Indian Creek Drive Widening_July 1949 to November 1955INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING lA Book Page Council asks City Mgr. to confer with property owners in effort to obtain street widening dedications 7/6/49 28 232 Mr. Renshaw submits proposed plan 7/22/49 28 273 He is instructed to include $].75,000 in 1949-50 budget for this work Res. #6977 calling zoning hearing to consider changing setback and depth of yard requirements on Indian Creek Drive 7/22/49 28 273 7/27/49 28 280 nom ma DRIVE IMI% 2. Book Page Res. #6976 authorizing City Engineer to apply to Dept. of Army for permission to construct seawall, etc. in diem Creek 7/27/49 28 280 T,t w�,,it (u. ►f ink ►u csti+,� 9/20Y9Counci advises Messrs. Davidson, Davidson and Bratter that if they agree to setbacks as recommended by City Engineer, City will build bulkhead and provide fill 8/5/49 28 337 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 3/ Special agreement with. Samuel Bratter Res. #7072, authorizing agreement with owners of Lots 33 & 34, Block 3, Block 3, 2nd Ocean Front City Attorney explains status of negotiations with property owners Res. #7102, authorizing execution of agreements with property owners Book Page 10/12/49 28 473 12-14-49 29 2-1-50 29 160 2-1-50 29 161 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 4. Book Page Res. #7103, authorizing City Attorney to bid for submerged lands westerly of certain upland properties 2-1-50 29 162 Bulkhead and fill eon+rac+ awarded +o M. F. Comer Bridge & Founda+ion Co. 2-15-50 29 169 City Attorney advises that bulkhead contract cannot be executed until extension agreements are obtained from upland owners 2.4.-50 29 191 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 5. Book Page Council instructs City Attorney to negotiate with upland owners for 90 days' extension of time 2®2250 29 191 for completion of bulkhead work Res. #7111f7 authorizing M. F. Comer Bridge & Foundation Co. to purchase steel for job and indemnifying them in event City does not enter into contract 2-22-50 193 INDIAN CRS DDIn wIDENYM _ _ _ _ 6. Book Page Res. #7130 passed, author- izing agreement with owner of Lot 17, Block 3, 2nd Ocean Front 3-15-50 29 231 Res. #7158, authorizing City Attorney to bid for submerged lands westerly of certain upland properties 4-5-50 29 284 City Attorney authorized to prepare agreement with owners of Lots 24 & 25, Block 3, re. assessment of property 4-5-50 29 285 INDIAN' CREM( DRIVE WIDENING 7 Book Page Invoices of M. '; Comer for steel approved for payment 4-19-50 29 292 Res. #7159 reducing lien against properties covered by agreement with Henroco Holding Co. +-19-50 29 296 Invoices of M. F. Comer for steel and accessories approved for payment 5-3-50 29 331 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 8 Book Page Res. #7181, changing des- cription of one of the easements (Lot 40, Block 3, 2nd O.F.) 5/3/50 29 335 Proposal of M. F. Comer Company re. Indian Creek bulkheading 5/10050 29 344 Res. #7189, authorizing execution of contract with M. F. Comer 5/10/50 29 345 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING Messrs. E. D. Keefer and S. Z. Bennett retained to make appraisals in connection with acquisition of property on east side of Indian Creek Drive for necessary right-of- way for street widening purposes 5/10/50 29 350 9 Book Page Res.#7193, authorizing exe- cution of final agreement with owners of Lot 17, Block 3, 2nd 0. F. 5/17/50 29 3 57 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 10 Book Page Mr. Renshaw advises that fee for services of Messrs. Bennett and Keefer will be $10,150.00 plus $1,000.00 for ex- penses - Council requests Mr. Renshaw to confer with apprai- sers and report at next meeting 5/17/50 29 360 Mr. Renshaw advises that Bennett and Keefer will re- duce their fee to $8,000 plus $100.00 for each day in court - 6/7/50 29 396 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 11 Book Page Mr. Renshaw to contact Mr. Adrian McCune to see what his fee would be for making appraisals 6-7-50 29 396 Res. #7211 authorizing execution of agreement with owners of Lot 28, Blk 3 - 2nd 0. F. Sub. 6-7-50 29 398 Council rescinds action employing Messrs. Keefer and Bennett and employs Mr. Adrian McCune-- 6-I'L50 29 409 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENIND 12 Book Page Councilmen Klein and Roth appoin.tild to committee together Mr. Mr. Renshaw to meet with Messrs. Bennett, Keefer and McCune in effort to work out plan whereby services of the three may be retained for appraisals 6-21-50 29 423 Committee reports that they were unable to reach satisfactory agreement with appraisers 7-5-50 29 458 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 13 Book Page Council rescinds all former. action taken in employing appraisers and employs Messrs. Keefer and Bennett at a fee of $8,000.00 plus $100 each for Bach day in court 7-5-50 29 459 Res. #7227, authorizing City Attorney to apply for sub- merged lands westerly of certain upland improvements 7-5-50 29 468 INDIAN OBE±;ti iDittVE WIDENING 14 Book Page Council authorizes purchase of property on 71st Street at Bonita Drive - Dity Attorney to prepare reso- lution 8/2/50 29 500 Res. #7264 adopted, authorizing purchase of Lots 5 & 6, Block 2 Nor- mandy Beach South less the east 30 feet thereof 8/16/50 30 28 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE. WIDENING 15 Book Page A. E. Wooife asks that bulk- head and fill be extended south to include his property (Lots 9 and 10 and part of Lot 3, Bik 3) - Matter referred to City Attorney and City Manager 8-16-50 30 4+ City Manager authorized to negotiate for purchase of right-of-way in connec- tion with drive widening project 9-6-50 30 64 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING 16 Book Page Res. #7287, authorizing pur- chase of easterly 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 16, for drive widening purposes 10-4-50 30 99 Res. #7308, authorizing pur- chase of W 15' Lot 58, Blk 7, 2nd 0. F. for drive widening purposes 11-1-50 30 140 Res. #7309, authorizing pur- chase of E. 10' Lot 12, Blk . 16. Nor. Bch. Sub. drive widening purposes 11-1-50 30 141 INDIAN attatX DVf WIDtINO 17 Book Page S. Z. Bennett authorized to negotiate for property for Indian Creek Drive widening on basis of his appraisals. 11-1-50 30 140 Res. #7331 authorizing City Eng. to apply to Dept. of Army for permit to bulkhead and fill (Lots 10, 9 and N. 18.75 of Lot 8, Blk 3, 2nd 0. F.) 11-15-50 30 170 Res. #73.2, authorizing purchase of portion of Lots 1 and 2, Blk 15, Nor. beach South for sum of $7,250.00 11/15/50 30 188 INDIAN C1lEK. DEIV'E WIDVAtIN.G Book Page Res. #7343, authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 11, Block 16, Nor. Beach South for Indian Creek Drive widening purposes for the sum of $22750.00 11-15-50 30 189 Res. #7344, authorizing purchase of portion of Lots 4 & 5, Block 15, Nor. Beach South for Indian Creek Drive widening purposes for the sum of $8,000.00 11-15-50 30 189 INDIAN GRED. DRIVE WIDENING & 71ST -STREET 19 WIDENING Book Page Res. #73'+5, authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 3, Block J, Atlantic Heights, for Indian Creek Drive widening purposes for the sum of $3,250.00 11-15-50 30 190 Res. #731+8 authorizing purchase of southerly 30 feet of the wes- terly 25 feet of easterly 30 feet of Lot 6, Block 2, Nor. Beach So. and granting an easement to the seller lie over the northerly 10 feet 5, Block 2 11-22-50 30* 199 IlinirA4,CREglifir... & 71 Sr S i ' WInEktNG 20 Book Page Complaint of. C. C. Youmans referred to City Manager 12/6/50 30 211 Res. #7360, authorizing exe- cution of agreement with owners of Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 3, 2nd 0. F. (bulkheading etc) 12-7-50 30 229 Res. #7361, authorizing exe- cution of agreement with M. F. Comer Company for bulkheading property (7360) 12-7-50 30 229 INDIAN CtEE1C DR & 71ST ST. WIDENTN&. 21 ook Page Res. #7362, authorizing exe- cution of agreement witi J. Muravchick, etal, to purchase portion of Lot 5Block 7, 2nd 0. F. for $5,150.00 for Indian Creek Drive widening purposes 12-7-50 30 234 Res. #7363, authorizing exe- cution of agreement with E. Cohen, etal to purchase portion of Lot 52, Block 7, for $3,000.00 - Indian Creek Drive widening 12-7-50 30 235 INDIAN-CREEK.DRIVEA 71ST WIDENING 22 Book Page .es. 0364, authorizing execution of agreement with Caspar papkin and wife to purchase portion of Lot 53, Block 7, 2nd 0. F. for sum of $4,950.00 - 12-7-50 30 235 Res. #7365 authorizing execution of agreement with Harry Glick & wife,to purchase portion of Lot 2, Block 2 Isle of Normandy for the sum of $2,500.00 for drive widening 12-7-50 30 236 IhtlANf Ctt1 i c . bR, $c. 71ST _ ST.._ w IDENING 23 Book Page Mr. Renshaw points out provisions in agreements relative to purchase of property for drive widening in that sidewalk, etc. assessments for properties will be non - assessable 12-7-50 30 234 Res. #7376, authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 54, Bik 7, 2nd 0. F. for $5,500.00 12-20-50 30 260 Res. #7392, authorizing execution of agreement with owners of Lot 35, Bik 3, (bulkheading) 12-20-50 30 277 INDIAN C DL &. 71S . ATIVAT WIDENING 24 Book Page Gthiteway improvements on Indian Creek Drive approved as non - assessable project and $25,168.00 appropriated from CFS to cover cost 12-20-50 30 274 Res. #7393, authorizing purchase of Easterly 10 feet of Lot 8, Block 16, Normandy Beach South, 12-27-50 30 287 Appraiser Bennett recommends con- demnation proceedings to acquire certain properties 1-3-51 30 312 INDIAN CSE DRIVE & 21ST P. WIDENING 25 Book Page Res. #7413 authorizingpurchase of portion of Lot 6, Block 1, Normandy Beach South from Despina Nomides 1-3-51 30 313 Res. #741+, authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 3, Block 15, N 3rmandy Beach South from Beno Bolcsky and wife 1-3-51 30 313 INDIAN MEI< TAM & 71ST ST_. WIDENING 26 Book Page Res. #7426, authorizing insti- tution of condemnation suits to acquire portions of certain lots in connection with Drive widening project 1-17-51 30 337 Res. #7428 authorizing pur- chase of portion of Lots 4 and 5 Block J, Atlantic Heights from Enrique Singer for $6,000.00 - for Indian Creek Drive widening 1-24-51 30 340 J INDIAN =Et mrvE & 71ST. ST. WIDENING 27 Book Page Res. #7430 authorizing exe- cution of supplemental agree- ment with owners of Lots 18 - 21, Block 2, Second Ocean Front 1-24-51 30 342 Mr. Shepard advises of in- creased cost of fill and steel in connection with project 2-7-51 30 367 Res. #7445 authorizing agree- ment with owners of Lots 9 and 10 and portion of 8, Block 3 2. O.F. bulkhead and fill 2-7-51 30 367 INDIAN CREEK DR. & 718T ST. WIDENING 28 Book Page Res. 77446 authorizing execution of agreement with M. F. Comer Bridge and Foundation Co. - Lots 9 and 10 and portion of 8, Block 3, 2. 0. F. 2-7-51 30 367 Res. #7457, authorizing purcase of portion of Ltgt 9, Block 16, Normandy Beach South from Joe Cassella and wife from the sum of $4,250.00 for drive widening purposes 2-21-51 30 400 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE & 71ST ST. WIDENING 29 Res. #7464 authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 64, Block 7, 2nd 0. F. for sum of $5,300 3-6-51 30 410 Res. #7465, authorizing pur- chase of portion of Lot 7, B1otk 2_, Normandy Beach South for $8,400 3-6-51 30 411 Res. #7480 authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 55, Bik 7, 2nd 0. F. for the sum of $2,570.00 3-7-51 30 441 INDIAN CriE K. DRV .& 71ST. ST. fn(IDEN NG 30 Book Page Res. #7490 authorizing condemna- tion proceedings`to-acquire portion of tot 5, Block 15, Normandy Beach South 3-21-51 30 467 Res. #7491 authorizing pur- chase of portion of Lots 1 through 6, Block N. Atlantic Hgts. Sub. for sum of $27,500.00 3-21-51 30 467 INDIAN CRS' _.T7RI.Vg 6c 715. 5T. WIDENING 31 Book Page Res. #7492. authorizing purchase of portion of tot 59, Block 7, 2nd 0. F. Sub. for sum of $7,500.00 3-21-51 39 468 Appraisal authorized of Lots 20 and 45, Block 7, 2nd 0.F. possible cutting through of street from Indian Creek Dr. to Collins Ave. 3-21-51 30 469 INDIAN C1LI DRIVE $Z 71ST ST 'flDENING 32 Book Page Res. 07507 authorizing closing of transaction with owners of tot 35, Block 3, 2nd 0. F. Sub. 4-4-51 30 530 Res. #7490 rescinded re. condemnation pro- ceedings to acquire portion Lot 5, Bik 15, Normandy Beach South, by Res .07523 4+-18-51 31 15 Res #7524 authoriz a u reonoD ocee o g orodianr an re TT each it r . w UC - ng i 4-18-51 31 15 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE & 71ST ST. WIDENING 33 Book Page Res. #7593 authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 51, Blk 7, Second Ocean Front Sub. from Harry J. Weiner for $325. for Indian Creek Dr. widening. 5-2-51 31 118 Renshaw recommends work be started on Indian Creek Drive paving and building of 71st St. bridge , 6-20-51 31 289 Res. #7724 authorizing purchase of Lot 5, Bik 15, Normandy Beach South, for Indian Creek Drive widening - $6,700.00 8-8-51 31 432 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE & 71ST ST. WIDENING 34 Bock Page City Engineer authorized to proceed with Indian Creek Drive widening project 8-15-51 31 476 Res. #7755 authorizing exchange of lands for Indian Creek Dr. widening. Owners of Blk K, Atlantic Heights, agreeing to dedicate narrow stripe off west side of block in =exchange for small portion of unused public highway south of Blk K. 8-27-51 31 488 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE & 71ST ST. WIDENING 35 Book Page Res. #7817 authorizing application to Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund for deeds to strip of submerged land westerly of Lots 8 to 40, Blk 3, 2nd Ocean Front 10-17-51 32 123 1st reading ordinance abandoning portion of dedicated street south of Devon Hotel in exchange for strip along west side of block which was used for street widening 1-2-52 32 276 2nd reading ordinance vacating portion of dedicated street south of Devon Hotel 1-2-52 32 277 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE & 71STTWIDENING 36 Book Page Res. #7922 and #7923 authorizing agreements re. acquisition of easements in connection with bulkheading and widening Indian Creek Dr. (N 25' Lot 24 and S 25' Lot 25, Blk 3, 2nd Ocean Front, also S 50' Lot 24, Block 3) 2-6-52 32 3424 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE WIDENING (39th to 44th Sts) 37 Book Page Re. proposed widening of Drive from 39th to 44th St. in connection with construction of new bridge at 41st St. - Mr. Lipp given authority to proceed with negotiations with property owners for acquisition of present outlots (new outlots will be given in return along seawall) and with I.I. Board for acquisition of land to construct new seawall 2-4-53 33 514 Offer of Marlo Inc. accepted tp exchange outlot of Lot lb, B1i 34 Ocean Front Prop„,for similar outlot on land to be fied in in Indian Creek 3-18-53 34 115 INDIAN CR. DR. WIDENING (39TH TO 44TH STS) 38 Book Page Offers accepted in connection with exchange of outlots Lots 3 & 7, and Lot 1, Blk 40; and Lots 14 & 15, Elk 36, all Ocean Front Property 5-20-53 34 287 Res. #8469 authorizing exchange of outlot - Lot 16, Blk 38, Ocean Front Property (Bochicchio) 8-5-53 34 440 Council informally approves negotiations for exchange of outlots -- Lots 14 & 15, Bik 36; W 1/2 Lot 1, Bik 40 and W 100' unnumbered tract north of Lot 1; Lot 16, Bik 34 9-2-53 35 8 INDIAN CR. DR. WIDENING (39TH TO 44th STS) 39 Book Page Res. #8516 authorizing exchange of Outlot of Lot 16, Blk 34, Ocean Front Property (Larybar, Inc.) 9-16-53 35 29 Res. #8517 authorizing exchange of Outlots of Lots 14 & 15, Blk 36, Ocean Front Property (Alamo Hotel Corp.) 9-16-53 35 30 Res. #8540 authorizing exchange of outlot - Lot 18, Blk 34, Ocean Front Prop., (Marlo , Inc.) 10-7-53 35 71 Res. #8541 authorizing exchange of outlot - Lot 5, Blk 38, Ocean Front Prop., (Seewald) 10-7-53 35 72 INDIAN CR. DR., WIDENING (39TH TO 44TH STS) 40 . . Book Page Res. #8542 authorizing exchange of outlots - Lots 13 & 14, B1k 38, Ocean Front Prop., (Gottlieb) 10-7-53 35 73 Res. #8566 authorizing exchange of outlot opposite Lot 2, Block 40, Ocean Front Property, for similar outlot to be filled in Indian Creek, (Gibraltar Realty Co.) - 11-4-53 35 139` Res. #9170 authorizing quit claim deed to Alamo Hotel Corp. for portion of submerged land lying b t Ind. Cr. dr. and Indian Creek, westerly of Lots 15 & 16 :Ink 38 Ocean Front Property, in connection with Indian Cr. Dr. widening 11-16-55 37 442