Lake Pancoast_May 1939 to June 1946LAKE PANCOAST
Book Page
maids received for seawall in
Lake Pancoast - returned unopened
to bidders 5/17/39
18 82
Concessionaires not to be.licensed
after 1939-40 season inLake
Robt.L.Robinson inquires_ of Council
concerning peddle boat concession
in'Lake Pancoast next season 4/17/40 19 82
Bids received for seawall in Lake Pancoast
referred to Engr.Dept.for tabulation
5/15/40 19 106
Book Page
City Manager reports receipt of all
necessary quit claims for iridening
of Collins Ave. at -Lake -Pane -oast
5/23/40 19 190
Cont-raot for Lake -Pancoast -seawall
let to J. W. Pearce - $16,480.40 5/23/4o 19 13(
1st Estimate_ to J.W.Pearce on Lake-
Pancoast Seawall ordered paid 7/3/40 19, 187
2nd Estimate to J.W.Pearce ordered
FjTFal estimate to J.W.Pearce o P cogs
Lake beawall ordered paid 9/25 0 19 301
paid 8/8/40 19 257
Book Page
Council agree no signs to be placed
on Lake Pancoast front between 24th
-amd 2€i-t-h-S-treet,east of original --lot
lines 11-6-40 19 399
--C-o= G�7er-dered khat -all --post signs
erected on Collins'een
24th and 25th kept east of
new sidewalk 11-13-40 10 406
Grass and sprinkler system ordered
between Pancoast Lake & Pavement
Spencer & Kraemerlgiv n�permission to
operate pedal boats at foot of 24th St.
40 - 19 41-0-
. , Book Page
Clerk instructed to see that all
concessionaires remove boats,para-
phernalia,etc. from Lake Pancoast
11/27/40 19 430
Robt. E. Kizer granted 1/4 of
Lake Pancoast frontage for pedal
boats 12/11/40 19 464
Mr. Spencer given permission to
use North 1/2 of street end on Lake
Pancoast (ot,her three parties to
share balance of space ) 12/24/40 19 493
Book Page
All operators of pedal boats ordered
to remove their equipmentFrom_ Lake
Pancoast within 4 hours 1/15/41 20 15
Boat men given one more week to keep
their equipment in Lake Panco ast
1/22/41 20 18
Council takes no action regarding
repair or rebuilding of Lake
Pancoast foot bridge 6/5/46 2+ 119