine license 10-2-41 20 427 Hoffman's Cafeteria granted beer and'gkne license 10-2-41 20 428 "HMISCELLANEOt1S 31 Book Page "Harbor Bar" granted beer and wine license 10/4/41 20 461 Complaints filed against noise from handball court at nd St. and Washington Ave. 11/5/41 21 11 Estimate of $1135.20 presented for moving handball court; also estimate of $1658.25 for building new court. Harry M. Hice appointed/Ass�'t. City 21 54 Mgr. & Director of Personnel Haddon Hall Cocktail Bar granted 21 60 liquor license 12/5/11 21 87 80T Ta T v/LT/8T • 4Tuzzad .oT Sup rd paquv.z3 uoT4BOs eoTAaes uosTgoq.nH Tbs T? TV//.T/gI •4uoaJ uveoo uo saurggo emvaj gTUIJad TP 0 Su- u92 ;_4.4- uauzpua p9puauuuooea aoTH • a� �TD_��, ss� -ams .zoj do 4.os oL'SLo' jo • doaddy • TT ouno0 pezT.zotjqnv ma-anTIO T on.za. suo 0 L6 T8 a 2Bd xoog IT7/2/IAV TaX9Ja oT217T 4v aeuaoTT auTm puv aaeq peTuap uepTaj TnBd 32 sno4NY IaoSIIK uHu "H" MISCELLANEOUS 33, Book Page Alice Hodge granted permit for Travel Bureau at 236 Fifth St. 12/17/41 21 106 Helen Mar Apts. ordered to remove -sign on bldg. by May 1, 1942. 12/18/42 21 117 Mr. I.L.Hunt requests that Homestead Exemption be allowed him for 1941. 1/7/42 21 128 Council agreed not to build new handball court, but to limit hours of play. 1/7/42 21 128 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 34 Book Page City won favorable decision in Al Hickland case in Supreme Court 1/22/42 21 168 Council granted homestead exemp- tion for 1941 to Mr. I.L.Hunt on Lot 16, Blk. F, Fairgreen 2/4/42 21 171 Haynesworth Properties granted park- ing lot permit for rear of Lots 5 and 6, B1k.8,Normandy Beach South 2/20`42 -- 21 207 Harborn, Wilbert - awarded contract for Surfside Park Life Saving Station at $17,260-.00 --2/2O/k2 21 210 4TH MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page House of Prayers request permit to move from Lincoln Rd.to 511 -16th St. (Referred to Asst. City Mgr.)4/15/42 21 269 Hungarian Restaurant at 655 Wash.Ave. granted beer and wine license 4/15/42 21 270 Hyman, Pearl - granted beer and wine license for 601 Wash.Ave. 4/15/42 21 270 Harborn,Wilbert- estimate on Surfside Park Life Saving station ordered paid in amount of $5712.85 4/15/1.2 21 288 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 36 Book Page Hammel,Mrs. Florence -settlement not to exceed $179.00 ordered on accident claim 5/6/42 21 299 Hohl,Mrs.Minnie - settlement in sum of $83.94 on accident claim 5/6/+2 21 300 House of Prayers granted temporary permit at 1533 Wash.Ave. 5/6/42 21 300 Hart,Joe - authority given for payment of 3 additional months salary 5/7/42 21 313 Haines,F.L,-awarded automotive equipment insurance contract 5/20/42 21 334 "Hu MISCELLANEOUS BookPage 37 Harris Restaurant granted beer and wine license at 1035 Collins Ave. 6/3/42 21 338 Harris Restaurant licenses for beer and wine and restaurant revoked 7/9/42 21 380 Henry's Bar and Rest. granted beer and wine license 7/9/42 21 380 Hannagan, Steve - awarded Publicity contract on year round basis for $61mo. (1942-43 season) 7/9/11-2 21 382 -11 -MISCELLANEOUS Book Page "Hangar Rest." 125 -141st St. granted beer and wine license 12/2/42 21 472 Hildreth?Chas. D. granted beer and wine license for 217-219 5th St. 12/2/11-2 21 11.72 Heliman's Restaurant granted beer and wine license 1/6/43 21 1.97 Hancock,E.M, appointed deputy in City Clerk's office 1/6/4.3 21 197 HERR,EDW, asks Council to amend zoning Ord.to permit him to install synthetic Vy. cleaning unit 6/16/1-3 22 140 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 39 Book Page Horr.,H.H. — Res.#5680 authorizing him to sign and endorse ration checks for City gasoline 7/7/43 22 151 H.H.Horn authorized to sign monthly change orders which are specified in Army Water Contract Res.#5683 7/7/43 22, 154 S. D. Haynsworth reappointed member Board Trustees, M. B. Hospital 10/6/43 22 186 Application of the Hangar for beer & wine referred to City Attorney 10/20/43 22 189 "H" Miscellaneous 4o BOOK PAGE Harry M. Hice appointed member of Dade County Health Unit 10/20/43 22 203 City Attorney's opinion is that no beer &rr wine license can issue to The Hangar under Sect. 4 of Ord. #391 22 205 Dr. J. W. Henagan asks for veterinarian clinic at 1414 Alton Road - referred to City Manager 11/17/43 22 212 J. Edgar Hoover advises F.B.I. cannot answer telegraphic inquiries about records 1/19/44 22 250 "H" Miscellaneous X 41 Book Page Res. #5746 designating official HOLIDAYS to be observed by city 6/21/44 22 352 Herman's (Herman Cohen) granted beer & wine license /44 22 395 Holleman's Restaurant (Gershowitz, Brown & Greenwald) granted beer & wine license 9/6/44 22 401 "H" Miscellaneous 42 Book Page Dr. Wm. I. Heller given permit for tutoring service On Lincoln Rd. 10/4/44 22 415 Hammond's Restaurant granted beer & wine license (Ehrenreich) 12/20/44 22 450 Beer & wine license granted HAMMERSMITH FOOD SUPPLY 2/7/45 22 469 HARRY'S LUNCH granted beer and wine 6/20/45 23 129 HITT STORES (Baron) granted liquor license 6/20/45 23 129 "H" Miscellaneous Mrs, Muriel Hirsch opposes airport on Virginia Key and urges Council to endorse Graves Tract as future site 7/5/45 23 141 43 Book Page Haber's Sandwich Shop (Blum & Kessler) granted beer & wine license 8/1/45 23 183 Harry's Lunch and Henry's Coffee Shop granted beer & wine licenses 10/17/45 23 248 "H" Miscellaneous 44 Book Page Hen's Roost granted liquor license 10/17/45 23 250 John Haynsworth objects to construction of cabanas at 71st and ocean 11/21/45 .23 289 Hungarian Village Restaurant given beer & wine license 11/21/45 23 291 Meier Held's application for service bar license held up pending his submitting floor plan 1/2/46 342A "H" MISCELLANEOUS 45 Book Page Harry's Delicatessen & Lunch granted beer and wine license 6/5/46 24 108 Hen's Roost granted liquor license 6/5/46 24 109 Meier Held's application for service bar license is again presented and is referred to Building Department 6/5/46 24 109 N. H. Hankoff urges the Council to seek authority from Legislature to construct a public transportation building nrt i1ha ("Alf rru ma 7/17/46 24 207 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 46 Book Page Johnny Howard's Coral Room granted liquor license 10/16/46 24 346 Chris Hofer's request to sell frozen foods from retail truck is referred to Mr. Hice 11/6/46 24 377 Council denies Chris Hofer's request to sell frozen foods from mobile unit 11/20/46 24 403 Hammond's Restaurant grant- ed beer and wine license 12/4/46 24 412 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 47 Book Page Meier Held granted service bar license 12/18/46 24 429 Henry Hohauser's request for partial building permit for hotel at 44th and ocean is held up, pending consultation with owners of property 3/19/47 25 39 "H" MISCELLANEOUS Howard Holt's request for space at Chamber of Commerce Docks is taken under advisement 5/21/47 25 172 48 Book Page Edw. Herr makes various requests in connection with 192+7 election 5/21/1+7 25 174 Council continues to take Howard Holt's request for dock space under advisement 6/6/47 25 202 "H" MISCELLANEOUS 49 Book Page Howard Holt's application for berth at Chamber of Commerce Docks is denied 6/18/47 25 221 Edw. Herr urges that more adequate police force be provided 6/18/47 25 224 Frederick G. Henson given permit to operate putting course north of Surf Theatre 6/18/47 25 234