"L" Miscellaneous_August 1948 to February 1956"L" MISCELLANEOUS 75 Book Page Council denies request of E. M. Loew that night club license for Latin Quarter be reduced 8/4/48 27 6 Council refuses request of Lincoln Tower Corp. to use parking lot with wire fence 8/18/48 27 51 Hugh Larrick's request, with Mr. Holtzman, for permit to operate convalescent home on Belle Isle, is referred to City Manager 9/1/48 27 69 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 76 Book Page Jack Lite and Mack Appel granted beer license 9/15/48 27 93 Lincoln Tower Corp. must have opaque wall on south side of their parking lot on Lot 8, Blk. 53, Pine Ridge 10/7/48 27 130 J. N. Lummus, Jr., County Tax Assessor, to be asked to have deputy at City Hall to take homestead exemption applications 11/17/48 27 204 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 77 Book Page Lee Pharmacy's beer and wine license revoked because of convictions for felonies 12/15/48 27 243 Little Club given permission to move liquor license from 2218 Collins Ave. to 245 22nd St. 1/5/49 27 275 Mr. Levy's complaint. about stolen automobile referred to City Manager for investigation 2/2/49 27 410 Report of Police Dept. on auto theft submitted 2/16/49 27 435 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Harry Lynn given permission to run speedboat trials in Indian Creek H. Milton Link, Park Supt. commended by Res. #6910 Alfred Lesser's request to lease C. of C. docks referred to City Manager Council asks that Recreation Dept. plan Labor Day program Book age 3/2/4.9 27 1+61 5/4/49 28 134 6/15/49 28 217 7/20/49 28 265 "In MISCELLANEOUS J. N. Lummus, Jr., County Tax Assessor, advises of act empowering municipalities to name County Assessor and Collector as City Assessor and Collector 12-21-49 29 107 H. Milton Link appointed Acting Asst. City Manager 1-11-50 29 =--134 Benjamin Lewis complains of hazards of pedestrian traffic 1-18-50 29 137 79, Book Page Geo. Liebowitz objects to tre at 1st and Washington Av. 3-8-50 29 225 ftL" -MISCELLANEOUS 80 Book Page Council recommends appoint- ment of Morris N. Lipp on Dade County Board of Health to replace Kenneth Thompson 3-15-50 29 232 Labor Unions favor proposed resolution of Councilman Roth re. wage scale of employees under municipal contracts 8--2-50 29 504 Ben. J. Lewis urges more strict enforcement of ordinances regu- lating picture shows 10/4/50 30 86 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 81 Book Page Lincoln Road merchants request pickpocket detective squad for summer period. No action. 5-16-51 31 191 Donald S. LaVigne Co. makes suggestions re. writing specifications and taking bids for Police and Fire department uniforms 8-8-51 31 438 Anna Lorber's prepared statement re. failure of motorists to observe pedestrians' rights referred to Traffic Dept. 8-15-51 31 475 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 82 Book Page Benjamin Lewis asks for better traffic control at Lincoln Rd. & Washington Ave. Also opposes acquisition of Fla. Power & Light Co.'s distribution system 10-11-51 32 105 John Lunin reappointed to Housing Authority for 4 year term 10-11-51 32 107 Alexander Lewis employed as architect to draw plans for 3 projects 12-19-51 32 264 "L" MISCELLANEOUS $3 Book Page Suggestions relative to courts made by Attorney Seymour Liebman taken under advisement 1-2-52 32 276 Action deferred on request for permission to place"Latin Quarter" directional sign at entrance to Palm Island bridge. 1-2-52 32 277 Permission granted"Latin Quarter" to erect directional sign at entrance to Palm Island bridge 1-16-52 32 296 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 84 . Book Page London Shop asks time in which to out`of-business" for extension in complete "going' sale. No action. 7-16-52 33 John Lunin appointed on Personnel Board 9-17-52 33 Complaints received re. Latin Quarter signs on Palm Island bridge, also parking around Latin Quarter. 2-4-53 33 Issuance of building permit for structural al rations at the La Corona Apartments authorized 11-4-533 35 163 270 5114 12 "L" MISCELLANEOUS 85 Book Page Council asked to rescind previous action re. issuance of building permit for structural alterations at La Corona Apts., (nonconforming use). No action. 11-18-53 35 161 Request of Lincoln Terr. Apartments at 1492 Lincoln Terr., for permission to extend 12 -foot dock to 30 feet approved 2-2-55 36 420 "L" MISCELLANEOUS Permission given Lucerne Hotel for exit door from coffee shop, about 35 feet away from corner of 41st St. & Collins Ave., in compliance with zoning ordinance. 4-6-55 37 64 86 Book Page Council to meet in executive session re. sale of certain fabric "Lilion" purported to be inflammable 12-7-55 37 485 Permission granted Clarence C. Hall to remove lumber stored on property its°acquisi on ynCityily at time of 2-1-56 38 39