"L" Miscellaneous_June 1942 to June 1948'*L° MISCELLANEOUS
Levy,Sidney - transfers his permit
to Bernard Knopp 6/3/42
Book .Page. -
21 335
Lear School - request for tax exemption
on their property at 1010 West Ave.
Council refuses to take action 6/3/42 21
LEMON, J. B. - Director of Recreation
given military leave of absence and
1 month's vacation pay 7/15/42 21
Book Page
Lakeside Drug Store granted beer
and wine license 10-7-42 21 425
Leroy Hotel granted beer and wine
license 10-7-42 21 428
Latin Quarter licenses to be held
up until later date 10-7-42 21 428
LaGrange- A.W. asks permission to
operate U -Drive -It business at N.E.
corner of 16th St. & Alton 10/28/42 21 453
Levy,Irving - granted liquor license for
Ira's Restaux.nt 10/28/42 21 453
Book Page
Liquor license for Lincoln Road
Liquor Store transferred from Shehan
to Bob Yates 10/28./42 21 453
ifter, Daniel -beer appli.11/ 5/42 21 4b9
Lockhart, Lee - Atty., asks for zon-
ing change for north side of Lincoln
Road from James to Collins Avenues
11/18/42 21 462
Levy,Chas. granted beer and wine
license forTurf Rest.74-17 Collins Ave.
11/25/42 21. 471
Little School granted 1942-43
permit 12/2/4-2 21 474
Levy,Mrs Rose and Miss Cleme c ob-
ject to 1942 tax assessments 12/1O/42 21, 483
Book PaFe
Lear School seek cancellation of
taxes on Lot 10 & S.150' Lot,
Alton Beach Bay Front --2/17/43 22 33
City--Att-3 , —instructed --to prose -cute
pending case against Lear School
2/17/43 22 33
Luigi's Restaurant (Molinari) granted
beer and wine license 313/43 22 42
Luxton Apt. Personal Property tax
added to 191-2 Roll 5/5/43 -- 22 88
Leader Market (Blumenfeld & Becker)
granted beer & wine license 10/6/43 22 179
Book Page
Lewis, D.H.—requests changin g
coning on Washintgon Ave.from
Espanola Way to Lincoln Rd. 1/6/43 21 500
"L" Miscellaneous
Little School given renewal permit 22 198
Life Bar (Swartz, Inc.) granted
liquor license 11/6/43 22 205
Mrs. Henry Levy asks Council to
waive interest on improvement liens
in Normandy Beach South - Council
takes under advisement 12/15/43 22 235
Above request of Mrs. Henry Levy
denied 2/2/44 22 25$
"L" Miscellaneous 56
Book Page
Sherman S. Luban asks that 2
taxi permits held by Henry Barenblatt
be transferred to him s referred
to Mr. Frink, Mr. Renshaw &
Lt. Hoover 5/17/44 22 331
J. N. Lummus suggests city purchase
quantity of his book "The Miracle
of Miami Beach" for publicity
purposes - taken under advisement
6/7/41+ 22 342
Clerk Instructed to obtain price
on quantity of 1,000 copies of
J. N. LUMMUS 6/21/4+ 22 353
"L" Miscellaneous 57
Book Page
Council authorizes purchase of 1,000
copies of J. N. LUMMUS'S book "The
Miracle of Miami Beach" ®_65¢ 6/228/44 22 357
Upon affidavit from DOROTHY LITTLEHALES
Res. #5749 is passed authorizing
issuance of duplicate tax sale certifi-
cate 034 dated 7/7/36 6/28/44 22 357
Lundy's Market's request for "hot"
beer license at 1435 Wash. Ave. is
referred to City Attorney 9/20/44 22 4o6
HL" Miscellaneous 58
Book Page
City Attorney is of opinion no
beer and wine license can issue
for Lundy's Market - application
rejected 10/4/44 22 412
Latin Quarter granted liquor
license and night club license 10/20/44 22 417
Little School given renewal permit
for private school 10/20/44 22 420
Mrs. Rose Levy's second request
that interest be waived on improve-,
ment liens denied 11/8/44 22 428
"L" Miscellaneous 5p
Book Page
Maurice Levin Restaurant granted
beer and wine 11/8/44 22 428
Liquor license granted LINCOLN
ROAD PACKAGE STORE (Masters) 11/15/44 22 434
S. Lasker Grocer granted HOT
BEER license 1/17/45 22 465
J. N. Lummus' offer to sell Sam's
Island to City for $25,000 taken
under consideration 2/7/45 22 474
Lee's Grill (Lee & Nass) granted
.beer & wine license 5/16/45 23 89
"L" Miscellaneous
Bette Lawson, Inc. granted
beer and wine license 6/20/45
Lee Pharmacy granted beer
& wine license 8/17/45
Beer and wine license grant-
ed Lakeside Drugs 10/3/45
Life Bar granted liquor
Lincoln Coffee Shop granted
beer and wine license
Book Page
23 129
23 201
23 233
10/17/45 23 250
12/19/45 23 328
"L" Miscellaneous 61
Book Page
Liquor license granted
Life Bar 2/6/46 23 386
Mrs. Henry Levy complains
of inefficiency of Police Dept. 2/6/46 23 404
Abe Arorovitz, representing
Arnold Luft, asks for settle-
ment of Injuries sustained
by reason of blow by police-
man - Council takes under
advisement 3/20/46 23 453
"L" Miscellaneous
Book Page
Council votes to settle claim
of Arnold Luft in the amount
of $1,780 4/18/46 24 14
Leader Market granted beer
and wine license 6/5/46 24
Res. #6061 passed, commending
Morris N. Lipp, City Engineer,
upon. completion of 20 years
of service with city 7/3/46 24 181
"L" Miscellaneous 63
Book Page
Lincoln -Collins Corp. given
permit to construct a trans-
portation building on portions
of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Blk.
Fisher's 1st Sub. X1/17/46 24 187
Louis R. Libman's request
for travel bureau license
is referred to City Manager 7/17/46 24 187
Lottie's Steaks & Chops
granted beer & wine license 7/17/46 24 192
Book Page
Beer and wine license
granted The Little Grill 8/7/46 24 234
Application of Ross Lully
for pet shops referred to
Mr. Hice
Phili. ne and Arthur G.
Wein `: -", permit to operate
newsstand at 1444 Collins Ave. 8/21/46 24 257
Book Page
Philip Levine & Arthur G. Wein
given permit to operate newsstand
in window of Collins Drug Store
at 1444 Collins Ave. 9/4/46 24 273
Res. #6115 is passed commending
Robert B. Loveland upon completion
of 20 years of service with city 24 312
Edmond La Vertu's request for
permit to rent beach chairs,
etc. on property adjoining
the Tower Hotel is referred
to Zoning Board 11/6/46 24 378
Book Page
Maxwell J. Lubin is reappoint-
ed on Public Relations Advis-
ory Committee 11/6/46 24 378
Request of Board of Public
Instruction that that portion
of Lenox Ave. extending through
the South Beach School property
be closed is taken under
advisement 11/20/46 24 408
Little Campus Restaurant
granted beer & wine
license 12/18/46 24 429
Book Page
Latin Quarter granted night
club license 12/18/46 24 430
Polly Lux given permit
to service cars at
1000 Alton Road 2/5/47 24 480
Res. #6207 closing to use
for highway purposes that
part of Lenox Avenue lying
south of 4th St. and north
of Alton Road 2/19/47 24 540
Petition filed objecting
to proposed operations of
Long Island Airways in
Biscayne Bay 3/5/47 25 28
David Lesser's application
for day camp at 6949
Carlyle Ave. is referred
to Kenneth Thompson 3/19/47 25 39
Upon recommendation of
Ken. Thompson above
application is referred
back to Building Dept. 4/2/47 25 86
Book Page
Lake Co. League of Municipalities
urges City to endorse bill re.
cigarette tax monies 4/9/47 25 101
Denied permission to =mg
extend dock at #11 Belle Isle 5/21/+7 25 173
Little Club granted liquor
license 5/21/47 25 176
Luban School granted private
school license 6/18/47 25 221+
Lums granted beer and wine
license 7/2/47 25 238
Book Page
J. N. Lummus, Jr., County
Tax Assessor, addresses
Council, sitting as a Board
of Equalization 7/8/47 25 254
Life Bar granted liquor
license 9/3/47 25 352
Lincoln Tower Corporation's
request to put in 2 -ft. side-
walk in alley adjacent to
Mercantile Bank Bldg. is 9/19/47 25 382
Little Roumania granted
liquor license 11/19/47 25 480
Book Page
Book Page
"Latitude 26" granted beer
license 12/4/47 26 3
Lincoln and Ocean Beach
Club granted permit 12/4/47 26 5
Dave Levinson protests
building being constructed
on Flamingo Drive 12/17/47 26 28
(referred to Building Dept.)
Lessee under Keen's, Inc.
granted beer license 1/14/48 26 91+
Book Page
Little Club granted
liquor license 1/21/48 26 131
Andy Lichter's complaint
about taxicab operator
is referred to Ass't.
City Manager 3/17/48 26 269
Lundy's Market granted
package beer license
only 4/7/48 26 277
Lincoln Tower Corp. request
to extend parking area is
taken under consideration 5/19/48 26 360
Book Page
Lincoln Tower Corp. denied
permit to operate parking
lot on Lot 8, Blk. 53,
Pine Ridge 6/2A+8 26 361
Objections presented to noise
of operation of Land 0' Sun
Dairy - referred to Ass't.
City Manager 6/2/48 26 377
Lincoln Club asks permit
to operate private club
at 345 Lincoln Road -
taken under advisement 6/16/48 26 411
Book Page
Lincoln Tower Corp. given
permit for parking lot on
Lot 8, Bik. 53, Pine Ridge
subject to stipulations 7/7/x+8 26 415
Lincoln Bridge Club
refused permit 7/7/48 26 443
Land O'Sun Dairies given
permit for gas tank and
pump 7/21/48 26 452
Lee's Luncheonette granted
beer and wine license 8/4/48 27 3