Harbor Delvelopment_November 1925 to October 1945HARBOR DEVELOPMENT Res. 1, BOOK,PAGE 1209: Asking passage of Watson Bill, granting City of Miami Bay -Bottom--- -11=1 -25 6, 225 Res. 1306: Waiving objections to conatruo- tion of bridge & terminal island in Biscayne Bay -3-3-26 6, 375 Res. 1839: Waiver for dredging in Miami Harbor at Turning Basin and ai r -Channel 9=26-28 g, 395 Res. 198 : Waiver for annexation of virginia fey by City of Miami 5-7-29 9, 167 HARBOR DEVELOPMENT 2. BOOKPAGE Res. 2003: Protesting annexation of Virginia Key by City of Miami 7-23-29 9_, 206 Chamber of Commerce urges that Miami Beach take steps toward -the-11erelopment-of- harbor facilities 10/17/45 23 257 OS.