"K" Miscellaneous_June 1928 to November 1941r 97 , la �f z 7-5.28 30 9 �y — /,ax- ,1 .0 ,ze - oq0 9z� "K" MISCELLANEOUS 2: BOOK, PAGE Kosher Ordinance passed Kaufmann,H.L.-Permit to move to his lot 1-15-30 9, 438 cottage on 5--20-30 10, 244 - 9") 10, 262 License -3:5)" 274 Tax Sale 4-1-31 11, 3 Church) 11, 9 Atty,s 4-15-31 11, 13 Kelley,Albert: (See "Requests Karlebach: (See_"Occupational Keefer, Blanche 1: Letter re: referred to City Atty. King, Dr. E. A.(See Community Keefer Tax Sale controversy: Opinion "K" MISCELLANEOUS 34 BOOK,PAGE Keefer, Blanche I: Request for copy of 11, 25 Att'e y Opinion on Tax Sale Controversy Kraft Awning Company: Veteran's License 11, 37 Keefer, Blanche I: Sale of 1929 Tax Sale_ Certificates to ratified 7-1-31 11, 94 Kraft Awning Company: Veteran's License 11, 222 Mrs.Klein,1318 Euclid,Complaint ain$t wall on property line 12-16--31 11,243 -3 Kahn, A.L.-See "Tax Sale -1930" Kunkle,R•E. offers to purchase Cert.6/7/33 12,74 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 4. Book Page Kelsey, Wm.L. Request that City repair bulkhead alongside his property denied 9/1/33 12, 134 Kahn,A.L.,addresses Council re: change in zoning on 5th St. 11/15/33 12, 183 Klefeker Produce Co. refunded $50.00 occupational license fee g/1/34 13, 31_ Key_West Leasing Co.request building permit ® taken under advisement 10/3/34 13 101 Kaufman, M.A. permission fo i lot at N.E.cor.23rd & Liberty-11/21/ng 34 13 160 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page Koach, Henry A. urges enforcement of Travel Bureau Ord. and assistance from City in preventing ticket scalping. 1/9/35 13, 230 Kilmartin, Patty, given aporopria- 5ion of 3.50.00 for tennis meet trip 6/5/35 13 445 Kassewitz,Harold, Atty. addresses Council re unfinished apt.building 8/12/35 14 32 Kahn,A.L.urges more time for refinanc- ing unfinished Stahl Bldg.9/18/35 14 99 "Ku MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Katz Liquor Store granted liquor license for 2306 Collins Ave. 9/18/35 14 101 "K° MISCELLANEOUS 6. Book Page Rev, Elisha King protests against sale of liquor in Patten Bldg, on Lincoln Road, 9/30/35 14 114 M. A. Kaufman, permission for park- ing lot, N.E.corner Liberty & 23rd 10/16/35 14 147 Kibitzer Rest.granted beer and wine license 10-30-35 14 170 "K" MISCELLANEOUS Keefer, E. A. asks permit to have restaurant in home at 1035 Collins Avenue (dense d)10/30/35 6mfj Book Page 14 167 Mr. Keefer again asks for above permit 11/6/35 14 171 arm Keefer a ain advised that he cannot operate a restaurant at 1035 Collins Ave. as it would be in violation of the Zoning Ord, 11/13/35 14 188 Ka.lin,Su.san, agreement on reconstruc- — tion of Fleetwood Apts. 11/20/35 14 216 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 7, Book Page Kitchen, Maurice -_graAted permit for game uJunglelandu 1/8/36 _ 14 259 KleinW_o_s_._11Lgranted_2_parnittsfox for -hire cars 1/8/36 14 267 Kitehen,Maurice - given permit to move "Jungleland" to Pier 1/29/36 14 287 Kitchen,Maurice - request for new Jungleland-referreti--to-rdm--Meyer 1/29136 14- 287 Ircther-KSIIsy's application for littett--slub-presented - 2/19/3& • 14 296 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 8. Book Page Kresge Subdivision plat approved for record 4/29/36 14 4©6 Katz, Abe - Council tentatively approves new location for pk iIquar-store- i-5 --126 A. Katzliquor store granted privilege -- - --- of opening next-door 10.7.7-36 1 5 l 1 Kim's Guide of Fla. (ad solicited) 10-21-36 15 176 enn to beet it 11-4-36 15 204 Ana wi "K" MISCELLANEOUS 9• Book Page Kibitzer Restaurant granted beer and wine permit 11/18/36 15 232 Kahn,A1 - asks that portion of Drexel Ave.lying south of llth St. be renamed Washington Ave. 11-18-36 15 243 Katz,Abe.- asks that package liquor store be granted him at 41st & R-oyal Palm ------ 12-16-36 _.5 2U Kleiman,Samuel - granted permit to establish funeral home at 2nd St. and Wash.Ave. 2-3-37 15 382 "K" MISCELLANEOUS Keefer -Blanche M. -letter asking L. Book Page City. to dismiss zoning suit now pen -di -ng -in -Supreme -Court 1-29-3-7- 15 372 Keefer- granted 30 days extension on above case 2-3-37 15 3213 Kasten -Lillian 4100.00 for votes 15 484 Knight -Templar Conclave- R.A.Reeder _ urges City to Spon__ fl_ _..rty 4-7.437 15 1197 Kastdn-Lillian -100.00 worth of votes transfered to Betty anziger 15 -49-7 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Kahn & Alpert, Tobin & Baker, Inc ana L.C1 ment Riven contract for auto. llaullity insurance, jointly. 5/24/37 16 111 $1000. appropriated for Knights Templar Fish Fry. 6/7/37 16 136 King, Alfred J. - granted liquor license for "Oceanic Gardens" 8-4-37 16 208 Kat zentine,A.Frank seeks permit for broadcasting tower 8-5-37 Permit granted on above 8-18-37 16 212 16 223 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 12. Book Page Katz -Abe, prised first consider- ation for package liquor store on 41st St. -If zoning changed 9--16-37 _ 16 260 _ -- Kennell Soda Shop; Knock -Knock - granted -beer licenses 10-20-37 16 333 Klein, Edward -makes application for parking lot permit 10-20-37 16 335 Kramer,Nathan - granted beer and wine -II -cense - 11-19--37 16_374- - Katz,Abe_.urge.s_ restriction be placed on liquor establishments 11-19-37 16 379 0K0 MISCELLANEOUS 13 Book Page Kassewitz,Leon - for client asks permit for parking lot in Block -5Lk,-Li nco ln-Sub-den . e d 12-1 37 Katz,A. - files application for age 1�or lj c 5-4--38 17 137 Kirkham,Albert H. granted llquor package store license from A1. Hickland (transfer) 5-18--38 17 161 -Knsk-Keck -gr Mrd. beer wine Katz IA.again urges rezoning 03� 17 161 4F1stSt.to permit ackage stor418/3g 17 161 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 14. Book Page Kronick, S. and N. Hedrick granted permit for arc ery range on Lot 8, Blk.113,O.B. 10-26-38 17 313 Kaplan,Charles granted permit to operate parking lot 11/16/38 17 347 Keirn,H.P. granted transfer of liquor license from Harry i s Rest. 12/21/38 17 413 ,Kennedy & Becker awarded contract for auto insurance 5/17/39 18 81 King, AlbertJ. withdraws liquor application for 1920 Collins Ave. 8-2-39 18 188 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 15. Book P4ge Kelco,Inc.,d/b Ideal Bar -granted beer and wine license 9/6/39 18 229 Knotty Pine -granted beer and wine permit 9/6/39 18 230 Knock -Knock -granted beer and wine license 10/-5739 18- 31 Kel1e sLMother -granted night club permit 10/5739 18 314 Kuntz, D. P. granted permit for boat livery- izr Pancoast- Lake - -12/6/39 18---404- - . den sed permit—to oonstruot-- concession booth at Long Bar 12/13/39 18 41 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 16 Book Page Wm. Kaplan granted parking lot per- mit on Lots 4,5 and 6,B1k.3.M.B.I. Co.Ocean Front- 1/17/40 18 451 Kahn & dlpert make offer to pur- chase 4 Iots north of Flamingo Park - Council refuses offer 5/29/40 19 135 - ------ Kuntz,D.P.granted permit to operate TomThumb cruisers from Galloway property 6/19/40 19 161 King,Preston- R. -given notice to vacate Greyhound property at 71 Biscayne St. 7-26-40 19, 203 °'KU MISCELLANEOUS 17 Book Page Knotty_Pine granted beer and wine license 9-25-40 19 265 Kolman, Jac -granted beer and wine 9-25-40 19 265 King Rent-A-Car - granted permit to instalXgas tank and pump 10-2-40 19 320 Kings Cafeteria.-- granted beer and wine license 10-9-4Q 19 324 King,D.C.-grantedarking lot permit B 53,Orchard Sub.#2 and 3 10-16-40 19 353 19K° MISCELLANEOUS 1g Book Page °Kirtley9Fred, urges survey be made on filling stations doing repair -work -where 1rrcat-ed in -wrong zoning-dis tri ct _10-16-40 —19 354 -Kelley's, Mother - granted -night club license 10-21-40 19 363 Kitty Davis Belmont Club given per- mission to change location of entrance - - 1-1--6-40- 19 --379 Krassner, Albert T. -taxicab permit held up for 30 days 11-13-40 19 400 K & P. -Cons :--o-.-equest permit for cabana construction 11-13-40 19 401 "N'' MISCFT LANE0tJS 19 Book Page K & P Co. granted parking lot on Lots 1 to 5, Blk.5, 0e-ealr-Frerrt 11-20-40 19 412 Kapn-- permit from Henry Schwartz granted 11-20-40 19 415 :. : . Kay, Aaron - granted parking lot on Alton lid.,just north of bank 1-1-/27/40 19 434 Ki Vis..- request for parking lot on Lincoln Road east of Wash.Ave. considered no action 12/4/40 19 447 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 20 Book Page Kahn's Restaurant granted beer and -wine Dec. 4,1941 19 448 - Kizer, Robt. E.-grantedl/4 of Lake Pancoast frontage at 24th St. for pedal boats 12/11/4.0 19 464 King, Mr. - denied parking lot permit for S.E.corner Lincoln_Rd. and Wash.Ave. 12/11/40 19 479 Kaufman -Ida, - settlement on accident ease authorized 1/29/41 20 31 Kapner,H.- Dave Teitch transfers his taxi permit to him 4/16/41 20 178 "K" MISCELLANEOUS Kaufman, Joseph A.- filed obi i s --to-proposed Barber Ordinance �1 20 182 21 Book Page Kinsman:! s Nursery granted permit for installing 1000-Gallong Gas tank and -gmap--for their -own -use 4/25/41 20 192 may, Rudolph Kay-= appointed am member of Massage Examining Board 5/7/41 20_ 210 May, Rudolph - resigns as member of Massage Exa Thing Board 5/28/41 20 243 Kout,H .H.Atty. - asks City to vacate encroachment -ave -r p } -property of iiig on Lots 9,10,& 1141rid on 0 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 22 Book Page King's Cafeteria granted beer and wine license 6/5/41 20 259 Kraft,P.B.-granted liquor license for Broadmoor Hotel 6/5/41 20 259 Kay, Murray - transfers his taxi permit to Stanley Yasner 7/16/41 20 356 Kimball, J.C.- requests beer and wine license for proposed restaurant at 7322 Collins Avenue 8/6/41 20 375 Katz, A. - City Mgr.to negotiate with �o h oConinssArm bldg$bac,11110 feet 20 418 "K" MISCELLANEOUS 23 Book Page "Knopp, Bernard - gets taxi permit from I. Seligman 10-2-41 20 428 Kahn, A. L. - appointed for four year term on Civil Service Board 10/3/41 20 443 Kahn,A.L. appointed tb R.E.Examin-ing Board until Oct.31,1943 10/4/41 20 462 Kelley's Restaurant -Council agrees to pay them 30fi for each prisoner meal served 10/4/41 20 462 Kay, Murry - asks City to return his taxi permit to him which he transferred to Stanley Yasner 10/15/41 20 .:t "Kt? MISCELLANEOUS 24 Book Page 2 21 4 21 4 21 5 21 45 Kelley's Bar & Grill at 7417 Collins Ave. granted Beer & Wine license 21 10/22/41 Kitty Davis Airliner granted Night Club license 10/22/41 Mother Kelly's granted Night Club license 10/22/41 Kay Kastner granted Dancing license at 1000 Lincoln Rd. Sanford Kay granted Parking permit for Lots 9 & 10, Blk 27, Fisher's lstSub. Sc ool 10/22/41 Lot 11/12/41