Legislature of State of Florida_1927 to 1949LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA 1927. ' Urged to pas_e_Aot_ Dade County_to sell bonds Res.159 B -7,P. 445 for construction of bulkheads. Urged to pass proposed_City Charter Res. 1595 Book 7,P.450 Urged to pass Act creating "County -of Miami Beach". Ree. ---1596 " 7-0 P.451 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA - 1929 BOOK,PAGI Res. 1946 -Opposing merging of City & Coun- ty assessments & Co11e t o j�5 9,110 Representative at Tahhahassee urged " 9,111 City Mgr. instructed to write Governor, Sen. & Reprs. re: Biscayne & - Virginia Key annexation 9,205 Res. 2003 sent Governor & Representatives 9,206 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA - 1931 Res. 2418 -Authorizing advertisement of Bill for Charter Changes 4-22-31- 11, 22 Res. 2419 -Authorizing advertisement of Bill to redistrict Dade County 4-22-31 11,24 Res. 2420 -Opposing bill making State & Coun- ty taxes superior to City 4-30-31 11,26 BOOK,PAGE Res. 2421 -Urging _ extension of State High- way through Miami Beach 4-30-31 11,26 Res. 2426 -Opposing House Bill No. 558 Taxing Electricity 5-6--31 11,34 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA -- 1931 BOOK,PAGF Res.2438: Requesting passage of Bill to amend City Charter 5-20-31 11, 50 LEGISLATURE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA — 1935Book Page Resolution Noe 3120 endorsing 6 proposed Acts to amend City Charter 4/3/35 13 340 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLBRIDA - 1937 Book Page Res. #949 endorsingro ed Act to amend barter 3 317 1 93- es. 4 950e—odors no -Deed Act to - —amend_harter 3/31/337 i5 4993 Res_ #39,1 endoreing act to amend Charter 3/31/37 15 49 Atty. Ben Shepard employed to attent Legislature on behalf--of—City and pr-e-aent-pr-opo-sad -Acts -- 3/31/37 15 495 Res. #3960 endorsing passage of Act to amend-Secall provision in Cit15 City Charter 510 /7/37 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF Ben Shepard employed as to attend Legislature FLORIDA - 1939 Book Page Special Counsel 4/5/39 18-20-- Representatives & Senators to be asked to refer measures regarding Gy -Cha -rt er to-C-oun c i l before any action is taken _.4/1V39 18 54 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA -. 1941 Book Page Several Bills oonsideredLby Council for submi-s-s±on to the --State - egisature Water Bill- which permits ity of M.B. to build its'owu waterworks system; Bill toa rm i t i- oQ-i $e,b operate Lots for arking urposet; -Bill totsimplify �.Muni9i al Uourti11; - its Mans erit� Ate��r n inset; -Cit- - Aud.4o C og o ioe & off - Y � Division of Public kieaJth & his assistants need not be M. B. residents 4/23/41 20 1g€ Resolution of Council as being opposed - to proposed --bill prow -11. g -for ---State In- come Tax 41%2341 20 189 iEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA -19941 2 Book Page Resolution of Council o osinpro se -abolish.--ad-valorem taxes 4 25/41 20 193 Res. #5246 urging the State Legislature to pass a bill providing for free use of voting machines for -use by munici- palities 5/14/41 20 220 City_ Atty_t_a prepare a resolut ion__set- ting forth view of Council on proposed bill to consolidate tax assessing and cal1e-ution offices 2/4/43- 22 31 LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA —194+3 Book Page City Atty. to prepare a -resolution _ setting forth view of Council on proposed: bill to consolidate tax assessing and collection offices 2/4/43 22 31 Res.-- #5627--- ob-jeetir g -t-o ---merging of County and City Tax Assessingand col— lecting agencies /17/43 22 34 Dan Chappell — employed to introduoe bill in Legislature to permit City of L. B. to- impose tax—on admi-Ssions to race tracks,etc„ 3/3/43 22 LEGISLATURE of BTATI Ur r•Luxlllti 1943 Six resolutions Nos. 5632 thru 5637 endorsing passage of certain Acts by Legislature 3/11/43 22- 4ffi to 51 Book Page - Res. No. 5650 opposing passage of House -Bill No. 39 seeking to out into effect uniform system -of---. Municipal Gov't 4/15/43 22 74 Petitions from Civic bodies urge City Councilto seek modification and change in Port Authority bill as presented by City of Miami 4/15/43 22 7 LEGISLATURE STATE OF FLORIDA -194-3 3. Book Page Res. #5653 endorsing passage of Legislative—Act proposing to amend City Charter so as to -permit the City of M.B.to fix insurance rates /21/43 22 78 Res. #5637 oppoTng passage oT Fort Authority Bill -as drawn by Cit y -of Miami 5/5/43 22 85 Res.5659 endorsing passage of Act -known as House Hill 14.90 and opposing —passage --of Senate- Bill 312 5/5/43 22-- -g7 :JEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLA. -T943 4 Book Page Res. #5666 proposing an amendment to Constitution—or State of Fla. relating to --Consolidation of Tax Assessing and Collecting Agencies — same calling for22 118 Referendum 5/19/4-3- LEGISLATURE OF STATE OF FLORIDA - 1945 Council goes on record as opposing Police and Firemen's Pension Bill & Clerk so notifies Legislators -4/4/45 23 30 Council requests Legislature to pass no legislation affecting Miami Beach or its employees without giving Council opportunity to consider and pass on it 4/4/45 23 30 Res. #5511 endorsing passage of bill providing that registration for bond elections shall close not later than 15 days before holding of election 4/13/45 Book Page 23 43 LEGISLATURE, aSTATE OF FLORIDA 19+5 Book Page Res. #5813 endorsing passage of Bill authorizing the City to acquire and operate gas works 4/18/45 23 46 Res. #5816 endorsing passage of bill to amend Sec. 11 of Chapt. 7672, Laws of Florida 4/25/45 23 57 Res. #5520 endorsing passage of bill amending Sub -section "K", Sec. 28, Charter 7672, Laws of Rlorida 5/10/45 23 87 LEGISLATURE — STATE OF -FLORIDA 1945 Book Page Res. #5821, endorsing passage of bill authorizing City to construct hospital, library, auditorium, etc. upon the Municipal Golf Course 5/10/45 23 87 Res. #5822, endorsing passage of an Act to amend Sec. 5 of Chapter 9837, Law -0 of Florida, Acts of 1923 per'5/10/115 23 88 -sake Co.:Leage of Municipalities urgesCity to endorse proposed legislation re. cigarette tax monies 4/9/47 25 101 LEGISLATURE STATE OF FLORIDA 1947 Res. #6272, urging passage of act to return to municipalities that portion of cigarette tax collected within the municipality 4/16/47 25 113 Res. #6301 urging passage of bill in connection with Employees Pension and Retire- ment System 5/7/+7 25 161 Res. #6302, urging passage of bill eliminating require- ment making each Councilman head of department, etc. 5/7/47 25 162 Book Page LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1947 Book Page Res. #6303, urging passage of bill enabling City to grant liquor licenses on population basis 5/7/47 25 162 Res. #6306, urging Legislature to pass bill which would exempt the M. B. Railway Co. from jurisdiction of State Railroad Commission 5/7/47 25 169 1949 Legislative program to be studied 8/9/48 27 18 $1,500 appropriated for entertainment of members 11/17/48 27 • 215 i�EGISLAT17RE, STATE OF FLORIDA 194 Book Council confers on program for 1949 session 2/9/49 27 Res. #6842 opposing proposed bill levying hotel rooms tax 4/6/49 28 Res. #6900, asking 6901, t1 6902, " 91 It passage t1 Res. #6911, asking passage housing act Res. #6927, asking passage rt #6928, " of act ft 11 It It 5/4/49 of 5/13/49 of act 5/19/49 Page 421 29 28 121-123 28 136 28 165-166