"J" Miscellaneous_June 1928 to July 1931up i
Book, Pa.ge
James, Phil loaned to Boy Scouts
for their camp, with pay Eby -20-2g 8 323
Jesse Jay requests appropriation.
for W I 0 D 5-15-29 9 169
Johnson, Mrs. Vary: $250.00 settlement
for injuries at polis 3-20-31 10 493
" Request for add,1 settlement denied
If " �e q
0 Atl
Offer to settle for $650.00 7-1-31
11 1
11 17
11 22
11 92
Johnson,Mrs. Mary H: Settlement 7-24731 11, 109
Release attached to Voucher-No.14329
R. A. JOHNSON urges permission
for erection of gas storage
tanks in Block78, O. B. #3 2/13/35 13 290
R. A. Johnson again urges per-
mission for gas tanks in Blk.
78, 0. B. #3 2/20/35 13 294
Jernings,Richard -requests that he
be a11owei to serve wine an liquors
in Patio restaurant 5/21/35 14 52
Book Page
Jacobs, George - given permit
to move office of Golden Rule
Homes Co.to Lot 4,B1k.10,Normandy
Beach South
Jacobs -Henry given liquor license
for " a nies" 10-17-35 14 152
Davi Jacobrequests permission
to operate sunbath project on
Collins Ave. between 6th & 7th Sts.
Instructed to present plans to City
Manager for consideration. 11/13/35 14 188
Johnson Bros.Grocer rant
:.:beet license lyl 3/ ed
14 193
Book Page
Jacob, David_granted _p.eswi-t_-fog
solarium in Harrison & Hayes Sub.
11/26/35 14 216
Jungle Inn ordered removed
1230/35 11C 252
James, T. E. former Mayor -Resolution
on death of 3/25136 1840-14— 345
Jean's - granted beer & wine permit 15 ?3a
Jerry's Service Station- LZberty Ave.
between 22nd and 235/0.Earking lot .,e
Book Page
Joe's Restaurant granted beer
and wine license 12-30-36 15 311
Johnson-M.J. granted permit to
pick up passengers for fishing
pier 1 25 37
15- 359.
Geo. P. Jacobs presented petition
for Package GoodsStore to be located
in Normandy Beach South. 4-21-37 16
Evelyn Joseph granted permit for
Private School at 1410 Alton Rd. -
for 1937-38 _school year. 6/16/37 16 13g
Book Page
Jacobs, Geo. P. asks change
in liquor zoning to permit sales 16 22
on 71st St.& vicinity 9-1-34
Jai, Webb - granted permit for
construction of 100 foot dock 915-37 16 258
Beatrice .Jones -granted beer 11 -.----
cense for Piccadilly Club 9-16-37 16 260
Joe's Broadway Ddlicatessen
granted -beer and -wine -permit 10-11-37 16
Johnson,Richard A.pres.en_ts tenta-
tive plat for Council approval 10-20-37 16
Book Page
Joe's Broadway Del. granted beer
and wine 10-19-38 17 300
Juriet, W. F. granted bakery permit
at 505 W. 41st St. 11/2/38 17 332
Jacobs, Geo.P.reminds Council of his
Dplicat.ion for package goods store
in 71st Street section 12/14/38 17 398
Jack's Package Store granted
liquor license 12/21/38 17 413
Jordan's Bar of Music denied right
to operate patio in afternoons 17 421
Jordan's Bar of Music - granted
night club permit 1-18-39
Book Page
7 446
Jaeger, Chas. F. -again complains of
L & A Garage maintaining nuisance
3-15 39 18 2
Jaeger, C. F. -asks privilege of bidding
on dock lease 5/17/39 18 79
*500.00 appropriated for Jewish War
Veterans Convention 6/5/39 18H97
JOE'S REBT.grsnted beer_and wine
)ermit (Jesse Weiss) 8/16/39 18 213
Book Page
"Jack & Jill Nursery School"
granted permit 8/16/39 '18 216
Josephthal - Louis, granted refund
of liquor license 10-18-39 18 32g
Jordan's -Bill, Bar of Music applicap
—io —for Nigher Cab filed 10-30-39 I 34+5
Jordan's - Bill, Bar of Music granted
night club license- -subj-eat to -sound-
proefing 11/15/39 1& 376
Joondeph,H.granted p 'k1.ng lot at
Wash.Ave.south of 6th St. 12/6/39 18 I 7
Book Page
Jacobs, Geo. asks for zoning change
for B1ook 36,Normandy Isle 12/13/39 1S 415
Jacobs, Geo.- no action taken on
request for zoning amendment 2/1740 18 453
Jewish Funeral Home DENIED permit for
office at 14th St.& Collins Ave.4/3/40 19 64
J ULai Fronton permit cancelled and
-fee -ordered returned— 10-16-40 19 357
Jacobsen,Laura -Cafe granted liquor
license 10-21-40 19 363
Book Page
Jefferson Hotel granted parking
lot permit 11-6-40 19r —395
Jean's Candy 'hop denied permit
to erect 3ign on City property
11-6-40 19 399
Seafood Grill granted
beer and wine permit 11-20-40 19 416
JEFFERSON HOTEL owners to be paid
$250.O0 for use of strip of la
Jontlet for deliverytrucks 11-20-40 19 427
JEWEL BOX -(Embassy Hotel) granted
liquor license-- W4/40 19 44-8
JORDAN,BILL - granted night club
license 12/24/40 19 496
Book Page
No action taken on Jewish Funeral
Home request for funeral home permit
wnr_,-I m@ _s -g -ranted Beer & Wine
License 2/26/41 20
Jewi—sh-- iorici1an iven Passover -Edit ion
ad in amount of 35.DO 3/3.9/41 2. 117
Joe t s Sandwich Shop -__gr -anted beer
and wine licenses 7/2/41 20 317
JACK'S PKG.STORE - granted liquor
en -se 10 2-41 20 427—
Book Page
Joe's Broadway Delicatessen granted
beer and wine license 10/4/41 20 461
Jordan Bill Bar of Music granted
Night Club license 10/221 21 4
Howard Johnson's granted beer and
wine license 11/26/41 21 82
Gussie Jacobskind denied permit
to operate Fish Market at 420
Espanola Way. 11/26/41 21 82
Book Page
C.M.Jennings granted parking lot
permit on Lot 23, Lyle G.a
12//5/4 1 21 88
Jerry's parking lot granted
parking lot license 1/7/42 21 129
Johnnie's Beer Barrel granted beer
and wine license 4/151+2 21 269
Jules granted beer and wine license
subject to receive of waiver by
Waldorf C;reeeria 4/15/42 21 269
Johnson,Richard A.asks City to deed
back to him portion of Lot 7,B1k.4,
Flamingo Terrace Addn.not used as
bridge approach 5/6/42 21 301
Richard Johns n..Rgs.055$7 D ing Book Page
part- of- Lot 7,15lk. 7/2442
Johnson, Howard - Inc. granted
beer and wine license 11/18/42 21 463
Joe's Bar and Sandwich Shop
granted beer and wine license
11/18/42 21 463
Jacobs, Geo. P. asks Council to include
Normandy Isle in ordinance change to
permit package goods in that business
district 12/16/42 21 479
JOHNNIE'S BEER BARREL (Esterkes) granted
beer and wine license 3/3/43 22 4.2
Joe's Blue Room (Jos. Meyerson)
granted beer & wine license 1o/6/43 22 179
Council authorized service of beer _
& wine in Jefferson Hotel from kitchen
only in connection with operation of
dining room 1/5/44 22
Res. #5713 adopted endorsing Palestine
as --Jewish homeland 2/9/44 22 271
Beer and wine license granted
HOWARD JOHNS -WS S 10/4/44 22- 412
"J" Miscellaneous 17.
Book Page
Beer and wine license granted
Jimmie's Restaurant 11/15/44 22 434
Jack's Grill granted beer &
wine licenses 1/17/45 22 465
Gebhard and Rose Jaeger ask
for abandonment of 47th Court—
referred to City Attorney 4/1g/45 23 46
Jack's Grill (Fuller) granted
beer and wine license 5/2/45 23 60
Jack's Grill (Gunning) granted
beer and wine license 7/1$/45 23 155
"J" Miscellaneous
Jack's Grill (Scearce) granted
beer and wine license 11/7/45
Book Page
23 264
Howard Johnson's Restaurant
granted beer and wine
license 1/2/46 23 341A
Jack's Grill (Ansley) granted
beer and wine license 2/6/46 23 385
R. Wm.L. Johnson appointed
as Trustee of Police &
Firemen's Pension System 7/17/46 24 207
Book Page
Dr. Paul K. Jenkins objections
re. parking meters if referred
to Captain Hoover 8/7/46 24 253
Beer & wine licenses granted
Jack's Restaurant & Jean's
Roadside Rest 9/18/46 24 289
J.D.B. Realty Corp. given
permit to put up sign on
Lot 18 & N.* of Lot 19,
Bik. 57, Fisher's 1st 10/2/46 24 319
Book Page
Jersey Food Center granted
beer and wine license 10/16/46 24 346
Norman Jamison's request
for permit to install pub-
lic address system in park-
ing lot is referred to
City Manager 11/6/46 24 377
Samuel Jamison's application
for permit for boat dock at
41st & Biscayne Waterway is
taken under advisement 12/18/46 24 426
Book Page
Junior's Snack Spot
granted beer and wine
license 12/18/46 24 429
Samuel Jamison's request
for boat dock at Biscayne
Waterway and 41st Street
is denied 1/2/47 24 441
Jack's Luncheonette is
granted beer & wine license 1/2/47 24 445
Jewish War Veterans urge
isT8Mlfo o eransate
Housing Committee 1/15/47 24 459
Jehovah's Witnesses refused
use of Flamingo Park band -
shell for religious lectures
1/15/47 24 467
Joe's Bar granted
beer and wine license 8/6/47 25 296
Book Page
Jack's Grill granted
beer license 9/19/47 25 366
Beer and wine license
granted Jack's Luncheonette 1/21/48 26 129
Book Page
Jewish War Veterans request
to hold carnival referred
to Mr. Renshaw 2/11/48 26 185
Joe's Restaurant & Bar
granted beer & wine license 1f/21/48 26 299
George Jacobs asks for name
of North Normandy Isle to be
changed to Normandy Shores,
name of Everglades Concourse
to be changed, and for side-
walks on Everglades Concourse 6/2/48 26 370
Book Page
Joey's granted beer license 7/7/48 26 421
Jewish War Veterans disapprove
of recommendation of Area
Rent Board toward removal
of rent controls 12/15/48 27 248
Lionel Cassel objects to
canopy at Jewish Community
Center 3/16/49 27 482
Jerusalem Art Gallery
presents painting to
Council as gift of
Albert Pick 4/6/49 28
Council appropriates $2,000:00
for Jewish War Veterans con-
vention in October 9/21/49 28 432
Requesa- of M.B. Residen+ial
Owners Ass'n. +ha+ Mrs.
Frances Joseph represen+
ahem on Cia-izens Planning
Commi+aee referred ao
Planning Board 2-15-50 29 185
Mrs. Frances Joseph's
request for endorsement 3,22-50 29 2+
mail box on 28th St,
Book Page
Book Page
Mrs. Frances Joseph requests $200.00
appropriation to send four high school
girls to "Girls State". Denied.
2-20-52 32 384
Junior's Restaurant permitted to
erect canopy for shelter for patrons
at their parking lot at 2924 Collins
Ave. - canopy to be 15' x 6' - for
one year only. 12-3-52 33 412
Communication from Rev. Paul N. Jewett,
pastor of St. John's on the Lake
Methodist Church, thanking Council for
City's cooperation in connection with
Easter sunrise services and dvi in
O' his transfer to another c iub - 3 uts 34 273 .
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized
for decorating City during
Jewish War Veterans Convention
9-21-55 33 362
Jewish War Veterans and Ladies
Auxiliary adcpermission to plant
tree on City property and dedicate it
to the United Nations -10th anniversary
of granting of the UN charter. City
already made arrangements for such
tree planting ceremony at site north
of Municipal Auditorium
10-19-55 37